path: root/Help
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Help')
15 files changed, 377 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/Help/command/add_test.rst b/Help/command/add_test.rst
index 46b9b63..884b2ee 100644
--- a/Help/command/add_test.rst
+++ b/Help/command/add_test.rst
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ Add a test to the project to be run by :manual:`ctest(1)`.
add_test(NAME <name> COMMAND <command> [<arg>...]
[CONFIGURATIONS <config>...]
Adds a test called ``<name>``. The test name may not contain spaces,
quotes, or other characters special in CMake syntax. The options are:
@@ -28,6 +29,11 @@ quotes, or other characters special in CMake syntax. The options are:
directory set to the build directory corresponding to the
current source directory.
+ Lists in ``COMMAND`` arguments will be expanded, including those
+ created with
+ :manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>`.
The given test command is expected to exit with code ``0`` to pass and
non-zero to fail, or vice-versa if the :prop_test:`WILL_FAIL` test
property is set. Any output written to stdout or stderr will be
diff --git a/Help/command/file.rst b/Help/command/file.rst
index f99021e..666a532 100644
--- a/Help/command/file.rst
+++ b/Help/command/file.rst
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ Synopsis
file(`STRINGS`_ <filename> <out-var> [...])
file(`\<HASH\> <HASH_>`_ <filename> <out-var>)
file(`TIMESTAMP`_ <filename> <out-var> [...])
file({`WRITE`_ | `APPEND`_} <filename> <content>...)
@@ -130,6 +131,273 @@ timestamp variable will be set to the empty string ("").
See the :command:`string(TIMESTAMP)` command for documentation of
the ``<format>`` and ``UTC`` options.
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ [UNRESOLVED_DEPENDENCIES_VAR <unresolved_deps_var>]
+ [CONFLICTING_DEPENDENICES_PREFIX <conflicting_deps_prefix>]
+ [EXECUTABLES [<executable_files>...]]
+ [LIBRARIES [<library_files>...]]
+ [MODULES [<module_files>...]]
+ [DIRECTORIES [<directories>...]]
+ [BUNDLE_EXECUTABLE <bundle_executable_file>]
+ [PRE_INCLUDE_REGEXES [<regexes>...]]
+ [PRE_EXCLUDE_REGEXES [<regexes>...]]
+ [POST_INCLUDE_REGEXES [<regexes>...]]
+ [POST_EXCLUDE_REGEXES [<regexes>...]]
+ )
+Recursively get the list of libraries depended on by the given files.
+Please note that this sub-command is not intended to be used in project mode.
+Instead, use it in an :command:`install(CODE)` or :command:`install(SCRIPT)`
+block. For example:
+.. code-block:: cmake
+ install(CODE [[
+ # ...
+ )
+ ]])
+The arguments are as follows:
+ Name of the variable in which to store the list of resolved dependencies.
+``UNRESOLVED_DEPENDENCIES_VAR <unresolved_deps_var>``
+ Name of the variable in which to store the list of unresolved dependencies.
+ If this variable is not specified, and there are any unresolved dependencies,
+ an error is issued.
+``CONFLICTING_DEPENDENCIES_PREFIX <conflicting_deps_prefix>``
+ Variable prefix in which to store conflicting dependency information.
+ Dependencies are conflicting if two files with the same name are found in
+ two different directories. The list of filenames that conflict are stored in
+ ``<conflicting_deps_prefix>_FILENAMES``. For each filename, the list of paths
+ that were found for that filename are stored in
+ ``<conflicting_deps_prefix>_<filename>``.
+``EXECUTABLES <executable_files>``
+ List of executable files to read for dependencies. These are executables that
+ are typically created with :command:`add_executable`, but they do not have to
+ be created by CMake. On Apple platforms, the paths to these files determine
+ the value of ``@executable_path`` when recursively resolving the libraries.
+ Specifying ``STATIC`` libraries, ``MODULE`` s, or ``SHARED`` libraries here
+ will result in undefined behavior.
+``LIBRARIES <library_files>``
+ List of library files to read for dependencies. These are libraries that are
+ typically created with :command:`add_library(SHARED)`, but they do not have
+ to be created by CMake. Specifying ``STATIC`` libraries, ``MODULE`` s, or
+ executables here will result in undefined behavior.
+``MODULES <module_files>``
+ List of loadable module files to read for dependencies. These are modules
+ that are typically created with :command:`add_library(MODULE)`, but they do
+ not have to be created by CMake. They are typically used by calling
+ ``dlopen()`` at runtime rather than linked at link time with ``ld -l``.
+ Specifying ``STATIC`` libraries, ``SHARED`` libraries, or executables here
+ will result in undefined behavior.
+``DIRECTORIES <directories>``
+ List of additional directories to search for dependencies. On Linux
+ platforms, these directories are searched if the dependency is not found in
+ any of the other usual paths. If it is found in such a directory, a warning
+ is issued, because it means that the file is incomplete (it does not list all
+ of the directories that contain its dependencies.) On Windows platforms,
+ these directories are searched if the dependency is not found in any of the
+ other search paths, but no warning is issued, because searching other paths
+ is a normal part of Windows dependency resolution. On Apple platforms, this
+ argument has no effect.
+``BUNDLE_EXECTUBLE <bundle_executable_file>``
+ Executable to treat as the "bundle executable" when resolving libraries. On
+ Apple platforms, this argument determines the value of ``@executable_path``
+ when recursively resolving libraries for ``LIBRARIES`` and ``MODULES`` files.
+ It has no effect on ``EXECUTABLES`` files. On other platforms, it has no
+ effect. This is typically (but not always) one of the executables in the
+ ``EXECUTABLES`` argument which designates the "main" executable of the
+ package.
+The following arguments specify filters for including or excluding libraries to
+be resolved. See below for a full description of how they work.
+``PRE_INCLUDE_REGEXES <regexes>``
+ List of pre-include regexes through which to filter the names of
+ not-yet-resolved dependencies.
+``PRE_EXCLUDE_REGEXES <regexes>``
+ List of pre-exclude regexes through which to filter the names of
+ not-yet-resolved dependencies.
+ List of post-include regexes through which to filter the names of resolved
+ dependencies.
+ List of post-exclude regexes through which to filter the names of resolved
+ dependencies.
+These arguments can be used to blacklist unwanted system libraries when
+resolving the dependencies, or to whitelist libraries from a specific
+directory. The filtering works as follows:
+1. If the not-yet-resolved dependency matches any of the
+ ``PRE_INCLUDE_REGEXES``, steps 2 and 3 are skipped, and the dependency
+ resolution proceeds to step 4.
+2. If the not-yet-resolved dependency matches any of the
+ ``PRE_EXCLUDE_REGEXES``, dependency resolution stops for that dependency.
+3. Otherwise, dependency resolution proceeds.
+4. ``file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES)`` searches for the dependency according to
+ the linking rules of the platform (see below).
+5. If the dependency is found, and its full path matches one of the
+ ``POST_INCLUDE_REGEXES``, the full path is added to the resolved
+ dependencies, and ``file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES)`` recursively resolves
+ that library's own dependencies. Otherwise, resolution proceeds to step 6.
+6. If the dependency is found, but its full path matches one of the
+ ``POST_EXCLUDE_REGEXES``, it is not added to the resolved dependencies, and
+ dependency resolution stops for that dependency.
+7. If the dependency is found, and its full path does not match either
+ ``POST_INCLUDE_REGEXES`` or ``POST_EXCLUDE_REGEXES``, the full path is added
+ to the resolved dependencies, and ``file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES)``
+ recursively resolves that library's own dependencies.
+Different platforms have different rules for how dependencies are resolved.
+These specifics are described here.
+On Linux platforms, library resolution works as follows:
+1. If the depending file does not have any ``RUNPATH`` entries, and the library
+ exists in one of the depending file's ``RPATH`` entries, or its parents', in
+ that order, the dependency is resolved to that file.
+2. Otherwise, if the depending file has any ``RUNPATH`` entries, and the
+ library exists in one of those entries, the dependency is resolved to that
+ file.
+3. Otherwise, if the library exists in one of the directories listed by
+ ``ldconfig``, the dependency is resolved to that file.
+4. Otherwise, if the library exists in one of the ``DIRECTORIES`` entries, the
+ dependency is resolved to that file. In this case, a warning is issued,
+ because finding a file in one of the ``DIRECTORIES`` means that the
+ depending file is not complete (it does not list all the directories from
+ which it pulls dependencies.)
+5. Otherwise, the dependency is unresolved.
+On Windows platforms, library resolution works as follows:
+1. The dependent DLL name is converted to lowercase. Windows DLL names are
+ case-insensitive, and some linkers mangle the case of the DLL dependency
+ names. However, this makes it more difficult for ``PRE_INCLUDE_REGEXES``,
+ ``POST_EXCLUDE_REGEXES`` to properly filter DLL names - every regex would
+ have to check for both uppercase and lowercase letters. For example:
+ .. code-block:: cmake
+ # ...
+ PRE_INCLUDE_REGEXES "^[Mm][Yy][Ll][Ii][Bb][Rr][Aa][Rr][Yy]\\.[Dd][Ll][Ll]$"
+ )
+ Converting the DLL name to lowercase allows the regexes to only match
+ lowercase names, thus simplifying the regex. For example:
+ .. code-block:: cmake
+ # ...
+ PRE_INCLUDE_REGEXES "^mylibrary\\.dll$"
+ )
+ This regex will match ``mylibrary.dll`` regardless of how it is cased,
+ either on disk or in the depending file. (For example, it will match
+ ``mylibrary.dll``, ``MyLibrary.dll``, and ``MYLIBRARY.DLL``.)
+ Please note that the directory portion of any resolved DLLs retains its
+ casing and is not converted to lowercase. Only the filename portion is
+ converted.
+2. (**Not yet implemented**) If the depending file is a Windows Store app, and
+ the dependency is listed as a dependency in the application's package
+ manifest, the dependency is resolved to that file.
+3. Otherwise, if the library exists in the same directory as the depending
+ file, the dependency is resolved to that file.
+4. Otherwise, if the library exists in either the operating system's
+ ``system32`` directory or the ``Windows`` directory, in that order, the
+ dependency is resolved to that file.
+5. Otherwise, if the library exists in one of the directories specified by
+ ``DIRECTORIES``, in the order they are listed, the dependency is resolved to
+ that file. (In this case, a warning is not issued, because searching other
+ directories is a normal part of Windows library resolution.)
+6. Otherwise, the dependency is unresolved.
+On Apple platforms, library resolution works as follows:
+1. If the dependency starts with ``@executable_path/``, and an ``EXECUTABLES``
+ argument is in the process of being resolved, and replacing
+ ``@executable_path/`` with the directory of the executable yields an
+ existing file, the dependency is resolved to that file.
+2. Otherwise, if the dependency starts with ``@executable_path/``, and there is
+ a ``BUNDLE_EXECUTABLE`` argument, and replacing ``@executable_path/`` with
+ the directory of the bundle executable yields an existing file, the
+ dependency is resolved to that file.
+3. Otherwise, if the dependency starts with ``@loader_path/``, and replacing
+ ``@loader_path/`` with the directory of the depending file yields an
+ existing file, the dependency is resolved to that file.
+4. Otherwise, if the dependency starts with ``@rpath/``, and replacing
+ ``@rpath/`` with one of the ``RPATH`` entries of the depending file yields
+ an existing file, the dependency is resolved to that file. (Note that
+ ``RPATH`` entries that start with ``@executable_path/`` or ``@loader_path/``
+ also have these items replaced with the appropriate path.)
+5. Otherwise, if the dependency is an absolute file that exists, the dependency
+ is resolved to that file.
+6. Otherwise, the dependency is unresolved.
+This function accepts several variables that determine which tool is used for
+dependency resolution:
+ Determines which operating system and executable format the files are built
+ for. This could be one of several values:
+ * ``linux+elf``
+ * ``windows+pe``
+ * ``macos+macho``
+ If this variable is not specified, it is determined automatically by system
+ introspection.
+ Determines the tool to use for dependency resolution. It could be one of
+ several values, depending on the value of
+ ================================================= =============================================
+ ================================================= =============================================
+ ``linux+elf`` ``objdump``
+ ``windows+pe`` ``dumpbin``
+ ``windows+pe`` ``objdump``
+ ``macos+macho`` ``otool``
+ ================================================= =============================================
+ If this variable is not specified, it is determined automatically by system
+ introspection.
+ Determines the path to the tool to use for dependency resolution. This is the
+ actual path to ``objdump``, ``dumpbin``, or ``otool``.
+ If this variable is not specified, it is determined automatically by system
+ introspection.
diff --git a/Help/manual/cmake-file-api.7.rst b/Help/manual/cmake-file-api.7.rst
index f3e0208..04b6ed2 100644
--- a/Help/manual/cmake-file-api.7.rst
+++ b/Help/manual/cmake-file-api.7.rst
@@ -379,6 +379,8 @@ finds the file missing, that means a concurrent CMake has generated
a new reply. The client may simply start again by reading the new
reply index file.
+.. _`file-api object kinds`:
Object Kinds
diff --git a/Help/manual/cmake-policies.7.rst b/Help/manual/cmake-policies.7.rst
index 1d023cb..bac1c6c 100644
--- a/Help/manual/cmake-policies.7.rst
+++ b/Help/manual/cmake-policies.7.rst
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ Policies Introduced by CMake 3.15
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
+ CMP0095: RPATH entries are properly escaped in the intermediary CMake install script. </policy/CMP0095>
CMP0094: FindPython3, FindPython2 and FindPython use LOCATION for lookup strategy. </policy/CMP0094>
CMP0093: FindBoost reports Boost_VERSION in x.y.z format. </policy/CMP0093>
CMP0092: MSVC warning flags are not in CMAKE_{C,CXX}_FLAGS by default. </policy/CMP0092>
diff --git a/Help/manual/cmake-properties.7.rst b/Help/manual/cmake-properties.7.rst
index 25aab8d..77b1ae8 100644
--- a/Help/manual/cmake-properties.7.rst
+++ b/Help/manual/cmake-properties.7.rst
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ Properties on Directories
:maxdepth: 1
@@ -505,6 +504,7 @@ Deprecated Properties on Directories
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
diff --git a/Help/manual/cmake.1.rst b/Help/manual/cmake.1.rst
index f1d02eb..13cba71 100644
--- a/Help/manual/cmake.1.rst
+++ b/Help/manual/cmake.1.rst
@@ -423,6 +423,22 @@ Available commands are:
A list of strings with all the extra generators compatible with
the generator.
+ ``fileApi``
+ Optional member that is present when the :manual:`cmake-file-api(7)`
+ is available. The value is a JSON object with one member:
+ ``requests``
+ A JSON array containing zero or more supported file-api requests.
+ Each request is a JSON object with members:
+ ``kind``
+ Specifies one of the supported :ref:`file-api object kinds`.
+ ``version``
+ A JSON array whose elements are each a JSON object containing
+ ``major`` and ``minor`` members specifying non-negative integer
+ version components.
``true`` if cmake supports server-mode and ``false`` otherwise.
diff --git a/Help/policy/CMP0095.rst b/Help/policy/CMP0095.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c56a05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Help/policy/CMP0095.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+``RPATH`` entries are properly escaped in the intermediary CMake install script.
+In CMake 3.15 and earlier, ``RPATH`` entries set via
+:variable:`CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH` or via :prop_tgt:`INSTALL_RPATH` have not been
+escaped before being inserted into the ``cmake_install.cmake`` script. Dynamic
+linkers on ELF-based systems (e.g. Linux and FreeBSD) allow certain keywords in
+``RPATH`` entries, such as ``${ORIGIN}`` (More details are available in the
+```` man pages on those systems). The syntax of these keywords can match
+CMake's variable syntax. In order to not be substituted (usually to an empty
+string) already by the intermediary ``cmake_install.cmake`` script, the user had
+to double-escape such ``RPATH`` keywords, e.g.
+``set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH "\\\${ORIGIN}/../lib")``. Since the intermediary
+``cmake_install.cmake`` script is an implementation detail of CMake, CMake 3.16
+and later will make sure ``RPATH`` entries are inserted literally by escaping
+any coincidental CMake syntax.
+The ``OLD`` behavior of this policy is to not escape ``RPATH`` entries in the
+intermediary ``cmake_install.cmake`` script. The ``NEW`` behavior is to properly
+escape coincidental CMake syntax in ``RPATH`` entries when generating the
+intermediary ``cmake_install.cmake`` script.
+This policy was introduced in CMake version 3.16. CMake version |release| warns
+when the policy is not set and detected usage of CMake-like syntax and uses
+``OLD`` behavior. Use the :command:`cmake_policy` command to set it to ``OLD``
+or ``NEW`` explicitly.
+.. include:: DEPRECATED.txt
diff --git a/Help/prop_dir/ADDITIONAL_CLEAN_FILES.rst b/Help/prop_dir/ADDITIONAL_CLEAN_FILES.rst
index 54a78ef..051d22a 100644
--- a/Help/prop_dir/ADDITIONAL_CLEAN_FILES.rst
+++ b/Help/prop_dir/ADDITIONAL_CLEAN_FILES.rst
@@ -1,16 +1,21 @@
-Additional files to remove during the clean stage.
+A :ref:`;-list <CMake Language Lists>` of files or directories that will be
+removed as a part of the global ``clean`` target. It is useful for
+specifying generated files or directories that are used by multiple targets
+or by CMake itself, or that are generated in ways which cannot be captured as
+outputs or byproducts of custom commands.
-A :ref:`;-list <CMake Language Lists>` of files that will be removed as a
-part of the ``clean`` target.
+If an additional clean file is specific to a single target only, then the
+:prop_tgt:`ADDITIONAL_CLEAN_FILES` target property would usually be a better
+choice than this directory property.
Relative paths are allowed and are interpreted relative to the
current binary directory.
-Arguments to :prop_dir:`ADDITIONAL_CLEAN_FILES` may use
+Contents of ``ADDITIONAL_CLEAN_FILES`` may use
:manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>`.
This property only works for the :generator:`Ninja` and the Makefile
-generators. It is ignored on other generators.
+generators. It is ignored by other generators.
diff --git a/Help/prop_tgt/ADDITIONAL_CLEAN_FILES.rst b/Help/prop_tgt/ADDITIONAL_CLEAN_FILES.rst
index 856bb38..3b9d965 100644
--- a/Help/prop_tgt/ADDITIONAL_CLEAN_FILES.rst
+++ b/Help/prop_tgt/ADDITIONAL_CLEAN_FILES.rst
@@ -1,16 +1,23 @@
-Additional files to remove during the clean stage.
+A :ref:`;-list <CMake Language Lists>` of files or directories that will be
+removed as a part of the global ``clean`` target. It can be used to specify
+files and directories that are generated as part of building the target or
+that are directly associated with the target in some way (e.g. created as a
+result of running the target).
-A :ref:`;-list <CMake Language Lists>` of files that will be removed as a
-part of the ``clean`` target.
+For custom targets, if such files can be captured as outputs or byproducts
+instead, then that should be preferred over adding them to this property.
+If an additional clean file is used by multiple targets or isn't
+target-specific, then the :prop_dir:`ADDITIONAL_CLEAN_FILES` directory
+property may be the more appropriate property to use.
Relative paths are allowed and are interpreted relative to the
current binary directory.
-Arguments to :prop_tgt:`ADDITIONAL_CLEAN_FILES` may use
+Contents of ``ADDITIONAL_CLEAN_FILES`` may use
:manual:`generator expressions <cmake-generator-expressions(7)>`.
This property only works for the :generator:`Ninja` and the Makefile
-generators. It is ignored on other generators.
+generators. It is ignored by other generators.
diff --git a/Help/release/dev/0-sample-topic.rst b/Help/release/dev/0-sample-topic.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4cc01e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Help/release/dev/0-sample-topic.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+* This is a sample release note for the change in a topic.
+ Developers should add similar notes for each topic branch
+ making a noteworthy change. Each document should be named
+ and titled to match the topic name to avoid merge conflicts.
diff --git a/Help/release/dev/CMP0095.rst b/Help/release/dev/CMP0095.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21d0550
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Help/release/dev/CMP0095.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+* ``RPATH`` entries are properly escaped in the intermediary CMake install script.
+ See policy :policy:`CMP0095`.
diff --git a/Help/release/dev/add_test-expand_lists.rst b/Help/release/dev/add_test-expand_lists.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88d26b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Help/release/dev/add_test-expand_lists.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+* The command :command:`add_test` learned the option ``COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS``
+ which causes lists in the ``COMMAND`` argument to be expanded, including
+ lists created by generator expressions.
diff --git a/Help/release/dev/get-runtime-dependencies.rst b/Help/release/dev/get-runtime-dependencies.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9dc6e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Help/release/dev/get-runtime-dependencies.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+* The :command:`file` command learned a new sub-command,
+ ``GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES``, which allows you to recursively get the list of
+ libraries linked by an executable or library. This sub-command is intended as
+ a replacement for :module:`GetPrerequisites`.
+* The :module:`GetPrerequisites` module has been deprecated, as it has been
+ superceded by :command:`file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES)`.
diff --git a/Help/release/index.rst b/Help/release/index.rst
index 35a47aa..62032e6 100644
--- a/Help/release/index.rst
+++ b/Help/release/index.rst
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ CMake Release Notes
This file should include the adjacent "dev.txt" file
in development versions but not in release versions.
+.. include:: dev.txt
diff --git a/Help/variable/CMAKE_LANG_COMPILER_ID.rst b/Help/variable/CMAKE_LANG_COMPILER_ID.rst
index 16d97ee..8eb4fb6 100644
--- a/Help/variable/CMAKE_LANG_COMPILER_ID.rst
+++ b/Help/variable/CMAKE_LANG_COMPILER_ID.rst
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ include:
TI = Texas Instruments (
TinyCC = Tiny C Compiler (
XL, VisualAge, zOS = IBM XL (
+ XLClang = IBM Clang-based XL (
This variable is not guaranteed to be defined for all compilers or