diff options
3 files changed, 331 insertions, 209 deletions
diff --git a/Modules/ b/Modules/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b13b9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Meta
+set(ARCC_MULTI_CONFIG @_multi_config@)
+# Directories and files
+set(ARCC_BUILD_DIR @_build_dir@)
+# Qt environment
+set(ARCC_QT_VERSION_MAJOR @_qt_version_major@)
+set(ARCC_QT_RCC_EXECUTABLE @_qt_rcc_executable@)
diff --git a/Source/cmQtAutoGenDigest.h b/Source/cmQtAutoGenDigest.h
index 677c397..9ee1117 100644
--- a/Source/cmQtAutoGenDigest.h
+++ b/Source/cmQtAutoGenDigest.h
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ public:
std::string QrcFile;
std::string QrcName;
std::string PathChecksum;
+ std::string InfoFile;
+ std::string SettingsFile;
std::string RccFile;
bool Generated;
bool Unique;
diff --git a/Source/cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer.cxx b/Source/cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer.cxx
index c7550e6..9477bc3 100644
--- a/Source/cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer.cxx
@@ -635,29 +635,6 @@ static std::string RccGetExecutable(cmGeneratorTarget const* target,
return rccExec;
-static void SetupAutoTargetRcc(cmQtAutoGenDigest const& digest)
- std::vector<std::string> rccFiles;
- std::vector<std::string> rccBuilds;
- std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> rccOptions;
- std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> rccInputs;
- for (cmQtAutoGenDigestQrc const& qrcDigest : digest.Qrcs) {
- rccFiles.push_back(qrcDigest.QrcFile);
- rccBuilds.push_back(qrcDigest.RccFile);
- rccOptions.push_back(qrcDigest.Options);
- rccInputs.push_back(qrcDigest.Resources);
- }
- cmMakefile* makefile = digest.Target->Target->GetMakefile();
- AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_qt_rcc_executable",
- RccGetExecutable(digest.Target, digest.QtVersionMajor));
- AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_rcc_files", rccFiles);
- AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_rcc_builds", rccBuilds);
- AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_rcc_options", rccOptions);
- AddDefinitionEscaped(makefile, "_rcc_inputs", rccInputs);
void cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer::InitializeAutogenTarget(
cmQtAutoGenDigest& digest)
@@ -681,6 +658,24 @@ void cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer::InitializeAutogenTarget(
std::set<cmTarget*> autogenDependTargets;
std::vector<std::string> autogenProvides;
+ // Autogen target FOLDER property
+ std::string autogenFolder;
+ {
+ const char* folder =
+ makefile->GetState()->GetGlobalProperty("AUTOMOC_TARGETS_FOLDER");
+ if (folder == nullptr) {
+ folder =
+ makefile->GetState()->GetGlobalProperty("AUTOGEN_TARGETS_FOLDER");
+ }
+ // Inherit FOLDER property from target (#13688)
+ if (folder == nullptr) {
+ folder = SafeString(target->Target->GetProperty("FOLDER"));
+ }
+ if (folder != nullptr) {
+ autogenFolder = folder;
+ }
+ }
// Remove build directories on cleanup
AddCleanFile(makefile, autogenBuildDir);
// Remove old settings on cleanup
@@ -699,45 +694,6 @@ void cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer::InitializeAutogenTarget(
- // Compose command lines
- cmCustomCommandLines commandLines;
- {
- cmCustomCommandLine currentLine;
- currentLine.push_back(cmSystemTools::GetCMakeCommand());
- currentLine.push_back("-E");
- currentLine.push_back("cmake_autogen");
- currentLine.push_back(autogenInfoDir);
- currentLine.push_back("$<CONFIGURATION>");
- commandLines.push_back(currentLine);
- }
- // Compose target comment
- std::string autogenComment;
- {
- std::vector<std::string> toolNames;
- if (digest.MocEnabled) {
- toolNames.emplace_back("MOC");
- }
- if (digest.UicEnabled) {
- toolNames.emplace_back("UIC");
- }
- if (digest.RccEnabled) {
- toolNames.emplace_back("RCC");
- }
- std::string tools = toolNames.front();
- toolNames.erase(toolNames.begin());
- if (!toolNames.empty()) {
- while (toolNames.size() > 1) {
- tools += ", ";
- tools += toolNames.front();
- toolNames.erase(toolNames.begin());
- }
- tools += " and " + toolNames.front();
- }
- autogenComment = "Automatic " + tools + " for target " + target->GetName();
- }
// Add moc compilation to generated files list
if (digest.MocEnabled) {
std::string const mocsComp = autogenBuildDir + "/mocs_compilation.cpp";
@@ -921,18 +877,30 @@ void cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer::InitializeAutogenTarget(
- // Path checksum
+ // Path checksum and file names
cmFilePathChecksum const fpathCheckSum(makefile);
for (cmQtAutoGenDigestQrc& qrcDigest : digest.Qrcs) {
qrcDigest.PathChecksum = fpathCheckSum.getPart(qrcDigest.QrcFile);
// RCC output file name
- std::string rccFile = autogenBuildDir + "/";
- rccFile += qrcDigest.PathChecksum;
- rccFile += "/qrc_";
- rccFile += qrcDigest.QrcName;
- rccFile += ".cpp";
- qrcDigest.RccFile = std::move(rccFile);
+ {
+ std::string rccFile = autogenBuildDir + "/";
+ rccFile += qrcDigest.PathChecksum;
+ rccFile += "/qrc_";
+ rccFile += qrcDigest.QrcName;
+ rccFile += ".cpp";
+ qrcDigest.RccFile = std::move(rccFile);
+ }
+ {
+ std::string base = autogenInfoDir;
+ base += "/RCC";
+ base += qrcDigest.QrcName;
+ if (!qrcDigest.Unique) {
+ base += qrcDigest.PathChecksum;
+ }
+ qrcDigest.InfoFile = base + "Info.cmake";
+ qrcDigest.SettingsFile = base + "Settings.cmake";
+ }
// RCC options
@@ -959,159 +927,239 @@ void cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer::InitializeAutogenTarget(
for (cmQtAutoGenDigestQrc& qrcDigest : digest.Qrcs) {
// Register file at target
+ std::vector<std::string> const ccOutput = AddGeneratedSource(
+ target, qrcDigest.RccFile, multiConfig, configsList, cmQtAutoGen::RCC);
+ cmCustomCommandLines commandLines;
- auto files = AddGeneratedSource(target, qrcDigest.RccFile, multiConfig,
- configsList, cmQtAutoGen::RCC);
- for (std::string& file : files) {
- autogenProvides.push_back(std::move(file));
- }
+ cmCustomCommandLine currentLine;
+ currentLine.push_back(cmSystemTools::GetCMakeCommand());
+ currentLine.push_back("-E");
+ currentLine.push_back("cmake_autorcc");
+ currentLine.push_back(qrcDigest.InfoFile);
+ currentLine.push_back("$<CONFIGURATION>");
+ commandLines.push_back(std::move(currentLine));
- // Dependencies
+ std::string ccComment = "Automatic RCC for ";
+ ccComment += qrcDigest.QrcFile;
if (qrcDigest.Generated) {
- // Add the GENERATED .qrc file to the dependencies
- autogenDependFiles.insert(qrcDigest.QrcFile);
+ // Create custom rcc target
+ std::string ccName;
+ {
+ ccName = target->GetName();
+ ccName += "_arcc_";
+ ccName += qrcDigest.QrcName;
+ if (!qrcDigest.Unique) {
+ ccName += "_";
+ ccName += qrcDigest.PathChecksum;
+ }
+ std::vector<std::string> ccDepends;
+ // Add the .qrc file to the custom target dependencies
+ ccDepends.push_back(qrcDigest.QrcFile);
+ cmTarget* autoRccTarget = makefile->AddUtilityCommand(
+ ccName, true, workingDirectory.c_str(), ccOutput, ccDepends,
+ commandLines, false, ccComment.c_str());
+ // Create autogen generator target
+ localGen->AddGeneratorTarget(
+ new cmGeneratorTarget(autoRccTarget, localGen));
+ // Set FOLDER property in autogen target
+ if (!autogenFolder.empty()) {
+ autoRccTarget->SetProperty("FOLDER", autogenFolder.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ // Add autogen target to the origin target dependencies
+ target->Target->AddUtility(ccName, makefile);
} else {
- // Add the resource files to the dependencies
+ // Create custom rcc command
- std::string error;
- if (cmQtAutoGen::RccListInputs(digest.QtVersionMajor, rcc,
- qrcDigest.QrcFile,
- qrcDigest.Resources, &error)) {
- for (std::string const& fileName : qrcDigest.Resources) {
- autogenDependFiles.insert(fileName);
+ std::vector<std::string> ccByproducts;
+ std::vector<std::string> ccDepends;
+ // Add the .qrc file to the custom command dependencies
+ ccDepends.push_back(qrcDigest.QrcFile);
+ // Add the resource files to the dependencies
+ {
+ std::string error;
+ if (cmQtAutoGen::RccListInputs(digest.QtVersionMajor, rcc,
+ qrcDigest.QrcFile,
+ qrcDigest.Resources, &error)) {
+ for (std::string const& fileName : qrcDigest.Resources) {
+ // Add resource file to the custom command dependencies
+ ccDepends.push_back(fileName);
+ }
+ } else {
+ cmSystemTools::Error(error.c_str());
- } else {
- cmSystemTools::Error(error.c_str());
+ makefile->AddCustomCommandToOutput(ccOutput, ccByproducts, ccDepends,
+ /*main_dependency*/ std::string(),
+ commandLines, ccComment.c_str(),
+ workingDirectory.c_str());
- // Run cmake again when .qrc file changes
+ // Reconfigure when .qrc file changes
- // Add user defined autogen target dependencies
- {
- std::string const deps = GetSafeProperty(target, "AUTOGEN_TARGET_DEPENDS");
- if (!deps.empty()) {
- std::vector<std::string> extraDeps;
- cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(deps, extraDeps);
- for (std::string const& depName : extraDeps) {
- // Allow target and file dependencies
- auto* depTarget = makefile->FindTargetToUse(depName);
- if (depTarget != nullptr) {
- autogenDependTargets.insert(depTarget);
- } else {
- autogenDependFiles.insert(depName);
+ // Create _autogen target
+ if (digest.MocEnabled || digest.UicEnabled) {
+ // Add user defined autogen target dependencies
+ {
+ std::string const deps =
+ GetSafeProperty(target, "AUTOGEN_TARGET_DEPENDS");
+ if (!deps.empty()) {
+ std::vector<std::string> extraDeps;
+ cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(deps, extraDeps);
+ for (std::string const& depName : extraDeps) {
+ // Allow target and file dependencies
+ auto* depTarget = makefile->FindTargetToUse(depName);
+ if (depTarget != nullptr) {
+ autogenDependTargets.insert(depTarget);
+ } else {
+ autogenDependFiles.insert(depName);
+ }
- }
- // Use PRE_BUILD on demand
- bool usePRE_BUILD = false;
- if (globalGen->GetName().find("Visual Studio") != std::string::npos) {
- // Under VS use a PRE_BUILD event instead of a separate target to
- // reduce the number of targets loaded into the IDE.
- // This also works around a VS 11 bug that may skip updating the target:
- //
- usePRE_BUILD = true;
- }
- // Disable PRE_BUILD in some cases
- if (usePRE_BUILD) {
- // Cannot use PRE_BUILD with file depends
- if (!autogenDependFiles.empty()) {
- usePRE_BUILD = false;
+ // Compose target comment
+ std::string autogenComment;
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> toolNames;
+ if (digest.MocEnabled) {
+ toolNames.emplace_back("MOC");
+ }
+ if (digest.UicEnabled) {
+ toolNames.emplace_back("UIC");
+ }
+ if (digest.RccEnabled) {
+ toolNames.emplace_back("RCC");
+ }
+ std::string tools = toolNames.front();
+ toolNames.erase(toolNames.begin());
+ if (!toolNames.empty()) {
+ while (toolNames.size() > 1) {
+ tools += ", ";
+ tools += toolNames.front();
+ toolNames.erase(toolNames.begin());
+ }
+ tools += " and " + toolNames.front();
+ }
+ autogenComment =
+ "Automatic " + tools + " for target " + target->GetName();
- }
- // Create the autogen target/command
- if (usePRE_BUILD) {
- // Add additional autogen target dependencies to origin target
- for (cmTarget* depTarget : autogenDependTargets) {
- target->Target->AddUtility(depTarget->GetName(), makefile);
+ // Compose command lines
+ cmCustomCommandLines commandLines;
+ {
+ cmCustomCommandLine currentLine;
+ currentLine.push_back(cmSystemTools::GetCMakeCommand());
+ currentLine.push_back("-E");
+ currentLine.push_back("cmake_autogen");
+ currentLine.push_back(autogenInfoDir);
+ currentLine.push_back("$<CONFIGURATION>");
+ commandLines.push_back(std::move(currentLine));
- // Add the pre-build command directly to bypass the OBJECT_LIBRARY
- // rejection in cmMakefile::AddCustomCommandToTarget because we know
- // PRE_BUILD will work for an OBJECT_LIBRARY in this specific case.
- //
- // PRE_BUILD does not support file dependencies!
- const std::vector<std::string> no_output;
- const std::vector<std::string> no_deps;
- cmCustomCommand cc(makefile, no_output, autogenProvides, no_deps,
- commandLines, autogenComment.c_str(),
- workingDirectory.c_str());
- cc.SetEscapeOldStyle(false);
- cc.SetEscapeAllowMakeVars(true);
- target->Target->AddPreBuildCommand(cc);
- } else {
+ // Use PRE_BUILD on demand
+ bool usePRE_BUILD = false;
+ if (globalGen->GetName().find("Visual Studio") != std::string::npos) {
+ // Under VS use a PRE_BUILD event instead of a separate target to
+ // reduce the number of targets loaded into the IDE.
+ // This also works around a VS 11 bug that may skip updating the target:
+ //
+ usePRE_BUILD = true;
+ }
+ // Disable PRE_BUILD in some cases
+ if (usePRE_BUILD) {
+ // Cannot use PRE_BUILD with file depends
+ if (!autogenDependFiles.empty()) {
+ usePRE_BUILD = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Create the autogen target/command
+ if (usePRE_BUILD) {
+ // Add additional autogen target dependencies to origin target
+ for (cmTarget* depTarget : autogenDependTargets) {
+ target->Target->AddUtility(depTarget->GetName(), makefile);
+ }
- // Convert file dependencies std::set to std::vector
- std::vector<std::string> autogenDepends(autogenDependFiles.begin(),
- autogenDependFiles.end());
+ // Add the pre-build command directly to bypass the OBJECT_LIBRARY
+ // rejection in cmMakefile::AddCustomCommandToTarget because we know
+ // PRE_BUILD will work for an OBJECT_LIBRARY in this specific case.
+ //
+ // PRE_BUILD does not support file dependencies!
+ const std::vector<std::string> no_output;
+ const std::vector<std::string> no_deps;
+ cmCustomCommand cc(makefile, no_output, autogenProvides, no_deps,
+ commandLines, autogenComment.c_str(),
+ workingDirectory.c_str());
+ cc.SetEscapeOldStyle(false);
+ cc.SetEscapeAllowMakeVars(true);
+ target->Target->AddPreBuildCommand(cc);
+ } else {
- // Add link library target dependencies to the autogen target dependencies
- for (std::string const& config : configsList) {
- cmLinkImplementationLibraries const* libs =
- target->GetLinkImplementationLibraries(config);
- if (libs != nullptr) {
- for (cmLinkItem const& item : libs->Libraries) {
- cmGeneratorTarget const* libTarget = item.Target;
- if ((libTarget != nullptr) &&
- !StaticLibraryCycle(target, libTarget, config)) {
- std::string util;
- if (configsList.size() > 1) {
- util += "$<$<CONFIG:";
- util += config;
- util += ">:";
- }
- util += libTarget->GetName();
- if (configsList.size() > 1) {
- util += ">";
+ // Convert file dependencies std::set to std::vector
+ std::vector<std::string> autogenDepends(autogenDependFiles.begin(),
+ autogenDependFiles.end());
+ // Add link library target dependencies to the autogen target
+ // dependencies
+ for (std::string const& config : configsList) {
+ cmLinkImplementationLibraries const* libs =
+ target->GetLinkImplementationLibraries(config);
+ if (libs != nullptr) {
+ for (cmLinkItem const& item : libs->Libraries) {
+ cmGeneratorTarget const* libTarget = item.Target;
+ if ((libTarget != nullptr) &&
+ !StaticLibraryCycle(target, libTarget, config)) {
+ std::string util;
+ if (configsList.size() > 1) {
+ util += "$<$<CONFIG:";
+ util += config;
+ util += ">:";
+ }
+ util += libTarget->GetName();
+ if (configsList.size() > 1) {
+ util += ">";
+ }
+ autogenDepends.push_back(util);
- autogenDepends.push_back(util);
- }
- // Create autogen target
- cmTarget* autogenTarget = makefile->AddUtilityCommand(
- autogenTargetName, true, workingDirectory.c_str(),
- /*byproducts=*/autogenProvides, autogenDepends, commandLines, false,
- autogenComment.c_str());
- // Create autogen generator target
- localGen->AddGeneratorTarget(
- new cmGeneratorTarget(autogenTarget, localGen));
- // Forward origin utilities to autogen target
- for (std::string const& depName : target->Target->GetUtilities()) {
- autogenTarget->AddUtility(depName, makefile);
- }
- // Add additional autogen target dependencies to autogen target
- for (cmTarget* depTarget : autogenDependTargets) {
- autogenTarget->AddUtility(depTarget->GetName(), makefile);
- }
- // Set FOLDER property in autogen target
- {
- const char* autogenFolder =
- makefile->GetState()->GetGlobalProperty("AUTOMOC_TARGETS_FOLDER");
- if (autogenFolder == nullptr) {
- autogenFolder =
- makefile->GetState()->GetGlobalProperty("AUTOGEN_TARGETS_FOLDER");
+ // Create autogen target
+ cmTarget* autogenTarget = makefile->AddUtilityCommand(
+ autogenTargetName, true, workingDirectory.c_str(),
+ /*byproducts=*/autogenProvides, autogenDepends, commandLines, false,
+ autogenComment.c_str());
+ // Create autogen generator target
+ localGen->AddGeneratorTarget(
+ new cmGeneratorTarget(autogenTarget, localGen));
+ // Forward origin utilities to autogen target
+ for (std::string const& depName : target->Target->GetUtilities()) {
+ autogenTarget->AddUtility(depName, makefile);
- // Inherit FOLDER property from target (#13688)
- if (autogenFolder == nullptr) {
- autogenFolder = SafeString(target->Target->GetProperty("FOLDER"));
+ // Add additional autogen target dependencies to autogen target
+ for (cmTarget* depTarget : autogenDependTargets) {
+ autogenTarget->AddUtility(depTarget->GetName(), makefile);
- if ((autogenFolder != nullptr) && (*autogenFolder != '\0')) {
- autogenTarget->SetProperty("FOLDER", autogenFolder);
+ // Set FOLDER property in autogen target
+ if (!autogenFolder.empty()) {
+ autogenTarget->SetProperty("FOLDER", autogenFolder.c_str());
- }
- // Add autogen target to the origin target dependencies
- target->Target->AddUtility(autogenTargetName, makefile);
+ // Add autogen target to the origin target dependencies
+ target->Target->AddUtility(autogenTargetName, makefile);
+ }
@@ -1164,18 +1212,36 @@ void cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer::SetupAutoGenerateTarget(
if (digest.RccEnabled) {
- SetupAutoTargetRcc(digest);
+ AddDefinitionEscaped(
+ makefile, "_qt_rcc_executable",
+ RccGetExecutable(digest.Target, digest.QtVersionMajor));
- // Generate info file
- {
- std::string const infoDir = GetAutogenTargetFilesDir(target);
- if (!cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(infoDir)) {
- std::string emsg = ("Could not create directory: ");
- emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(infoDir);
- cmSystemTools::Error(emsg.c_str());
+ // Create info directory on demand
+ std::string const infoDir = GetAutogenTargetFilesDir(target);
+ if (!cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(infoDir)) {
+ std::string emsg = ("Could not create directory: ");
+ emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(infoDir);
+ cmSystemTools::Error(emsg.c_str());
+ }
+ auto AdjustFilePermissions = [](std::string const& fileName) {
+ // Ensure we have write permission
+ mode_t perm = 0;
+#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
+ mode_t mode_write = S_IWRITE;
+ mode_t mode_write = S_IWUSR;
+ cmSystemTools::GetPermissions(fileName, perm);
+ if (!(perm & mode_write)) {
+ cmSystemTools::SetPermissions(fileName, perm | mode_write);
+ };
+ // Generate autogen target info file
+ {
std::string const infoFile = infoDir + "/AutogenInfo.cmake";
std::string infoFileIn = cmSystemTools::GetCMakeRoot();
@@ -1188,16 +1254,7 @@ void cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer::SetupAutoGenerateTarget(
// --------------------------------------
// Ensure we have write permission in case .in was read-only.
- mode_t perm = 0;
-#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
- mode_t mode_write = S_IWRITE;
- mode_t mode_write = S_IWUSR;
- cmSystemTools::GetPermissions(infoFile, perm);
- if (!(perm & mode_write)) {
- cmSystemTools::SetPermissions(infoFile, perm | mode_write);
- }
+ AdjustFilePermissions(infoFile);
// Open and write file
cmsys::ofstream ofs(infoFile.c_str(), std::ios::app);
@@ -1222,4 +1279,56 @@ void cmQtAutoGeneratorInitializer::SetupAutoGenerateTarget(
+ // Generate auto RCC info files
+ {
+ std::string infoFileIn = cmSystemTools::GetCMakeRoot();
+ infoFileIn += "/Modules/";
+ for (cmQtAutoGenDigestQrc const& qrcDigest : digest.Qrcs) {
+ // Configure info file
+ makefile->ConfigureFile(infoFileIn.c_str(), qrcDigest.InfoFile.c_str(),
+ false, true, false);
+ // Append custom definitions to info file
+ // --------------------------------------
+ // Ensure we have write permission in case .in was read-only.
+ AdjustFilePermissions(qrcDigest.InfoFile);
+ // Open and write file
+ cmsys::ofstream ofs(qrcDigest.InfoFile.c_str(), std::ios::app);
+ if (ofs) {
+ {
+ ofs << "# Configurations options\n";
+ auto OfsWriteMap = [&ofs](
+ const char* key, std::map<std::string, std::string> const& map) {
+ for (auto const& item : map) {
+ ofs << "set(" << key << "_" << item.first << " "
+ << cmOutputConverter::EscapeForCMake(item.second) << ")\n";
+ }
+ };
+ OfsWriteMap("ARCC_CONFIG_SUFFIX", configSuffixes);
+ }
+ {
+ ofs << "# Job\n";
+ auto OfsWrite = [&ofs](const char* key, std::string const& value) {
+ ofs << "set(" << key << " "
+ << cmOutputConverter::EscapeForCMake(value) << ")\n";
+ };
+ OfsWrite("ARCC_SETTINGS_FILE", qrcDigest.SettingsFile);
+ OfsWrite("ARCC_SOURCE", qrcDigest.QrcFile);
+ OfsWrite("ARCC_OUTPUT", qrcDigest.RccFile);
+ OfsWrite("ARCC_OPTIONS", cmJoin(qrcDigest.Options, ";"));
+ OfsWrite("ARCC_INPUTS", cmJoin(qrcDigest.Resources, ";"));
+ }
+ } else {
+ // File open error
+ std::string error = "Internal CMake error when trying to open file: ";
+ error += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(qrcDigest.InfoFile);
+ error += " for writing.";
+ cmSystemTools::Error(error.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ }