path: root/Source/cmFileCommand.h
diff options
authorBrad King <>2013-09-17 17:23:40 (GMT)
committerBrad King <>2013-10-16 13:22:36 (GMT)
commite33d8d2d7799271e94b4f1215c77d6a685f82b88 (patch)
tree03726a7dacd9c06731de417d3f8c82f7bbb5e8f1 /Source/cmFileCommand.h
parent399e9c46d88c12507f1a762e69225c5ab9f4ac08 (diff)
Drop builtin command documentation
Drop all GetTerseDocumentation and GetFullDocumentation methods from commands. The command documentation is now in Help/command/*.rst files.
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/cmFileCommand.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 207 deletions
diff --git a/Source/cmFileCommand.h b/Source/cmFileCommand.h
index aa755d1..ba45815 100644
--- a/Source/cmFileCommand.h
+++ b/Source/cmFileCommand.h
@@ -48,213 +48,6 @@ public:
virtual const char* GetName() const { return "file";}
- /**
- * Succinct documentation.
- */
- virtual const char* GetTerseDocumentation() const
- {
- return "File manipulation command.";
- }
- /**
- * More documentation.
- */
- virtual const char* GetFullDocumentation() const
- {
- return
- " file(WRITE filename \"message to write\"... )\n"
- " file(APPEND filename \"message to write\"... )\n"
- " file(READ filename variable [LIMIT numBytes] [OFFSET offset] [HEX])\n"
- " file(<MD5|SHA1|SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512> filename variable)\n"
- " file(STRINGS filename variable [LIMIT_COUNT num]\n"
- " [LIMIT_INPUT numBytes] [LIMIT_OUTPUT numBytes]\n"
- " [LENGTH_MINIMUM numBytes] [LENGTH_MAXIMUM numBytes]\n"
- " [NEWLINE_CONSUME] [REGEX regex]\n"
- " file(GLOB variable [RELATIVE path] [globbing expressions]...)\n"
- " file(GLOB_RECURSE variable [RELATIVE path] \n"
- " [FOLLOW_SYMLINKS] [globbing expressions]...)\n"
- " file(RENAME <oldname> <newname>)\n"
- " file(REMOVE [file1 ...])\n"
- " file(REMOVE_RECURSE [file1 ...])\n"
- " file(MAKE_DIRECTORY [directory1 directory2 ...])\n"
- " file(RELATIVE_PATH variable directory file)\n"
- " file(TO_CMAKE_PATH path result)\n"
- " file(TO_NATIVE_PATH path result)\n"
- " file(DOWNLOAD url file [INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT timeout]\n"
- " [TIMEOUT timeout] [STATUS status] [LOG log] [SHOW_PROGRESS]\n"
- " [EXPECTED_HASH ALGO=value] [EXPECTED_MD5 sum]\n"
- " [TLS_VERIFY on|off] [TLS_CAINFO file])\n"
- " file(UPLOAD filename url [INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT timeout]\n"
- " [TIMEOUT timeout] [STATUS status] [LOG log] [SHOW_PROGRESS])\n"
- " file(TIMESTAMP filename variable [<format string>] [UTC])\n"
- " file(GENERATE OUTPUT output_file\n"
- " <INPUT input_file|CONTENT input_content>\n"
- " [CONDITION expression])\n"
- "WRITE will write a message into a file called 'filename'. It "
- "overwrites the file if it already exists, and creates the file "
- "if it does not exist. (If the file is a build input, use "
- "configure_file to update the file only when its content changes.)\n"
- "APPEND will write a message into a file same as WRITE, except "
- "it will append it to the end of the file\n"
- "READ will read the content of a file and store it into the "
- "variable. It will start at the given offset and read up to numBytes. "
- "If the argument HEX is given, the binary data will be converted to "
- "hexadecimal representation and this will be stored in the variable.\n"
- "MD5, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512 "
- "will compute a cryptographic hash of the content of a file.\n"
- "STRINGS will parse a list of ASCII strings from a file and "
- "store it in a variable. Binary data in the file are ignored. Carriage "
- "return (CR) characters are ignored. It works also for Intel Hex and "
- "Motorola S-record files, which are automatically converted to binary "
- "format when reading them. Disable this using NO_HEX_CONVERSION.\n"
- "LIMIT_COUNT sets the maximum number of strings to return. "
- "LIMIT_INPUT sets the maximum number of bytes to read from "
- "the input file. "
- "LIMIT_OUTPUT sets the maximum number of bytes to store in the "
- "output variable. "
- "LENGTH_MINIMUM sets the minimum length of a string to return. "
- "Shorter strings are ignored. "
- "LENGTH_MAXIMUM sets the maximum length of a string to return. Longer "
- "strings are split into strings no longer than the maximum length. "
- "NEWLINE_CONSUME allows newlines to be included in strings instead "
- "of terminating them.\n"
- "REGEX specifies a regular expression that a string must match to be "
- "returned. Typical usage \n"
- " file(STRINGS myfile.txt myfile)\n"
- "stores a list in the variable \"myfile\" in which each item is "
- "a line from the input file.\n"
- "GLOB will generate a list of all files that match the globbing "
- "expressions and store it into the variable. Globbing expressions "
- "are similar to regular expressions, but much simpler. If RELATIVE "
- "flag is specified for an expression, the results will be returned "
- "as a relative path to the given path. "
- "(We do not recommend using GLOB to collect a list of source files "
- "from your source tree. If no CMakeLists.txt file changes when a "
- "source is added or removed then the generated build system cannot "
- "know when to ask CMake to regenerate.)"
- "\n"
- "Examples of globbing expressions include:\n"
- " *.cxx - match all files with extension cxx\n"
- " *.vt? - match all files with extension vta,...,vtz\n"
- " f[3-5].txt - match files f3.txt, f4.txt, f5.txt\n"
- "GLOB_RECURSE will generate a list similar to the regular GLOB, except "
- "it will traverse all the subdirectories of the matched directory and "
- "match the files. Subdirectories that are symlinks are only traversed "
- "if FOLLOW_SYMLINKS is given or cmake policy CMP0009 is not set to NEW. "
- "See cmake --help-policy CMP0009 for more information.\n"
- "Examples of recursive globbing include:\n"
- " /dir/*.py - match all python files in /dir and subdirectories\n"
- "MAKE_DIRECTORY will create the given directories, also if their parent "
- "directories don't exist yet\n"
- "RENAME moves a file or directory within a filesystem, "
- "replacing the destination atomically."
- "\n"
- "REMOVE will remove the given files, also in subdirectories\n"
- "REMOVE_RECURSE will remove the given files and directories, also "
- "non-empty directories\n"
- "RELATIVE_PATH will determine relative path from directory to the given"
- " file.\n"
- "TO_CMAKE_PATH will convert path into a cmake style path with unix /. "
- " The input can be a single path or a system path like \"$ENV{PATH}\". "
- " Note the double quotes around the ENV call TO_CMAKE_PATH only takes "
- " one argument. This command will also convert the native list"
- " delimiters for a list of paths like the PATH environment variable.\n"
- "TO_NATIVE_PATH works just like TO_CMAKE_PATH, but will convert from "
- " a cmake style path into the native path style \\ for windows and / "
- "for UNIX.\n"
- "DOWNLOAD will download the given URL to the given file. "
- "If LOG var is specified a log of the download will be put in var. "
- "If STATUS var is specified the status of the operation will"
- " be put in var. The status is returned in a list of length 2. "
- "The first element is the numeric return value for the operation, "
- "and the second element is a string value for the error. A 0 "
- "numeric error means no error in the operation. "
- "If TIMEOUT time is specified, the operation will "
- "timeout after time seconds, time should be specified as an integer. "
- "The INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT specifies an integer number of seconds of "
- "inactivity after which the operation should terminate. "
- "If EXPECTED_HASH ALGO=value is specified, the operation will verify "
- "that the downloaded file's actual hash matches the expected value, "
- "where ALGO is one of MD5, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, or SHA512. "
- "If it does not match, the operation fails with an error. "
- "(\"EXPECTED_MD5 sum\" is short-hand for \"EXPECTED_HASH MD5=sum\".) "
- "If SHOW_PROGRESS is specified, progress information will be printed "
- "as status messages until the operation is complete. "
- "For https URLs CMake must be built with OpenSSL. "
- "TLS/SSL certificates are not checked by default. "
- "Set TLS_VERIFY to ON to check certificates and/or use "
- "EXPECTED_HASH to verify downloaded content. "
- "Set TLS_CAINFO to specify a custom Certificate Authority file. "
- "If either TLS option is not given CMake will check variables "
- "respectively."
- "\n"
- "UPLOAD will upload the given file to the given URL. "
- "If LOG var is specified a log of the upload will be put in var. "
- "If STATUS var is specified the status of the operation will"
- " be put in var. The status is returned in a list of length 2. "
- "The first element is the numeric return value for the operation, "
- "and the second element is a string value for the error. A 0 "
- "numeric error means no error in the operation. "
- "If TIMEOUT time is specified, the operation will "
- "timeout after time seconds, time should be specified as an integer. "
- "The INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT specifies an integer number of seconds of "
- "inactivity after which the operation should terminate. "
- "If SHOW_PROGRESS is specified, progress information will be printed "
- "as status messages until the operation is complete."
- "\n"
- "TIMESTAMP will write a string representation of "
- "the modification time of filename to variable.\n"
- "Should the command be unable to obtain a timestamp "
- "variable will be set to the empty string \"\".\n"
- "See documentation of the string TIMESTAMP sub-command for more details."
- "\n"
- "The file() command also provides COPY and INSTALL signatures:\n"
- " file(<COPY|INSTALL> files... DESTINATION <dir>\n"
- " [FILE_PERMISSIONS permissions...]\n"
- " [DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS permissions...]\n"
- " [[PATTERN <pattern> | REGEX <regex>]\n"
- " [EXCLUDE] [PERMISSIONS permissions...]] [...])\n"
- "The COPY signature copies files, directories, and symlinks to a "
- "destination folder. "
- "Relative input paths are evaluated with respect to the current "
- "source directory, and a relative destination is evaluated with "
- "respect to the current build directory. "
- "Copying preserves input file timestamps, and optimizes out a file "
- "if it exists at the destination with the same timestamp. "
- "Copying preserves input permissions unless explicit permissions or "
- "See the install(DIRECTORY) command for documentation of permissions, "
- "PATTERN, REGEX, and EXCLUDE options. "
- "\n"
- "The INSTALL signature differs slightly from COPY: "
- "it prints status messages, and NO_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS is default. "
- "Installation scripts generated by the install() command use this "
- "signature (with some undocumented options for internal use)."
- "\n"
- "GENERATE will write an <output_file> with content from an "
- "<input_file>, or from <input_content>. The output is generated "
- "conditionally based on the content of the <condition>. The file is "
- "written at CMake generate-time and the input may contain generator "
- "expressions. The <condition>, <output_file> and <input_file> may "
- "also contain generator expressions. The <condition> must evaluate to "
- "either '0' or '1'. The <output_file> must evaluate to a unique name "
- "among all configurations and among all invocations of file(GENERATE)."
- // Undocumented INSTALL options:
- // - RENAME <name>
- // - FILES keyword to re-enter files... list
- ;
- }
cmTypeMacro(cmFileCommand, cmCommand);