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1 files changed, 22 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/Help/variable/CMAKE_GENERATOR_INSTANCE.rst b/Help/variable/CMAKE_GENERATOR_INSTANCE.rst
index 6a35f17..6bfabe0 100644
--- a/Help/variable/CMAKE_GENERATOR_INSTANCE.rst
+++ b/Help/variable/CMAKE_GENERATOR_INSTANCE.rst
@@ -39,16 +39,33 @@ The ``key=value`` pairs form a comma-separated list of options to
specify details of the instance selection.
Supported pairs are:
.. versionadded:: 3.23
- Specify the 4-component VS Build Version.
+ Specify the 4-component VS Build Version, a.k.a. Build Number.
+ The components are:
+ ``<major>.<minor>``
+ The VS major and minor version numbers.
+ These are the same as the release version numbers.
+ ``<date>``
+ A build date in the format ``MMMDD``, where ``MMM`` is a month index
+ since an epoch used by Microsoft, and ``DD`` is a day in that month.
+ ``<build>``
+ A build index on the day represented by ``<date>``.
+ The build number is reported by ``vswhere`` as ``installationVersion``.
+ For example, VS 16.11.10 has build number ``16.11.32126.315``.
.. versionadded:: 3.23
- A portable VS instance may be specified that is not known to the
- Visual Studio Installer tool. The ``location`` and ``version=``
- values must both be provided.
+ A portable VS instance, which is not known to the Visual Studio Installer,
+ may be specified by providing both ``location`` and ``version=``.
If the value of ``CMAKE_GENERATOR_INSTANCE`` is not specified explicitly
by the user or a toolchain file, CMake queries the Visual Studio Installer