path: root/Modules/CMakeParseImplicitIncludeInfo.cmake
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Modules/CMakeParseImplicitIncludeInfo.cmake')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/Modules/CMakeParseImplicitIncludeInfo.cmake b/Modules/CMakeParseImplicitIncludeInfo.cmake
index 9901fea..211406d 100644
--- a/Modules/CMakeParseImplicitIncludeInfo.cmake
+++ b/Modules/CMakeParseImplicitIncludeInfo.cmake
@@ -11,9 +11,10 @@ function(cmake_parse_implicit_include_line line lang id_var log_var state_var)
set(log "")
- # ccfe: cray compiler front end (PrgEnv-cray)
+ # Cray compiler (from cray wrapper, via PrgEnv-cray)
- "${line}" MATCHES "-isystem")
+ "${line}" MATCHES "^/" AND "${line}" MATCHES "/ccfe |/ftnfe " AND
+ "${line}" MATCHES " -isystem| -I")
string(REGEX MATCHALL " (-I ?|-isystem )([^ ]*)" incs "${line}")
foreach(inc IN LISTS incs)
string(REGEX REPLACE " (-I ?|-isystem )([^ ]*)" "\\2" idir "${inc}")
@@ -26,10 +27,84 @@ function(cmake_parse_implicit_include_line line lang id_var log_var state_var)
+ # SunPro compiler
+ if("${CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "SunPro" AND
+ "${line}" MATCHES "-D__SUNPRO_C")
+ string(REGEX MATCHALL " (-I ?)([^ ]*)" incs "${line}")
+ foreach(inc IN LISTS incs)
+ string(REGEX REPLACE " (-I ?)([^ ]*)" "\\2" idir "${inc}")
+ if(NOT "${idir}" STREQUAL "-xbuiltin")
+ list(APPEND rv "${idir}")
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ if(rv)
+ # /usr/include appears to be hardwired in
+ list(APPEND rv "/usr/include")
+ string(APPEND log " got implicit includes via sunpro parser!\n")
+ else()
+ string(APPEND log " warning: sunpro parse failed!\n")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ # XL compiler
+ if("${CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "XL" AND "${line}" MATCHES "^/"
+ AND ( ("${lang}" STREQUAL "Fortran" AND
+ "${line}" MATCHES "/xl[fF]entry " AND
+ "${line}" MATCHES "OSVAR\\([^ ]+\\)")
+ OR
+ ( ("${lang}" STREQUAL "C" OR "${lang}" STREQUAL "CXX") AND
+ "${line}" MATCHES "/xl[cC]entry " AND
+ "${line}" MATCHES " -qosvar=")
+ ) )
+ # -qnostdinc cancels other stdinc flags, even if present
+ string(FIND "${line}" " -qnostdinc" nostd)
+ if(NOT ${nostd} EQUAL -1)
+ set(rv "") # defined but empty
+ string(APPEND log " got implicit includes via XL parser (nostdinc)\n")
+ else()
+ if("${lang}" STREQUAL "CXX")
+ string(REGEX MATCHALL " -qcpp_stdinc=([^ ]*)" std "${line}")
+ string(REGEX MATCHALL " -qgcc_cpp_stdinc=([^ ]*)" gcc_std "${line}")
+ else()
+ string(REGEX MATCHALL " -qc_stdinc=([^ ]*)" std "${line}")
+ string(REGEX MATCHALL " -qgcc_c_stdinc=([^ ]*)" gcc_std "${line}")
+ endif()
+ set(xlstd ${std} ${gcc_std})
+ foreach(inc IN LISTS xlstd)
+ string(REGEX REPLACE " -q(cpp|gcc_cpp|c|gcc_c)_stdinc=([^ ]*)" "\\2"
+ ipath "${inc}")
+ string(REPLACE ":" ";" ipath "${ipath}")
+ list(APPEND rv ${ipath})
+ endforeach()
+ endif()
+ # user can add -I flags via CMAKE_{C,CXX}_FLAGS, look for that too
+ string(REGEX MATCHALL " (-I ?)([^ ]*)" incs "${line}")
+ unset(urv)
+ foreach(inc IN LISTS incs)
+ string(REGEX REPLACE " (-I ?)([^ ]*)" "\\2" idir "${inc}")
+ list(APPEND urv "${idir}")
+ endforeach()
+ if(urv)
+ if ("${rv}" STREQUAL "")
+ set(rv ${urv})
+ else()
+ list(APPEND rv ${urv})
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ if(DEFINED rv)
+ string(APPEND log " got implicit includes via XL parser!\n")
+ else()
+ string(APPEND log " warning: XL parse failed!\n")
+ endif()
+ endif()
set(${log_var} "${log}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ else()
+ unset(${log_var} PARENT_SCOPE)
- if(rv)
+ if(DEFINED rv)
set(${id_var} "${rv}" PARENT_SCOPE)
set(${state_var} "done" PARENT_SCOPE)
@@ -48,10 +123,11 @@ function(cmake_parse_implicit_include_info text lang dir_var log_var state_var)
string(REGEX REPLACE "\r?\n" ";" output_lines "${text}")
foreach(line IN LISTS output_lines)
if(state STREQUAL start)
- string(FIND "${line}" "#include <...> search starts here:" rv)
+ string(FIND "${line}" "#include \"...\" search starts here:" rv)
if(rv GREATER -1)
set(state loading)
- string(APPEND log " found start of implicit include info\n")
+ set(preload 1) # looking for include <...> now
+ string(APPEND log " found start of include info\n")
cmake_parse_implicit_include_line("${line}" "${lang}" implicit_dirs_tmp
linelog state)
@@ -68,15 +144,24 @@ function(cmake_parse_implicit_include_info text lang dir_var log_var state_var)
set(state done)
string(APPEND log " end of search list found\n")
- else()
- string(STRIP "${line}" path) # remove leading/trailing spaces
- if ("${path}" MATCHES " \\(framework directory\\)$")
- continue() # frameworks are handled elsewhere, ignore them here
+ endif()
+ if(preload)
+ string(FIND "${line}" "#include <...> search starts here:" rv)
+ if(rv GREATER -1)
+ set(preload 0)
+ string(APPEND log " found start of implicit include info\n")
- string(REPLACE "\\" "/" path "${path}")
- list(APPEND implicit_dirs_tmp "${path}")
- string(APPEND log " add: [${path}]\n")
+ continue()
+ endif()
+ if("${line}" MATCHES "^ ")
+ string(SUBSTRING "${line}" 1 -1 line) # remove leading space
+ endif()
+ if ("${line}" MATCHES " \\(framework directory\\)$")
+ continue() # frameworks are handled elsewhere, ignore them here
+ string(REPLACE "\\" "/" path "${line}")
+ list(APPEND implicit_dirs_tmp "${path}")
+ string(APPEND log " add: [${path}]\n")