path: root/Tests/MFC/mfc1/mfc1.vcproj
diff options
authorBrad King <>2017-08-30 11:05:21 (GMT)
committerBrad King <>2017-08-30 12:29:43 (GMT)
commitebc91a4452e1b2c2a1f42643d4a01deceea07a2b (patch)
tree254b45dd30eeccaee9060690c9f8dcd53b00104c /Tests/MFC/mfc1/mfc1.vcproj
parentc69b4c8dfef08197d620932212d49366d22c0f45 (diff)
Avoid CRLF newlines in Git repo blobs
In commit 8ed03baa76 (gitattributes: prefer `eol=crlf` to `-crlf`, 2017-08-23) we left a few CRLF blobs in the repository. Some Git versions get confused by text files with CRLF blobs. Convert them to LF blobs. Use the `eol=crlf` attribute to tell Git to use CRLF on checkout.
Diffstat (limited to 'Tests/MFC/mfc1/mfc1.vcproj')
1 files changed, 216 insertions, 216 deletions
diff --git a/Tests/MFC/mfc1/mfc1.vcproj b/Tests/MFC/mfc1/mfc1.vcproj
index 6df86e5..a04809e 100644
--- a/Tests/MFC/mfc1/mfc1.vcproj
+++ b/Tests/MFC/mfc1/mfc1.vcproj
@@ -1,216 +1,216 @@
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