diff options
8 files changed, 561 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/Help/manual/cmake-server.7.rst b/Help/manual/cmake-server.7.rst
index 61d6896..b8a425c 100644
--- a/Help/manual/cmake-server.7.rst
+++ b/Help/manual/cmake-server.7.rst
@@ -248,3 +248,129 @@ which will result in a response type "reply"::
]== CMake Server ==]
indicating that the server is ready for action.
+Type "globalSettings"
+This request can be sent after the initial handshake. It will return a
+JSON structure with information on cmake state.
+ [== CMake Server ==[
+ {"type":"globalSettings"}
+ ]== CMake Server ==]
+which will result in a response type "reply"::
+ [== CMake Server ==[
+ {
+ "buildDirectory": "/tmp/test-build",
+ "capabilities": {
+ "generators": [
+ {
+ "extraGenerators": [],
+ "name": "Watcom WMake",
+ "platformSupport": false,
+ "toolsetSupport": false
+ },
+ <...>
+ ],
+ "serverMode": false,
+ "version": {
+ "isDirty": false,
+ "major": 3,
+ "minor": 6,
+ "patch": 20160830,
+ "string": "3.6.20160830-gd6abad",
+ "suffix": "gd6abad"
+ }
+ },
+ "checkSystemVars": false,
+ "cookie": "",
+ "extraGenerator": "",
+ "generator": "Ninja",
+ "debugOutput": false,
+ "inReplyTo": "globalSettings",
+ "sourceDirectory": "/home/code/cmake",
+ "trace": false,
+ "traceExpand": false,
+ "type": "reply",
+ "warnUninitialized": false,
+ "warnUnused": false,
+ "warnUnusedCli": true
+ }
+ ]== CMake Server ==]
+Type "setGlobalSettings"
+This request can be sent to change the global settings attributes. Unknown
+attributes are going to be ignored. Read-only attributes reported by
+"globalSettings" are all capabilities, buildDirectory, generator,
+extraGenerator and sourceDirectory. Any attempt to set these will be ignored,
+All other settings will be changed.
+The server will respond with an empty reply message or an error.
+ [== CMake Server ==[
+ {"type":"setGlobalSettings","debugOutput":true}
+ ]== CMake Server ==]
+CMake will reply to this with::
+ [== CMake Server ==[
+ {"inReplyTo":"setGlobalSettings","type":"reply"}
+ ]== CMake Server ==]
+Type "configure"
+This request will configure a project for build.
+To configure a build directory already containing cmake files, it is enough to
+set "buildDirectory" via "setGlobalSettings". To create a fresh build directory
+you also need to set "currentGenerator" and "sourceDirectory" via "setGlobalSettings"
+in addition to "buildDirectory".
+You may a list of strings to "configure" via the "cacheArguments" key. These
+strings will be interpreted similar to command line arguments related to
+cache handling that are passed to the cmake command line client.
+ [== CMake Server ==[
+ {"type":"configure", "cacheArguments":["-Dsomething=else"]}
+ ]== CMake Server ==]
+CMake will reply like this (after reporting progress for some time)::
+ [== CMake Server ==[
+ {"cookie":"","inReplyTo":"configure","type":"reply"}
+ ]== CMake Server ==]
+Type "compute"
+This requist will generate build system files in the build directory and
+is only available after a project was successfully "configure"d.
+ [== CMake Server ==[
+ {"type":"compute"}
+ ]== CMake Server ==]
+CMake will reply (after reporting progress information)::
+ [== CMake Server ==[
+ {"cookie":"","inReplyTo":"compute","type":"reply"}
+ ]== CMake Server ==]
diff --git a/Source/cmServerDictionary.h b/Source/cmServerDictionary.h
index 156ade2..fc1b44d 100644
--- a/Source/cmServerDictionary.h
+++ b/Source/cmServerDictionary.h
@@ -16,15 +16,23 @@
// Vocabulary:
+static const std::string kCOMPUTE_TYPE = "compute";
+static const std::string kCONFIGURE_TYPE = "configure";
static const std::string kERROR_TYPE = "error";
+static const std::string kGLOBAL_SETTINGS_TYPE = "globalSettings";
static const std::string kHANDSHAKE_TYPE = "handshake";
static const std::string kMESSAGE_TYPE = "message";
static const std::string kPROGRESS_TYPE = "progress";
static const std::string kREPLY_TYPE = "reply";
+static const std::string kSET_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_TYPE = "setGlobalSettings";
static const std::string kSIGNAL_TYPE = "signal";
static const std::string kBUILD_DIRECTORY_KEY = "buildDirectory";
+static const std::string kCACHE_ARGUMENTS_KEY = "cacheArguments";
+static const std::string kCAPABILITIES_KEY = "capabilities";
+static const std::string kCHECK_SYSTEM_VARS_KEY = "checkSystemVars";
static const std::string kCOOKIE_KEY = "cookie";
+static const std::string kDEBUG_OUTPUT_KEY = "debugOutput";
static const std::string kERROR_MESSAGE_KEY = "errorMessage";
static const std::string kEXTRA_GENERATOR_KEY = "extraGenerator";
static const std::string kGENERATOR_KEY = "generator";
@@ -43,7 +51,12 @@ static const std::string kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY = "sourceDirectory";
static const std::string kSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_VERSIONS =
static const std::string kTITLE_KEY = "title";
+static const std::string kTRACE_EXPAND_KEY = "traceExpand";
+static const std::string kTRACE_KEY = "trace";
static const std::string kTYPE_KEY = "type";
+static const std::string kWARN_UNINITIALIZED_KEY = "warnUninitialized";
+static const std::string kWARN_UNUSED_CLI_KEY = "warnUnusedCli";
+static const std::string kWARN_UNUSED_KEY = "warnUnused";
static const std::string kSTART_MAGIC = "[== CMake Server ==[";
static const std::string kEND_MAGIC = "]== CMake Server ==]";
diff --git a/Source/cmServerProtocol.cxx b/Source/cmServerProtocol.cxx
index 755de0c..134edf3 100644
--- a/Source/cmServerProtocol.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmServerProtocol.cxx
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include "cmServerProtocol.h"
#include "cmExternalMakefileProjectGenerator.h"
+#include "cmGlobalGenerator.h"
#include "cmServer.h"
#include "cmServerDictionary.h"
#include "cmSystemTools.h"
@@ -279,6 +280,19 @@ const cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1_0::Process(
assert(this->m_State >= STATE_ACTIVE);
+ if (request.Type == kCOMPUTE_TYPE) {
+ return this->ProcessCompute(request);
+ }
+ if (request.Type == kCONFIGURE_TYPE) {
+ return this->ProcessConfigure(request);
+ }
+ if (request.Type == kGLOBAL_SETTINGS_TYPE) {
+ return this->ProcessGlobalSettings(request);
+ }
+ if (request.Type == kSET_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_TYPE) {
+ return this->ProcessSetGlobalSettings(request);
+ }
return request.ReportError("Unknown command!");
@@ -286,3 +300,179 @@ bool cmServerProtocol1_0::IsExperimental() const
return true;
+cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1_0::ProcessCompute(
+ const cmServerRequest& request)
+ if (this->m_State > STATE_CONFIGURED) {
+ return request.ReportError("This build system was already generated.");
+ }
+ if (this->m_State < STATE_CONFIGURED) {
+ return request.ReportError("This project was not configured yet.");
+ }
+ cmake* cm = this->CMakeInstance();
+ int ret = cm->Generate();
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ return request.ReportError("Failed to compute build system.");
+ }
+ return request.Reply(Json::Value());
+cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1_0::ProcessConfigure(
+ const cmServerRequest& request)
+ if (this->m_State == STATE_INACTIVE) {
+ return request.ReportError("This instance is inactive.");
+ }
+ // Make sure the types of cacheArguments matches (if given):
+ std::vector<std::string> cacheArgs;
+ bool cacheArgumentsError = false;
+ const Json::Value passedArgs = request.Data[kCACHE_ARGUMENTS_KEY];
+ if (!passedArgs.isNull()) {
+ if (passedArgs.isString()) {
+ cacheArgs.push_back(passedArgs.asString());
+ } else if (passedArgs.isArray()) {
+ for (auto i = passedArgs.begin(); i != passedArgs.end(); ++i) {
+ if (!i->isString()) {
+ cacheArgumentsError = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ cacheArgs.push_back(i->asString());
+ }
+ } else {
+ cacheArgumentsError = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cacheArgumentsError) {
+ request.ReportError(
+ "cacheArguments must be unset, a string or an array of strings.");
+ }
+ cmake* cm = this->CMakeInstance();
+ std::string sourceDir = cm->GetHomeDirectory();
+ const std::string buildDir = cm->GetHomeOutputDirectory();
+ if (buildDir.empty()) {
+ return request.ReportError(
+ "No build directory set via setGlobalSettings.");
+ }
+ if (cm->LoadCache(buildDir)) {
+ // build directory has been set up before
+ const char* cachedSourceDir =
+ cm->GetState()->GetInitializedCacheValue("CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY");
+ if (!cachedSourceDir) {
+ return request.ReportError("No CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY found in cache.");
+ }
+ if (sourceDir.empty()) {
+ sourceDir = std::string(cachedSourceDir);
+ cm->SetHomeDirectory(sourceDir);
+ }
+ const char* cachedGenerator =
+ cm->GetState()->GetInitializedCacheValue("CMAKE_GENERATOR");
+ if (cachedGenerator) {
+ cmGlobalGenerator* gen = cm->GetGlobalGenerator();
+ if (gen && gen->GetName() != cachedGenerator) {
+ return request.ReportError("Configured generator does not match with "
+ "CMAKE_GENERATOR found in cache.");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // build directory has not been set up before
+ if (sourceDir.empty()) {
+ return request.ReportError("No sourceDirectory set via "
+ "setGlobalSettings and no cache found in "
+ "buildDirectory.");
+ }
+ }
+ if (cm->AddCMakePaths() != 1) {
+ return request.ReportError("Failed to set CMake paths.");
+ }
+ if (!cm->SetCacheArgs(cacheArgs)) {
+ return request.ReportError("cacheArguments could not be set.");
+ }
+ int ret = cm->Configure();
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ return request.ReportError("Configuration failed.");
+ }
+ return request.Reply(Json::Value());
+cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1_0::ProcessGlobalSettings(
+ const cmServerRequest& request)
+ cmake* cm = this->CMakeInstance();
+ Json::Value obj = Json::objectValue;
+ // Capabilities information:
+ obj[kCAPABILITIES_KEY] = cm->ReportCapabilitiesJson(true);
+ obj[kDEBUG_OUTPUT_KEY] = cm->GetDebugOutput();
+ obj[kTRACE_KEY] = cm->GetTrace();
+ obj[kTRACE_EXPAND_KEY] = cm->GetTraceExpand();
+ obj[kWARN_UNINITIALIZED_KEY] = cm->GetWarnUninitialized();
+ obj[kWARN_UNUSED_KEY] = cm->GetWarnUnused();
+ obj[kWARN_UNUSED_CLI_KEY] = cm->GetWarnUnusedCli();
+ obj[kCHECK_SYSTEM_VARS_KEY] = cm->GetCheckSystemVars();
+ obj[kSOURCE_DIRECTORY_KEY] = cm->GetHomeDirectory();
+ obj[kBUILD_DIRECTORY_KEY] = cm->GetHomeOutputDirectory();
+ // Currently used generator:
+ cmGlobalGenerator* gen = cm->GetGlobalGenerator();
+ obj[kGENERATOR_KEY] = gen ? gen->GetName() : std::string();
+ gen ? gen->GetExtraGeneratorName() : std::string();
+ return request.Reply(obj);
+static void setBool(const cmServerRequest& request, const std::string& key,
+ std::function<void(bool)> setter)
+ if (request.Data[key].isNull()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ setter(request.Data[key].asBool());
+cmServerResponse cmServerProtocol1_0::ProcessSetGlobalSettings(
+ const cmServerRequest& request)
+ const std::vector<std::string> boolValues = {
+ };
+ for (auto i : boolValues) {
+ if (!request.Data[i].isNull() && !request.Data[i].isBool()) {
+ return request.ReportError("\"" + i +
+ "\" must be unset or a bool value.");
+ }
+ }
+ cmake* cm = this->CMakeInstance();
+ setBool(request, kDEBUG_OUTPUT_KEY,
+ [cm](bool e) { cm->SetDebugOutputOn(e); });
+ setBool(request, kTRACE_KEY, [cm](bool e) { cm->SetTrace(e); });
+ setBool(request, kTRACE_EXPAND_KEY, [cm](bool e) { cm->SetTraceExpand(e); });
+ setBool(request, kWARN_UNINITIALIZED_KEY,
+ [cm](bool e) { cm->SetWarnUninitialized(e); });
+ setBool(request, kWARN_UNUSED_KEY, [cm](bool e) { cm->SetWarnUnused(e); });
+ setBool(request, kWARN_UNUSED_CLI_KEY,
+ [cm](bool e) { cm->SetWarnUnusedCli(e); });
+ setBool(request, kCHECK_SYSTEM_VARS_KEY,
+ [cm](bool e) { cm->SetCheckSystemVars(e); });
+ return request.Reply(Json::Value());
diff --git a/Source/cmServerProtocol.h b/Source/cmServerProtocol.h
index 0383dfe..e772eca 100644
--- a/Source/cmServerProtocol.h
+++ b/Source/cmServerProtocol.h
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "cmListFileCache.h"
+#include "cmake.h"
#include "cm_jsoncpp_writer.h"
@@ -116,10 +117,18 @@ private:
bool DoActivate(const cmServerRequest& request,
std::string* errorMessage) override;
+ // Handle requests:
+ cmServerResponse ProcessCompute(const cmServerRequest& request);
+ cmServerResponse ProcessConfigure(const cmServerRequest& request);
+ cmServerResponse ProcessGlobalSettings(const cmServerRequest& request);
+ cmServerResponse ProcessSetGlobalSettings(const cmServerRequest& request);
enum State
State m_State = STATE_INACTIVE;
diff --git a/Tests/Server/CMakeLists.txt b/Tests/Server/CMakeLists.txt
index 8daf12a..03f5042 100644
--- a/Tests/Server/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Tests/Server/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -19,5 +19,6 @@ macro(do_test bsname file)
do_test("test_handshake" "tc_handshake.json")
+do_test("test_globalSettings" "tc_globalSettings.json")
add_executable(Server empty.cpp)
diff --git a/Tests/Server/ b/Tests/Server/
index 0f98078..8beaeef 100644
--- a/Tests/Server/
+++ b/Tests/Server/
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ def waitForReply(cmakeCommand, originalType, cookie):
packet = waitForRawMessage(cmakeCommand)
if packet['cookie'] != cookie or packet['type'] != 'reply' or packet['inReplyTo'] != originalType:
+ return packet
def waitForError(cmakeCommand, originalType, cookie, message):
packet = waitForRawMessage(cmakeCommand)
@@ -117,10 +118,71 @@ def waitForProgress(cmakeCommand, originalType, cookie, current, message):
if packet['cookie'] != cookie or packet['type'] != 'progress' or packet['inReplyTo'] != originalType or packet['progressCurrent'] != current or packet['progressMessage'] != message:
-def handshake(cmakeCommand, major, minor):
+def handshake(cmakeCommand, major, minor, source, build, generator, extraGenerator):
version = { 'major': major }
if minor >= 0:
version['minor'] = minor
- writePayload(cmakeCommand, { 'type': 'handshake', 'protocolVersion': version, 'cookie': 'TEST_HANDSHAKE' })
+ writePayload(cmakeCommand, { 'type': 'handshake', 'protocolVersion': version,
+ 'cookie': 'TEST_HANDSHAKE', 'sourceDirectory': source, 'buildDirectory': build,
+ 'generator': generator, 'extraGenerator': extraGenerator })
waitForReply(cmakeCommand, 'handshake', 'TEST_HANDSHAKE')
+def validateGlobalSettings(cmakeCommand, cmakeCommandPath, data):
+ packet = waitForReply(cmakeCommand, 'globalSettings', '')
+ capabilities = packet['capabilities']
+ # validate version:
+ cmakeoutput = subprocess.check_output([ cmakeCommandPath, "--version" ], universal_newlines=True)
+ cmakeVersion = cmakeoutput.splitlines()[0][14:]
+ version = capabilities['version']
+ versionString = version['string']
+ vs = str(version['major']) + '.' + str(version['minor']) + '.' + str(version['patch'])
+ if (versionString != vs and not versionString.startswith(vs + '-')):
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if (versionString != cmakeVersion):
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # validate generators:
+ generatorObjects = capabilities['generators']
+ cmakeoutput = subprocess.check_output([ cmakeCommandPath, "--help" ], universal_newlines=True)
+ index = cmakeoutput.index('\nGenerators\n\n')
+ cmakeGenerators = []
+ for line in cmakeoutput[index + 12:].splitlines():
+ if not line.startswith(' '):
+ continue
+ if line.startswith(' '):
+ continue
+ equalPos = line.find('=')
+ tmp = ''
+ if (equalPos > 0):
+ tmp = line[2:equalPos].strip()
+ else:
+ tmp = line.strip()
+ if tmp.endswith(" [arch]"):
+ tmp = tmp[0:len(tmp) - 7]
+ if (len(tmp) > 0) and (" - " not in tmp) and (tmp != 'KDevelop3'):
+ cmakeGenerators.append(tmp)
+ generators = []
+ for genObj in generatorObjects:
+ generators.append(genObj['name'])
+ generators.sort()
+ cmakeGenerators.sort()
+ for gen in cmakeGenerators:
+ if (not gen in generators):
+ sys.exit(1)
+ gen = packet['generator']
+ if (gen != '' and not (gen in generators)):
+ sys.exit(1)
+ for i in data:
+ print("Validating", i)
+ if (packet[i] != data[i]):
+ sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/Tests/Server/ b/Tests/Server/
index e0a3b3b..d2bf92e 100644
--- a/Tests/Server/
+++ b/Tests/Server/
@@ -68,9 +68,25 @@ for obj in testData:
if debug: print("Doing handshake:", json.dumps(data))
major = -1
minor = -1
+ generator = 'Ninja'
+ extraGenerator = 'CodeBlocks'
+ sourceDirectory = sourceDir
+ buildDirectory = buildDir
if 'major' in data: major = data['major']
if 'minor' in data: minor = data['minor']
- cmakelib.handshake(proc, major, minor)
+ if 'buildDirectory' in data: buildDirectory = data['buildDirectory']
+ if 'sourceDirectory' in data: sourceDirectory = data['sourceDirectory']
+ if 'generator' in data: generator = data['generator']
+ if 'extraGenerator' in data: extraGenerator = data['extraGenerator']
+ cmakelib.handshake(proc, major, minor, sourceDirectory, buildDirectory,
+ generator, extraGenerator)
+ elif 'validateGlobalSettings' in obj:
+ data = obj['validateGlobalSettings']
+ if not 'buildDirectory' in data: data['buildDirectory'] = buildDir
+ if not 'sourceDirectory' in data: data['sourceDirectory'] = sourceDir
+ if not 'generator' in data: data['generator'] = 'Ninja'
+ if not 'extraGenerator' in data: data['extraGenerator'] = 'CodeBlocks'
+ cmakelib.validateGlobalSettings(proc, cmakeCommand, data)
elif 'message' in obj:
print("MESSAGE:", obj["message"])
diff --git a/Tests/Server/tc_globalSettings.json b/Tests/Server/tc_globalSettings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d72fb41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/Server/tc_globalSettings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+{ "message": "Testing globalSettings" },
+{ "handshake": {"major": 1} },
+{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
+{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
+{ "message": "Change settings:" },
+{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "warnUnused": true } },
+{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
+{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
+{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": true, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
+{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "warnUnused": false } },
+{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
+{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
+{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
+{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "debugOutput": true } },
+{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
+{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
+{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": true, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
+{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "debugOutput": false } },
+{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
+{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
+{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
+{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "warnUninitialized": true } },
+{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
+{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
+{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": true, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
+{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "warnUninitialized": false } },
+{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
+{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
+{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
+{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "traceExpand": true } },
+{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
+{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
+{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": true, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
+{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "traceExpand": false } },
+{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
+{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
+{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
+{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "trace": true } },
+{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
+{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
+{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": true, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
+{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "trace": false } },
+{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
+{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
+{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
+{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "warnUnusedCli": false } },
+{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
+{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
+{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": false, "checkSystemVars": false } },
+{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "warnUnusedCli": true } },
+{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
+{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
+{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
+{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "checkSystemVars": true } },
+{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
+{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
+{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": true } },
+{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "checkSystemVars": false } },
+{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
+{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
+{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
+{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "warnUnused": true, "debugOutput": true, "warnUninitialized": true, "traceExpand": true, "trace": true, "warnUnusedCli": false, "checkSystemVars": true } },
+{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
+{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
+{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": true, "debugOutput": true, "warnUninitialized": true, "traceExpand": true, "trace": true, "warnUnusedCli": false, "checkSystemVars": true } },
+{ "message": "Ignore unknown/readonly" },
+{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "unknownKey": "unknownValue", "extraGenerator": "XXX", "generator": "YYY", "sourceDirectory": "/tmp/source", "buildDirectory": "/tmp/build" } },
+{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
+{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
+{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": true, "debugOutput": true, "warnUninitialized": true, "traceExpand": true, "trace": true, "warnUnusedCli": false, "checkSystemVars": true } },
+{ "message": "Error paths:" },
+{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "debugOutput": true, "warnUnused": 1 } },
+{ "error": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "message": "\"warnUnused\" must be unset or a bool value." } },
+{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "warnUnused": true, "debugOutput": 1 } },
+{ "error": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "message": "\"debugOutput\" must be unset or a bool value." } },
+{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "warnUninitialized": 1, "warnUnused": true, "debugOutput": true } },
+{ "error": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "message": "\"warnUninitialized\" must be unset or a bool value." } },
+{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "warnUnused": true, "debugOutput": true, "traceExpand": 1 } },
+{ "error": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "message": "\"traceExpand\" must be unset or a bool value." } },
+{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "debugOutput": true, "trace": 1, "warnUnused": true } },
+{ "error": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "message": "\"trace\" must be unset or a bool value." } },
+{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "warnUnused": true, "debugOutput": true, "warnUnusedCli": 1.0 } },
+{ "error": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "message": "\"warnUnusedCli\" must be unset or a bool value." } },
+{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "warnUnused": true, "debugOutput": true, "checkSystemVars": "some string" } },
+{ "error": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "message": "\"checkSystemVars\" must be unset or a bool value." } },
+{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
+{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": true, "debugOutput": true, "warnUninitialized": true, "traceExpand": true, "trace": true, "warnUnusedCli": false, "checkSystemVars": true } },
+{ "message": "Everything ok." }