path: root/Modules
diff options
authorBrad King <>2015-08-27 14:03:56 (GMT)
committerCMake Topic Stage <>2015-08-27 14:03:56 (GMT)
commitef0bf87939d40c3a42129c82e3233fd9a27a5da8 (patch)
treeb9ea6b80a42690ede07ac13c4d48ec32ccfa99f6 /Modules
parent81ad5622b486cd246d2407448461517b21787cf6 (diff)
parent4476feac33a88942ebbe2d988c7db4a575de716f (diff)
Merge topic 'java-updates'
4476feac UseJava: Add support for javah tool
Diffstat (limited to 'Modules')
1 files changed, 157 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Modules/UseJava.cmake b/Modules/UseJava.cmake
index c61591d..dced6ec 100644
--- a/Modules/UseJava.cmake
+++ b/Modules/UseJava.cmake
@@ -309,6 +309,65 @@
# if you don't set the INSTALLPATH.
+# ::
+# create_javah(TARGET <target>
+# CLASSES <class>...
+# [CLASSPATH <classpath>...]
+# [DEPENDS <depend>...]
+# [OUTPUT_NAME <path>|OUTPUT_DIR <path>]
+# )
+# Create C header files from java classes. These files provide the connective glue
+# that allow your Java and C code to interact.
+# There are two main signatures for create_javah. The first signature
+# returns generated files throught variable specified by GENERATED_FILES option:
+# ::
+# Example:
+# Create_javah(GENERATED_FILES files_headers
+# CLASSES org.cmake.HelloWorld
+# CLASSPATH hello.jar
+# )
+# The second signature for create_javah creates a target which encapsulates
+# header files generation.
+# ::
+# Example:
+# Create_javah(TARGET target_headers
+# CLASSES org.cmake.HelloWorld
+# CLASSPATH hello.jar
+# )
+# Both signatures share same options.
+# ``CLASSES <class>...``
+# Specifies Java classes used to generate headers.
+# ``CLASSPATH <classpath>...``
+# Specifies various paths to look up classes. Here .class files, jar files or targets
+# created by command add_jar can be used.
+# ``DEPENDS <depend>...``
+# Targets on which the javah target depends
+# ``OUTPUT_NAME <path>``
+# Concatenates the resulting header files for all the classes listed by option CLASSES
+# into <path>. Same behavior as option '-o' of javah tool.
+# ``OUTPUT_DIR <path>``
+# Sets the directory where the header files will be generated. Same behavior as option
+# '-d' of javah tool. If not specified, ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} is used as output directory.
# Copyright 2013 OpenGamma Ltd. <>
@@ -1131,3 +1190,101 @@ function(create_javadoc _target)
DESTINATION ${_javadoc_installpath}
+function (create_javah)
+ cmake_parse_arguments(_create_javah
+ ""
+ ${ARGN})
+ # ckeck parameters
+ if (NOT _create_javah_TARGET AND NOT _create_javah_GENERATED_FILES)
+ message (FATAL_ERROR "create_javah: TARGET or GENERATED_FILES must be specified.")
+ endif()
+ if (_create_javah_OUTPUT_NAME AND _create_javah_OUTPUT_DIR)
+ message (FATAL_ERROR "create_javah: OUTPUT_NAME and OUTPUT_DIR are mutually exclusive.")
+ endif()
+ if (NOT _create_javah_CLASSES)
+ message (FATAL_ERROR "create_javah: CLASSES is a required parameter.")
+ endif()
+ set (_output_files)
+ set(_classpath_sep ";")
+ else ()
+ set(_classpath_sep ":")
+ endif()
+ # handle javah options
+ set (_javah_options)
+ if (_create_javah_CLASSPATH)
+ # CLASSPATH can specify directories, jar files or targets created with add_jar command
+ set (_classpath)
+ foreach (_path IN LISTS _create_javah_CLASSPATH)
+ if (TARGET ${_path})
+ get_target_property (_jar_path ${_path} JAR_FILE)
+ if (_jar_path)
+ list (APPEND _classpath "${_jar_path}")
+ list (APPEND _create_javah_DEPENDS "${_path}")
+ else()
+ message(SEND_ERROR "create_javah: CLASSPATH target ${_path} is not a jar.")
+ endif()
+ elseif (EXISTS "${_path}")
+ list (APPEND _classpath "${_path}")
+ if (NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${_path}")
+ list (APPEND _create_javah_DEPENDS "${_path}")
+ endif()
+ else()
+ message(SEND_ERROR "create_javah: CLASSPATH entry ${_path} does not exist.")
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ string (REPLACE ";" "${_classpath_sep}" _classpath "${_classpath}")
+ list (APPEND _javah_options -classpath ${_classpath})
+ endif()
+ if (_create_javah_OUTPUT_DIR)
+ list (APPEND _javah_options -d "${_create_javah_OUTPUT_DIR}")
+ endif()
+ if (_create_javah_OUTPUT_NAME)
+ list (APPEND _javah_options -o "${_create_javah_OUTPUT_NAME}")
+ set (_output_files "${_create_javah_OUTPUT_NAME}")
+ get_filename_component (_create_javah_OUTPUT_DIR "${_create_javah_OUTPUT_NAME}" DIRECTORY)
+ get_filename_component (_create_javah_OUTPUT_DIR "${_create_javah_OUTPUT_DIR}" ABSOLUTE)
+ endif()
+ if (NOT _create_javah_OUTPUT_DIR)
+ set (_create_javah_OUTPUT_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}")
+ endif()
+ if (NOT _create_javah_OUTPUT_NAME)
+ # compute output names
+ foreach (_class IN LISTS _create_javah_CLASSES)
+ string (REPLACE "." "_" _c_header "${_class}")
+ set (_c_header "${_create_javah_OUTPUT_DIR}/${_c_header}.h")
+ list (APPEND _output_files "${_c_header}")
+ endforeach()
+ endif()
+ # finalize custom command arguments
+ if (_create_javah_DEPENDS)
+ list (INSERT _create_javah_DEPENDS 0 DEPENDS)
+ endif()
+ add_custom_command (OUTPUT ${_output_files}
+ COMMAND "${Java_JAVAH_EXECUTABLE}" ${_javah_options} -jni ${_create_javah_CLASSES}
+ ${_create_javah_DEPENDS}
+ COMMENT "Building C header files from classes...")
+ if (_create_javah_TARGET)
+ add_custom_target (${_create_javah_TARGET} ALL DEPENDS ${_output_files})
+ endif()
+ if (_create_javah_GENERATED_FILES)
+ set (${_create_javah_GENERATED_FILES} ${_output_files} PARENT_SCOPE)
+ endif()