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1 files changed, 58 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/Modules/FindMPI.cmake b/Modules/FindMPI.cmake
index 1d42a91..d251088 100644
--- a/Modules/FindMPI.cmake
+++ b/Modules/FindMPI.cmake
@@ -184,8 +184,15 @@ endforeach()
# (Windows implementations) do not have compiler wrappers, so this approach must be used.
function (interrogate_mpi_compiler lang try_libs)
- # if it's already in the cache, don't bother with any of this stuff
- if ((NOT MPI_${lang}_INCLUDE_PATH) OR (NOT MPI_${lang}_LIBRARIES))
+ # MPI_${lang}_NO_INTERROGATE will be set to a compiler name when the *regular* compiler was
+ # discovered to be the MPI compiler. This happens on machines like the Cray XE6 that use
+ # modules to set cc, CC, and ftn to the MPI compilers. If the user force-sets another MPI
+ # compiler, MPI_${lang}_COMPILER won't be equal to MPI_${lang}_NO_INTERROGATE, and we'll
+ # inspect that compiler anew. This allows users to set new compilers w/o rm'ing cache.
+ string(COMPARE NOTEQUAL "${MPI_${lang}_NO_INTERROGATE}" "${MPI_${lang}_COMPILER}" interrogate)
+ # If MPI is set already in the cache, don't bother with interrogating the compiler.
+ if (interrogate AND ((NOT MPI_${lang}_INCLUDE_PATH) OR (NOT MPI_${lang}_LIBRARIES)))
if (MPI_${lang}_COMPILER)
# Check whether the -showme:compile option works. This indicates that we have either OpenMPI
# or a newer version of LAM-MPI, and implies that -showme:link will also work.
@@ -436,6 +443,43 @@ function (interrogate_mpi_compiler lang try_libs)
+function(try_regular_compiler lang success)
+ # last ditch attempt: just try to compile something with the regular compiler
+ if (${lang} STREQUAL Fortran)
+ set(test_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_mpi_test.f90)
+ file(WRITE ${test_file}
+ "program hello\n"
+ "include 'mpif.h'\n"
+ "integer ierror\n"
+ "call MPI_INIT(ierror)\n"
+ "call MPI_FINALIZE(ierror)\n"
+ "end\n")
+ else()
+ if (${lang} STREQUAL CXX)
+ set(test_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_mpi_test.cpp)
+ else()
+ set(test_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_mpi_test.c)
+ endif()
+ file(WRITE ${test_file}
+ "#include <mpi.h>\n"
+ "int main(int argc, char **argv) {\n"
+ " MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);\n"
+ " MPI_Finalize();\n"
+ "}\n")
+ endif()
+ try_compile(worked ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ${test_file})
+ if (worked)
+ set(MPI_${lang}_NO_INTERROGATE ${CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER} CACHE STRING "Whether to interrogate MPI ${lang} compiler" FORCE)
+ set(MPI_${lang}_COMPILER ${CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER} CACHE STRING "MPI ${lang} compiler" FORCE)
+ set(MPI_${lang}_COMPILE_FLAGS "" CACHE STRING "MPI ${lang} compilation flags" FORCE)
+ set(MPI_${lang}_INCLUDE_PATH "" CACHE STRING "MPI ${lang} include path" FORCE)
+ set(MPI_${lang}_LINK_FLAGS "" CACHE STRING "MPI ${lang} linking flags" FORCE)
+ set(MPI_${lang}_LIBRARIES "" CACHE STRING "MPI ${lang} libraries to link against" FORCE)
+ endif()
+ set(${success} ${worked} PARENT_SCOPE)
+ file(REMOVE ${test_file})
# End definitions, commence real work here.
# Most mpi distros have some form of mpiexec which gives us something we can reliably look for.
@@ -507,8 +551,18 @@ foreach (lang C CXX Fortran)
interrogate_mpi_compiler(${lang} ${try_libs})
- # Treat each language separately as far as outputting whether we found support for it and setting MPI_<lang>_FOUND.
- find_package_handle_standard_args(MPI_${lang} DEFAULT_MSG MPI_${lang}_LIBRARIES MPI_${lang}_INCLUDE_PATH)
+ # last ditch try -- if nothing works so far, just try running the regular compiler and
+ # see if we can create an MPI executable.
+ set(regular_compiler_worked 0)
+ try_regular_compiler(${lang} regular_compiler_worked)
+ endif()
+ if (regular_compiler_worked)
+ find_package_handle_standard_args(MPI_${lang} DEFAULT_MSG MPI_${lang}_COMPILER)
+ else()
+ find_package_handle_standard_args(MPI_${lang} DEFAULT_MSG MPI_${lang}_LIBRARIES MPI_${lang}_INCLUDE_PATH)
+ endif()