path: root/Source/CPack/cpack.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/CPack/cpack.cxx')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/Source/CPack/cpack.cxx b/Source/CPack/cpack.cxx
index b188918..9f8cc14 100644
--- a/Source/CPack/cpack.cxx
+++ b/Source/CPack/cpack.cxx
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
// Need these for documentation support.
#include "cmake.h"
#include "cmDocumentation.h"
-#include "cmCPackDocumentVariables.h"
-#include "cmCPackDocumentMacros.h"
#include "cmCPackGeneratorFactory.h"
#include "cmCPackGenerator.h"
#include "cmake.h"
@@ -29,112 +27,35 @@
#include <cmsys/SystemTools.hxx>
-static const char * cmDocumentationName[][3] =
+static const char * cmDocumentationName[][2] =
- " cpack - Packaging driver provided by CMake.", 0},
- {0,0,0}
+ " cpack - Packaging driver provided by CMake."},
+ {0,0}
-static const char * cmDocumentationUsage[][3] =
+static const char * cmDocumentationUsage[][2] =
- " cpack -G <generator> [options]",
- 0},
- {0,0,0}
+ " cpack -G <generator> [options]"},
+ {0,0}
-static const char * cmDocumentationDescription[][3] =
+static const char * cmDocumentationOptions[][2] =
- {0,
- "The \"cpack\" executable is the CMake packaging program. "
- "CMake-generated build trees created for projects that use "
- "the INSTALL_* commands have packaging support. "
- "This program will generate the package.", 0},
- {0,0,0}
-static const char * cmDocumentationOptions[][3] =
- {"-G <generator>", "Use the specified generator to generate package.",
- "CPack may support multiple native packaging systems on certain "
- "platforms. A generator is responsible for generating input files for "
- "particular system and invoking that systems. Possible generator names "
- "are specified in the Generators section." },
- {"-C <Configuration>", "Specify the project configuration",
- "This option specifies the configuration that the project was build "
- "with, for example 'Debug', 'Release'." },
- {"-D <var>=<value>", "Set a CPack variable.", \
- "Set a variable that can be used by the generator."}, \
- {"--config <config file>", "Specify the config file.",
- "Specify the config file to use to create the package. By default "
- "CPackConfig.cmake in the current directory will be used." },
- {"--verbose,-V","enable verbose output","Run cpack with verbose output."},
- {"--debug","enable debug output (for CPack developers)",
- "Run cpack with debug output (for CPack developers)."},
- {"-P <package name>","override/define CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME",
- "If the package name is not specified on cpack commmand line then"
- "CPack.cmake defines it as CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME"},
- {"-R <package version>","override/define CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION",
- "If version is not specified on cpack command line then"
- "CPack.cmake defines it from CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_[MAJOR|MINOR|PATCH]"
- "look into CPack.cmake for detail"},
- {"-B <package directory>","override/define CPACK_PACKAGE_DIRECTORY",
- "The directory where CPack will be doing its packaging work."
- "The resulting package will be found there. Inside this directory"
- "CPack creates '_CPack_Packages' sub-directory which is the"
- "CPack temporary directory."},
- {"--vendor <vendor name>","override/define CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR",
- "If vendor is not specified on cpack command line "
- "(or inside CMakeLists.txt) then"
- "CPack.cmake defines it with a default value"},
- {"--help-command cmd [file]", "Print help for a single command and exit.",
- "Full documentation specific to the given command is displayed. "
- "If a file is specified, the documentation is written into and the output "
- "format is determined depending on the filename suffix. Supported are man "
- "page, HTML, DocBook and plain text."},
- {"--help-command-list [file]", "List available commands and exit.",
- "The list contains all commands for which help may be obtained by using "
- "the --help-command argument followed by a command name. "
- "If a file is specified, the documentation is written into and the output "
- "format is determined depending on the filename suffix. Supported are man "
- "page, HTML, DocBook and plain text."},
- {"--help-commands [file]", "Print help for all commands and exit.",
- "Full documentation specific for all current command is displayed."
- "If a file is specified, the documentation is written into and the output "
- "format is determined depending on the filename suffix. Supported are man "
- "page, HTML, DocBook and plain text."},
- {"--help-variable var [file]",
- "Print help for a single variable and exit.",
- "Full documentation specific to the given variable is displayed."
- "If a file is specified, the documentation is written into and the output "
- "format is determined depending on the filename suffix. Supported are man "
- "page, HTML, DocBook and plain text."},
- {"--help-variable-list [file]", "List documented variables and exit.",
- "The list contains all variables for which help may be obtained by using "
- "the --help-variable argument followed by a variable name. If a file is "
- "specified, the help is written into it."
- "If a file is specified, the documentation is written into and the output "
- "format is determined depending on the filename suffix. Supported are man "
- "page, HTML, DocBook and plain text."},
- {"--help-variables [file]", "Print help for all variables and exit.",
- "Full documentation for all variables is displayed."
- "If a file is specified, the documentation is written into and the output "
- "format is determined depending on the filename suffix. Supported are man "
- "page, HTML, DocBook and plain text."},
- {0,0,0}
-static const char * cmDocumentationSeeAlso[][3] =
- {0, "cmake", 0},
- {0, "ccmake", 0},
- {0, 0, 0}
+ {"-G <generator>", "Use the specified generator to generate package."},
+ {"-C <Configuration>", "Specify the project configuration"},
+ {"-D <var>=<value>", "Set a CPack variable."},
+ {"--config <config file>", "Specify the config file."},
+ {"--verbose,-V","enable verbose output"},
+ {"--debug","enable debug output (for CPack developers)"},
+ {"-P <package name>","override/define CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME"},
+ {"-R <package version>","override/define CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION"},
+ {"-B <package directory>","override/define CPACK_PACKAGE_DIRECTORY"},
+ {"--vendor <vendor name>","override/define CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR"},
+ {0,0}
@@ -307,6 +228,7 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
// This part is used for cpack documentation lookup as well.
+ doc.SetCMakeRoot(cminst.GetCacheDefinition("CMAKE_ROOT"));
if ( parsed && !help )
@@ -481,11 +403,6 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
if ( parsed )
-#ifdef _WIN32
- std::string comspec = "cmw9xcom.exe";
- cmSystemTools::SetWindows9xComspecSubstitute(comspec.c_str());
const char* projName = mf->GetDefinition("CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME");
cmCPack_Log(&log, cmCPackLog::LOG_VERBOSE, "Use generator: "
<< cpackGenerator->GetNameOfClass() << std::endl);
@@ -533,43 +450,8 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
- doc.SetSection("Description",cmDocumentationDescription);
- // statically (in C++ code) defined variables
- cmCPackDocumentVariables::DefineVariables(&cminst);
- std::vector<cmDocumentationEntry> commands;
- std::string docedFile;
- std::string docPath;
- cmDocumentation::documentedModulesList_t docedModList;
- docedFile = globalMF->GetModulesFile("CPack.cmake");
- if (docedFile.length()!=0)
- {
- docPath = cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(docedFile.c_str());
- doc.getDocumentedModulesListInDir(docPath,"CPack*.cmake",docedModList);
- }
- // parse the files for documentation.
- cmDocumentation::documentedModulesList_t::iterator docedIt;
- for (docedIt = docedModList.begin();
- docedIt!= docedModList.end(); ++docedIt)
- {
- doc.GetStructuredDocFromFile(
- (docedIt->first).c_str(),
- commands,&cminst);
- }
- std::map<std::string,cmDocumentationSection *> propDocs;
- cminst.GetPropertiesDocumentation(propDocs);
- doc.SetSections(propDocs);
- cminst.GetCommandDocumentation(commands,true,false);
- // statically (in C++ code) defined macros/commands
- cmCPackDocumentMacros::GetMacrosDocumentation(commands);
- doc.SetSection("Commands",commands);
std::vector<cmDocumentationEntry> v;
cmCPackGeneratorFactory::DescriptionsMap::const_iterator generatorIt;
for( generatorIt = generators.GetGeneratorsList().begin();
@@ -579,12 +461,10 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
cmDocumentationEntry e;
e.Name = generatorIt->first.c_str();
e.Brief = generatorIt->second.c_str();
- e.Full = "";
- doc.SetSeeAlsoList(cmDocumentationSeeAlso);
#undef cout
return doc.PrintRequestedDocumentation(std::cout)? 0:1;
#define cout no_cout_use_cmCPack_Log