diff options
authorKen Martin <>2004-09-07 14:37:39 (GMT)
committerKen Martin <>2004-09-07 14:37:39 (GMT)
commit8a2beddad462eb4fb8baa8569b4c2bb51039a517 (patch)
parent05d985c08277350c3a1ca5ea6023ac397cf9bf1b (diff)
more cleanup
5 files changed, 549 insertions, 420 deletions
diff --git a/Source/CMakeLists.txt b/Source/CMakeLists.txt
index d7372ac..8b51866 100644
--- a/Source/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Source/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ ADD_EXECUTABLE(cmake cmakemain.cxx)
ADD_EXECUTABLE(DumpDocumentation cmDumpDocumentation)
SET(CMTEST_SRCS ctest.cxx cmCTest.cxx
+ CTest/cmCTestBuildHandler.cxx
diff --git a/Source/CTest/cmCTestBuildHandler.cxx b/Source/CTest/cmCTestBuildHandler.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38d19ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/CTest/cmCTestBuildHandler.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+ Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator
+ Module: $RCSfile$
+ Language: C++
+ Date: $Date$
+ Version: $Revision$
+ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc., Insight Consortium. All rights reserved.
+ See Copyright.txt or for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information.
+#include "cmCTestBuildHandler.h"
+#include "cmCTest.h"
+#include "cmake.h"
+#include "cmMakefile.h"
+#include "cmLocalGenerator.h"
+#include "cmGlobalGenerator.h"
+//#include <cmsys/RegularExpression.hxx>
+#include <cmsys/Process.h>
+// used for sleep
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include "windows.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <float.h>
+ m_Verbose = false;
+ m_CTest = 0;
+static const char* cmCTestErrorMatches[] = {
+ "^[Bb]us [Ee]rror",
+ "^[Ss]egmentation [Vv]iolation",
+ "^[Ss]egmentation [Ff]ault",
+ "([^ :]+):([0-9]+): ([^ \\t])",
+ "([^:]+): error[ \\t]*[0-9]+[ \\t]*:",
+ "^Error ([0-9]+):",
+ "^Fatal",
+ "^Error: ",
+ "^Error ",
+ "[0-9] ERROR: ",
+ "^\"[^\"]+\", line [0-9]+: [^Ww]",
+ "^cc[^C]*CC: ERROR File = ([^,]+), Line = ([0-9]+)",
+ "^ld([^:])*:([ \\t])*ERROR([^:])*:",
+ "^ild:([ \\t])*\\(undefined symbol\\)",
+ "([^ :]+) : (error|fatal error|catastrophic error)",
+ "([^:]+): (Error:|error|undefined reference|multiply defined)",
+ "([^:]+)\\(([^\\)]+)\\) : (error|fatal error|catastrophic error)",
+ "^fatal error C[0-9]+:",
+ ": syntax error ",
+ "^collect2: ld returned 1 exit status",
+ "Unsatisfied symbols:",
+ "^Unresolved:",
+ "Undefined symbols:",
+ "^Undefined[ \\t]+first referenced",
+ "^CMake Error:",
+ ":[ \\t]cannot find",
+ ":[ \\t]can't find",
+ ": \\*\\*\\* No rule to make target \\`.*\\'. Stop",
+ ": Invalid loader fixup for symbol",
+ ": internal link edit command failed",
+ ": Unrecognized option \\`.*\\'",
+ "\", line [0-9]+\\.[0-9]+: [0-9]+-[0-9]+ \\([^W]\\)",
+ "ld: 0706-006 Cannot find or open library file: -l ",
+ "ild: \\(argument error\\) can't find library argument ::",
+ "^could not be found and will not be loaded.",
+ "s:616 string too big",
+ "make: Fatal error: ",
+ "ld: 0711-993 Error occurred while writing to the output file:",
+ "make: \\*\\*\\*.*Error",
+ 0
+static const char* cmCTestErrorExceptions[] = {
+ "instantiated from ",
+ "candidates are:",
+ ": warning",
+ "makefile:",
+ "Makefile:",
+ ":[ \\t]+Where:",
+ "([^ :]+):([0-9]+): Warning",
+ 0
+static const char* cmCTestWarningMatches[] = {
+ "([^ :]+):([0-9]+): warning:",
+ "^cc[^C]*CC: WARNING File = ([^,]+), Line = ([0-9]+)",
+ "^ld([^:])*:([ \\t])*WARNING([^:])*:",
+ "([^:]+): warning ([0-9]+):",
+ "^\"[^\"]+\", line [0-9]+: [Ww]arning",
+ "([^:]+): warning[ \\t]*[0-9]+[ \\t]*:",
+ "^Warning ([0-9]+):",
+ "^Warning ",
+ "WARNING: ",
+ "([^ :]+) : warning",
+ "([^:]+): warning",
+ "\", line [0-9]+\\.[0-9]+: [0-9]+-[0-9]+ \\(W\\)",
+ "^cxx: Warning:",
+ ".*file: .* has no symbols",
+ "([^ :]+):([0-9]+): Warning",
+ 0
+static const char* cmCTestWarningExceptions[] = {
+ "/usr/openwin/include/X11/Xlib\\.h:[0-9]+: warning: ANSI C\\+\\+ forbids declaration",
+ "/usr/openwin/include/X11/Xutil\\.h:[0-9]+: warning: ANSI C\\+\\+ forbids declaration",
+ "/usr/openwin/include/X11/XResource\\.h:[0-9]+: warning: ANSI C\\+\\+ forbids declaration",
+ "WARNING 84 :",
+ "WARNING 47 :",
+ "makefile:",
+ "Makefile:",
+ "warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete.",
+ "/usr/openwin/include/GL/[^:]+:",
+ "bind_at_load",
+ "XrmQGetResource",
+ "IceFlush",
+ "warning LNK4089: all references to [^ \\t]+ discarded by .OPT:REF",
+ "ld32: WARNING 85: definition of dataKey in",
+ "cc: warning 422: Unknown option \"\\+b",
+ "_with_warning_C",
+ 0
+void cmCTestBuildHandler::PopulateCustomVectors(cmMakefile *mf)
+ cmCTest::PopulateCustomVector(mf, "CTEST_CUSTOM_ERROR_MATCH",
+ m_CustomErrorMatches);
+ cmCTest::PopulateCustomVector(mf, "CTEST_CUSTOM_ERROR_EXCEPTION",
+ m_CustomErrorExceptions);
+ cmCTest::PopulateCustomVector(mf, "CTEST_CUSTOM_WARNING_MATCH",
+ m_CustomWarningMatches);
+ cmCTest::PopulateCustomVector(mf, "CTEST_CUSTOM_WARNING_EXCEPTION",
+ m_CustomWarningExceptions);
+//clearly it would be nice if this were broken up into a few smaller
+//functions and commented...
+int cmCTestBuildHandler::BuildDirectory(cmCTest *ctest_inst)
+ m_CTest = ctest_inst;
+ std::cout << "Build project" << std::endl;
+ std::string makeCommand = m_CTest->GetDartConfiguration("MakeCommand");
+ if ( makeCommand.size() == 0 )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Cannot find MakeCommand key in the DartConfiguration.tcl" << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ std::string buildDirectory = m_CTest->GetDartConfiguration("BuildDirectory");
+ if ( buildDirectory.size() == 0 )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Cannot find BuildDirectory key in the DartConfiguration.tcl" << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ std::ofstream ofs;
+ double elapsed_time_start = cmSystemTools::GetTime();
+ if ( !m_CTest->OpenOutputFile("Temporary", "LastBuild.log", ofs) )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Cannot create LastBuild.log file" << std::endl;
+ }
+ m_StartBuild = m_CTest->CurrentTime();
+ std::string output;
+ int retVal = 0;
+ int res = cmsysProcess_State_Exited;
+ if ( !m_CTest->GetShowOnly() )
+ {
+ res = m_CTest->RunMakeCommand(makeCommand.c_str(), &output,
+ &retVal, buildDirectory.c_str(),
+ m_Verbose, 0, ofs);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::cout << "Build with command: " << makeCommand << std::endl;
+ }
+ m_EndBuild = m_CTest->CurrentTime();
+ double elapsed_build_time = cmSystemTools::GetTime() - elapsed_time_start;
+ if (res != cmsysProcess_State_Exited || retVal )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Error(s) when building project" << std::endl;
+ }
+ if ( ofs )
+ {
+ ofs.close();
+ }
+ std::vector<cmStdString>::size_type cc;
+ if ( m_CTest->GetDartConfiguration("SourceDirectory").size() > 20 ||
+ m_CTest->GetDartConfiguration("BuildDirectory").size() > 20 )
+ {
+ std::string srcdir = m_CTest->GetDartConfiguration("SourceDirectory") + "/";
+ std::string bindir = m_CTest->GetDartConfiguration("BuildDirectory") + "/";
+ std::string srcdirrep;
+ std::string bindirrep;
+ for ( cc = srcdir.size()-2; cc > 0; cc -- )
+ {
+ if ( srcdir[cc] == '/' )
+ {
+ srcdirrep = srcdir.c_str() + cc;
+ srcdirrep = "/..." + srcdirrep;
+ srcdir = srcdir.substr(0, cc+1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for ( cc = bindir.size()-2; cc > 0; cc -- )
+ {
+ if ( bindir[cc] == '/' )
+ {
+ bindirrep = bindir.c_str() + cc;
+ bindirrep = "/..." + bindirrep;
+ bindir = bindir.substr(0, cc+1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(output, srcdir.c_str(), "/.../"); //srcdirrep.c_str());
+ cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(output, bindir.c_str(), "/.../"); //bindirrep.c_str());
+ }
+ // Parsing of output for errors and warnings.
+ std::vector<cmStdString> lines;
+ cmSystemTools::Split(output.c_str(), lines);
+ // Lines are marked:
+ // 0 - nothing
+ // 1 - error
+ // > 1 - warning
+ std::vector<int> markedLines(lines.size(), 0);
+ // Errors
+ for ( cc = 0; cmCTestErrorMatches[cc]; cc ++ )
+ {
+ m_CustomErrorMatches.push_back(cmCTestErrorMatches[cc]);
+ }
+ for ( cc = 0; cmCTestErrorExceptions[cc]; cc ++ )
+ {
+ m_CustomErrorExceptions.push_back(cmCTestErrorExceptions[cc]);
+ }
+ for ( cc = 0; cmCTestWarningMatches[cc]; cc ++ )
+ {
+ m_CustomWarningMatches.push_back(cmCTestWarningMatches[cc]);
+ }
+ for ( cc = 0; cmCTestWarningExceptions[cc]; cc ++ )
+ {
+ m_CustomWarningExceptions.push_back(cmCTestWarningExceptions[cc]);
+ }
+ for ( cc = 0; cc < m_CustomErrorMatches.size(); cc ++ )
+ {
+ cmsys::RegularExpression re(m_CustomErrorMatches[cc].c_str());
+ std::vector<cmStdString>::size_type kk;
+ for ( kk = 0; kk < lines.size(); kk ++ )
+ {
+ if ( re.find(lines[kk]) )
+ {
+ markedLines[kk] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Warnings
+ for ( cc = 0; cc < m_CustomWarningMatches.size(); cc ++ )
+ {
+ cmsys::RegularExpression re(m_CustomWarningMatches[cc].c_str());
+ std::vector<cmStdString>::size_type kk;
+ for ( kk = 0; kk < lines.size(); kk ++ )
+ {
+ if ( re.find(lines[kk]) )
+ {
+ markedLines[kk] += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Errors exceptions
+ for ( cc = 0; cc < m_CustomErrorExceptions.size(); cc ++ )
+ {
+ cmsys::RegularExpression re(m_CustomErrorExceptions[cc].c_str());
+ std::vector<int>::size_type kk;
+ for ( kk =0; kk < markedLines.size(); kk ++ )
+ {
+ if ( markedLines[kk] == 1 )
+ {
+ if ( re.find(lines[kk]) )
+ {
+ markedLines[kk] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Warning exceptions
+ for ( cc = 0; cc < m_CustomWarningExceptions.size(); cc ++ )
+ {
+ cmsys::RegularExpression re(m_CustomWarningExceptions[cc].c_str());
+ std::vector<int>::size_type kk;
+ for ( kk =0; kk < markedLines.size(); kk ++ )
+ {
+ if ( markedLines[kk] > 1 )
+ {
+ if ( re.find(lines[kk]) )
+ {
+ markedLines[kk] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<cmCTestBuildErrorWarning> errorsWarnings;
+ int errors = 0;
+ int warnings = 0;
+ std::vector<int>::size_type kk;
+ cmCTestBuildErrorWarning errorwarning;
+ for ( kk =0; kk < markedLines.size(); kk ++ )
+ {
+ errorwarning.m_LineNumber = -1;
+ bool found = false;
+ if ( markedLines[kk] == 1 )
+ {
+ //std::cout << "Error: " << lines[kk] << std::endl;
+ errorwarning.m_Error = true;
+ found = true;
+ }
+ else if ( markedLines[kk] > 1 )
+ {
+ //std::cout << "Warning: " << lines[kk] << std::endl;
+ errorwarning.m_Error = false;
+ found = true;
+ }
+ if ( found )
+ {
+ errorwarning.m_LogLine = static_cast<int>(kk+1);
+ errorwarning.m_Text = lines[kk];
+ errorwarning.m_PreContext = "";
+ errorwarning.m_PostContext = "";
+ std::vector<int>::size_type jj;
+ std::vector<int>::size_type ll = 0;
+ if ( kk > 6 )
+ {
+ ll = kk - 6;
+ }
+ for ( jj = kk-1;
+ jj > 0 && jj > ll && markedLines[jj] != markedLines[kk];
+ jj -- );
+ while ( markedLines[jj] == markedLines[kk] && jj < kk )
+ {
+ jj ++;
+ }
+ for (; jj < kk; jj ++ )
+ {
+ errorwarning.m_PreContext += lines[jj] + "\n";
+ }
+ for ( jj = kk+1;
+ jj < lines.size() && jj < kk + 7 && markedLines[jj] != markedLines[kk];
+ jj ++ )
+ {
+ errorwarning.m_PostContext += lines[jj] + "\n";
+ }
+ errorsWarnings.push_back(errorwarning);
+ if ( errorwarning.m_Error )
+ {
+ errors ++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ warnings ++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::cout << " " << errors << " Compiler errors" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " " << warnings << " Compiler warnings" << std::endl;
+ if( !m_CTest->OpenOutputFile(m_CTest->GetCurrentTag(), "Build.xml", ofs) )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Cannot create build XML file" << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ this->GenerateDartBuildOutput(ofs, errorsWarnings, elapsed_build_time);
+ return 0;
+void cmCTestBuildHandler::GenerateDartBuildOutput(
+ std::ostream& os,
+ std::vector<cmCTestBuildErrorWarning> ew,
+ double elapsed_build_time)
+ m_CTest->StartXML(os);
+ os << "<Build>\n"
+ << "\t<StartDateTime>" << m_StartBuild << "</StartDateTime>\n"
+ << "<BuildCommand>"
+ << m_CTest->MakeXMLSafe(m_CTest->GetDartConfiguration("MakeCommand"))
+ << "</BuildCommand>" << std::endl;
+ std::vector<cmCTestBuildErrorWarning>::iterator it;
+ for ( it = ew.begin(); it != ew.end(); it++ )
+ {
+ cmCTestBuildErrorWarning *cm = &(*it);
+ os << "\t<" << (cm->m_Error ? "Error" : "Warning") << ">\n"
+ << "\t\t<BuildLogLine>" << cm->m_LogLine << "</BuildLogLine>\n"
+ << "\t\t<Text>" << m_CTest->MakeXMLSafe(cm->m_Text)
+ << "\n</Text>" << std::endl;
+ if ( cm->m_SourceFile.size() > 0 )
+ {
+ os << "\t\t<SourceFile>" << cm->m_SourceFile << "</SourceFile>"
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ if ( cm->m_SourceFileTail.size() > 0 )
+ {
+ os << "\t\t<SourceFileTail>" << cm->m_SourceFileTail
+ << "</SourceFileTail>" << std::endl;
+ }
+ if ( cm->m_LineNumber >= 0 )
+ {
+ os << "\t\t<SourceLineNumber>" << cm->m_LineNumber
+ << "</SourceLineNumber>" << std::endl;
+ }
+ os << "\t\t<PreContext>" << m_CTest->MakeXMLSafe(cm->m_PreContext)
+ << "</PreContext>\n"
+ << "\t\t<PostContext>" << m_CTest->MakeXMLSafe(cm->m_PostContext)
+ << "</PostContext>\n"
+ << "\t\t<RepeatCount>0</RepeatCount>\n"
+ << "</" << (cm->m_Error ? "Error" : "Warning") << ">\n\n"
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ os << "\t<Log Encoding=\"base64\" Compression=\"/bin/gzip\">\n\t</Log>\n"
+ << "\t<EndDateTime>" << m_EndBuild << "</EndDateTime>\n"
+ << "<ElapsedMinutes>" << static_cast<int>(elapsed_build_time/6)/10.0
+ << "</ElapsedMinutes>"
+ << "</Build>" << std::endl;
+ m_CTest->EndXML(os);
diff --git a/Source/CTest/cmCTestBuildHandler.h b/Source/CTest/cmCTestBuildHandler.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec4c14f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/CTest/cmCTestBuildHandler.h
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ Program: CMake - Cross-Platform Makefile Generator
+ Module: $RCSfile$
+ Language: C++
+ Date: $Date$
+ Version: $Revision$
+ Copyright (c) 2002 Kitware, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ See Copyright.txt or for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information.
+#ifndef cmCTestBuildHandler_h
+#define cmCTestBuildHandler_h
+#include "cmStandardIncludes.h"
+#include "cmListFileCache.h"
+class cmCTest;
+class cmMakefile;
+/** \class cmCTestBuildHandler
+ * \brief A class that handles ctest -S invocations
+ *
+ */
+class cmCTestBuildHandler
+ /*
+ * The main entry point for this class
+ */
+ int BuildDirectory(cmCTest *);
+ /*
+ * If verbose then more informaiton is printed out
+ */
+ void SetVerbose(bool val) { m_Verbose = val; }
+ cmCTestBuildHandler();
+ void PopulateCustomVectors(cmMakefile *mf);
+ struct cmCTestBuildErrorWarning
+ {
+ bool m_Error;
+ int m_LogLine;
+ std::string m_Text;
+ std::string m_SourceFile;
+ std::string m_SourceFileTail;
+ int m_LineNumber;
+ std::string m_PreContext;
+ std::string m_PostContext;
+ };
+ // generate the XML output
+ void GenerateDartBuildOutput(std::ostream& os,
+ std::vector<cmCTestBuildErrorWarning>,
+ double elapsed_time);
+ bool m_Verbose;
+ cmCTest *m_CTest;
+ std::string m_StartBuild;
+ std::string m_EndBuild;
+ std::vector<cmStdString> m_CustomErrorMatches;
+ std::vector<cmStdString> m_CustomErrorExceptions;
+ std::vector<cmStdString> m_CustomWarningMatches;
+ std::vector<cmStdString> m_CustomWarningExceptions;
diff --git a/Source/cmCTest.cxx b/Source/cmCTest.cxx
index 1f721ed..dab3d49 100644
--- a/Source/cmCTest.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmCTest.cxx
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include "cmGlob.h"
#include "cmDynamicLoader.h"
+#include "cmcTestBuildHandler.h"
#include "cmcTestScriptHandler.h"
#include "cmcTestUpdateHandler.h"
#include "cmcTestConfigureHandler.h"
@@ -145,98 +146,6 @@ std::string cmCTest::CurrentTime()
return cmCTest::MakeXMLSafe(::CleanString(current_time));
-static const char* cmCTestErrorMatches[] = {
- "^[Bb]us [Ee]rror",
- "^[Ss]egmentation [Vv]iolation",
- "^[Ss]egmentation [Ff]ault",
- "([^ :]+):([0-9]+): ([^ \\t])",
- "([^:]+): error[ \\t]*[0-9]+[ \\t]*:",
- "^Error ([0-9]+):",
- "^Fatal",
- "^Error: ",
- "^Error ",
- "[0-9] ERROR: ",
- "^\"[^\"]+\", line [0-9]+: [^Ww]",
- "^cc[^C]*CC: ERROR File = ([^,]+), Line = ([0-9]+)",
- "^ld([^:])*:([ \\t])*ERROR([^:])*:",
- "^ild:([ \\t])*\\(undefined symbol\\)",
- "([^ :]+) : (error|fatal error|catastrophic error)",
- "([^:]+): (Error:|error|undefined reference|multiply defined)",
- "([^:]+)\\(([^\\)]+)\\) : (error|fatal error|catastrophic error)",
- "^fatal error C[0-9]+:",
- ": syntax error ",
- "^collect2: ld returned 1 exit status",
- "Unsatisfied symbols:",
- "^Unresolved:",
- "Undefined symbols:",
- "^Undefined[ \\t]+first referenced",
- "^CMake Error:",
- ":[ \\t]cannot find",
- ":[ \\t]can't find",
- ": \\*\\*\\* No rule to make target \\`.*\\'. Stop",
- ": Invalid loader fixup for symbol",
- ": internal link edit command failed",
- ": Unrecognized option \\`.*\\'",
- "\", line [0-9]+\\.[0-9]+: [0-9]+-[0-9]+ \\([^W]\\)",
- "ld: 0706-006 Cannot find or open library file: -l ",
- "ild: \\(argument error\\) can't find library argument ::",
- "^could not be found and will not be loaded.",
- "s:616 string too big",
- "make: Fatal error: ",
- "ld: 0711-993 Error occurred while writing to the output file:",
- "make: \\*\\*\\*.*Error",
- 0
-static const char* cmCTestErrorExceptions[] = {
- "instantiated from ",
- "candidates are:",
- ": warning",
- "makefile:",
- "Makefile:",
- ":[ \\t]+Where:",
- "([^ :]+):([0-9]+): Warning",
- 0
-static const char* cmCTestWarningMatches[] = {
- "([^ :]+):([0-9]+): warning:",
- "^cc[^C]*CC: WARNING File = ([^,]+), Line = ([0-9]+)",
- "^ld([^:])*:([ \\t])*WARNING([^:])*:",
- "([^:]+): warning ([0-9]+):",
- "^\"[^\"]+\", line [0-9]+: [Ww]arning",
- "([^:]+): warning[ \\t]*[0-9]+[ \\t]*:",
- "^Warning ([0-9]+):",
- "^Warning ",
- "WARNING: ",
- "([^ :]+) : warning",
- "([^:]+): warning",
- "\", line [0-9]+\\.[0-9]+: [0-9]+-[0-9]+ \\(W\\)",
- "^cxx: Warning:",
- ".*file: .* has no symbols",
- "([^ :]+):([0-9]+): Warning",
- 0
-static const char* cmCTestWarningExceptions[] = {
- "/usr/openwin/include/X11/Xlib\\.h:[0-9]+: warning: ANSI C\\+\\+ forbids declaration",
- "/usr/openwin/include/X11/Xutil\\.h:[0-9]+: warning: ANSI C\\+\\+ forbids declaration",
- "/usr/openwin/include/X11/XResource\\.h:[0-9]+: warning: ANSI C\\+\\+ forbids declaration",
- "WARNING 84 :",
- "WARNING 47 :",
- "makefile:",
- "Makefile:",
- "warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete.",
- "/usr/openwin/include/GL/[^:]+:",
- "bind_at_load",
- "XrmQGetResource",
- "IceFlush",
- "warning LNK4089: all references to [^ \\t]+ discarded by .OPT:REF",
- "ld32: WARNING 85: definition of dataKey in",
- "cc: warning 422: Unknown option \"\\+b",
- "_with_warning_C",
- 0
static const char* cmCTestMemCheckResultStrings[] = {
@@ -414,13 +323,15 @@ cmCTest::cmCTest()
m_MaximumPassedTestResultSize = 100 * 1024;
m_MaximumFailedTestResultSize = 200 * 1024;
- this->ScriptHandler = new cmCTestScriptHandler;
- this->UpdateHandler = new cmCTestUpdateHandler;
+ this->BuildHandler = new cmCTestBuildHandler;
+ this->ScriptHandler = new cmCTestScriptHandler;
+ this->UpdateHandler = new cmCTestUpdateHandler;
this->ConfigureHandler = new cmCTestConfigureHandler;
+ delete this->BuildHandler;
delete this->ScriptHandler;
delete this->UpdateHandler;
delete this->ConfigureHandler;
@@ -720,248 +631,6 @@ std::string cmCTest::FindTheExecutable(const char *exe)
-int cmCTest::BuildDirectory()
- std::cout << "Build project" << std::endl;
- std::string makeCommand = m_DartConfiguration["MakeCommand"];
- if ( makeCommand.size() == 0 )
- {
- std::cerr << "Cannot find MakeCommand key in the DartConfiguration.tcl" << std::endl;
- return 1;
- }
- std::string buildDirectory = m_DartConfiguration["BuildDirectory"];
- if ( buildDirectory.size() == 0 )
- {
- std::cerr << "Cannot find BuildDirectory key in the DartConfiguration.tcl" << std::endl;
- return 1;
- }
- std::ofstream ofs;
- double elapsed_time_start = cmSystemTools::GetTime();
- if ( !this->OpenOutputFile("Temporary", "LastBuild.log", ofs) )
- {
- std::cerr << "Cannot create LastBuild.log file" << std::endl;
- }
- m_StartBuild = this->CurrentTime();
- std::string output;
- int retVal = 0;
- int res = cmsysProcess_State_Exited;
- if ( !m_ShowOnly )
- {
- res = this->RunMakeCommand(makeCommand.c_str(), &output,
- &retVal, buildDirectory.c_str(),
- m_Verbose, 0, ofs);
- }
- else
- {
- std::cout << "Build with command: " << makeCommand << std::endl;
- }
- m_EndBuild = this->CurrentTime();
- double elapsed_build_time = cmSystemTools::GetTime() - elapsed_time_start;
- if (res != cmsysProcess_State_Exited || retVal )
- {
- std::cerr << "Error(s) when building project" << std::endl;
- }
- if ( ofs )
- {
- ofs.close();
- }
- tm_VectorOfStrings::size_type cc;
- if ( m_DartConfiguration["SourceDirectory"].size() > 20 ||
- m_DartConfiguration["BuildDirectory"].size() > 20 )
- {
- std::string srcdir = m_DartConfiguration["SourceDirectory"] + "/";
- std::string bindir = m_DartConfiguration["BuildDirectory"] + "/";
- std::string srcdirrep;
- std::string bindirrep;
- for ( cc = srcdir.size()-2; cc > 0; cc -- )
- {
- if ( srcdir[cc] == '/' )
- {
- srcdirrep = srcdir.c_str() + cc;
- srcdirrep = "/..." + srcdirrep;
- srcdir = srcdir.substr(0, cc+1);
- break;
- }
- }
- for ( cc = bindir.size()-2; cc > 0; cc -- )
- {
- if ( bindir[cc] == '/' )
- {
- bindirrep = bindir.c_str() + cc;
- bindirrep = "/..." + bindirrep;
- bindir = bindir.substr(0, cc+1);
- break;
- }
- }
- cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(output, srcdir.c_str(), "/.../"); //srcdirrep.c_str());
- cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(output, bindir.c_str(), "/.../"); //bindirrep.c_str());
- }
- // Parsing of output for errors and warnings.
- std::vector<cmStdString> lines;
- cmSystemTools::Split(output.c_str(), lines);
- // Lines are marked:
- // 0 - nothing
- // 1 - error
- // > 1 - warning
- std::vector<int> markedLines(lines.size(), 0);
- // Errors
- for ( cc = 0; cmCTestErrorMatches[cc]; cc ++ )
- {
- m_CustomErrorMatches.push_back(cmCTestErrorMatches[cc]);
- }
- for ( cc = 0; cmCTestErrorExceptions[cc]; cc ++ )
- {
- m_CustomErrorExceptions.push_back(cmCTestErrorExceptions[cc]);
- }
- for ( cc = 0; cmCTestWarningMatches[cc]; cc ++ )
- {
- m_CustomWarningMatches.push_back(cmCTestWarningMatches[cc]);
- }
- for ( cc = 0; cmCTestWarningExceptions[cc]; cc ++ )
- {
- m_CustomWarningExceptions.push_back(cmCTestWarningExceptions[cc]);
- }
- for ( cc = 0; cc < m_CustomErrorMatches.size(); cc ++ )
- {
- cmsys::RegularExpression re(m_CustomErrorMatches[cc].c_str());
- cmCTest::tm_VectorOfStrings::size_type kk;
- for ( kk = 0; kk < lines.size(); kk ++ )
- {
- if ( re.find(lines[kk]) )
- {
- markedLines[kk] = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- // Warnings
- for ( cc = 0; cc < m_CustomWarningMatches.size(); cc ++ )
- {
- cmsys::RegularExpression re(m_CustomWarningMatches[cc].c_str());
- cmCTest::tm_VectorOfStrings::size_type kk;
- for ( kk = 0; kk < lines.size(); kk ++ )
- {
- if ( re.find(lines[kk]) )
- {
- markedLines[kk] += 2;
- }
- }
- }
- // Errors exceptions
- for ( cc = 0; cc < m_CustomErrorExceptions.size(); cc ++ )
- {
- cmsys::RegularExpression re(m_CustomErrorExceptions[cc].c_str());
- std::vector<int>::size_type kk;
- for ( kk =0; kk < markedLines.size(); kk ++ )
- {
- if ( markedLines[kk] == 1 )
- {
- if ( re.find(lines[kk]) )
- {
- markedLines[kk] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Warning exceptions
- for ( cc = 0; cc < m_CustomWarningExceptions.size(); cc ++ )
- {
- cmsys::RegularExpression re(m_CustomWarningExceptions[cc].c_str());
- std::vector<int>::size_type kk;
- for ( kk =0; kk < markedLines.size(); kk ++ )
- {
- if ( markedLines[kk] > 1 )
- {
- if ( re.find(lines[kk]) )
- {
- markedLines[kk] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- std::vector<cmCTestBuildErrorWarning> errorsWarnings;
- int errors = 0;
- int warnings = 0;
- std::vector<int>::size_type kk;
- cmCTestBuildErrorWarning errorwarning;
- for ( kk =0; kk < markedLines.size(); kk ++ )
- {
- errorwarning.m_LineNumber = -1;
- bool found = false;
- if ( markedLines[kk] == 1 )
- {
- //std::cout << "Error: " << lines[kk] << std::endl;
- errorwarning.m_Error = true;
- found = true;
- }
- else if ( markedLines[kk] > 1 )
- {
- //std::cout << "Warning: " << lines[kk] << std::endl;
- errorwarning.m_Error = false;
- found = true;
- }
- if ( found )
- {
- errorwarning.m_LogLine = static_cast<int>(kk+1);
- errorwarning.m_Text = lines[kk];
- errorwarning.m_PreContext = "";
- errorwarning.m_PostContext = "";
- std::vector<int>::size_type jj;
- std::vector<int>::size_type ll = 0;
- if ( kk > 6 )
- {
- ll = kk - 6;
- }
- for ( jj = kk-1;
- jj > 0 && jj > ll && markedLines[jj] != markedLines[kk];
- jj -- );
- while ( markedLines[jj] == markedLines[kk] && jj < kk )
- {
- jj ++;
- }
- for (; jj < kk; jj ++ )
- {
- errorwarning.m_PreContext += lines[jj] + "\n";
- }
- for ( jj = kk+1;
- jj < lines.size() && jj < kk + 7 && markedLines[jj] != markedLines[kk];
- jj ++ )
- {
- errorwarning.m_PostContext += lines[jj] + "\n";
- }
- errorsWarnings.push_back(errorwarning);
- if ( errorwarning.m_Error )
- {
- errors ++;
- }
- else
- {
- warnings ++;
- }
- }
- }
- std::cout << " " << errors << " Compiler errors" << std::endl;
- std::cout << " " << warnings << " Compiler warnings" << std::endl;
- if( !this->OpenOutputFile(m_CurrentTag, "Build.xml", ofs) )
- {
- std::cerr << "Cannot create build XML file" << std::endl;
- return 1;
- }
- this->GenerateDartBuildOutput(ofs, errorsWarnings, elapsed_build_time);
- return 0;
int cmCTest::CoverageDirectory()
@@ -1538,56 +1207,6 @@ bool cmCTest::OpenOutputFile(const std::string& path,
return true;
-void cmCTest::GenerateDartBuildOutput(std::ostream& os,
- std::vector<cmCTestBuildErrorWarning> ew,
- double elapsed_build_time)
- this->StartXML(os);
- os << "<Build>\n"
- << "\t<StartDateTime>" << m_StartBuild << "</StartDateTime>\n"
- << "<BuildCommand>"
- << this->MakeXMLSafe(m_DartConfiguration["MakeCommand"])
- << "</BuildCommand>" << std::endl;
- std::vector<cmCTestBuildErrorWarning>::iterator it;
- for ( it = ew.begin(); it != ew.end(); it++ )
- {
- cmCTestBuildErrorWarning *cm = &(*it);
- os << "\t<" << (cm->m_Error ? "Error" : "Warning") << ">\n"
- << "\t\t<BuildLogLine>" << cm->m_LogLine << "</BuildLogLine>\n"
- << "\t\t<Text>" << this->MakeXMLSafe(cm->m_Text)
- << "\n</Text>" << std::endl;
- if ( cm->m_SourceFile.size() > 0 )
- {
- os << "\t\t<SourceFile>" << cm->m_SourceFile << "</SourceFile>"
- << std::endl;
- }
- if ( cm->m_SourceFileTail.size() > 0 )
- {
- os << "\t\t<SourceFileTail>" << cm->m_SourceFileTail
- << "</SourceFileTail>" << std::endl;
- }
- if ( cm->m_LineNumber >= 0 )
- {
- os << "\t\t<SourceLineNumber>" << cm->m_LineNumber
- << "</SourceLineNumber>" << std::endl;
- }
- os << "\t\t<PreContext>" << this->MakeXMLSafe(cm->m_PreContext)
- << "</PreContext>\n"
- << "\t\t<PostContext>" << this->MakeXMLSafe(cm->m_PostContext)
- << "</PostContext>\n"
- << "\t\t<RepeatCount>0</RepeatCount>\n"
- << "</" << (cm->m_Error ? "Error" : "Warning") << ">\n\n"
- << std::endl;
- }
- os << "\t<Log Encoding=\"base64\" Compression=\"/bin/gzip\">\n\t</Log>\n"
- << "\t<EndDateTime>" << m_EndBuild << "</EndDateTime>\n"
- << "<ElapsedMinutes>" << static_cast<int>(elapsed_build_time/6)/10.0
- << "</ElapsedMinutes>"
- << "</Build>" << std::endl;
- this->EndXML(os);
void cmCTest::GetListOfTests(tm_ListOfTests* testlist, bool memcheck)
// does the DartTestfile.txt exist ?
@@ -2669,7 +2288,7 @@ int cmCTest::ProcessTests()
if ( m_Tests[BUILD_TEST] || m_Tests[ALL_TEST] )
- if (this->BuildDirectory())
+ if (this->BuildHandler->BuildDirectory(this))
res |= cmCTest::BUILD_ERRORS;
@@ -3459,6 +3078,7 @@ int cmCTest::Run(std::vector<std::string>const& args, std::string* output)
if( arg.find("-V",0) == 0 || arg.find("--verbose",0) == 0 )
this->m_Verbose = true;
+ this->BuildHandler->SetVerbose(this->m_Verbose);
@@ -4396,11 +4016,8 @@ int cmCTest::ReadCustomConfigurationFileTree(const char* dir)
dirs.insert(dirs.end(), ndirs.begin(), ndirs.end());
- this->PopulateCustomVector(mf, "CTEST_CUSTOM_ERROR_MATCH", m_CustomErrorMatches);
- this->PopulateCustomVector(mf, "CTEST_CUSTOM_ERROR_EXCEPTION", m_CustomErrorExceptions);
- this->PopulateCustomVector(mf, "CTEST_CUSTOM_WARNING_MATCH", m_CustomWarningMatches);
- this->PopulateCustomVector(mf, "CTEST_CUSTOM_WARNING_EXCEPTION", m_CustomWarningExceptions);
+ this->BuildHandler->PopulateCustomVectors(mf);
this->PopulateCustomVector(mf, "CTEST_CUSTOM_TESTS_IGNORE", m_CustomTestsIgnore);
this->PopulateCustomVector(mf, "CTEST_CUSTOM_MEMCHECK_IGNORE", m_CustomMemCheckIgnore);
diff --git a/Source/cmCTest.h b/Source/cmCTest.h
index 07d6bfb..5ec5b45 100644
--- a/Source/cmCTest.h
+++ b/Source/cmCTest.h
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include "cmListFileCache.h"
class cmMakefile;
+class cmCTestBuildHandler;
class cmCTestScriptHandler;
class cmCTestUpdateHandler;
class cmCTestConfigureHandler;
@@ -67,11 +68,6 @@ public:
bool GetTomorrowTag() { return m_TomorrowTag; };
- * Try to build the project
- */
- int BuildDirectory();
- /**
* Try to run tests of the project
int TestDirectory(bool memcheck);
@@ -189,8 +185,12 @@ public:
int* retVal, const char* dir, bool verbose, int timeout,
std::ofstream& ofs);
+ static void PopulateCustomVector(cmMakefile* mf, const char* definition,
+ tm_VectorOfStrings& vec);
// these are helper classes
+ cmCTestBuildHandler *BuildHandler;
cmCTestScriptHandler *ScriptHandler;
cmCTestUpdateHandler *UpdateHandler;
cmCTestConfigureHandler *ConfigureHandler;
@@ -277,18 +277,6 @@ private:
int m_TestCount;
- struct cmCTestBuildErrorWarning
- {
- bool m_Error;
- int m_LogLine;
- std::string m_Text;
- std::string m_SourceFile;
- std::string m_SourceFileTail;
- int m_LineNumber;
- std::string m_PreContext;
- std::string m_PostContext;
- };
struct cmCTestTestProperties
cmStdString m_Name;
@@ -333,8 +321,6 @@ private:
std::string m_CurrentTag;
bool m_TomorrowTag;
- std::string m_StartBuild;
- std::string m_EndBuild;
std::string m_StartTest;
std::string m_EndTest;
double m_ElapsedTestingTime;
@@ -374,12 +360,6 @@ private:
int ReadCustomConfigurationFileTree(const char* dir);
- void PopulateCustomVector(cmMakefile* mf, const char* definition, tm_VectorOfStrings& vec);
- tm_VectorOfStrings m_CustomErrorMatches;
- tm_VectorOfStrings m_CustomErrorExceptions;
- tm_VectorOfStrings m_CustomWarningMatches;
- tm_VectorOfStrings m_CustomWarningExceptions;
tm_VectorOfStrings m_CustomTestsIgnore;
tm_VectorOfStrings m_CustomMemCheckIgnore;
@@ -409,9 +389,6 @@ private:
void GenerateDartTestOutput(std::ostream& os);
void GenerateDartMemCheckOutput(std::ostream& os);
- void GenerateDartBuildOutput(std::ostream& os,
- std::vector<cmCTestBuildErrorWarning>,
- double elapsed_time);
//! Run command specialized for tests. Returns process status and retVal is
// return value or exception.