path: root/Modules/
diff options
authorCraig Scott <>2020-10-17 10:16:22 (GMT)
committerBrad King <>2021-01-28 14:32:35 (GMT)
commitac6a4d488446cb1e906c4b55fd055547dacd55c4 (patch)
treeaaa082df07f18a01a53efbbc0ecb37efba25ada5 /Modules/
parent17c4c8b92b63b8ce920dd7db38bab4a772990cce (diff)
ExternalProject: Improve robustness of update step
Refactor the update logic to make it easier to follow. The following fixes/improvements are some consequences of this change: * Absorb a confusing git checkout failure message when the failure is allowed and we act on that failure appropriately. * Fix an unnecessary fetch in some scenarios when checking out a git hash we already have locally. * Stash and restore any local changes even when not rebasing. * Avoid unsafe rebasing where we are not on a branch that is already tracking the requested branch. * When fetching, use --tags --force to ensure we get all the tags and commits leading up to them regardless of whether the tags are on branches or not. Also update our local tags if they move on the remote. Fixes: #20677
Diffstat (limited to 'Modules/')
1 files changed, 233 insertions, 172 deletions
diff --git a/Modules/ b/Modules/
index eff39c1..7033918 100644
--- a/Modules/
+++ b/Modules/
@@ -3,214 +3,275 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
- COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" rev-list --max-count=1 HEAD
- WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
- RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+function(get_hash_for_ref ref out_var err_var)
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" rev-parse "${ref}"
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
+ RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ ERROR_VARIABLE error_msg
- message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to get the hash for HEAD")
+ if(error_code)
+ set(${out_var} "" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ else()
+ set(${out_var} "${ref_hash}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ endif()
+ set(${err_var} "${error_msg}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+get_hash_for_ref(HEAD head_sha error_msg)
+if(head_sha STREQUAL "")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to get the hash for HEAD:\n${error_msg}")
COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" show-ref "@git_tag@"
OUTPUT_VARIABLE show_ref_output
- )
-# If a remote ref is asked for, which can possibly move around,
-# we must always do a fetch and checkout.
-if("${show_ref_output}" MATCHES "remotes")
- set(is_remote_ref 1)
- set(is_remote_ref 0)
+if(show_ref_output MATCHES "^[a-z0-9]+[ \\t]+refs/remotes/")
+ # Given a full remote/branch-name and we know about it already. Since
+ # branches can move around, we always have to fetch.
+ set(fetch_required YES)
+ set(checkout_name "@git_tag@")
+elseif(show_ref_output MATCHES "^[a-z0-9]+[ \\t]+refs/tags/")
+ # Given a tag name that we already know about. We don't know if the tag we
+ # have matches the remote though (tags can move), so we should fetch.
+ set(fetch_required YES)
+ set(checkout_name "@git_tag@")
+ # Special case to preserve backward compatibility: if we are already at the
+ # same commit as the tag we hold locally, don't do a fetch and assume the tag
+ # hasn't moved on the remote.
+ # FIXME: We should provide an option to always fetch for this case
+ get_hash_for_ref("@git_tag@" tag_sha error_msg)
+ if(tag_sha STREQUAL head_sha)
+ message(VERBOSE "Already at requested tag: ${tag_sha}")
+ return()
+ endif()
+elseif(show_ref_output MATCHES "^[a-z0-9]+[ \\t]+refs/heads/")
+ # Given a branch name without any remote and we already have a branch by that
+ # name. We might already have that branch checked out or it might be a
+ # different branch. It isn't safe to use a bare branch name without the
+ # remote, so do a fetch and replace the ref with one that includes the remote.
+ set(fetch_required YES)
+ set(checkout_name "@git_remote_name@/@git_tag@")
-# Tag is in the form <remote>/<tag> (i.e. origin/master) we must strip
-# the remote from the tag.
-if("${show_ref_output}" MATCHES "refs/remotes/@git_tag@")
- string(REGEX MATCH "^([^/]+)/(.+)$" _unused "@git_tag@")
- set(git_remote "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
- set(git_tag "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}")
- set(git_remote "@git_remote_name@")
- set(git_tag "@git_tag@")
+ get_hash_for_ref("@git_tag@" tag_sha error_msg)
+ if(tag_sha STREQUAL head_sha)
+ # Have the right commit checked out already
+ message(VERBOSE "Already at requested ref: ${tag_sha}")
+ return()
+ elseif(tag_sha STREQUAL "")
+ # We don't know about this ref yet, so we have no choice but to fetch.
+ # We deliberately swallow any error message at the default log level
+ # because it can be confusing for users to see a failed git command.
+ # That failure is being handled here, so it isn't an error.
+ set(fetch_required YES)
+ set(checkout_name "@git_tag@")
+ if(NOT error_msg STREQUAL "")
+ message(VERBOSE "${error_msg}")
+ endif()
+ else()
+ # We have the commit, so we know we were asked to find a commit hash
+ # (otherwise it would have been handled further above), but we don't
+ # have that commit checked out yet
+ set(fetch_required NO)
+ set(checkout_name "@git_tag@")
+ if(NOT error_msg STREQUAL "")
+ message(WARNING "${error_msg}")
+ endif()
+ endif()
-# This will fail if the tag does not exist (it probably has not been fetched
-# yet).
- COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" rev-list --max-count=1 "${git_tag}"
- WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
- RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ message(VERBOSE "Fetching latest from the remote @git_remote_name@")
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" fetch --tags --force "@git_remote_name@"
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
-# Is the hash checkout out that we want?
-if(error_code OR is_remote_ref OR NOT ("${tag_sha}" STREQUAL "${head_sha}"))
+set(git_update_strategy "@git_update_strategy@")
+if(git_update_strategy STREQUAL "")
+ # Backward compatibility requires REBASE as the default behavior
+ set(git_update_strategy REBASE)
+if(git_update_strategy MATCHES "^REBASE(_CHECKOUT)?$")
+ # Asked to potentially try to rebase first, maybe with fallback to checkout.
+ # We can't if we aren't already on a branch and we shouldn't if that local
+ # branch isn't tracking the one we want to checkout.
- COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" fetch
+ COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" symbolic-ref -q HEAD
- RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
- )
- if(error_code)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to fetch repository '@git_repository@'")
- endif()
+ OUTPUT_VARIABLE current_branch
+ # Don't test for an error. If this isn't a branch, we get a non-zero error
+ # code but empty output.
+ )
- if(is_remote_ref)
- # Check if stash is needed
+ if(current_branch STREQUAL "")
+ # Not on a branch, checkout is the only sensible option since any rebase
+ # would always fail (and backward compatibility requires us to checkout in
+ # this situation)
+ set(git_update_strategy CHECKOUT)
+ else()
- COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" status --porcelain
+ COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" for-each-ref "--format='%(upstream:short)'" "${current_branch}"
- RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
- OUTPUT_VARIABLE repo_status
- )
- if(error_code)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to get the status")
+ OUTPUT_VARIABLE upstream_branch
+ COMMAND_ERROR_IS_FATAL ANY # There is no error if no upstream is set
+ )
+ if(NOT upstream_branch STREQUAL checkout_name)
+ # Not safe to rebase when asked to checkout a different branch to the one
+ # we are tracking. If we did rebase, we could end up with arbitrary
+ # commits added to the ref we were asked to checkout if the current local
+ # branch happens to be able to rebase onto the target branch. There would
+ # be no error message and the user wouldn't know this was occurring.
+ set(git_update_strategy CHECKOUT)
- string(LENGTH "${repo_status}" need_stash)
- # If not in clean state, stash changes in order to be able to perform a
- # rebase or checkout without losing those changes permanently
- if(need_stash)
- execute_process(
- COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" stash save @git_stash_save_options@
- WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
- RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
- )
- if(error_code)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to stash changes")
- endif()
- endif()
+ endif()
+elseif(NOT git_update_strategy STREQUAL "CHECKOUT")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Unsupported git update strategy: ${git_update_strategy}")
- if("@git_update_strategy@" STREQUAL "CHECKOUT")
- execute_process(
- COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" checkout "${git_remote}/${git_tag}"
- WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
- RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
- )
- if(error_code)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to checkout tag: '${git_remote}/${git_tag}'")
- endif()
- else()
- # Pull changes from the remote branch
- execute_process(
- COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" rebase "${git_remote}/${git_tag}"
- WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
- RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
- OUTPUT_VARIABLE rebase_output
- ERROR_VARIABLE rebase_output
- )
- if(error_code)
- # Rebase failed, undo the rebase attempt before continuing
- execute_process(
- COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" rebase --abort
- WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
- )
- if(NOT "@git_update_strategy@" STREQUAL "REBASE_CHECKOUT")
- # Not allowed to do a checkout as a fallback, so cannot proceed
- if(need_stash)
- execute_process(
- COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" stash pop --index --quiet
- WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
- )
- endif()
- message(FATAL_ERROR "\nFailed to rebase in: '@work_dir@'."
- "\nOutput from the attempted rebase follows:"
- "\n${rebase_output}"
- "\n\nYou will have to resolve the conflicts manually")
- endif()
- # Fall back to checkout. We create an annotated tag so that the user
- # can manually inspect the situation and revert if required.
- # We can't log the failed rebase output because MSVC sees it and
- # intervenes, causing the build to fail even though it completes.
- # Write it to a file instead.
- string(TIMESTAMP tag_timestamp "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S" UTC)
- set(tag_name _cmake_ExternalProject_moved_from_here_${tag_timestamp}Z)
- set(error_log_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/rebase_error_${tag_timestamp}Z.log)
- file(WRITE ${error_log_file} "${rebase_output}")
- message(WARNING "Rebase failed, output has been saved to ${error_log_file}"
- "\nFalling back to checkout, previous commit tagged as ${tag_name}")
- execute_process(
- COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" tag -a
- -m "ExternalProject attempting to move from here to ${git_remote}/${git_tag}"
- ${tag_name}
- WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
- RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
- )
- if(error_code)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to add marker tag")
- endif()
- execute_process(
- COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" checkout "${git_remote}/${git_tag}"
- WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
- RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
- )
- if(error_code)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to checkout : '${git_remote}/${git_tag}'")
- endif()
+# Check if stash is needed
+ COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" status --porcelain
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
+ RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ OUTPUT_VARIABLE repo_status
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to get the status")
+string(LENGTH "${repo_status}" need_stash)
- endif()
- endif()
+# If not in clean state, stash changes in order to be able to perform a
+# rebase or checkout without losing those changes permanently
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" stash save @git_stash_save_options@
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
+ )
- if(need_stash)
- execute_process(
- COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" stash pop --index --quiet
- WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
- RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
- )
- if(error_code)
- # Stash pop --index failed: Try again dropping the index
- execute_process(
- COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" reset --hard --quiet
- WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
- RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
- )
+if(git_update_strategy STREQUAL "CHECKOUT")
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" checkout "${checkout_name}"
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
+ )
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" rebase "${checkout_name}"
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
+ RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ OUTPUT_VARIABLE rebase_output
+ ERROR_VARIABLE rebase_output
+ )
+ if(error_code)
+ # Rebase failed, undo the rebase attempt before continuing
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" rebase --abort
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
+ )
+ if(NOT git_update_strategy STREQUAL "REBASE_CHECKOUT")
+ # Not allowed to do a checkout as a fallback, so cannot proceed
+ if(need_stash)
- COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" stash pop --quiet
+ COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" stash pop --index --quiet
- RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
- )
- if(error_code)
- # Stash pop failed: Restore previous state.
- execute_process(
- COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" reset --hard --quiet ${head_sha}
- WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
- )
- execute_process(
- COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" stash pop --index --quiet
- WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
- message(FATAL_ERROR "\nFailed to unstash changes in: '@work_dir@'."
- "\nYou will have to resolve the conflicts manually")
- endif()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "\nFailed to rebase in: '@work_dir@'."
+ "\nOutput from the attempted rebase follows:"
+ "\n${rebase_output}"
+ "\n\nYou will have to resolve the conflicts manually")
- else()
+ # Fall back to checkout. We create an annotated tag so that the user
+ # can manually inspect the situation and revert if required.
+ # We can't log the failed rebase output because MSVC sees it and
+ # intervenes, causing the build to fail even though it completes.
+ # Write it to a file instead.
+ string(TIMESTAMP tag_timestamp "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S" UTC)
+ set(tag_name _cmake_ExternalProject_moved_from_here_${tag_timestamp}Z)
+ set(error_log_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/rebase_error_${tag_timestamp}Z.log)
+ file(WRITE ${error_log_file} "${rebase_output}")
+ message(WARNING "Rebase failed, output has been saved to ${error_log_file}"
+ "\nFalling back to checkout, previous commit tagged as ${tag_name}")
- COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" checkout "${git_tag}"
+ COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" tag -a
+ -m "ExternalProject attempting to move from here to ${checkout_name}"
+ ${tag_name}
- RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
- )
- if(error_code)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to checkout tag: '${git_tag}'")
- endif()
+ )
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" checkout "${checkout_name}"
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
+ )
- set(init_submodules "@init_submodules@")
- if(init_submodules)
+ # Put back the stashed changes
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" stash pop --index --quiet
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
+ RESULT_VARIABLE error_code
+ )
+ if(error_code)
+ # Stash pop --index failed: Try again dropping the index
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" reset --hard --quiet
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
+ )
- COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" submodule update @git_submodules_recurse@ --init @git_submodules@
+ COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" stash pop --quiet
+ )
+ if(error_code)
+ # Stash pop failed: Restore previous state.
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" reset --hard --quiet ${head_sha}
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" stash pop --index --quiet
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
+ )
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "\nFailed to unstash changes in: '@work_dir@'."
+ "\nYou will have to resolve the conflicts manually")
+ endif()
- if(error_code)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to update submodules in: '@work_dir@'")
- endif()
+set(init_submodules "@init_submodules@")
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND "@git_EXECUTABLE@" submodule update @git_submodules_recurse@ --init @git_submodules@
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY "@work_dir@"
+ )