path: root/Source/cmUnixMakefile.cxx
diff options
authorBill Hoffman <>2000-09-27 19:01:19 (GMT)
committerBill Hoffman <>2000-09-27 19:01:19 (GMT)
commit74c1345333b456eb34480c987bc186ef2af3c536 (patch)
tree0c0751e4bfef94831377d7f5e20202b27cd06de9 /Source/cmUnixMakefile.cxx
parent1e3ba0f1d72873233193ce69614fd4bd880e8fc5 (diff)
ENH: change ME to LIBRARY and added PROJECT, also remove ITK stuff and replaced with CMake
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/cmUnixMakefile.cxx')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/Source/cmUnixMakefile.cxx b/Source/cmUnixMakefile.cxx
index 8a21295..11964b4 100644
--- a/Source/cmUnixMakefile.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmUnixMakefile.cxx
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ void cmUnixMakefile::OutputMakefile(const char* file)
// Ouput Library name if there are SRC_OBJS
if(strlen(this->GetLibraryName()) > 0)
- fout << "ME = " << this->GetLibraryName() << "\n\n";
- fout << "BUILD_LIB_FILE = lib${ME}${ITK_LIB_EXT}\n\n";
+ fout << "LIBRARY = " << this->GetLibraryName() << "\n\n";
+ fout << "BUILD_LIB_FILE = lib${LIBRARY}${CMAKE_LIB_EXT}\n\n";
// Output SRC_OBJ list for all the classes to be compiled
fout << "SRC_OBJ = \\\n";
@@ -157,6 +157,11 @@ void cmUnixMakefile::OutputMakefile(const char* file)
linkLibs += " ";
linkLibs += " ${LOCAL_LINK_FLAGS} ";
+ // create and output a varible in the makefile that
+ // each executable will depend on. This will have all the
+ // libraries that the executable uses
+ fout << "CMAKE_DEPEND_LIBS = ";
+ this->OutputDependLibraries(fout);
// Now create rules for all of the executables to be built
for(int i = 0; i < m_Classes.size(); i++)
@@ -164,7 +169,9 @@ void cmUnixMakefile::OutputMakefile(const char* file)
std::string DotO = m_Classes[i].m_ClassName;
DotO += ".o";
- fout << m_Classes[i].m_ClassName << ": " << DotO << "\n";
+ fout << m_Classes[i].m_ClassName << ": " << DotO << " ";
+ fout << "${CMAKE_DEPEND_LIBS}\n";
fout << "\t${CXX} ${CXX_FLAGS} "
<< DotO.c_str() << " "
<< linkLibs.c_str()
@@ -239,3 +246,29 @@ void cmUnixMakefile::OutputMakefile(const char* file)
+void cmUnixMakefile::OutputDependLibraries(std::ostream& fout)
+ std::vector<std::string>& libs = m_BuildFlags.GetLinkLibraries();
+ std::vector<std::string>& libdirs = m_BuildFlags.GetLinkDirectories();
+ std::vector<std::string>::iterator dir, lib, endlibs, enddirs;
+ for(lib = libs.begin(); lib != libs.end(); ++lib)
+ {
+ bool found = false;
+ for(dir = libdirs.begin(); dir != libdirs.end() && !found; ++dir)
+ {
+ std::string expression = "LIBRARY.*=.*";
+ expression += lib->c_str();
+ if(cmSystemTools::Grep(dir->c_str(), "CMakeTargets.make", expression.c_str()))
+ {
+ std::string libpath = *dir;
+ libpath += "/lib";
+ libpath += *lib;
+ libpath += "${CMAKE_LIB_EXT}";
+ fout << libpath << " ";
+ found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fout << "\n";