path: root/Modules
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Modules')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/Modules/ExternalProject.cmake b/Modules/ExternalProject.cmake
index 93cd74a..e763bab 100644
--- a/Modules/ExternalProject.cmake
+++ b/Modules/ExternalProject.cmake
@@ -550,6 +550,14 @@ External Project Definition
When enabled, the output the step is not split by stdout and stderr.
+ This option only has an effect if at least one of the other ``LOG_<step>``
+ options is enabled. If an error occurs for a step which has logging to
+ file enabled, that step's output will be printed to the console if
+ ``LOG_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE`` is set to true. For cases where a large amount
+ of output is recorded, just the end of that output may be printed to the
+ console.
**Terminal Access Options:**
Steps can be given direct access to the terminal in some cases. Giving a
step access to the terminal may allow it to receive terminal input if
@@ -1953,6 +1961,7 @@ endif()
set(script ${stamp_dir}/${name}-${step}-$<CONFIG>.cmake)
set(logbase ${log_dir}/${name}-${step})
get_property(log_merged TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_LOG_MERGED_STDOUTERR)
+ get_property(log_output_on_failure TARGET ${name} PROPERTY _EP_LOG_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE)
if (log_merged)
set(stdout_log "${logbase}.log")
set(stderr_log "${logbase}.log")
@@ -1961,21 +1970,55 @@ endif()
set(stderr_log "${logbase}-err.log")
set(code "
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13)
set(command \"${command}\")
+set(log_merged \"${log_merged}\")
+set(log_output_on_failure \"${log_output_on_failure}\")
+set(stdout_log \"${stdout_log}\")
+set(stderr_log \"${stderr_log}\")
COMMAND \${command}
- OUTPUT_FILE \"${stdout_log}\"
- ERROR_FILE \"${stderr_log}\"
+ OUTPUT_FILE \"\${stdout_log}\"
+ ERROR_FILE \"\${stderr_log}\"
+macro(read_up_to_max_size log_file output_var)
+ file(SIZE \${log_file} determined_size)
+ set(max_size 10240)
+ if (determined_size GREATER max_size)
+ math(EXPR seek_position \"\${determined_size} - \${max_size}\")
+ file(READ \${log_file} \${output_var} OFFSET \${seek_position})
+ set(\${output_var} \"...skipping to end...\\n\${\${output_var}}\")
+ else()
+ file(READ \${log_file} \${output_var})
+ endif()
set(msg \"Command failed: \${result}\\n\")
foreach(arg IN LISTS command)
set(msg \"\${msg} '\${arg}'\")
- set(msg \"\${msg}\\nSee also\\n ${stderr_log}\")
- message(FATAL_ERROR \"\${msg}\")
+ if (\${log_merged})
+ set(msg \"\${msg}\\nSee also\\n \${stderr_log}\")
+ else()
+ set(msg \"\${msg}\\nSee also\\n ${logbase}-*.log\")
+ endif()
+ if (\${log_output_on_failure})
+ message(SEND_ERROR \"\${msg}\")
+ if (\${log_merged})
+ read_up_to_max_size(\"\${stderr_log}\" error_log_contents)
+ message(STATUS \"Log output is:\\n\${error_log_contents}\")
+ else()
+ read_up_to_max_size(\"\${stdout_log}\" out_log_contents)
+ read_up_to_max_size(\"\${stderr_log}\" err_log_contents)
+ message(STATUS \"stdout output is:\\n\${out_log_contents}\")
+ message(STATUS \"stderr output is:\\n\${err_log_contents}\")
+ endif()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"Stopping after outputting logs.\")
+ else()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR \"\${msg}\")
+ endif()
set(msg \"${name} ${step} command succeeded. See also ${logbase}-*.log\")
message(STATUS \"\${msg}\")