path: root/Modules/BundleUtilities.cmake
diff options
authorDavid Cole <>2009-08-05 18:59:14 (GMT)
committerDavid Cole <>2009-08-05 18:59:14 (GMT)
commitfe0b121da93262210f81129cd462c70c880997c2 (patch)
tree9b5ab067a0113191ae1acfa076265803c4d76f30 /Modules/BundleUtilities.cmake
parent80f0201b37576a4229ec9453a31d3be804abbcb4 (diff)
Overhaul GetPrerequisites and BundleUtilities: make fixup_bundle do something useful on Windows and Linux.
Formerly, fixup_bundle was useful only on the Mac for making standalone bundle applications that could be drag-n-drop moved to anyplace in the file system. fixup_bundle is not just for the Mac any more. It will now analyze executable files on Windows and Linux, too, and copy necessary non-system dlls to the same folder that the executable is in. This should work with dlls that you build as part of your build and also with 3rd-party dlls as long as you give fixup_bundle the right list of directories to search for those dlls. Many thanks to Clinton Stimpson for his help in ironing out the details involved in making this work.
Diffstat (limited to 'Modules/BundleUtilities.cmake')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/Modules/BundleUtilities.cmake b/Modules/BundleUtilities.cmake
index d11979a..fba5a15 100644
--- a/Modules/BundleUtilities.cmake
+++ b/Modules/BundleUtilities.cmake
@@ -174,14 +174,18 @@ function(get_bundle_and_executable app bundle_var executable_var valid_var)
is_file_executable("${app}" is_executable)
get_dotapp_dir("${app}" dotapp_dir)
- if(EXISTS "${dotapp_dir}" AND EXISTS "${app}")
+ if(EXISTS "${dotapp_dir}")
set(${bundle_var} "${dotapp_dir}" PARENT_SCOPE)
set(${executable_var} "${app}" PARENT_SCOPE)
set(valid 1)
- #message(STATUS "info: handled executable file case...")
- else(EXISTS "${dotapp_dir}" AND EXISTS "${app}")
- message(STATUS "warning: *NOT* handled - executable file case...")
- endif(EXISTS "${dotapp_dir}" AND EXISTS "${app}")
+ #message(STATUS "info: handled executable file in .app dir case...")
+ else()
+ get_filename_component(app_dir "${app}" PATH)
+ set(${bundle_var} "${app_dir}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ set(${executable_var} "${app}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ set(valid 1)
+ #message(STATUS "info: handled executable file in any dir case...")
+ endif()
message(STATUS "warning: *NOT* handled - not .app dir, not executable file...")
@@ -230,6 +234,9 @@ endfunction(get_bundle_all_executables)
function(get_item_key item key_var)
get_filename_component(item_name "${item}" NAME)
+ if(WIN32)
+ string(TOLOWER "${item_name}" item_name)
+ endif()
string(REGEX REPLACE "\\." "_" ${key_var} "${item_name}")
set(${key_var} ${${key_var}} PARENT_SCOPE)
@@ -388,15 +395,25 @@ endfunction(get_bundle_keys)
# copy_resolved_item_into_bundle
-# Copy a resolved item into the bundle if necessary. Copy is not necessary if the resolved_item
-# is the same as the resolved_embedded_item.
+# Copy a resolved item into the bundle if necessary. Copy is not necessary if
+# the resolved_item is "the same as" the resolved_embedded_item.
function(copy_resolved_item_into_bundle resolved_item resolved_embedded_item)
- if("${resolved_item}" STREQUAL "${resolved_embedded_item}")
+ if(WIN32)
+ # ignore case on Windows
+ string(TOLOWER "${resolved_item}" resolved_item_compare)
+ string(TOLOWER "${resolved_embedded_item}" resolved_embedded_item_compare)
+ else()
+ set(resolved_item_compare "${resolved_item}")
+ set(resolved_embedded_item_compare "${resolved_embedded_item}")
+ endif()
+ if("${resolved_item_compare}" STREQUAL "${resolved_embedded_item_compare}")
message(STATUS "warning: resolved_item == resolved_embedded_item - not copying...")
- else("${resolved_item}" STREQUAL "${resolved_embedded_item}")
+ else()
+ #message(STATUS "copying COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${resolved_item} ${resolved_embedded_item}")
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "${resolved_item}" "${resolved_embedded_item}")
- endif("${resolved_item}" STREQUAL "${resolved_embedded_item}")
+ endif()
@@ -503,9 +520,12 @@ function(fixup_bundle app libs dirs)
message(STATUS "fixup_bundle: fixing...")
foreach(key ${keys})
math(EXPR i ${i}+1)
- message(STATUS "${i}/${n}: fixing up '${${key}_RESOLVED_EMBEDDED_ITEM}'")
- #message(STATUS " exepath='${exepath}'")
- fixup_bundle_item("${${key}_RESOLVED_EMBEDDED_ITEM}" "${exepath}" "${dirs}")
+ if(APPLE)
+ message(STATUS "${i}/${n}: fixing up '${${key}_RESOLVED_EMBEDDED_ITEM}'")
+ fixup_bundle_item("${${key}_RESOLVED_EMBEDDED_ITEM}" "${exepath}" "${dirs}")
+ else(APPLE)
+ message(STATUS "${i}/${n}: fix-up not required on this platform '${${key}_RESOLVED_EMBEDDED_ITEM}'")
+ endif(APPLE)
message(STATUS "fixup_bundle: cleaning up...")
@@ -514,7 +534,7 @@ function(fixup_bundle app libs dirs)
message(STATUS "fixup_bundle: verifying...")
- message(STATUS "error: fixup_bundle: not a valid bundle")
+ message(SEND_ERROR "error: fixup_bundle: not a valid bundle")
message(STATUS "fixup_bundle: done")
@@ -550,30 +570,42 @@ function(verify_bundle_prerequisites bundle result_var info_var)
is_file_executable("${f}" is_executable)
get_filename_component(exepath "${f}" PATH)
- message(STATUS "executable file: ${f}")
math(EXPR count "${count} + 1")
+ message(STATUS "executable file ${count}: ${f}")
set(prereqs "")
get_prerequisites("${f}" prereqs 1 1 "${exepath}" "")
+ # On the Mac,
# "embedded" and "system" prerequisites are fine... anything else means
# the bundle's prerequisites are not verified (i.e., the bundle is not
# really "standalone")
+ # On Windows (and others? Linux/Unix/...?)
+ # "local" and "system" prereqs are fine...
+ #
set(external_prereqs "")
foreach(p ${prereqs})
set(p_type "")
gp_file_type("${f}" "${p}" p_type)
- if (NOT "${p_type}" STREQUAL "embedded" AND NOT "${p_type}" STREQUAL "system")
- set(external_prereqs ${external_prereqs} "${p}")
- endif (NOT "${p_type}" STREQUAL "embedded" AND NOT "${p_type}" STREQUAL "system")
+ if(APPLE)
+ if(NOT "${p_type}" STREQUAL "embedded" AND NOT "${p_type}" STREQUAL "system")
+ set(external_prereqs ${external_prereqs} "${p}")
+ endif()
+ else()
+ if(NOT "${p_type}" STREQUAL "local" AND NOT "${p_type}" STREQUAL "system")
+ set(external_prereqs ${external_prereqs} "${p}")
+ endif()
+ endif()
- # Found non-system/non-embedded prerequisites:
+ # Found non-system/somehow-unacceptable prerequisites:
set(result 0)
- set(info ${info} "non-system/non-embedded prerequisites found:\nf='${f}'\nexternal_prereqs='${external_prereqs}'\n")
+ set(info ${info} "external prerequisites found:\nf='${f}'\nexternal_prereqs='${external_prereqs}'\n")