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diff --git a/Help/cpack_gen/external.rst b/Help/cpack_gen/external.rst
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+CPack External Generator
+CPack provides many generators to create packages for a variety of platforms
+and packaging systems. The intention is for CMake/CPack to be a complete
+end-to-end solution for building and packaging a software project. However, it
+may not always be possible to use CPack for the entire packaging process, due
+to either technical limitations or policies that require the use of certain
+tools. For this reason, CPack provides the "External" generator, which allows
+external packaging software to take advantage of some of the functionality
+provided by CPack, such as component installation and the dependency graph.
+The CPack External generator doesn't actually package any files. Instead, it
+generates a .json file containing the CPack internal metadata, which gives
+external software information on how to package the software. This metadata
+file contains a list of CPack components and component groups, the various
+options passed to :command:`cpack_add_component` and
+:command:`cpack_add_component_group`, the dependencies between the components
+and component groups, and various other options passed to CPack.
+The file produced by the CPack External generator is a .json file with an
+object as its root. This root object will always provide two fields:
+``formatVersionMajor`` and ``formatVersionMinor``, which are always integers
+that describe the output format of the generator. Backwards-compatible changes
+to the output format (for example, adding a new field that didn't exist before)
+cause the minor version to be incremented, and backwards-incompatible changes
+(for example, deleting a field or changing its meaning) cause the major version
+to be incremented and the minor version reset to 0. The format version is
+always of the format ``major.minor``. In other words, it always has exactly two
+parts, separated by a period.
+You can request one or more specific versions of the output format as described
+below with :variable:`CPACK_EXT_REQUESTED_VERSIONS`. The output format will
+have a major version that exactly matches the requested major version, and a
+minor version that is greater than or equal to the requested minor version. If
+no version is requested with :variable:`CPACK_EXT_REQUESTED_VERSIONS`, the
+latest known major version is used by default. Currently, the only supported
+format is 1.0, which is described below.
+Version 1.0
+In addition to the standard format fields, format version 1.0 provides the
+following fields in the root:
+ The ``components`` field is an object with component names as the keys and
+ objects describing the components as the values. The component objects have
+ the following fields:
+ ``name``
+ The name of the component. This is always the same as the key in the
+ ``components`` object.
+ ``displayName``
+ The value of the ``DISPLAY_NAME`` field passed to
+ :command:`cpack_add_component`.
+ ``description``
+ The value of the ``DESCRIPTION`` field passed to
+ :command:`cpack_add_component`.
+ ``isHidden``
+ True if ``HIDDEN`` was passed to :command:`cpack_add_component`, false if
+ it was not.
+ ``isRequired``
+ True if ``REQUIRED`` was passed to :command:`cpack_add_component`, false if
+ it was not.
+ ``isDisabledByDefault``
+ True if ``DISABLED`` was passed to :command:`cpack_add_component`, false if
+ it was not.
+ ``group``
+ Only present if ``GROUP`` was passed to :command:`cpack_add_component`. If
+ so, this field is a string value containing the component's group.
+ ``dependencies``
+ An array of components the component depends on. This contains the values
+ in the ``DEPENDS`` argument passed to :command:`cpack_add_component`. If no
+ ``DEPENDS`` argument was passed, this is an empty list.
+ ``installationTypes``
+ An array of installation types the component is part of. This contains the
+ values in the ``INSTALL_TYPES`` argument passed to
+ :command:`cpack_add_component`. If no ``INSTALL_TYPES`` argument was
+ passed, this is an empty list.
+ ``isDownloaded``
+ True if ``DOWNLOADED`` was passed to :command:`cpack_add_component`, false
+ if it was not.
+ ``archiveFile``
+ The name of the archive file passed with the ``ARCHIVE_FILE`` argument to
+ :command:`cpack_add_component`. If no ``ARCHIVE_FILE`` argument was passed,
+ this is an empty string.
+ The ``componentGroups`` field is an object with component group names as the
+ keys and objects describing the component groups as the values. The component
+ group objects have the following fields:
+ ``name``
+ The name of the component group. This is always the same as the key in the
+ ``componentGroups`` object.
+ ``displayName``
+ The value of the ``DISPLAY_NAME`` field passed to
+ :command:`cpack_add_component_group`.
+ ``description``
+ The value of the ``DESCRIPTION`` field passed to
+ :command:`cpack_add_component_group`.
+ ``parentGroup``
+ Only present if ``PARENT_GROUP`` was passed to
+ :command:`cpack_add_component_group`. If so, this field is a string value
+ containing the component group's parent group.
+ ``isExpandedByDefault``
+ True if ``EXPANDED`` was passed to :command:`cpack_add_component_group`,
+ false if it was not.
+ ``isBold``
+ True if ``BOLD_TITLE`` was passed to :command:`cpack_add_component_group`,
+ false if it was not.
+ ``components``
+ An array of names of components that are direct members of the group
+ (components that have this group as their ``GROUP``). Components of
+ subgroups are not included.
+ ``subgroups``
+ An array of names of component groups that are subgroups of the group
+ (groups that have this group as their ``PARENT_GROUP``).
+ The ``installationTypes`` field is an object with installation type names as
+ the keys and objects describing the installation types as the values. The
+ installation type objects have the following fields:
+ ``name``
+ The name of the installation type. This is always the same as the key in
+ the ``installationTypes`` object.
+ ``displayName``
+ The value of the ``DISPLAY_NAME`` field passed to
+ :command:`cpack_add_install_type`.
+ ``index``
+ The integer index of the installation type in the list.
+ The ``projects`` field is an array of objects describing CMake projects which
+ comprise the CPack project. The values in this field are derived from
+ :variable:`CPACK_INSTALL_CMAKE_PROJECTS`. In most cases, this will be only a
+ single project. The project objects have the following fields:
+ ``projectName``
+ The project name passed to :variable:`CPACK_INSTALL_CMAKE_PROJECTS`.
+ ``component``
+ The name of the component or component set which comprises the project.
+ ``directory``
+ The build directory of the CMake project. This is the directory which
+ contains the ``cmake_install.cmake`` script.
+ ``subDirectory``
+ The subdirectory to install the project into inside the CPack package.
+ The package name given in :variable:`CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME`. Only present if
+ this option is set.
+ The package version given in :variable:`CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION`. Only present
+ if this option is set.
+ The package description file given in
+ :variable:`CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_FILE`. Only present if this option is
+ set.
+ The package description summary given in
+ :variable:`CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY`. Only present if this option is
+ set.
+ The build configuration given to CPack with the ``-C`` option. Only present
+ if this option is set.
+ The default directory permissions given in
+ option is set.
+ True if :variable:`CPACK_SET_DESTDIR` is true, false if it is not.
+ The install prefix given in :variable:`CPACK_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX`. Only
+ present if :variable:`CPACK_SET_DESTDIR` is true.
+ True if :variable:`CPACK_STRIP_FILES` is true, false if it is not.
+ True if :variable:`CPACK_WARN_ON_ABSOLUTE_INSTALL_DESTINATION` is true, false
+ if it is not.
+ false if it is not.
+Variables specific to CPack External generator
+ This variable is used to request a specific version of the CPack External
+ generator. It is a list of ``major.minor`` values, separated by semicolons.
+ If this variable is set to a non-empty value, the CPack External generator
+ will iterate through each item in the list to search for a version that it
+ knows how to generate. Requested versions should be listed in order of
+ descending preference by the client software, as the first matching version
+ in the list will be generated.
+ The generator knows how to generate the version if it has a versioned
+ generator whose major version exactly matches the requested major version,
+ and whose minor version is greater than or equal to the requested minor
+ version. For example, if ``CPACK_EXT_REQUESTED_VERSIONS`` contains 1.0, and
+ the CPack External generator knows how to generate 1.1, it will generate 1.1.
+ If the generator doesn't know how to generate a version in the list, it skips
+ the version and looks at the next one. If it doesn't know how to generate any
+ of the requested versions, an error is thrown.
+ If this variable is not set, or is empty, the CPack External generator will
+ generate the highest major and minor version that it knows how to generate.
+ If an invalid version is encountered in ``CPACK_EXT_REQUESTED_VERSIONS`` (one
+ that doesn't match ``major.minor``, where ``major`` and ``minor`` are
+ integers), it is ignored.
diff --git a/Help/manual/cpack-generators.7.rst b/Help/manual/cpack-generators.7.rst
index 4614b1c..ade9149 100644
--- a/Help/manual/cpack-generators.7.rst
+++ b/Help/manual/cpack-generators.7.rst
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Generators
+ /cpack_gen/external