path: root/Source
diff options
authorPedro Navarro <>2013-10-22 22:11:22 (GMT)
committerBrad King <>2013-10-26 14:24:15 (GMT)
commit970c82348babacb918802dbf615b2224313eef55 (patch)
treeca1f6f1466038ecfcfeb56ce8cca0f3231315e93 /Source
parentddef8a7cfffbbae12f2d2c556651f06346237569 (diff)
ctest_update: Add support for Perforce p4 client
Teach the ctest_update implementation to use the p4 command-line client to perform updates and extract the list of changes. Add a CTest.UpdateP4 test like those that exist already for the other version control tools. Make the test available when p4 and the p4d server are found. During the test launch p4d in the background to serve a repository from the test directory. Then direct the client toward this server for the duration of the test.
Diffstat (limited to 'Source')
6 files changed, 676 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Source/CMakeLists.txt b/Source/CMakeLists.txt
index 01e4f88..fd97a20 100644
--- a/Source/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Source/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -465,6 +465,8 @@ set(CTEST_SRCS cmCTest.cxx
+ CTest/cmCTestP4.cxx
+ CTest/cmCTestP4.h
# Build CTestLib
diff --git a/Source/CTest/cmCTestP4.cxx b/Source/CTest/cmCTestP4.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a504157
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/CTest/cmCTestP4.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+ CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator
+ Copyright 2000-2013 Kitware, Inc.
+ Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License");
+ see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
+ See the License for more information.
+#include "cmCTestP4.h"
+#include "cmCTest.h"
+#include "cmSystemTools.h"
+#include "cmXMLSafe.h"
+#include <cmsys/RegularExpression.hxx>
+#include <cmsys/ios/sstream>
+#include <cmsys/Process.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+cmCTestP4::cmCTestP4(cmCTest* ct, std::ostream& log):
+ cmCTestGlobalVC(ct, log)
+ this->PriorRev = this->Unknown;
+class cmCTestP4::IdentifyParser: public cmCTestVC::LineParser
+ IdentifyParser(cmCTestP4* p4, const char* prefix,
+ std::string& rev): Rev(rev)
+ {
+ this->SetLog(&p4->Log, prefix);
+ this->RegexIdentify.compile("^Change ([0-9]+) on");
+ }
+ std::string& Rev;
+ cmsys::RegularExpression RegexIdentify;
+ bool ProcessLine()
+ {
+ if(this->RegexIdentify.find(this->Line))
+ {
+ this->Rev = this->RegexIdentify.match(1);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+class cmCTestP4::ChangesParser: public cmCTestVC::LineParser
+ ChangesParser(cmCTestP4* p4, const char* prefix) : P4(p4)
+ {
+ this->SetLog(&P4->Log, prefix);
+ this->RegexIdentify.compile("^Change ([0-9]+) on");
+ }
+ cmsys::RegularExpression RegexIdentify;
+ cmCTestP4* P4;
+ bool ProcessLine()
+ {
+ if(this->RegexIdentify.find(this->Line))
+ {
+ P4->ChangeLists.push_back(this->RegexIdentify.match(1));
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+class cmCTestP4::UserParser: public cmCTestVC::LineParser
+ UserParser(cmCTestP4* p4, const char* prefix) : P4(p4)
+ {
+ this->SetLog(&P4->Log, prefix);
+ this->RegexUser.compile("^(.+) <(.*)> \\((.*)\\) accessed (.*)$");
+ }
+ cmsys::RegularExpression RegexUser;
+ cmCTestP4* P4;
+ bool ProcessLine()
+ {
+ if(this->RegexUser.find(this->Line))
+ {
+ User NewUser;
+ NewUser.UserName = this->RegexUser.match(1);
+ NewUser.EMail = this->RegexUser.match(2);
+ NewUser.Name = this->RegexUser.match(3);
+ NewUser.AccessTime = this->RegexUser.match(4);
+ P4->Users[this->RegexUser.match(1)] = NewUser;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+/* Diff format:
+==== //depot/file#rev - /absolute/path/to/file ====
+(diff data)
+==== //depot/file2#rev - /absolute/path/to/file2 ====
+(diff data)
+==== //depot/file3#rev - /absolute/path/to/file3 ====
+==== //depot/file4#rev - /absolute/path/to/file4 ====
+(diff data)
+class cmCTestP4::DiffParser: public cmCTestVC::LineParser
+ DiffParser(cmCTestP4* p4, const char* prefix)
+ : P4(p4), AlreadyNotified(false)
+ {
+ this->SetLog(&P4->Log, prefix);
+ this->RegexDiff.compile("^==== (.*)#[0-9]+ - (.*)");
+ }
+ cmCTestP4* P4;
+ bool AlreadyNotified;
+ std::string CurrentPath;
+ cmsys::RegularExpression RegexDiff;
+ bool ProcessLine()
+ {
+ if(!this->Line.empty() && this->Line[0] == '='
+ && this->RegexDiff.find(this->Line))
+ {
+ std::string Path = this->RegexDiff.match(1);
+ // See if we need to remove the //depot prefix
+ if(Path.length() > 2 && Path[0] == '/' && Path[1] == '/')
+ {
+ size_t found = Path.find('/', 2);
+ if(found != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ Path = Path.substr(found + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ CurrentPath = Path;
+ AlreadyNotified = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!AlreadyNotified)
+ {
+ P4->DoModification(PathModified, CurrentPath);
+ AlreadyNotified = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+cmCTestP4::User cmCTestP4::GetUserData(const std::string& username)
+ std::map<std::string, cmCTestP4::User>::const_iterator it =
+ Users.find(username);
+ if(it == Users.end())
+ {
+ std::vector<char const*> p4_users;
+ SetP4Options(p4_users);
+ p4_users.push_back("users");
+ p4_users.push_back("-m");
+ p4_users.push_back("1");
+ p4_users.push_back(username.c_str());
+ p4_users.push_back(0);
+ UserParser out(this, "users-out> ");
+ OutputLogger err(this->Log, "users-err> ");
+ RunChild(&p4_users[0], &out, &err);
+ // The user should now be added to the map. Search again.
+ it = Users.find(username);
+ if(it == Users.end())
+ {
+ return cmCTestP4::User();
+ }
+ }
+ return it->second;
+/* Commit format:
+Change 1111111 by user@client on 2013/09/26 11:50:36
+ text
+ text
+Affected files ...
+... //path/to/file#rev edit
+... //path/to/file#rev add
+... //path/to/file#rev delete
+... //path/to/file#rev integrate
+class cmCTestP4::DescribeParser: public cmCTestVC::LineParser
+ DescribeParser(cmCTestP4* p4, const char* prefix):
+ LineParser('\n', false), P4(p4), Section(SectionHeader)
+ {
+ this->SetLog(&P4->Log, prefix);
+ this->RegexHeader.compile("^Change ([0-9]+) by (.+)@(.+) on (.*)$");
+ this->RegexDiff.compile("^\\.\\.\\. (.*)#[0-9]+ ([^ ]+)$");
+ }
+ cmsys::RegularExpression RegexHeader;
+ cmsys::RegularExpression RegexDiff;
+ cmCTestP4* P4;
+ typedef cmCTestP4::Revision Revision;
+ typedef cmCTestP4::Change Change;
+ std::vector<Change> Changes;
+ enum SectionType { SectionHeader, SectionBody, SectionDiffHeader,
+ SectionDiff, SectionCount };
+ SectionType Section;
+ Revision Rev;
+ virtual bool ProcessLine()
+ {
+ if(this->Line.empty())
+ {
+ this->NextSection();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch(this->Section)
+ {
+ case SectionHeader: this->DoHeaderLine(); break;
+ case SectionBody: this->DoBodyLine(); break;
+ case SectionDiffHeader: break; // nothing to do
+ case SectionDiff: this->DoDiffLine(); break;
+ case SectionCount: break; // never happens
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ void NextSection()
+ {
+ if(this->Section == SectionDiff)
+ {
+ this->P4->DoRevision(this->Rev, this->Changes);
+ this->Rev = Revision();
+ }
+ this->Section = SectionType((this->Section+1) % SectionCount);
+ }
+ void DoHeaderLine()
+ {
+ if(this->RegexHeader.find(this->Line))
+ {
+ this->Rev.Rev = this->RegexHeader.match(1);
+ this->Rev.Date = this->RegexHeader.match(4);
+ cmCTestP4::User user = P4->GetUserData(this->RegexHeader.match(2));
+ this->Rev.Author = user.Name;
+ this->Rev.EMail = user.EMail;
+ this->Rev.Committer = this->Rev.Author;
+ this->Rev.CommitterEMail = this->Rev.EMail;
+ this->Rev.CommitDate = this->Rev.Date;
+ }
+ }
+ void DoBodyLine()
+ {
+ if(this->Line[0] == '\t')
+ {
+ this->Rev.Log += this->Line.substr(1);
+ }
+ this->Rev.Log += "\n";
+ }
+ void DoDiffLine()
+ {
+ if(this->RegexDiff.find(this->Line))
+ {
+ Change change;
+ std::string Path = this->RegexDiff.match(1);
+ if(Path.length() > 2 && Path[0] == '/' && Path[1] == '/')
+ {
+ size_t found = Path.find('/', 2);
+ if(found != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ Path = Path.substr(found + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ change.Path = Path;
+ std::string action = this->RegexDiff.match(2);
+ if(action == "add")
+ {
+ change.Action = 'A';
+ }
+ else if(action == "delete")
+ {
+ change.Action = 'D';
+ }
+ else if(action == "edit" || action == "integrate")
+ {
+ change.Action = 'M';
+ }
+ Changes.push_back(change);
+ }
+ }
+void cmCTestP4::SetP4Options(std::vector<char const*> &CommandOptions)
+ if(P4Options.size() == 0)
+ {
+ const char* p4 = this->CommandLineTool.c_str();
+ P4Options.push_back(p4);
+ //The CTEST_P4_CLIENT variable sets the P4 client used when issuing
+ //Perforce commands, if it's different from the default one.
+ std::string client = this->CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("P4Client");
+ if(!client.empty())
+ {
+ P4Options.push_back("-c");
+ P4Options.push_back(client);
+ }
+ //Set the message language to be English, in case the P4 admin
+ //has localized them
+ P4Options.push_back("-L");
+ P4Options.push_back("en");
+ //The CTEST_P4_OPTIONS variable adds additional Perforce command line
+ //options before the main command
+ std::string opts = this->CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("P4Options");
+ std::vector<cmStdString> args =
+ cmSystemTools::ParseArguments(opts.c_str());
+ for(std::vector<cmStdString>::const_iterator ai = args.begin();
+ ai != args.end(); ++ai)
+ {
+ P4Options.push_back(ai->c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ CommandOptions.clear();
+ for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = P4Options.begin();
+ i != P4Options.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ CommandOptions.push_back(i->c_str());
+ }
+std::string cmCTestP4::GetWorkingRevision()
+ std::vector<char const*> p4_identify;
+ SetP4Options(p4_identify);
+ p4_identify.push_back("changes");
+ p4_identify.push_back("-m");
+ p4_identify.push_back("1");
+ p4_identify.push_back("-t");
+ std::string source = this->SourceDirectory + "/...#have";
+ p4_identify.push_back(source.c_str());
+ p4_identify.push_back(0);
+ std::string rev;
+ IdentifyParser out(this, "rev-out> ", rev);
+ OutputLogger err(this->Log, "rev-err> ");
+ RunChild(&p4_identify[0], &out, &err);
+ if(rev.empty())
+ {
+ return "0";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return rev;
+ }
+void cmCTestP4::NoteOldRevision()
+ this->OldRevision = this->GetWorkingRevision();
+ cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, " Old revision of repository is: "
+ << this->OldRevision << "\n");
+ this->PriorRev.Rev = this->OldRevision;
+void cmCTestP4::NoteNewRevision()
+ this->NewRevision = this->GetWorkingRevision();
+ cmCTestLog(this->CTest, HANDLER_OUTPUT, " New revision of repository is: "
+ << this->NewRevision << "\n");
+void cmCTestP4::LoadRevisions()
+ std::vector<char const*> p4_changes;
+ SetP4Options(p4_changes);
+ // Use 'p4 changes ...@old,new' to get a list of changelists
+ std::string range = this->SourceDirectory + "/...";
+ if(this->OldRevision != "0")
+ {
+ range.append("@").append(this->OldRevision);
+ }
+ if(this->NewRevision != "0")
+ {
+ if(this->OldRevision != "0")
+ {
+ range.append(",").append(this->NewRevision);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ range.append("@").append(this->NewRevision);
+ }
+ }
+ p4_changes.push_back("changes");
+ p4_changes.push_back(range.c_str());
+ p4_changes.push_back(0);
+ ChangesParser out(this, "changes-out> ");
+ OutputLogger err(this->Log, "changes-err> ");
+ ChangeLists.clear();
+ this->RunChild(&p4_changes[0], &out, &err);
+ if(ChangeLists.size() == 0)
+ return;
+ //p4 describe -s ...@1111111,2222222
+ std::vector<char const*> p4_describe;
+ for(std::vector<std::string>::reverse_iterator i = ChangeLists.rbegin();
+ i != ChangeLists.rend(); ++i)
+ {
+ SetP4Options(p4_describe);
+ p4_describe.push_back("describe");
+ p4_describe.push_back("-s");
+ p4_describe.push_back(i->c_str());
+ p4_describe.push_back(0);
+ DescribeParser outDescribe(this, "describe-out> ");
+ OutputLogger errDescribe(this->Log, "describe-err> ");
+ this->RunChild(&p4_describe[0], &outDescribe, &errDescribe);
+ }
+void cmCTestP4::LoadModifications()
+ std::vector<char const*> p4_diff;
+ SetP4Options(p4_diff);
+ p4_diff.push_back("diff");
+ //Ideally we would use -Od but not all clients support it
+ p4_diff.push_back("-dn");
+ std::string source = this->SourceDirectory + "/...";
+ p4_diff.push_back(source.c_str());
+ p4_diff.push_back(0);
+ DiffParser out(this, "diff-out> ");
+ OutputLogger err(this->Log, "diff-err> ");
+ this->RunChild(&p4_diff[0], &out, &err);
+bool cmCTestP4::UpdateCustom(const std::string& custom)
+ std::vector<std::string> p4_custom_command;
+ cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(custom, p4_custom_command, true);
+ std::vector<char const*> p4_custom;
+ for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator
+ i = p4_custom_command.begin(); i != p4_custom_command.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ p4_custom.push_back(i->c_str());
+ }
+ p4_custom.push_back(0);
+ OutputLogger custom_out(this->Log, "custom-out> ");
+ OutputLogger custom_err(this->Log, "custom-err> ");
+ return this->RunUpdateCommand(&p4_custom[0], &custom_out, &custom_err);
+bool cmCTestP4::UpdateImpl()
+ std::string custom = this->CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("P4UpdateCustom");
+ if(!custom.empty())
+ {
+ return this->UpdateCustom(custom);
+ }
+ std::vector<char const*> p4_sync;
+ SetP4Options(p4_sync);
+ p4_sync.push_back("sync");
+ // Get user-specified update options.
+ std::string opts = this->CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("UpdateOptions");
+ if(opts.empty())
+ {
+ opts = this->CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("P4UpdateOptions");
+ }
+ std::vector<cmStdString> args = cmSystemTools::ParseArguments(opts.c_str());
+ for(std::vector<cmStdString>::const_iterator ai = args.begin();
+ ai != args.end(); ++ai)
+ {
+ p4_sync.push_back(ai->c_str());
+ }
+ std::string source = this->SourceDirectory + "/...";
+ // Specify the start time for nightly testing.
+ if(this->CTest->GetTestModel() == cmCTest::NIGHTLY)
+ {
+ std::string date = this->GetNightlyTime();
+ //CTest reports the date as YYYY-MM-DD, Perforce needs it as YYYY/MM/DD
+ std::replace(date.begin(), date.end(), '-', '/');
+ //Revision specification: /...@"YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS"
+ source.append("@\"").append(date).append("\"");
+ }
+ p4_sync.push_back(source.c_str());
+ p4_sync.push_back(0);
+ OutputLogger out(this->Log, "sync-out> ");
+ OutputLogger err(this->Log, "sync-err> ");
+ return this->RunUpdateCommand(&p4_sync[0], &out, &err);
diff --git a/Source/CTest/cmCTestP4.h b/Source/CTest/cmCTestP4.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a53475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/CTest/cmCTestP4.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator
+ Copyright 2000-2013 Kitware, Inc.
+ Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License");
+ see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
+ See the License for more information.
+#ifndef cmCTestP4_h
+#define cmCTestP4_h
+#include "cmCTestGlobalVC.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+/** \class cmCTestP4
+ * \brief Interaction with the Perforce command-line tool
+ *
+ */
+class cmCTestP4: public cmCTestGlobalVC
+ /** Construct with a CTest instance and update log stream. */
+ cmCTestP4(cmCTest* ctest, std::ostream& log);
+ virtual ~cmCTestP4();
+ std::vector<std::string> ChangeLists;
+ struct User
+ {
+ std::string UserName;
+ std::string Name;
+ std::string EMail;
+ std::string AccessTime;
+ User(): UserName(), Name(), EMail(), AccessTime() {}
+ };
+ std::map<std::string, User> Users;
+ std::vector<std::string> P4Options;
+ User GetUserData(const std::string& username);
+ void SetP4Options(std::vector<char const*> &options);
+ std::string GetWorkingRevision();
+ virtual void NoteOldRevision();
+ virtual void NoteNewRevision();
+ virtual bool UpdateImpl();
+ bool UpdateCustom(const std::string& custom);
+ void LoadRevisions();
+ void LoadModifications();
+ // Parsing helper classes.
+ class IdentifyParser;
+ class ChangesParser;
+ class UserParser;
+ class DescribeParser;
+ class DiffParser;
+ friend class IdentifyParser;
+ friend class ChangesParser;
+ friend class UserParser;
+ friend class DescribeParser;
+ friend class DiffParser;
diff --git a/Source/CTest/cmCTestUpdateCommand.cxx b/Source/CTest/cmCTestUpdateCommand.cxx
index 2ca9f6c..5408a8a 100644
--- a/Source/CTest/cmCTestUpdateCommand.cxx
+++ b/Source/CTest/cmCTestUpdateCommand.cxx
@@ -59,6 +59,14 @@ cmCTestGenericHandler* cmCTestUpdateCommand::InitializeHandler()
+ this->CTest->SetCTestConfigurationFromCMakeVariable(this->Makefile,
+ "P4Command", "CTEST_P4_COMMAND");
+ this->CTest->SetCTestConfigurationFromCMakeVariable(this->Makefile,
+ "P4UpdateOptions", "CTEST_P4_UPDATE_OPTIONS");
+ this->CTest->SetCTestConfigurationFromCMakeVariable(this->Makefile,
+ "P4Client", "CTEST_P4_CLIENT");
+ this->CTest->SetCTestConfigurationFromCMakeVariable(this->Makefile,
+ "P4Options", "CTEST_P4_OPTIONS");
cmCTestGenericHandler* handler
= this->CTest->GetInitializedHandler("update");
diff --git a/Source/CTest/cmCTestUpdateHandler.cxx b/Source/CTest/cmCTestUpdateHandler.cxx
index 9eae3f3..11474ec 100644
--- a/Source/CTest/cmCTestUpdateHandler.cxx
+++ b/Source/CTest/cmCTestUpdateHandler.cxx
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#include "cmCTestBZR.h"
#include "cmCTestGIT.h"
#include "cmCTestHG.h"
+#include "cmCTestP4.h"
#include <cmsys/auto_ptr.hxx>
@@ -51,7 +52,8 @@ static const char* cmCTestUpdateHandlerUpdateStrings[] =
- "HG"
+ "HG",
+ "P4"
static const char* cmCTestUpdateHandlerUpdateToString(int type)
@@ -146,6 +148,10 @@ int cmCTestUpdateHandler::DetermineType(const char* cmd, const char* type)
return cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_HG;
+ if ( stype.find("p4") != std::string::npos )
+ {
+ return cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_P4;
+ }
@@ -172,6 +178,10 @@ int cmCTestUpdateHandler::DetermineType(const char* cmd, const char* type)
return cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_HG;
+ if ( stype.find("p4") != std::string::npos )
+ {
+ return cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_P4;
+ }
return cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_UNKNOWN;
@@ -223,6 +233,7 @@ int cmCTestUpdateHandler::ProcessHandler()
case e_BZR: vc.reset(new cmCTestBZR(this->CTest, ofs)); break;
case e_GIT: vc.reset(new cmCTestGIT(this->CTest, ofs)); break;
case e_HG: vc.reset(new cmCTestHG(this->CTest, ofs)); break;
+ case e_P4: vc.reset(new cmCTestP4(this->CTest, ofs)); break;
default: vc.reset(new cmCTestVC(this->CTest, ofs)); break;
@@ -350,6 +361,18 @@ int cmCTestUpdateHandler::DetectVCS(const char* dir)
return cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_HG;
+ sourceDirectory = dir;
+ sourceDirectory += "/.p4";
+ if ( cmSystemTools::FileExists(sourceDirectory.c_str()) )
+ {
+ return cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_P4;
+ }
+ sourceDirectory = dir;
+ sourceDirectory += "/.p4config";
+ if ( cmSystemTools::FileExists(sourceDirectory.c_str()) )
+ {
+ return cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_P4;
+ }
return cmCTestUpdateHandler::e_UNKNOWN;
@@ -380,6 +403,7 @@ bool cmCTestUpdateHandler::SelectVCS()
case e_BZR: key = "BZRCommand"; break;
case e_GIT: key = "GITCommand"; break;
case e_HG: key = "HGCommand"; break;
+ case e_P4: key = "P4Command"; break;
default: break;
if (key)
diff --git a/Source/CTest/cmCTestUpdateHandler.h b/Source/CTest/cmCTestUpdateHandler.h
index 55ec974..954c024 100644
--- a/Source/CTest/cmCTestUpdateHandler.h
+++ b/Source/CTest/cmCTestUpdateHandler.h
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ public:
+ e_P4,