path: root/Utilities/Sphinx/
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authorJoachim Wuttke (o) <>2018-10-10 07:39:17 (GMT)
committerCraig Scott <>2018-10-18 20:25:34 (GMT)
commitfc7ee1ca459c3b231aa1fb64aeeaee590c019513 (patch)
tree77525a7817e1d2be7cb55c91ff0357bc9e284fc4 /Utilities/Sphinx/
parent74b3eacdc755bc056aac65bf5c0b45aa02d097d4 (diff)
Help: Override pygments CMakeLexer to support <..> and [..]
* The code snippets in the docs consist of CMake code mixed with syntax definition punctuation like < > [ ] ... Therefore a pure CMake lexer is inadequate. Here it is replaced by a CMake syntax definition parser. * Fixed syntax definition snippets in FindPkgConfig.cmake to make best use of syntax highlighting. This source file is the hardest to support because it contains comparison operators <= = >=, which need special attention to avoid confusion with the placeholder indicators <...>. * Fixed syntax in execute_process.rst (there were unbalanced brackets). * Disabled syntax highlighting for long string examples in cmake-language.7.rst. * No highlighting of removed syntax in CMP0049 * To inspect the outcome of this patch, see e.g. the pages * manual/cmake-buildsystem.7.html * module/ExternalProject.html * module/FindPkgConfig.html which are particularly rich in complex code snippets.
Diffstat (limited to 'Utilities/Sphinx/')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/Utilities/Sphinx/ b/Utilities/Sphinx/
index ebf44da..882cdc1 100644
--- a/Utilities/Sphinx/
+++ b/Utilities/Sphinx/
@@ -4,14 +4,55 @@
import os
import re
-# Monkey patch for pygments reporting an error when generator expressions are
-# used.
+# Override much of pygments' CMakeLexer.
+# We need to parse CMake syntax definitions, not CMake code.
+# For hard test cases that use much of the syntax below, see
+# - module/FindPkgConfig.html (with "glib-2.0>=2.10 gtk+-2.0" and similar)
+# - module/ExternalProject.html (with http:// https:// git@; also has command options -E --build)
+# - manual/cmake-buildsystem.7.html (with nested $<..>; relative and absolute paths, "::")
from pygments.lexers import CMakeLexer
-from pygments.token import Name, Operator
+from pygments.token import Name, Operator, Punctuation, String, Text, Comment, Generic, Whitespace, Number
from pygments.lexer import bygroups
- bygroups(Operator, Name.Variable, Operator)))
+# Notes on regular expressions below:
+# - [\.\+-] are needed for string constants like gtk+-2.0
+# - Unix paths are recognized by '/'; support for Windows paths may be added if needed
+# - (\\.) allows for \-escapes (used in manual/cmake-language.7)
+# - $<..$<..$>..> nested occurence in cmake-buildsystem
+CMakeLexer.tokens["root"] = [
+ (r'\b(\w+)([ \t]*)(\()', bygroups(Name.Function, Text, Name.Function), '#push'), # fctn(
+ (r'\(', Name.Function, '#push'),
+ (r'\)', Name.Function, '#pop'),
+ (r'\[', Punctuation, '#push'),
+ (r'\]', Punctuation, '#pop'),
+ (r'[|;,.=*\-]', Punctuation),
+ (r'\\\\', Punctuation), # used in commands/source_group
+ (r'[:]', Operator),
+ (r'[<>]=', Punctuation), # used in FindPkgConfig.cmake
+ (r'\$<', Operator, '#push'), # $<...>
+ (r'<[^<|]+?>(\w*\.\.\.)?', Name.Variable), # <expr>
+ (r'(\$\w*\{)(.+?)(\})', bygroups(Operator, Name.Tag, Operator)), # ${..} $ENV{..}
+ (r'([A-Z]+\{)(.+?)(\})', bygroups(Operator, Name.Tag, Operator)), # DATA{ ...}
+ (r'[a-z]+(@|(://))((\\.)|[\w.+-:/\\])+', Name.Attribute), # URL, git@, ...
+ (r'/\w[\w\.\+-/\\]*', Name.Attribute), # absolute path
+ (r'/', Name.Attribute),
+ (r'\w[\w\.\+-]*/[\w.+-/\\]*', Name.Attribute), # relative path
+ (r'[A-Z]((\\.)|[\w.+-])*[a-z]((\\.)|[\w.+-])*', Name.Builtin), # initial A-Z, contains a-z
+ (r'@?[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*', Name.Constant),
+ (r'[a-z_]((\\;)|(\\ )|[\w.+-])*', Name.Builtin),
+ (r'[0-9][0-9\.]*', Number),
+ (r'(?s)"(\\"|[^"])*"', String), # "string"
+ (r'\.\.\.', Name.Variable),
+ (r'<', Operator, '#push'), # <..|..> is different from <expr>
+ (r'>', Operator, '#pop'),
+ (r'\n', Whitespace),
+ (r'[ \t]+', Whitespace),
+ (r'#.*\n', Comment),
+ # (r'[^<>\])\}\|$"# \t\n]+', Name.Exception), # fallback, for debugging only
# Monkey patch for sphinx generating invalid content for qcollectiongenerator