path: root/Source/cmake.cxx
diff options
authorKyle Edwards <>2020-09-29 14:17:10 (GMT)
committerKyle Edwards <>2020-10-05 13:49:59 (GMT)
commit8617479061039e2b357b7efc922f1b88648dce42 (patch)
tree41d37c685e178b73cf5122b5741fdcf9e4898d06 /Source/cmake.cxx
parent06128cf94964697279970a80ddfc1ce2ef7b4da5 (diff)
CMake: Add presets functionality
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/cmake.cxx')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/Source/cmake.cxx b/Source/cmake.cxx
index 9f84378..74701cf 100644
--- a/Source/cmake.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmake.cxx
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include <utility>
#include <cm/memory>
+#include <cm/optional>
#include <cm/string_view>
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(CMAKE_BOOT_MINGW)
# include <cm/iterator>
@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@
#include "cm_sys_stat.h"
+#include "cmCMakePresetsFile.h"
#include "cmCommands.h"
#include "cmDocumentation.h"
#include "cmDocumentationEntry.h"
@@ -286,6 +288,97 @@ void cmake::CleanupCommandsAndMacros()
+void cmake::SetWarningFromPreset(const std::string& name,
+ const cm::optional<bool>& warning,
+ const cm::optional<bool>& error)
+ if (warning) {
+ if (*warning) {
+ this->DiagLevels[name] = std::max(this->DiagLevels[name], DIAG_WARN);
+ } else {
+ this->DiagLevels[name] = DIAG_IGNORE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (error) {
+ if (*error) {
+ this->DiagLevels[name] = DIAG_ERROR;
+ } else {
+ this->DiagLevels[name] = std::min(this->DiagLevels[name], DIAG_WARN);
+ }
+ }
+void cmake::ProcessPresetVariables()
+ for (auto const& var : this->UnprocessedPresetVariables) {
+ if (!var.second) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ cmStateEnums::CacheEntryType type = cmStateEnums::UNINITIALIZED;
+ if (!var.second->Type.empty()) {
+ type = cmState::StringToCacheEntryType(var.second->Type);
+ }
+ this->ProcessCacheArg(var.first, var.second->Value, type);
+ }
+void cmake::PrintPresetVariables()
+ bool first = true;
+ for (auto const& var : this->UnprocessedPresetVariables) {
+ if (!var.second) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ cmStateEnums::CacheEntryType type = cmStateEnums::UNINITIALIZED;
+ if (!var.second->Type.empty()) {
+ type = cmState::StringToCacheEntryType(var.second->Type);
+ }
+ if (first) {
+ std::cout << "Preset CMake variables:\n\n";
+ first = false;
+ }
+ std::cout << " " << var.first;
+ if (type != cmStateEnums::UNINITIALIZED) {
+ std::cout << ':' << cmState::CacheEntryTypeToString(type);
+ }
+ std::cout << "=\"" << var.second->Value << "\"\n";
+ }
+ if (!first) {
+ std::cout << '\n';
+ }
+ this->UnprocessedPresetVariables.clear();
+void cmake::ProcessPresetEnvironment()
+ for (auto const& var : this->UnprocessedPresetEnvironment) {
+ if (var.second) {
+ cmSystemTools::PutEnv(cmStrCat(var.first, '=', *var.second));
+ }
+ }
+void cmake::PrintPresetEnvironment()
+ bool first = true;
+ for (auto const& var : this->UnprocessedPresetEnvironment) {
+ if (!var.second) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (first) {
+ std::cout << "Preset environment variables:\n\n";
+ first = false;
+ }
+ std::cout << " " << var.first << "=\"" << *var.second << "\"\n";
+ }
+ if (!first) {
+ std::cout << '\n';
+ }
+ this->UnprocessedPresetEnvironment.clear();
// Parse the args
bool cmake::SetCacheArgs(const std::vector<std::string>& args)
@@ -308,28 +401,10 @@ bool cmake::SetCacheArgs(const std::vector<std::string>& args)
std::string value;
cmStateEnums::CacheEntryType type = cmStateEnums::UNINITIALIZED;
if (cmState::ParseCacheEntry(entry, var, value, type)) {
- // The value is transformed if it is a filepath for example, so
- // we can't compare whether the value is already in the cache until
- // after we call AddCacheEntry.
- bool haveValue = false;
- std::string cachedValue;
- if (this->WarnUnusedCli) {
- if (cmProp v = this->State->GetInitializedCacheValue(var)) {
- haveValue = true;
- cachedValue = *v;
- }
- }
- this->AddCacheEntry(var, value.c_str(),
- "No help, variable specified on the command line.",
- type);
- if (this->WarnUnusedCli) {
- if (!haveValue ||
- cachedValue != *this->State->GetInitializedCacheValue(var)) {
- this->WatchUnusedCli(var);
- }
- }
+ this->UnprocessedPresetVariables.erase(var);
+ this->ProcessCacheArg(var, value, type);
} else {
cmSystemTools::Error("Parse error in command line argument: " + arg +
"\n" + "Should be: VAR:type=value\n");
@@ -409,6 +484,9 @@ bool cmake::SetCacheArgs(const std::vector<std::string>& args)
// now remove them from the cache
for (std::string const& currentEntry : entriesToDelete) {
+ this->UnprocessedPresetVariables.erase(currentEntry);
} else if (cmHasLiteralPrefix(arg, "-C")) {
@@ -462,6 +540,33 @@ bool cmake::SetCacheArgs(const std::vector<std::string>& args)
return true;
+void cmake::ProcessCacheArg(const std::string& var, const std::string& value,
+ cmStateEnums::CacheEntryType type)
+ // The value is transformed if it is a filepath for example, so
+ // we can't compare whether the value is already in the cache until
+ // after we call AddCacheEntry.
+ bool haveValue = false;
+ std::string cachedValue;
+ if (this->WarnUnusedCli) {
+ if (cmProp v = this->State->GetInitializedCacheValue(var)) {
+ haveValue = true;
+ cachedValue = *v;
+ }
+ }
+ this->AddCacheEntry(var, value.c_str(),
+ "No help, variable specified on the command line.",
+ type);
+ if (this->WarnUnusedCli) {
+ if (!haveValue ||
+ cachedValue != *this->State->GetInitializedCacheValue(var)) {
+ this->WatchUnusedCli(var);
+ }
+ }
void cmake::ReadListFile(const std::vector<std::string>& args,
const std::string& path)
@@ -625,6 +730,8 @@ void cmake::SetArgs(const std::vector<std::string>& args)
#if !defined(CMAKE_BOOTSTRAP)
std::string profilingFormat;
std::string profilingOutput;
+ std::string presetName;
+ bool listPresets = false;
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < args.size(); ++i) {
std::string const& arg = args[i];
@@ -830,19 +937,9 @@ void cmake::SetArgs(const std::vector<std::string>& args)
value = args[i];
- auto gen = this->CreateGlobalGenerator(value);
- if (!gen) {
- std::string kdevError;
- if (value.find("KDevelop3", 0) != std::string::npos) {
- kdevError = "\nThe KDevelop3 generator is not supported anymore.";
- }
- cmSystemTools::Error(
- cmStrCat("Could not create named generator ", value, kdevError));
- this->PrintGeneratorList();
+ if (!this->CreateAndSetGlobalGenerator(value, true)) {
- this->SetGlobalGenerator(std::move(gen));
#if !defined(CMAKE_BOOTSTRAP)
} else if (cmHasLiteralPrefix(arg, "--profiling-format")) {
profilingFormat = arg.substr(strlen("--profiling-format="));
@@ -856,6 +953,13 @@ void cmake::SetArgs(const std::vector<std::string>& args)
if (profilingOutput.empty()) {
cmSystemTools::Error("No path specified for --profiling-output");
+ } else if (cmHasLiteralPrefix(arg, "--preset")) {
+ presetName = arg.substr(strlen("--preset="));
+ if (presetName.empty()) {
+ cmSystemTools::Error("No preset specified for --preset");
+ }
+ } else if (cmHasLiteralPrefix(arg, "--list-presets")) {
+ listPresets = true;
// no option assume it is the path to the source or an existing build
@@ -915,6 +1019,91 @@ void cmake::SetArgs(const std::vector<std::string>& args)
if (!haveBinaryDir) {
+#if !defined(CMAKE_BOOTSTRAP)
+ if (listPresets || !presetName.empty()) {
+ cmCMakePresetsFile settingsFile;
+ auto result = settingsFile.ReadProjectPresets(this->GetHomeDirectory());
+ if (result != cmCMakePresetsFile::ReadFileResult::READ_OK) {
+ cmSystemTools::Error(
+ cmStrCat("Could not read presets from ", this->GetHomeDirectory(),
+ ": ", cmCMakePresetsFile::ResultToString(result)));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (listPresets) {
+ this->PrintPresetList(settingsFile);
+ return;
+ }
+ auto preset = settingsFile.Presets.find(presetName);
+ if (preset == settingsFile.Presets.end()) {
+ cmSystemTools::Error(cmStrCat("No such preset in ",
+ this->GetHomeDirectory(), ": \"",
+ presetName, '"'));
+ this->PrintPresetList(settingsFile);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (preset->second.Hidden) {
+ cmSystemTools::Error(cmStrCat("Cannot use hidden preset in ",
+ this->GetHomeDirectory(), ": \"",
+ presetName, '"'));
+ this->PrintPresetList(settingsFile);
+ return;
+ }
+ auto expandedPreset = settingsFile.ExpandMacros(preset->second);
+ if (!expandedPreset) {
+ cmSystemTools::Error(cmStrCat("Could not evaluate preset \"",
+ preset->second.Name,
+ "\": Invalid macro expansion"));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!haveBinaryDir) {
+ this->SetHomeOutputDirectory(expandedPreset->BinaryDir);
+ }
+ if (!this->GlobalGenerator) {
+ if (!this->CreateAndSetGlobalGenerator(expandedPreset->Generator,
+ false)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ this->UnprocessedPresetVariables = expandedPreset->CacheVariables;
+ this->UnprocessedPresetEnvironment = expandedPreset->Environment;
+ if (!expandedPreset->GeneratorConfig ||
+ expandedPreset->GeneratorConfig ==
+ cmCMakePresetsFile::CMakeGeneratorConfig::Default) {
+ if (!this->GeneratorPlatformSet) {
+ this->SetGeneratorPlatform(expandedPreset->Architecture);
+ }
+ if (!this->GeneratorToolsetSet) {
+ this->SetGeneratorToolset(expandedPreset->Toolset);
+ }
+ }
+ this->SetWarningFromPreset("dev", expandedPreset->WarnDev,
+ expandedPreset->ErrorDev);
+ this->SetWarningFromPreset("deprecated", expandedPreset->WarnDeprecated,
+ expandedPreset->ErrorDeprecated);
+ if (expandedPreset->WarnUninitialized == true) {
+ this->SetWarnUninitialized(true);
+ }
+ if (expandedPreset->WarnUnusedCli == false) {
+ this->SetWarnUnusedCli(false);
+ }
+ if (expandedPreset->WarnSystemVars == true) {
+ this->SetCheckSystemVars(true);
+ }
+ if (expandedPreset->DebugOutput == true) {
+ this->SetDebugOutputOn(true);
+ }
+ if (expandedPreset->DebugTryCompile == true) {
+ this->DebugTryCompileOn();
+ }
+ if (expandedPreset->DebugFind == true) {
+ this->SetDebugFindOutputOn(true);
+ }
+ }
cmake::LogLevel cmake::StringToLogLevel(const std::string& levelStr)
@@ -1240,6 +1429,79 @@ std::unique_ptr<cmGlobalGenerator> cmake::CreateGlobalGenerator(
return generator;
+bool cmake::CreateAndSetGlobalGenerator(const std::string& name,
+ bool allowArch)
+ auto gen = this->CreateGlobalGenerator(name, allowArch);
+ if (!gen) {
+ std::string kdevError;
+ std::string vsError;
+ if (name.find("KDevelop3", 0) != std::string::npos) {
+ kdevError = "\nThe KDevelop3 generator is not supported anymore.";
+ }
+ if (!allowArch && cmHasLiteralPrefix(name, "Visual Studio ") &&
+ name.length() >= cmStrLen("Visual Studio xx xxxx ")) {
+ vsError = "\nUsing platforms in Visual Studio generator names is not "
+ "supported in CMakePresets.json.";
+ }
+ cmSystemTools::Error(
+ cmStrCat("Could not create named generator ", name, kdevError, vsError));
+ this->PrintGeneratorList();
+ return false;
+ }
+ this->SetGlobalGenerator(std::move(gen));
+ return true;
+void cmake::PrintPresetList(const cmCMakePresetsFile& file) const
+ std::vector<GeneratorInfo> generators;
+ this->GetRegisteredGenerators(generators, false);
+ std::vector<cmCMakePresetsFile::UnexpandedPreset> presets;
+ for (auto const& p : file.PresetOrder) {
+ auto const& preset =;
+ if (!preset.Hidden &&
+ std::find_if(generators.begin(), generators.end(),
+ [&preset](const GeneratorInfo& info) {
+ return == preset.Generator;
+ }) != generators.end() &&
+ file.ExpandMacros(preset)) {
+ presets.push_back(preset);
+ }
+ }
+ if (presets.empty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::cout << "Available presets:\n\n";
+ auto longestPresetName =
+ std::max_element(presets.begin(), presets.end(),
+ [](const cmCMakePresetsFile::UnexpandedPreset& a,
+ const cmCMakePresetsFile::UnexpandedPreset& b) {
+ return a.Name.length() < b.Name.length();
+ });
+ auto longestLength = longestPresetName->Name.length();
+ for (auto const& preset : presets) {
+ std::cout << " \"" << preset.Name << '"';
+ auto const& description = preset.DisplayName;
+ if (!description.empty()) {
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < longestLength - preset.Name.length(); ++i) {
+ std::cout << ' ';
+ }
+ std::cout << " - " << description;
+ }
+ std::cout << '\n';
+ }
void cmake::SetHomeDirectory(const std::string& dir)
@@ -1801,6 +2063,9 @@ int cmake::Run(const std::vector<std::string>& args, bool noconfigure)
if (cmSystemTools::GetErrorOccuredFlag()) {
return -1;
+ if (this->GetWorkingMode() == HELP_MODE) {
+ return 0;
+ }
// Log the trace format version to the desired output
if (this->GetTrace()) {
@@ -1829,11 +2094,19 @@ int cmake::Run(const std::vector<std::string>& args, bool noconfigure)
+ this->ProcessPresetVariables();
+ this->ProcessPresetEnvironment();
// Add any cache args
if (!this->SetCacheArgs(args)) {
cmSystemTools::Error("Problem processing arguments. Aborting.\n");
return -1;
+ this->PrintPresetVariables();
+ this->PrintPresetEnvironment();
// In script mode we terminate after running the script.
if (this->GetWorkingMode() != NORMAL_MODE) {