path: root/Help/policy
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Diffstat (limited to 'Help/policy')
5 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Help/policy/CMP0098.rst b/Help/policy/CMP0098.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d1443b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Help/policy/CMP0098.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+:module:`FindFLEX` runs ``flex`` in directory
+:variable:`CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR` when executing.
+The module provides a ``FLEX_TARGET`` macro which generates FLEX output.
+In CMake 3.16 and below the macro would generate a custom command that runs
+``flex`` in the current source directory. CMake 3.17 and later prefer to
+run it in the build directory and use :variable:`CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR`
+as the ``WORKING_DIRECTORY`` of its :command:`add_custom_command` invocation.
+This ensures that any implicitly generated file is written relative to the
+build tree rather than the source tree, unless the generated file is
+provided as absolute path.
+This policy provides compatibility for projects that have not been updated
+to expect the new behavior.
+The ``OLD`` behavior for this policy is for ``FLEX_TARGET`` to use
+the current source directory for the ``WORKING_DIRECTORY`` and where
+to generate implicit files. The ``NEW`` behavior of this policy is to
+use the current binary directory for the ``WORKING_DIRECTORY`` relative to
+which implicit files are generated unless provided as absolute path.
+This policy was introduced in CMake version 3.17. Use the
+:command:`cmake_policy` command to set it to ``OLD`` or ``NEW`` explicitly.
+Unlike many policies, CMake version |release| does *not* warn
+when this policy is not set and simply uses ``OLD`` behavior.
+.. include:: DEPRECATED.txt
diff --git a/Help/policy/CMP0099.rst b/Help/policy/CMP0099.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c897e7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Help/policy/CMP0099.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Target link properties :prop_tgt:`INTERFACE_LINK_OPTIONS`,
+are now transitive over private dependencies of static libraries.
+In CMake 3.16 and below the interface link properties attached to libraries
+are not propagated for private dependencies of static libraries.
+Only the libraries themselves are propagated to link the dependent binary.
+CMake 3.17 and later prefer to propagate all interface link properties.
+This policy provides compatibility for projects that have not been updated
+to expect the new behavior.
+The ``OLD`` behavior for this policy is to not propagate interface link
+properties. The ``NEW`` behavior of this policy is to propagate interface link
+This policy was introduced in CMake version 3.17. Use the
+:command:`cmake_policy` command to set it to ``OLD`` or ``NEW`` explicitly.
+Unlike many policies, CMake version |release| does *not* warn
+when this policy is not set and simply uses ``OLD`` behavior.
+.. include:: DEPRECATED.txt
diff --git a/Help/policy/CMP0100.rst b/Help/policy/CMP0100.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b24d013
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Help/policy/CMP0100.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Let :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC` and :prop_tgt:`AUTOUIC` process
+header files that end with a ``.hh`` extension.
+Since version 3.17, CMake processes header files that end with a
+``.hh`` extension in :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC` and :prop_tgt:`AUTOUIC`.
+In earlier CMake versions, these header files were ignored by
+:prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC` and :prop_tgt:`AUTOUIC`.
+This policy affects how header files that end with a ``.hh`` extension
+get treated in :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC` and :prop_tgt:`AUTOUIC`.
+The ``OLD`` behavior for this policy is to ignore ``.hh`` header files
+in :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC` and :prop_tgt:`AUTOUIC`.
+The ``NEW`` behavior for this policy is to process ``.hh`` header files
+in :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC` and :prop_tgt:`AUTOUIC` just like other header files.
+.. note::
+ To silence the ``CMP0100`` warning source files can be excluded from
+ :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC` and :prop_tgt:`AUTOUIC` processing by setting the
+ source file properties :prop_sf:`SKIP_AUTOMOC`, :prop_sf:`SKIP_AUTOUIC` or
+ :prop_sf:`SKIP_AUTOGEN`.
+ .. code-block:: cmake
+ # Source skip example:
+ set_property(SOURCE /path/to/file1.hh PROPERTY SKIP_AUTOMOC ON)
+ set_property(SOURCE /path/to/file2.hh PROPERTY SKIP_AUTOUIC ON)
+ set_property(SOURCE /path/to/file3.hh PROPERTY SKIP_AUTOGEN ON)
+This policy was introduced in CMake version 3.17.0. CMake version
+|release| warns when the policy is not set and uses ``OLD`` behavior.
+Use the :command:`cmake_policy` command to set it to ``OLD`` or ``NEW``
+.. include:: DEPRECATED.txt
diff --git a/Help/policy/CMP0101.rst b/Help/policy/CMP0101.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9941acf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Help/policy/CMP0101.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+:command:`target_compile_options` now honors ``BEFORE`` keyword in all scopes.
+In CMake 3.16 and below the :command:`target_compile_options` ignores the
+``BEFORE`` keyword in private scope. CMake 3.17 and later honors
+``BEFORE`` keyword in all scopes. This policy provides compatibility for
+projects that have not been updated to expect the new behavior.
+The ``OLD`` behavior for this policy is to not honor ``BEFORE`` keyword in
+private scope. The ``NEW`` behavior of this policy is to honor
+``BEFORE`` keyword in all scopes.
+This policy was introduced in CMake version 3.17. Use the
+:command:`cmake_policy` command to set it to ``OLD`` or ``NEW`` explicitly.
+Unlike many policies, CMake version |release| does *not* warn
+when this policy is not set and simply uses ``OLD`` behavior.
+.. include:: DEPRECATED.txt
diff --git a/Help/policy/CMP0102.rst b/Help/policy/CMP0102.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9859006
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Help/policy/CMP0102.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+The :command:`mark_as_advanced` command no longer creates a cache entry if one
+does not already exist.
+In CMake 3.16 and below, if a variable was not defined at all or just defined
+locally, the :command:`mark_as_advanced` command would create a new cache
+entry with an ``UNINITIALIZED`` type and no value. When a :command:`find_path`
+(or other similar ``find_`` command) would next run, it would find this
+undefined cache entry and set it up with an empty string value. This process
+would end up deleting the local variable in the process (due to the way the
+cache works), effectively clearing any stored ``find_`` results that were only
+available in the local scope.
+The ``OLD`` behavior for this policy is to create the empty cache definition.
+The ``NEW`` behavior of this policy is to ignore variables which do not
+already exist in the cache.
+This policy was introduced in CMake version 3.17. Use the
+:command:`cmake_policy` command to set it to ``OLD`` or ``NEW`` explicitly.
+Unlike many policies, CMake version |release| does *not* warn
+when this policy is not set and simply uses ``OLD`` behavior.
+.. include:: DEPRECATED.txt