path: root/Source/cmGeneratorTarget.cxx
diff options
authorStephen Kelly <>2015-08-04 17:19:43 (GMT)
committerStephen Kelly <>2015-08-05 16:20:45 (GMT)
commit5ff813c7a62d6c37b86bbf9a988a91baa4d5b9e6 (patch)
treecbffae918664d4c8ddd0b605585916d79643ee0d /Source/cmGeneratorTarget.cxx
parent38d4ba3564b9a37f8042888ffd63bf736852b6b8 (diff)
cmGeneratorTarget: Move LinkInterfaceDependent methods from cmTarget.
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/cmGeneratorTarget.cxx')
1 files changed, 405 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/Source/cmGeneratorTarget.cxx b/Source/cmGeneratorTarget.cxx
index a7b0349..a9245c0 100644
--- a/Source/cmGeneratorTarget.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmGeneratorTarget.cxx
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include <queue>
+#include <errno.h>
#include "assert.h"
@@ -753,8 +754,7 @@ void cmGeneratorTarget::GetAutoUicOptions(std::vector<std::string> &result,
const std::string& config) const
const char *prop
- = this->Target->
- GetLinkInterfaceDependentStringProperty("AUTOUIC_OPTIONS",
+ = this->GetLinkInterfaceDependentStringProperty("AUTOUIC_OPTIONS",
if (!prop)
@@ -1537,7 +1537,7 @@ bool getLinkInterfaceDependentProperty(cmGeneratorTarget const* tgt,
const std::string& config,
cmTarget::CompatibleType, bool *)
- return tgt->Target->GetLinkInterfaceDependentBoolProperty(prop, config);
+ return tgt->GetLinkInterfaceDependentBoolProperty(prop, config);
@@ -1553,13 +1553,11 @@ const char * getLinkInterfaceDependentProperty(cmGeneratorTarget const* tgt,
assert(0 && "String compatibility check function called for boolean");
return 0;
case cmTarget::StringType:
- return tgt->Target->GetLinkInterfaceDependentStringProperty(prop, config);
+ return tgt->GetLinkInterfaceDependentStringProperty(prop, config);
case cmTarget::NumberMinType:
- return tgt->Target
- ->GetLinkInterfaceDependentNumberMinProperty(prop, config);
+ return tgt->GetLinkInterfaceDependentNumberMinProperty(prop, config);
case cmTarget::NumberMaxType:
- return tgt->Target
- ->GetLinkInterfaceDependentNumberMaxProperty(prop, config);
+ return tgt->GetLinkInterfaceDependentNumberMaxProperty(prop, config);
assert(0 && "Unreachable!");
return 0;
@@ -1762,6 +1760,405 @@ void cmGeneratorTarget::CheckPropertyCompatibility(
+std::string compatibilityType(cmTarget::CompatibleType t)
+ switch(t)
+ {
+ case cmTarget::BoolType:
+ return "Boolean compatibility";
+ case cmTarget::StringType:
+ return "String compatibility";
+ case cmTarget::NumberMaxType:
+ return "Numeric maximum compatibility";
+ case cmTarget::NumberMinType:
+ return "Numeric minimum compatibility";
+ }
+ assert(0 && "Unreachable!");
+ return "";
+std::string compatibilityAgree(cmTarget::CompatibleType t, bool dominant)
+ switch(t)
+ {
+ case cmTarget::BoolType:
+ case cmTarget::StringType:
+ return dominant ? "(Disagree)\n" : "(Agree)\n";
+ case cmTarget::NumberMaxType:
+ case cmTarget::NumberMinType:
+ return dominant ? "(Dominant)\n" : "(Ignored)\n";
+ }
+ assert(0 && "Unreachable!");
+ return "";
+template<typename PropertyType>
+PropertyType getTypedProperty(cmTarget const* tgt, const std::string& prop);
+bool getTypedProperty<bool>(cmTarget const* tgt, const std::string& prop)
+ return tgt->GetPropertyAsBool(prop);
+const char *getTypedProperty<const char *>(cmTarget const* tgt,
+ const std::string& prop)
+ return tgt->GetProperty(prop);
+template<typename PropertyType>
+std::string valueAsString(PropertyType);
+std::string valueAsString<bool>(bool value)
+ return value ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
+std::string valueAsString<const char*>(const char* value)
+ return value ? value : "(unset)";
+template<typename PropertyType>
+PropertyType impliedValue(PropertyType);
+bool impliedValue<bool>(bool)
+ return false;
+const char* impliedValue<const char*>(const char*)
+ return "";
+template<typename PropertyType>
+std::pair<bool, PropertyType> consistentProperty(PropertyType lhs,
+ PropertyType rhs,
+ cmTarget::CompatibleType t);
+std::pair<bool, bool> consistentProperty(bool lhs, bool rhs,
+ cmTarget::CompatibleType)
+ return std::make_pair(lhs == rhs, lhs);
+std::pair<bool, const char*> consistentStringProperty(const char *lhs,
+ const char *rhs)
+ const bool b = strcmp(lhs, rhs) == 0;
+ return std::make_pair(b, b ? lhs : 0);
+std::pair<bool, const char*> consistentNumberProperty(const char *lhs,
+ const char *rhs,
+ cmTarget::CompatibleType t)
+ char *pEnd;
+ const char* const null_ptr = 0;
+ long lnum = strtol(lhs, &pEnd, 0);
+ if (pEnd == lhs || *pEnd != '\0' || errno == ERANGE)
+ {
+ return std::pair<bool, const char*>(false, null_ptr);
+ }
+ long rnum = strtol(rhs, &pEnd, 0);
+ if (pEnd == rhs || *pEnd != '\0' || errno == ERANGE)
+ {
+ return std::pair<bool, const char*>(false, null_ptr);
+ }
+ if (t == cmTarget::NumberMaxType)
+ {
+ return std::make_pair(true, std::max(lnum, rnum) == lnum ? lhs : rhs);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return std::make_pair(true, std::min(lnum, rnum) == lnum ? lhs : rhs);
+ }
+std::pair<bool, const char*> consistentProperty(const char *lhs,
+ const char *rhs,
+ cmTarget::CompatibleType t)
+ if (!lhs && !rhs)
+ {
+ return std::make_pair(true, lhs);
+ }
+ if (!lhs)
+ {
+ return std::make_pair(true, rhs);
+ }
+ if (!rhs)
+ {
+ return std::make_pair(true, lhs);
+ }
+ const char* const null_ptr = 0;
+ switch(t)
+ {
+ case cmTarget::BoolType:
+ assert(0 && "consistentProperty for strings called with BoolType");
+ return std::pair<bool, const char*>(false, null_ptr);
+ case cmTarget::StringType:
+ return consistentStringProperty(lhs, rhs);
+ case cmTarget::NumberMinType:
+ case cmTarget::NumberMaxType:
+ return consistentNumberProperty(lhs, rhs, t);
+ }
+ assert(0 && "Unreachable!");
+ return std::pair<bool, const char*>(false, null_ptr);
+template<typename PropertyType>
+PropertyType checkInterfacePropertyCompatibility(cmTarget const* tgt,
+ const std::string &p,
+ const std::string& config,
+ const char *defaultValue,
+ cmTarget::CompatibleType t,
+ PropertyType *)
+ PropertyType propContent = getTypedProperty<PropertyType>(tgt, p);
+ const bool explicitlySet = tgt->GetProperties()
+ .find(p)
+ != tgt->GetProperties().end();
+ const bool impliedByUse =
+ tgt->IsNullImpliedByLinkLibraries(p);
+ assert((impliedByUse ^ explicitlySet)
+ || (!impliedByUse && !explicitlySet));
+ std::vector<cmTarget const*> const& deps =
+ tgt->GetLinkImplementationClosure(config);
+ if(deps.empty())
+ {
+ return propContent;
+ }
+ bool propInitialized = explicitlySet;
+ std::string report = " * Target \"";
+ report += tgt->GetName();
+ if (explicitlySet)
+ {
+ report += "\" has property content \"";
+ report += valueAsString<PropertyType>(propContent);
+ report += "\"\n";
+ }
+ else if (impliedByUse)
+ {
+ report += "\" property is implied by use.\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ report += "\" property not set.\n";
+ }
+ std::string interfaceProperty = "INTERFACE_" + p;
+ for(std::vector<cmTarget const*>::const_iterator li =
+ deps.begin();
+ li != deps.end(); ++li)
+ {
+ // An error should be reported if one dependency
+ // target itself has a POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE which disagrees
+ // with a dependency.
+ cmTarget const* theTarget = *li;
+ const bool ifaceIsSet = theTarget->GetProperties()
+ .find(interfaceProperty)
+ != theTarget->GetProperties().end();
+ PropertyType ifacePropContent =
+ getTypedProperty<PropertyType>(theTarget,
+ interfaceProperty);
+ std::string reportEntry;
+ if (ifaceIsSet)
+ {
+ reportEntry += " * Target \"";
+ reportEntry += theTarget->GetName();
+ reportEntry += "\" property value \"";
+ reportEntry += valueAsString<PropertyType>(ifacePropContent);
+ reportEntry += "\" ";
+ }
+ if (explicitlySet)
+ {
+ if (ifaceIsSet)
+ {
+ std::pair<bool, PropertyType> consistent =
+ consistentProperty(propContent,
+ ifacePropContent, t);
+ report += reportEntry;
+ report += compatibilityAgree(t, propContent != consistent.second);
+ if (!consistent.first)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream e;
+ e << "Property " << p << " on target \""
+ << tgt->GetName() << "\" does\nnot match the "
+ "INTERFACE_" << p << " property requirement\nof "
+ "dependency \"" << theTarget->GetName() << "\".\n";
+ cmSystemTools::Error(e.str().c_str());
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ propContent = consistent.second;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Explicitly set on target and not set in iface. Can't disagree.
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (impliedByUse)
+ {
+ propContent = impliedValue<PropertyType>(propContent);
+ if (ifaceIsSet)
+ {
+ std::pair<bool, PropertyType> consistent =
+ consistentProperty(propContent,
+ ifacePropContent, t);
+ report += reportEntry;
+ report += compatibilityAgree(t, propContent != consistent.second);
+ if (!consistent.first)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream e;
+ e << "Property " << p << " on target \""
+ << tgt->GetName() << "\" is\nimplied to be " << defaultValue
+ << " because it was used to determine the link libraries\n"
+ "already. The INTERFACE_" << p << " property on\ndependency \""
+ << theTarget->GetName() << "\" is in conflict.\n";
+ cmSystemTools::Error(e.str().c_str());
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ propContent = consistent.second;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Implicitly set on target and not set in iface. Can't disagree.
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ifaceIsSet)
+ {
+ if (propInitialized)
+ {
+ std::pair<bool, PropertyType> consistent =
+ consistentProperty(propContent,
+ ifacePropContent, t);
+ report += reportEntry;
+ report += compatibilityAgree(t, propContent != consistent.second);
+ if (!consistent.first)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream e;
+ e << "The INTERFACE_" << p << " property of \""
+ << theTarget->GetName() << "\" does\nnot agree with the value "
+ "of " << p << " already determined\nfor \""
+ << tgt->GetName() << "\".\n";
+ cmSystemTools::Error(e.str().c_str());
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ propContent = consistent.second;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ report += reportEntry + "(Interface set)\n";
+ propContent = ifacePropContent;
+ propInitialized = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Not set. Nothing to agree on.
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tgt->ReportPropertyOrigin(p, valueAsString<PropertyType>(propContent),
+ report, compatibilityType(t));
+ return propContent;
+bool cmGeneratorTarget::GetLinkInterfaceDependentBoolProperty(
+ const std::string &p, const std::string& config) const
+ return checkInterfacePropertyCompatibility<bool>(this->Target, p, config,
+ "FALSE",
+ cmTarget::BoolType, 0);
+const char* cmGeneratorTarget::GetLinkInterfaceDependentStringProperty(
+ const std::string &p,
+ const std::string& config) const
+ return checkInterfacePropertyCompatibility<const char *>(this->Target,
+ p,
+ config,
+ "empty",
+ cmTarget::StringType, 0);
+const char * cmGeneratorTarget::GetLinkInterfaceDependentNumberMinProperty(
+ const std::string &p,
+ const std::string& config) const
+ return checkInterfacePropertyCompatibility<const char *>(this->Target,
+ p,
+ config,
+ "empty",
+ cmTarget::NumberMinType, 0);
+const char * cmGeneratorTarget::GetLinkInterfaceDependentNumberMaxProperty(
+ const std::string &p,
+ const std::string& config) const
+ return checkInterfacePropertyCompatibility<const char *>(this->Target,
+ p,
+ config,
+ "empty",
+ cmTarget::NumberMaxType, 0);
cmGeneratorTarget::GetLinkInformation(const std::string& config) const