path: root/Utilities/xml/docbook-4.5/dbhierx.mod
diff options
authorStephen Kelly <>2012-09-19 16:33:11 (GMT)
committerStephen Kelly <>2012-09-19 16:33:11 (GMT)
commit9d8e59db71833dce7133bac48e461e388223eb51 (patch)
treeffe24aaf87035587dfb8b8f2d3c9edb0a7b1f42d /Utilities/xml/docbook-4.5/dbhierx.mod
parentea12871241e1a943be75e7c987f71f54ec3f3908 (diff)
parent6674583caa20244d90aa14a67d059e7228a9f169 (diff)
Merge branch 'use-generator-target' into AutomocUseTargetProperties
Diffstat (limited to 'Utilities/xml/docbook-4.5/dbhierx.mod')
1 files changed, 2193 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Utilities/xml/docbook-4.5/dbhierx.mod b/Utilities/xml/docbook-4.5/dbhierx.mod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f839f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/xml/docbook-4.5/dbhierx.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,2193 @@
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- DocBook document hierarchy module V4.5 ............................... -->
+<!-- File dbhierx.mod ..................................................... -->
+<!-- Copyright 1992-2004 HaL Computer Systems, Inc.,
+ O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ArborText, Inc., Fujitsu Software
+ Corporation, Norman Walsh, Sun Microsystems, Inc., and the
+ Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
+ Standards (OASIS).
+ $Id: dbhierx.mod 6340 2006-10-03 13:23:24Z nwalsh $
+ Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the DocBook DTD
+ and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee
+ is hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright
+ notice and this paragraph appear in all copies. The copyright
+ holders make no representation about the suitability of the DTD for
+ any purpose. It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied
+ warranty.
+ If you modify the DocBook DTD in any way, except for declaring and
+ referencing additional sets of general entities and declaring
+ additional notations, label your DTD as a variant of DocBook. See
+ the maintenance documentation for more information.
+ Please direct all questions, bug reports, or suggestions for
+ changes to the mailing list. For more
+ information, see
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- This module contains the definitions for the overall document
+ hierarchies of DocBook documents. It covers computer documentation
+ manuals and manual fragments, as well as reference entries (such as
+ man pages) and technical journals or anthologies containing
+ articles.
+ This module depends on the DocBook information pool module. All
+ elements and entities referenced but not defined here are assumed
+ to be defined in the information pool module.
+ In DTD driver files referring to this module, please use an entity
+ declaration that uses the public identifier shown below:
+ <!ENTITY % dbhier PUBLIC
+ "-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DocBook Document Hierarchy V4.5//EN"
+ "dbhierx.mod">
+ %dbhier;
+ See the documentation for detailed information on the parameter
+ entity and module scheme used in DocBook, customizing DocBook and
+ planning for interchange, and changes made since the last release
+ of DocBook.
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Entities for module inclusions ....................................... -->
+<!ENTITY % dbhier.redecl.module "IGNORE">
+<!ENTITY % dbhier.redecl2.module "IGNORE">
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Entities for element classes ......................................... -->
+<!ENTITY % local.appendix.class "">
+<!ENTITY % appendix.class "appendix %local.appendix.class;">
+<!ENTITY % local.article.class "">
+<!ENTITY % article.class "article %local.article.class;">
+<!ENTITY % "">
+<!ENTITY % book.class "book;">
+<!ENTITY % local.chapter.class "">
+<!ENTITY % chapter.class "chapter %local.chapter.class;">
+<!ENTITY % local.index.class "">
+<!ENTITY % index.class "index|setindex %local.index.class;">
+<!ENTITY % local.refentry.class "">
+<!ENTITY % refentry.class "refentry %local.refentry.class;">
+<!ENTITY % local.section.class "">
+<!ENTITY % section.class "section %local.section.class;">
+<!ENTITY % local.nav.class "">
+<!ENTITY % nav.class "toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography
+ %local.nav.class;">
+<!-- Redeclaration placeholder ............................................ -->
+<!-- For redeclaring entities that are declared after this point while
+ retaining their references to the entities that are declared before
+ this point -->
+<!-- Defining rdbhier here makes some buggy XML parsers happy. -->
+<!ENTITY % rdbhier "">
+<!--end of dbhier.redecl.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Entities for element mixtures ........................................ -->
+<!ENTITY % local.divcomponent.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % divcomponent.mix
+ "%list.class; |%admon.class;
+ |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
+ |%para.class; |%informal.class;
+ |%formal.class; |%compound.class;
+ |%genobj.class; |%descobj.class;
+ |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
+ %forms.hook;
+ %local.divcomponent.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.refcomponent.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % refcomponent.mix
+ "%list.class; |%admon.class;
+ |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
+ |%para.class; |%informal.class;
+ |%formal.class; |%compound.class;
+ |%genobj.class; |%descobj.class;
+ |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
+ %forms.hook;
+ %local.refcomponent.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.indexdivcomponent.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % indexdivcomponent.mix
+ "itemizedlist|orderedlist|variablelist|simplelist
+ |%linespecific.class; |%synop.class;
+ |%para.class; |%informal.class;
+ |anchor|remark
+ |%link.char.class;
+ |beginpage
+ %local.indexdivcomponent.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.refname.char.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % refname.char.mix
+ |%tech.char.class;
+ %local.refname.char.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.partcontent.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % partcontent.mix
+ "%appendix.class;|%chapter.class;|%nav.class;|%article.class;
+ |preface|%refentry.class;|reference %local.partcontent.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.refinline.char.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % refinline.char.mix
+ |%xref.char.class; |%gen.char.class;
+ |%link.char.class; |%tech.char.class;
+ |%base.char.class; |%docinfo.char.class;
+ |%other.char.class;
+ |%ndxterm.class; |beginpage
+ %local.refinline.char.mix;">
+<!ENTITY % local.refclass.char.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % refclass.char.mix
+ |application
+ %local.refclass.char.mix;">
+<!-- Redeclaration placeholder 2 .......................................... -->
+<!-- For redeclaring entities that are declared after this point while
+ retaining their references to the entities that are declared before
+ this point -->
+<!-- Defining rdbhier2 here makes some buggy XML parsers happy. -->
+<!ENTITY % rdbhier2 "">
+<!--end of dbhier.redecl2.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Entities for content models .......................................... -->
+<!ENTITY % div.title.content
+ "title, subtitle?, titleabbrev?">
+<!ENTITY % bookcomponent.title.content
+ "title, subtitle?, titleabbrev?">
+<!ENTITY % sect.title.content
+ "title, subtitle?, titleabbrev?">
+<!ENTITY % refsect.title.content
+ "title, subtitle?, titleabbrev?">
+<!ENTITY % bookcomponent.content
+ "((%divcomponent.mix;)+,
+ (sect1*|(%refentry.class;)*|simplesect*|(%section.class;)*))
+ | (sect1+|(%refentry.class;)+|simplesect+|(%section.class;)+)">
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Set and SetInfo ...................................................... -->
+<!ENTITY % set.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % set.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.set.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % set.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % set.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A collection of books.-->
+<!ELEMENT set %ho; ((%div.title.content;)?, setinfo?, toc?, (set|%book.class;)+,
+ setindex?)
+ %ubiq.inclusion;>
+<!--end of set.element-->]]>
+<!-- FPI: SGML formal public identifier -->
+<!ENTITY % set.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST set
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %set.role.attrib;
+ %local.set.attrib;
+<!--end of set.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of set.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % setinfo.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.setinfo.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % setinfo.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % setinfo.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Meta-information for a Set.-->
+<!ELEMENT setinfo %ho; ((%info.class;)+)
+ %beginpage.exclusion;>
+<!--end of setinfo.element-->]]>
+<!-- Contents: IDs of the ToC, Books, and SetIndex that comprise
+ the set, in the order of their appearance -->
+<!ENTITY % setinfo.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST setinfo
+ contents IDREFS #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %setinfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.setinfo.attrib;
+<!--end of setinfo.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of setinfo.module-->]]>
+<!--end of set.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Book and BookInfo .................................................... -->
+<!ENTITY % book.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % book.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % "">
+<!ENTITY % book.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % book.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A book.-->
+<!ELEMENT book %ho; ((%div.title.content;)?, bookinfo?,
+ (dedication | toc | lot
+ | glossary | bibliography | preface
+ | %chapter.class; | reference | part
+ | %article.class;
+ | %appendix.class;
+ | %index.class;
+ | colophon)*)
+ %ubiq.inclusion;>
+<!--end of book.element-->]]>
+<!-- FPI: SGML formal public identifier -->
+<!ENTITY % book.attlist "INCLUDE">
+ %label.attrib;
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %book.role.attrib;
+<!--end of book.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of book.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % bookinfo.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.bookinfo.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % bookinfo.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % bookinfo.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Meta-information for a Book.-->
+<!ELEMENT bookinfo %ho; ((%info.class;)+)
+ %beginpage.exclusion;>
+<!--end of bookinfo.element-->]]>
+<!-- Contents: IDs of the ToC, LoTs, Prefaces, Parts, Chapters,
+ Appendixes, References, GLossary, Bibliography, and indexes
+ comprising the Book, in the order of their appearance -->
+<!ENTITY % bookinfo.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST bookinfo
+ contents IDREFS #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %bookinfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.bookinfo.attrib;
+<!--end of bookinfo.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of bookinfo.module-->]]>
+<!--end of book.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Dedication, ToC, and LoT ............................................. -->
+<!ENTITY % dedication.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.dedication.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % dedication.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % dedication.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A wrapper for the dedication section of a book.-->
+<!ELEMENT dedication %ho; ((%sect.title.content;)?, (%legalnotice.mix;)+)>
+<!--end of dedication.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % dedication.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST dedication
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %dedication.role.attrib;
+ %local.dedication.attrib;
+<!--end of dedication.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of dedication.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % colophon.module "INCLUDE">
+<![ %colophon.module; [
+<!ENTITY % local.colophon.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % colophon.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % colophon.element "INCLUDE">
+<![ %colophon.element; [
+<!--doc:Text at the back of a book describing facts about its production.-->
+<!ELEMENT colophon %ho; ((%sect.title.content;)?, (%textobject.mix;)+)>
+<!--end of colophon.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % colophon.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<![ %colophon.attlist; [
+<!ATTLIST colophon
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %colophon.role.attrib;
+ %local.colophon.attrib;>
+<!--end of colophon.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of colophon.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % toc.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % toc.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.toc.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % toc.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % toc.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A table of contents.-->
+<!ELEMENT toc %ho; (beginpage?,
+ (%bookcomponent.title.content;)?,
+ tocfront*,
+ (tocpart | tocchap)*, tocback*)>
+<!--end of toc.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % toc.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST toc
+ %pagenum.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %toc.role.attrib;
+ %local.toc.attrib;
+<!--end of toc.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of toc.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % tocfront.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.tocfront.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % tocfront.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % tocfront.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An entry in a table of contents for a front matter component.-->
+<!ELEMENT tocfront %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of tocfront.element-->]]>
+<!-- to element that this entry represents -->
+<!ENTITY % tocfront.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST tocfront
+ %label.attrib;
+ %linkend.attrib; %pagenum.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %tocfront.role.attrib;
+ %local.tocfront.attrib;
+<!--end of tocfront.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of tocfront.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % tocentry.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.tocentry.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % tocentry.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % tocentry.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A component title in a table of contents.-->
+<!ELEMENT tocentry %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of tocentry.element-->]]>
+<!-- to element that this entry represents -->
+<!ENTITY % tocentry.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST tocentry
+ %linkend.attrib; %pagenum.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %tocentry.role.attrib;
+ %local.tocentry.attrib;
+<!--end of tocentry.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of tocentry.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % tocpart.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.tocpart.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % tocpart.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % tocpart.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An entry in a table of contents for a part of a book.-->
+<!ELEMENT tocpart %ho; (tocentry+, tocchap*)>
+<!--end of tocpart.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % tocpart.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST tocpart
+ %common.attrib;
+ %tocpart.role.attrib;
+ %local.tocpart.attrib;
+<!--end of tocpart.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of tocpart.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % tocchap.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.tocchap.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % tocchap.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % tocchap.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An entry in a table of contents for a component in the body of a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT tocchap %ho; (tocentry+, toclevel1*)>
+<!--end of tocchap.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % tocchap.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST tocchap
+ %label.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %tocchap.role.attrib;
+ %local.tocchap.attrib;
+<!--end of tocchap.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of tocchap.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % toclevel1.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.toclevel1.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % toclevel1.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % toclevel1.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A top-level entry within a table of contents entry for a chapter-like component.-->
+<!ELEMENT toclevel1 %ho; (tocentry+, toclevel2*)>
+<!--end of toclevel1.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % toclevel1.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST toclevel1
+ %common.attrib;
+ %toclevel1.role.attrib;
+ %local.toclevel1.attrib;
+<!--end of toclevel1.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of toclevel1.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % toclevel2.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.toclevel2.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % toclevel2.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % toclevel2.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A second-level entry within a table of contents entry for a chapter-like component.-->
+<!ELEMENT toclevel2 %ho; (tocentry+, toclevel3*)>
+<!--end of toclevel2.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % toclevel2.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST toclevel2
+ %common.attrib;
+ %toclevel2.role.attrib;
+ %local.toclevel2.attrib;
+<!--end of toclevel2.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of toclevel2.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % toclevel3.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.toclevel3.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % toclevel3.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % toclevel3.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A third-level entry within a table of contents entry for a chapter-like component.-->
+<!ELEMENT toclevel3 %ho; (tocentry+, toclevel4*)>
+<!--end of toclevel3.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % toclevel3.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST toclevel3
+ %common.attrib;
+ %toclevel3.role.attrib;
+ %local.toclevel3.attrib;
+<!--end of toclevel3.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of toclevel3.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % toclevel4.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.toclevel4.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % toclevel4.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % toclevel4.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A fourth-level entry within a table of contents entry for a chapter-like component.-->
+<!ELEMENT toclevel4 %ho; (tocentry+, toclevel5*)>
+<!--end of toclevel4.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % toclevel4.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST toclevel4
+ %common.attrib;
+ %toclevel4.role.attrib;
+ %local.toclevel4.attrib;
+<!--end of toclevel4.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of toclevel4.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % toclevel5.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.toclevel5.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % toclevel5.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % toclevel5.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A fifth-level entry within a table of contents entry for a chapter-like component.-->
+<!ELEMENT toclevel5 %ho; (tocentry+)>
+<!--end of toclevel5.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % toclevel5.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST toclevel5
+ %common.attrib;
+ %toclevel5.role.attrib;
+ %local.toclevel5.attrib;
+<!--end of toclevel5.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of toclevel5.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % tocback.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.tocback.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % tocback.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % tocback.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An entry in a table of contents for a back matter component.-->
+<!ELEMENT tocback %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of tocback.element-->]]>
+<!-- to element that this entry represents -->
+<!ENTITY % tocback.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST tocback
+ %label.attrib;
+ %linkend.attrib; %pagenum.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %tocback.role.attrib;
+ %local.tocback.attrib;
+<!--end of tocback.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of tocback.module-->]]>
+<!--end of toc.content.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % lot.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % lot.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.lot.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % lot.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % lot.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A list of the titles of formal objects (as tables or figures) in a document.-->
+<!ELEMENT lot %ho; (beginpage?, (%bookcomponent.title.content;)?, lotentry*)>
+<!--end of lot.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % lot.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST lot
+ %label.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %lot.role.attrib;
+ %local.lot.attrib;
+<!--end of lot.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of lot.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % lotentry.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.lotentry.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % lotentry.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % lotentry.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An entry in a list of titles.-->
+<!ELEMENT lotentry %ho; (%para.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of lotentry.element-->]]>
+<!-- SrcCredit: Information about the source of the entry,
+ as for a list of illustrations -->
+<!-- linkend: to element that this entry represents-->
+<!ENTITY % lotentry.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST lotentry
+ %linkend.attrib;
+ %pagenum.attrib;
+ srccredit CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %common.attrib;
+ %lotentry.role.attrib;
+ %local.lotentry.attrib;
+<!--end of lotentry.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of lotentry.module-->]]>
+<!--end of lot.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Appendix, Chapter, Part, Preface, Reference, PartIntro ............... -->
+<!ENTITY % appendix.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.appendix.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % appendix.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % appendix.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An appendix in a Book or Article.-->
+<!ELEMENT appendix %ho; (beginpage?,
+ appendixinfo?,
+ (%bookcomponent.title.content;),
+ (%nav.class;)*,
+ tocchap?,
+ (%bookcomponent.content;),
+ (%nav.class;)*)
+ %ubiq.inclusion;>
+<!--end of appendix.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % appendix.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST appendix
+ %label.attrib;
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %appendix.role.attrib;
+ %local.appendix.attrib;
+<!--end of appendix.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of appendix.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % chapter.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.chapter.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % chapter.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % chapter.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A chapter, as of a book.-->
+<!ELEMENT chapter %ho; (beginpage?,
+ chapterinfo?,
+ (%bookcomponent.title.content;),
+ (%nav.class;)*,
+ tocchap?,
+ (%bookcomponent.content;),
+ (%nav.class;)*)
+ %ubiq.inclusion;>
+<!--end of chapter.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % chapter.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST chapter
+ %label.attrib;
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %chapter.role.attrib;
+ %local.chapter.attrib;
+<!--end of chapter.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of chapter.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % part.module "INCLUDE">
+<!-- Note that Part was to have its content model reduced in V4.5. This
+change will not be made after all. -->
+<!ENTITY % local.part.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % part.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % part.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A division in a book.-->
+<!ELEMENT part %ho; (beginpage?,
+ partinfo?, (%bookcomponent.title.content;), partintro?,
+ (%partcontent.mix;)+)
+ %ubiq.inclusion;>
+<!--end of part.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % part.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST part
+ %label.attrib;
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %part.role.attrib;
+ %local.part.attrib;
+<!--end of part.attlist-->]]>
+<!--ELEMENT PartIntro (defined below)-->
+<!--end of part.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % preface.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.preface.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % preface.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % preface.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Introductory matter preceding the first chapter of a book.-->
+<!ELEMENT preface %ho; (beginpage?,
+ prefaceinfo?,
+ (%bookcomponent.title.content;),
+ (%nav.class;)*,
+ tocchap?,
+ (%bookcomponent.content;),
+ (%nav.class;)*)
+ %ubiq.inclusion;>
+<!--end of preface.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % preface.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST preface
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %preface.role.attrib;
+ %local.preface.attrib;
+<!--end of preface.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of preface.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % reference.module "INCLUDE">
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+ | (%refentry.class;)+ | sect5+ | simplesect+), (%nav.class;)*)>
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+<!ENTITY % bibliodiv.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A section of a Bibliography.-->
+<!ELEMENT bibliodiv %ho; ((%sect.title.content;)?, (%component.mix;)*,
+ (biblioentry|bibliomixed)+)>
+<!--end of bibliodiv.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % bibliodiv.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST bibliodiv
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %bibliodiv.role.attrib;
+ %local.bibliodiv.attrib;
+<!--end of bibliodiv.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of bibliodiv.module-->]]>
+<!--end of bibliography.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Glossary ............................................................. -->
+<!ENTITY % glossary.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % glossary.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.glossary.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % glossary.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % glossary.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A glossary.-->
+<!ELEMENT glossary %ho; (glossaryinfo?,
+ (%bookcomponent.title.content;)?,
+ (%component.mix;)*,
+ (glossdiv+ | glossentry+), bibliography?)>
+<!--end of glossary.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % glossary.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST glossary
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %glossary.role.attrib;
+ %local.glossary.attrib;
+<!--end of glossary.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of glossary.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % glossdiv.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.glossdiv.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % glossdiv.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % glossdiv.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A division in a Glossary.-->
+<!ELEMENT glossdiv %ho; ((%sect.title.content;), (%component.mix;)*,
+ glossentry+)>
+<!--end of glossdiv.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % glossdiv.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST glossdiv
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %glossdiv.role.attrib;
+ %local.glossdiv.attrib;
+<!--end of glossdiv.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of glossdiv.module-->]]>
+<!--end of glossary.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Index and SetIndex ................................................... -->
+<!ENTITY % index.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % indexes.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.indexes.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % indexes.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % index.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An index.-->
+<!ELEMENT index %ho; (indexinfo?,
+ (%bookcomponent.title.content;)?,
+ (%component.mix;)*,
+ (indexdiv* | indexentry*))
+ %ndxterm.exclusion;>
+<!--end of index.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % index.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST index
+ %common.attrib;
+ %indexes.role.attrib;
+ %local.indexes.attrib;
+<!--end of index.attlist-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % setindex.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An index to a set of books.-->
+<!ELEMENT setindex %ho; (setindexinfo?,
+ (%bookcomponent.title.content;)?,
+ (%component.mix;)*,
+ (indexdiv* | indexentry*))
+ %ndxterm.exclusion;>
+<!--end of setindex.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % setindex.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST setindex
+ %common.attrib;
+ %indexes.role.attrib;
+ %local.indexes.attrib;
+<!--end of setindex.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of indexes.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % indexdiv.module "INCLUDE">
+<!-- SegmentedList in this content is useful for marking up permuted
+ indices. -->
+<!ENTITY % local.indexdiv.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % indexdiv.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % indexdiv.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A division in an index.-->
+<!ELEMENT indexdiv %ho; ((%sect.title.content;)?, ((%indexdivcomponent.mix;)*,
+ (indexentry+ | segmentedlist)))>
+<!--end of indexdiv.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % indexdiv.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST indexdiv
+ %common.attrib;
+ %indexdiv.role.attrib;
+ %local.indexdiv.attrib;
+<!--end of indexdiv.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of indexdiv.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % indexentry.module "INCLUDE">
+<!-- Index entries appear in the index, not the text. -->
+<!ENTITY % local.indexentry.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % indexentry.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % indexentry.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An entry in an index.-->
+<!ELEMENT indexentry %ho; (primaryie, (seeie|seealsoie)*,
+ (secondaryie, (seeie|seealsoie|tertiaryie)*)*)>
+<!--end of indexentry.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % indexentry.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST indexentry
+ %common.attrib;
+ %indexentry.role.attrib;
+ %local.indexentry.attrib;
+<!--end of indexentry.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of indexentry.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % primsecterie.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.primsecterie.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % primsecterie.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % primaryie.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A primary term in an index entry, not in the text.-->
+<!ELEMENT primaryie %ho; (%ndxterm.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of primaryie.element-->]]>
+<!-- to IndexTerms that these entries represent -->
+<!ENTITY % primaryie.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST primaryie
+ %linkends.attrib; %common.attrib;
+ %primsecterie.role.attrib;
+ %local.primsecterie.attrib;
+<!--end of primaryie.attlist-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % secondaryie.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A secondary term in an index entry, rather than in the text.-->
+<!ELEMENT secondaryie %ho; (%ndxterm.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of secondaryie.element-->]]>
+<!-- to IndexTerms that these entries represent -->
+<!ENTITY % secondaryie.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST secondaryie
+ %linkends.attrib; %common.attrib;
+ %primsecterie.role.attrib;
+ %local.primsecterie.attrib;
+<!--end of secondaryie.attlist-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % tertiaryie.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A tertiary term in an index entry, rather than in the text.-->
+<!ELEMENT tertiaryie %ho; (%ndxterm.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of tertiaryie.element-->]]>
+<!-- to IndexTerms that these entries represent -->
+<!ENTITY % tertiaryie.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST tertiaryie
+ %linkends.attrib; %common.attrib;
+ %primsecterie.role.attrib;
+ %local.primsecterie.attrib;
+<!--end of tertiaryie.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of primsecterie.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % seeie.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.seeie.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % seeie.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % seeie.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A See entry in an index, rather than in the text.-->
+<!ELEMENT seeie %ho; (%ndxterm.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of seeie.element-->]]>
+<!-- to IndexEntry to look up -->
+<!ENTITY % seeie.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST seeie
+ %linkend.attrib; %common.attrib;
+ %seeie.role.attrib;
+ %local.seeie.attrib;
+<!--end of seeie.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of seeie.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % seealsoie.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.seealsoie.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % seealsoie.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % seealsoie.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A See also entry in an index, rather than in the text.-->
+<!ELEMENT seealsoie %ho; (%ndxterm.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of seealsoie.element-->]]>
+<!-- to related IndexEntries -->
+<!ENTITY % seealsoie.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST seealsoie
+ %linkends.attrib; %common.attrib;
+ %seealsoie.role.attrib;
+ %local.seealsoie.attrib;
+<!--end of seealsoie.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of seealsoie.module-->]]>
+<!--end of index.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- RefEntry ............................................................. -->
+<!ENTITY % refentry.content.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % refentry.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refentry.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refentry.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refentry.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A reference page (originally a UNIX man-style reference page).-->
+<!ELEMENT refentry %ho; (beginpage?,
+ (%ndxterm.class;)*,
+ refentryinfo?, refmeta?, (remark|%link.char.class;)*,
+ refnamediv+, refsynopsisdiv?, (refsect1+|refsection+))
+ %ubiq.inclusion;>
+<!--end of refentry.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refentry.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST refentry
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %refentry.role.attrib;
+ %local.refentry.attrib;
+<!--end of refentry.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refentry.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refmeta.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refmeta.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refmeta.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refmeta.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Meta-information for a reference entry.-->
+<!ELEMENT refmeta %ho; ((%ndxterm.class;)*,
+ refentrytitle, manvolnum?, refmiscinfo*,
+ (%ndxterm.class;)*)
+ %beginpage.exclusion;>
+<!--end of refmeta.element-->]]>
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+ %common.attrib;
+ %refmeta.role.attrib;
+ %local.refmeta.attrib;
+<!--end of refmeta.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refmeta.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refmiscinfo.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refmiscinfo.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refmiscinfo.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refmiscinfo.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:Meta-information for a reference entry other than the title and volume number.-->
+<!ELEMENT refmiscinfo %ho; (%docinfo.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of refmiscinfo.element-->]]>
+<!-- Class: Freely assignable parameter; no default -->
+<!ENTITY % refmiscinfo.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST refmiscinfo
+ %common.attrib;
+ %refmiscinfo.role.attrib;
+ %local.refmiscinfo.attrib;
+<!--end of refmiscinfo.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refmiscinfo.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refnamediv.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refnamediv.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refnamediv.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refnamediv.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name, purpose, and classification of a reference page.-->
+<!ELEMENT refnamediv %ho; (refdescriptor?, refname+, refpurpose, refclass*,
+ (remark|%link.char.class;)*)>
+<!--end of refnamediv.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refnamediv.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST refnamediv
+ %common.attrib;
+ %refnamediv.role.attrib;
+ %local.refnamediv.attrib;
+<!--end of refnamediv.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refnamediv.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refdescriptor.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refdescriptor.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refdescriptor.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refdescriptor.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A description of the topic of a reference page.-->
+<!ELEMENT refdescriptor %ho; (%refname.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of refdescriptor.element-->]]>
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+<!ATTLIST refdescriptor
+ %common.attrib;
+ %refdescriptor.role.attrib;
+ %local.refdescriptor.attrib;
+<!--end of refdescriptor.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refdescriptor.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refname.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refname.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refname.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refname.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The name of (one of) the subject(s) of a reference page.-->
+<!ELEMENT refname %ho; (%refname.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of refname.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refname.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST refname
+ %common.attrib;
+ %refname.role.attrib;
+ %local.refname.attrib;
+<!--end of refname.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refname.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refpurpose.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refpurpose.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refpurpose.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refpurpose.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A short (one sentence) synopsis of the topic of a reference page.-->
+<!ELEMENT refpurpose %ho; (%refinline.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of refpurpose.element-->]]>
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+<!ATTLIST refpurpose
+ %common.attrib;
+ %refpurpose.role.attrib;
+ %local.refpurpose.attrib;
+<!--end of refpurpose.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refpurpose.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refclass.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refclass.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refclass.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refclass.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:The scope or other indication of applicability of a reference entry.-->
+<!ELEMENT refclass %ho; (%refclass.char.mix;)*>
+<!--end of refclass.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refclass.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST refclass
+ %common.attrib;
+ %refclass.role.attrib;
+ %local.refclass.attrib;
+<!--end of refclass.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refclass.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refsynopsisdiv.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refsynopsisdiv.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refsynopsisdiv.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refsynopsisdiv.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A syntactic synopsis of the subject of the reference page.-->
+<!ELEMENT refsynopsisdiv %ho; (refsynopsisdivinfo?, (%refsect.title.content;)?,
+ (((%refcomponent.mix;)+, refsect2*) | (refsect2+)))>
+<!--end of refsynopsisdiv.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refsynopsisdiv.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST refsynopsisdiv
+ %common.attrib;
+ %refsynopsisdiv.role.attrib;
+ %local.refsynopsisdiv.attrib;
+<!--end of refsynopsisdiv.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refsynopsisdiv.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refsection.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refsection.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refsection.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refsection.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A recursive section in a refentry.-->
+<!ELEMENT refsection %ho; (refsectioninfo?, (%refsect.title.content;),
+ (((%refcomponent.mix;)+, refsection*) | refsection+))>
+<!--end of refsection.element-->]]>
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+<!ATTLIST refsection
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %refsection.role.attrib;
+ %local.refsection.attrib;
+<!--end of refsection.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refsection.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refsect1.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refsect1.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refsect1.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refsect1.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A major subsection of a reference entry.-->
+<!ELEMENT refsect1 %ho; (refsect1info?, (%refsect.title.content;),
+ (((%refcomponent.mix;)+, refsect2*) | refsect2+))>
+<!--end of refsect1.element-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refsect1.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST refsect1
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %refsect1.role.attrib;
+ %local.refsect1.attrib;
+<!--end of refsect1.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refsect1.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refsect2.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refsect2.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refsect2.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refsect2.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A subsection of a RefSect1.-->
+<!ELEMENT refsect2 %ho; (refsect2info?, (%refsect.title.content;),
+ (((%refcomponent.mix;)+, refsect3*) | refsect3+))>
+<!--end of refsect2.element-->]]>
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+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %refsect2.role.attrib;
+ %local.refsect2.attrib;
+<!--end of refsect2.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refsect2.module-->]]>
+<!ENTITY % refsect3.module "INCLUDE">
+<!ENTITY % local.refsect3.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % refsect3.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % refsect3.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:A subsection of a RefSect2.-->
+<!ELEMENT refsect3 %ho; (refsect3info?, (%refsect.title.content;),
+ (%refcomponent.mix;)+)>
+<!--end of refsect3.element-->]]>
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+<!ATTLIST refsect3
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %refsect3.role.attrib;
+ %local.refsect3.attrib;
+<!--end of refsect3.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of refsect3.module-->]]>
+<!--end of refentry.content.module-->]]>
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->
+<!-- Article .............................................................. -->
+<!ENTITY % article.module "INCLUDE">
+<!-- An Article is a chapter-level, stand-alone document that is often,
+ but need not be, collected into a Book. -->
+<!ENTITY % local.article.attrib "">
+<!ENTITY % article.role.attrib "%role.attrib;">
+<!ENTITY % article.element "INCLUDE">
+<!--doc:An article.-->
+<!ELEMENT article %ho; ((%div.title.content;)?, articleinfo?, tocchap?, lot*,
+ (%bookcomponent.content;),
+ (%nav.class;|%appendix.class;|colophon|ackno)*)
+ %ubiq.inclusion;>
+<!--end of article.element-->]]>
+<!-- Class: Indicates the type of a particular article;
+ all articles have the same structure and general purpose.
+ No default. -->
+<!-- ParentBook: ID of the enclosing Book -->
+<!ENTITY % article.attlist "INCLUDE">
+<!ATTLIST article
+ class (journalarticle
+ |productsheet
+ |whitepaper
+ |techreport
+ |specification
+ |faq) #IMPLIED
+ parentbook IDREF #IMPLIED
+ %status.attrib;
+ %common.attrib;
+ %article.role.attrib;
+ %local.article.attrib;
+<!--end of article.attlist-->]]>
+<!--end of article.module-->]]>
+<!-- End of DocBook document hierarchy module V4.5 ........................ -->
+<!-- ...................................................................... -->