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2 files changed, 116 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/Source/cmDependsFortran.cxx b/Source/cmDependsFortran.cxx
index aeb37e7..2dd40e2 100644
--- a/Source/cmDependsFortran.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmDependsFortran.cxx
@@ -619,23 +619,29 @@ bool cmDependsFortran::CopyModule(const std::vector<std::string>& args)
mod_lower += ".mod";
if(cmSystemTools::FileExists(mod_upper.c_str(), true))
- if(!cmSystemTools::CopyFileIfDifferent(mod_upper.c_str(), stamp.c_str()))
+ if(cmDependsFortran::ModulesDiffer(mod_upper.c_str(), stamp.c_str()))
- std::cerr << "Error copying Fortran module from \""
- << mod_upper.c_str() << "\" to \"" << stamp.c_str()
- << "\".\n";
- return false;
+ if(!cmSystemTools::CopyFileAlways(mod_upper.c_str(), stamp.c_str()))
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Error copying Fortran module from \""
+ << mod_upper.c_str() << "\" to \"" << stamp.c_str()
+ << "\".\n";
+ return false;
+ }
return true;
else if(cmSystemTools::FileExists(mod_lower.c_str(), true))
- if(!cmSystemTools::CopyFileIfDifferent(mod_lower.c_str(), stamp.c_str()))
+ if(cmDependsFortran::ModulesDiffer(mod_lower.c_str(), stamp.c_str()))
- std::cerr << "Error copying Fortran module from \""
- << mod_lower.c_str() << "\" to \"" << stamp.c_str()
- << "\".\n";
- return false;
+ if(!cmSystemTools::CopyFileAlways(mod_lower.c_str(), stamp.c_str()))
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Error copying Fortran module from \""
+ << mod_lower.c_str() << "\" to \"" << stamp.c_str()
+ << "\".\n";
+ return false;
+ }
return true;
@@ -647,6 +653,102 @@ bool cmDependsFortran::CopyModule(const std::vector<std::string>& args)
+bool cmDependsFortran::ModulesDiffer(const char* modFile,
+ const char* stampFile)
+ /*
+ This following is valid for intel and gnu. For others this may be valid
+ too, but has to be proven.
+ ASSUMPTION: If one compiles the source foo.f90 which provides module bar,
+ two times then both generated bar.mod files will differ only before the
+ first linefeed (\n or 0x0A).
+ gnu:
+ A mod file is an ascii file.
+ <bar.mod>
+ FORTRAN module created from /path/to/foo.f90 on Sun Dec 30 22:47:58 2007
+ If you edit this, you'll get what you deserve.
+ ...
+ </bar.mod>
+ As you can see the first line contains the date.
+ intel:
+ A mod file is a binary file.
+ However, looking into both generated bar.mod files with a hex editor
+ shows that they differ only before a linefeed (0x0A) which is located
+ some bytes in front of the absoulte path to the source file.
+ sun:
+ A mod file is a binary file. It always starts in the line of text
+ !<ftn.mod>
+ Compiling twice produces identical modules anyway, so the
+ assumption is valid.
+ others:
+ TODO: is this valid for every common fortran compiler?
+ */
+#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+ std::ifstream finModFile(modFile, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
+ std::ifstream finStampFile(stampFile, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
+ std::ifstream finModFile(modFile, std::ios::in);
+ std::ifstream finStampFile(stampFile, std::ios::in);
+ if(!finModFile || !finStampFile)
+ {
+ // At least one of the files does not exist. The modules differ.
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Remove the first line from each file and make sure newlines were found.
+ std::string modLine;
+ bool modHasNewline = false;
+ if(!cmSystemTools::GetLineFromStream(finModFile, modLine,
+ &modHasNewline, 1024) ||
+ !modHasNewline)
+ {
+ std::cerr
+ << "WARNING in cmDependsFortran::ModulesDiffer:\n"
+ << "The fortran module \"" << modFile << "\" format is not known.\n"
+ << "Please report this at:\n"
+ << "\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ std::string stampLine;
+ bool stampHasNewline = false;
+ if(!cmSystemTools::GetLineFromStream(finStampFile, stampLine,
+ &stampHasNewline, 1024) ||
+ !stampHasNewline)
+ {
+ // The stamp file is invalid.
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Compare the remaining content.
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ int mod_c = finModFile.get();
+ int stamp_c = finStampFile.get();
+ if(!finModFile && !finStampFile)
+ {
+ // We have reached the end of both files simultaneously.
+ // The modules are identical.
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if(!finModFile || !finStampFile || mod_c != stamp_c)
+ {
+ // We have reached the end of one file before the other.
+ // The modules are different.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // The modules are different.
+ return true;
bool cmDependsFortran::FindIncludeFile(const char* dir,
const char* includeName,
std::string& fileName)
diff --git a/Source/cmDependsFortran.h b/Source/cmDependsFortran.h
index e8c4a78..61de7e8 100644
--- a/Source/cmDependsFortran.h
+++ b/Source/cmDependsFortran.h
@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ public:
corresponding stamp file. */
static bool CopyModule(const std::vector<std::string>& args);
+ /** Determine if a mod file and the corresponding mod.stamp file
+ are representing different module information. */
+ static bool ModulesDiffer(const char* modFile, const char* stampFile);
/** Method to find an included file in the include path. Fortran
always searches the directory containing the including source
first. */