diff options
authorElena Pourmal <>2009-02-10 21:57:35 (GMT)
committerElena Pourmal <>2009-02-10 21:57:35 (GMT)
commitc4a18e8ac7c3338281cc5e00fe6a63855838f00a (patch)
parente3726385b16fbdbf23446ac05360c76c5eaf670d (diff)
[svn-r16460] Maintenance: Brought VMS test script for h5copy up-to-date.
Added h5copy testing to the build script. Platforms tested: New script on ALPHA Open VMS server; build script will be tested tonight.
2 files changed, 50 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/vms/ b/vms/
index ee13379..98efff8 100644
--- a/vms/
+++ b/vms/
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ $ hdf5cxxtest = tmp + ".C__.TEST]"
$ hdf5toolstest = tmp + ".TOOLS.TESTFILES]"
$ hdf5toolstest_h5diff = tmp + ".TOOLS.H5DIFF.TESTFILES]"
$ hdf5toolstest_h5repack = tmp + ".TOOLS.H5REPACK.TESTFILES]"
-$ h5importtest = tmp + ".TOOLS.H5IMPORT.TESTFILES]"
+$ hdf5toolstest_h5copy = tmp + ".TOOLS.H5COPY.TESTFILES]"
+$ hdf5toolstest_h5import = tmp + ".TOOLS.H5IMPORT.TESTFILES]"
$ set def 'hdf5vms'
$ set def 'hdf5ctest'
@@ -41,15 +42,21 @@ $ copy [-.h5dump]
$ copy [-.h5ls]
$ set def 'hdf5toolstest_h5diff'
$ copy [-]
$ set def 'hdf5toolstest_h5repack'
$ copy [-]
-$ set def 'h5importtest'
-$ copy [.-]
+$ set def 'hdf5toolstest_h5copy'
+$ copy [-]
+$ set def 'hdf5toolstest_h5import'
+$ copy [-]
$ exit
diff --git a/vms/tools/h5copy/ b/vms/tools/h5copy/
index bb769df..fe4a964 100644
--- a/vms/tools/h5copy/
+++ b/vms/tools/h5copy/
@@ -15,15 +15,15 @@ $!#
$ !
$ ! This command file tests h5copy utility. The command file has to
-$ ! run in the [] directory.
+$ ! run in the [] directory.
$ !
$ !
$ ! Define h5copy symbols
$ !
$ current_dir = F$DIRECTRY()
$ len = F$LENGTH(current_dir)
-$ temp = F$EXTRACT(0, len-10, current_dir)
-$ h5copy_dir = temp + "H5COPY]"
+$ temp = F$EXTRACT(0, len-11, current_dir)
+$ h5copy_dir = temp + "]"
$ h5copy :== $sys$disk:'h5copy_dir'h5copy.exe
$ !
$ !
@@ -32,10 +32,44 @@ $ !
$ !# copy files
-$ CALL TOOLTEST "test1.h5/array test1_out.h5/array"
-$ CALL TOOLTEST "test1.h5/integer test1_out.h5/integer_copy"
-$ CALL TOOLTEST "test1.h5/g1 test1_out.h5/g1"
+$ write sys$output "Test copying various forms of datasets"
+$ CALL TOOLTEST "-i h5copytst.h5 -o out.h5 -v -s simple -d simple"
+$ CALL TOOLTEST "-i h5copytst.h5 -o out.h5 -v -s chunk -d chunk"
+$ CALL TOOLTEST "-i h5copytst.h5 -o out.h5 -v -s compact -d compact"
+$ CALL TOOLTEST "-i h5copytst.h5 -o out.h5 -v -s compound -d compound"
+$ CALL TOOLTEST "-i h5copytst.h5 -o out.h5 -v -s compressed -d compressed"
+$ CALL TOOLTEST "-i h5copytst.h5 -o out.h5 -v -s named_vl -d named_vl"
+$ CALL TOOLTEST "-i h5copytst.h5 -o out.h5 -v -s nested_vl -d nested_vl"
$ !
+$ write sys$output " "
+$ write sys$output "Test copying dataset within group in source file to root of destination"
+$ CALL TOOLTEST "-i h5copytst.h5 -o out.h5 -v -s grp_dsets/simple -d simple_top"
+$ write sys$output " "
+$ write sys$output "Test copying & renaming dataset"
+$ CALL TOOLTEST "-i h5copytst.h5 -o out.h5 -v -s compound -d rename"
+$ write sys$output " "
+$ write sys$output "Test copying empty, 'full' & 'nested' groups"
+$ CALL TOOLTEST "-i h5copytst.h5 -o out.h5 -v -s grp_empty -d grp_empty"
+$ CALL TOOLTEST "-i h5copytst.h5 -o out.h5 -v -s grp_dsets -d grp_dsets"
+$ CALL TOOLTEST "-i h5copytst.h5 -o out.h5 -v -s grp_nested -d grp_nested"
+$ write sys$output " "
+$ write sys$output "Test copying dataset within group in source file to group in destination"
+$ CALL TOOLTEST "-i h5copytst.h5 -o out.h5 -v -s /grp_dsets/simple -d /grp_dsets/simple_group"
+$! write sys$output "Test copying & renaming group"
+$! CALL TOOLTEST_FAIL "-i h5copytst.h5 -o out.h5 -v -s grp_dsets -d grp_rename
+$! write sys$output "Test copying full group hierarchy into group in destination file"
+$! CALL TOOLTEST_FAIL "-i h5copytst.h5 -o out.h5 -v -s grp_dsets -d /grp_rename/grp_dsets"
+$ write sys$output " "
+$ write sys$output "Test copying objects into group hier. that doesn't exist yet in destination file"
+$ CALL TOOLTEST "-i h5copytst.h5 -o out.h5 -vp -s simple -d /A/B1/simple"
+$ CALL TOOLTEST "-i h5copytst.h5 -o out.h5 -vp -s simple -d /A/B2/simple2"
+$ CALL TOOLTEST "-i h5copytst.h5 -o out.h5 -vp -s /grp_dsets/simple -d /C/D/simple"
+$!CALL TOOLTEST_FAIL "-i h5copytst.h5 -o out.h5 -vp -s /grp_dsets -d /E/F/grp_dsets"
+$!CALL TOOLTEST_FAIL "-i h5copytst.h5 -o out.h5 -vp -s /grp_nested -d /G/H/grp_nested"
$ !