path: root/Source/CPack
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/CPack')
3 files changed, 382 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/CPack/cmCPackExtGenerator.cxx b/Source/CPack/cmCPackExtGenerator.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c36b098
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/CPack/cmCPackExtGenerator.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
+ file Copyright.txt or for details. */
+#include "cmCPackExtGenerator.h"
+#include "cmAlgorithms.h"
+#include "cmCPackComponentGroup.h"
+#include "cmCPackLog.h"
+#include "cmSystemTools.h"
+#include "cm_jsoncpp_value.h"
+#include "cm_jsoncpp_writer.h"
+#include "cmsys/FStream.hxx"
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+int cmCPackExtGenerator::InitializeInternal()
+ this->SetOption("CPACK_EXT_KNOWN_VERSIONS", "1.0");
+ if (!this->ReadListFile("Internal/CPack/CPackExt.cmake")) {
+ cmCPackLogger(cmCPackLog::LOG_ERROR,
+ "Error while executing CPackExt.cmake" << std::endl);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ std::string major = this->GetOption("CPACK_EXT_SELECTED_MAJOR");
+ if (major == "1") {
+ this->Generator = cm::make_unique<cmCPackExtVersion1Generator>(this);
+ }
+ return this->Superclass::InitializeInternal();
+int cmCPackExtGenerator::PackageFiles()
+ Json::StreamWriterBuilder builder;
+ builder["indentation"] = " ";
+ std::string filename = "package.json";
+ if (!this->packageFileNames.empty()) {
+ filename = this->packageFileNames[0];
+ }
+ cmsys::ofstream fout(filename.c_str());
+ std::unique_ptr<Json::StreamWriter> jout(builder.newStreamWriter());
+ Json::Value root(Json::objectValue);
+ if (!this->Generator->WriteToJSON(root)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (jout->write(root, &fout)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+bool cmCPackExtGenerator::SupportsComponentInstallation() const
+ return true;
+int cmCPackExtGenerator::InstallProjectViaInstallCommands(
+ bool setDestDir, const std::string& tempInstallDirectory)
+ (void)setDestDir;
+ (void)tempInstallDirectory;
+ return 1;
+int cmCPackExtGenerator::InstallProjectViaInstallScript(
+ bool setDestDir, const std::string& tempInstallDirectory)
+ (void)setDestDir;
+ (void)tempInstallDirectory;
+ return 1;
+int cmCPackExtGenerator::InstallProjectViaInstalledDirectories(
+ bool setDestDir, const std::string& tempInstallDirectory,
+ const mode_t* default_dir_mode)
+ (void)setDestDir;
+ (void)tempInstallDirectory;
+ (void)default_dir_mode;
+ return 1;
+int cmCPackExtGenerator::RunPreinstallTarget(
+ const std::string& installProjectName, const std::string& installDirectory,
+ cmGlobalGenerator* globalGenerator, const std::string& buildConfig)
+ (void)installProjectName;
+ (void)installDirectory;
+ (void)globalGenerator;
+ (void)buildConfig;
+ return 1;
+int cmCPackExtGenerator::InstallCMakeProject(
+ bool setDestDir, const std::string& installDirectory,
+ const std::string& baseTempInstallDirectory, const mode_t* default_dir_mode,
+ const std::string& component, bool componentInstall,
+ const std::string& installSubDirectory, const std::string& buildConfig,
+ std::string& absoluteDestFiles)
+ (void)setDestDir;
+ (void)installDirectory;
+ (void)baseTempInstallDirectory;
+ (void)default_dir_mode;
+ (void)component;
+ (void)componentInstall;
+ (void)installSubDirectory;
+ (void)buildConfig;
+ (void)absoluteDestFiles;
+ return 1;
+ cmCPackExtGenerator* parent)
+ : Parent(parent)
+int cmCPackExtGenerator::cmCPackExtVersionGenerator::WriteVersion(
+ Json::Value& root)
+ root["formatVersionMajor"] = this->GetVersionMajor();
+ root["formatVersionMinor"] = this->GetVersionMinor();
+ return 1;
+int cmCPackExtGenerator::cmCPackExtVersionGenerator::WriteToJSON(
+ Json::Value& root)
+ if (!this->WriteVersion(root)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ const char* packageName = this->Parent->GetOption("CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME");
+ if (packageName) {
+ root["packageName"] = packageName;
+ }
+ const char* packageVersion =
+ this->Parent->GetOption("CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION");
+ if (packageVersion) {
+ root["packageVersion"] = packageVersion;
+ }
+ const char* packageDescriptionFile =
+ this->Parent->GetOption("CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_FILE");
+ if (packageDescriptionFile) {
+ root["packageDescriptionFile"] = packageDescriptionFile;
+ }
+ const char* packageDescriptionSummary =
+ if (packageDescriptionSummary) {
+ root["packageDescriptionSummary"] = packageDescriptionSummary;
+ }
+ const char* buildConfigCstr = this->Parent->GetOption("CPACK_BUILD_CONFIG");
+ if (buildConfigCstr) {
+ root["buildConfig"] = buildConfigCstr;
+ }
+ const char* defaultDirectoryPermissions =
+ if (defaultDirectoryPermissions && *defaultDirectoryPermissions) {
+ root["defaultDirectoryPermissions"] = defaultDirectoryPermissions;
+ }
+ if (cmSystemTools::IsInternallyOn(
+ this->Parent->GetOption("CPACK_SET_DESTDIR"))) {
+ root["setDestdir"] = true;
+ root["packagingInstallPrefix"] =
+ this->Parent->GetOption("CPACK_PACKAGING_INSTALL_PREFIX");
+ } else {
+ root["setDestdir"] = false;
+ }
+ root["stripFiles"] =
+ !cmSystemTools::IsOff(this->Parent->GetOption("CPACK_STRIP_FILES"));
+ root["warnOnAbsoluteInstallDestination"] =
+ root["errorOnAbsoluteInstallDestination"] =
+ Json::Value& projects = root["projects"] = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);
+ for (auto& project : this->Parent->CMakeProjects) {
+ Json::Value jsonProject(Json::objectValue);
+ jsonProject["projectName"] = project.ProjectName;
+ jsonProject["component"] = project.Component;
+ jsonProject["directory"] = project.Directory;
+ jsonProject["subDirectory"] = project.SubDirectory;
+ Json::Value& installationTypes = jsonProject["installationTypes"] =
+ Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);
+ for (auto& installationType : project.InstallationTypes) {
+ installationTypes.append(installationType->Name);
+ }
+ Json::Value& components = jsonProject["components"] =
+ Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);
+ for (auto& component : project.Components) {
+ components.append(component->Name);
+ }
+ projects.append(jsonProject);
+ }
+ Json::Value& installationTypes = root["installationTypes"] =
+ Json::Value(Json::objectValue);
+ for (auto& installationType : this->Parent->InstallationTypes) {
+ Json::Value& jsonInstallationType =
+ installationTypes[installationType.first] =
+ Json::Value(Json::objectValue);
+ jsonInstallationType["name"] = installationType.second.Name;
+ jsonInstallationType["displayName"] = installationType.second.DisplayName;
+ jsonInstallationType["index"] = installationType.second.Index;
+ }
+ Json::Value& components = root["components"] =
+ Json::Value(Json::objectValue);
+ for (auto& component : this->Parent->Components) {
+ Json::Value& jsonComponent = components[component.first] =
+ Json::Value(Json::objectValue);
+ jsonComponent["name"] = component.second.Name;
+ jsonComponent["displayName"] = component.second.DisplayName;
+ if (component.second.Group) {
+ jsonComponent["group"] = component.second.Group->Name;
+ }
+ jsonComponent["isRequired"] = component.second.IsRequired;
+ jsonComponent["isHidden"] = component.second.IsHidden;
+ jsonComponent["isDisabledByDefault"] =
+ component.second.IsDisabledByDefault;
+ jsonComponent["isDownloaded"] = component.second.IsDownloaded;
+ jsonComponent["description"] = component.second.Description;
+ jsonComponent["archiveFile"] = component.second.ArchiveFile;
+ Json::Value& cmpInstallationTypes = jsonComponent["installationTypes"] =
+ Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);
+ for (auto& installationType : component.second.InstallationTypes) {
+ cmpInstallationTypes.append(installationType->Name);
+ }
+ Json::Value& dependencies = jsonComponent["dependencies"] =
+ Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);
+ for (auto& dep : component.second.Dependencies) {
+ dependencies.append(dep->Name);
+ }
+ }
+ Json::Value& groups = root["componentGroups"] =
+ Json::Value(Json::objectValue);
+ for (auto& group : this->Parent->ComponentGroups) {
+ Json::Value& jsonGroup = groups[group.first] =
+ Json::Value(Json::objectValue);
+ jsonGroup["name"] = group.second.Name;
+ jsonGroup["displayName"] = group.second.DisplayName;
+ jsonGroup["description"] = group.second.Description;
+ jsonGroup["isBold"] = group.second.IsBold;
+ jsonGroup["isExpandedByDefault"] = group.second.IsExpandedByDefault;
+ if (group.second.ParentGroup) {
+ jsonGroup["parentGroup"] = group.second.ParentGroup->Name;
+ }
+ Json::Value& subgroups = jsonGroup["subgroups"] =
+ Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);
+ for (auto& subgroup : group.second.Subgroups) {
+ subgroups.append(subgroup->Name);
+ }
+ Json::Value& groupComponents = jsonGroup["components"] =
+ Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);
+ for (auto& component : group.second.Components) {
+ groupComponents.append(component->Name);
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
diff --git a/Source/CPack/cmCPackExtGenerator.h b/Source/CPack/cmCPackExtGenerator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa12d7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/CPack/cmCPackExtGenerator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
+ file Copyright.txt or for details. */
+#ifndef cmCPackExtGenerator_h
+#define cmCPackExtGenerator_h
+#include "cmCPackGenerator.h"
+#include "cm_sys_stat.h"
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+class cmGlobalGenerator;
+namespace Json {
+class Value;
+/** \class cmCPackExtGenerator
+ * \brief A generator for CPack External packaging tools
+ */
+class cmCPackExtGenerator : public cmCPackGenerator
+ cmCPackTypeMacro(cmCPackExtGenerator, cmCPackGenerator);
+ const char* GetOutputExtension() override { return ".json"; }
+ int InitializeInternal() override;
+ int PackageFiles() override;
+ bool SupportsComponentInstallation() const override;
+ int InstallProjectViaInstallCommands(
+ bool setDestDir, const std::string& tempInstallDirectory) override;
+ int InstallProjectViaInstallScript(
+ bool setDestDir, const std::string& tempInstallDirectory) override;
+ int InstallProjectViaInstalledDirectories(
+ bool setDestDir, const std::string& tempInstallDirectory,
+ const mode_t* default_dir_mode) override;
+ int RunPreinstallTarget(const std::string& installProjectName,
+ const std::string& installDirectory,
+ cmGlobalGenerator* globalGenerator,
+ const std::string& buildConfig) override;
+ int InstallCMakeProject(bool setDestDir, const std::string& installDirectory,
+ const std::string& baseTempInstallDirectory,
+ const mode_t* default_dir_mode,
+ const std::string& component, bool componentInstall,
+ const std::string& installSubDirectory,
+ const std::string& buildConfig,
+ std::string& absoluteDestFiles) override;
+ class cmCPackExtVersionGenerator
+ {
+ public:
+ cmCPackExtVersionGenerator(cmCPackExtGenerator* parent);
+ virtual ~cmCPackExtVersionGenerator() = default;
+ virtual int WriteToJSON(Json::Value& root);
+ protected:
+ virtual int GetVersionMajor() = 0;
+ virtual int GetVersionMinor() = 0;
+ int WriteVersion(Json::Value& root);
+ cmCPackExtGenerator* Parent;
+ };
+ class cmCPackExtVersion1Generator : public cmCPackExtVersionGenerator
+ {
+ public:
+ using cmCPackExtVersionGenerator::cmCPackExtVersionGenerator;
+ protected:
+ int GetVersionMajor() override { return 1; }
+ int GetVersionMinor() override { return 0; }
+ };
+ std::unique_ptr<cmCPackExtVersionGenerator> Generator;
diff --git a/Source/CPack/cmCPackGeneratorFactory.cxx b/Source/CPack/cmCPackGeneratorFactory.cxx
index d47e5ed..8ef24f7 100644
--- a/Source/CPack/cmCPackGeneratorFactory.cxx
+++ b/Source/CPack/cmCPackGeneratorFactory.cxx
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
# include "cmCPackFreeBSDGenerator.h"
#include "cmCPackDebGenerator.h"
+#include "cmCPackExtGenerator.h"
#include "cmCPackGenerator.h"
#include "cmCPackLog.h"
#include "cmCPackNSISGenerator.h"
@@ -110,6 +111,10 @@ cmCPackGeneratorFactory::cmCPackGeneratorFactory()
this->RegisterGenerator("NuGet", "NuGet packages",
+ if (cmCPackExtGenerator::CanGenerate()) {
+ this->RegisterGenerator("Ext", "CPack External packages",
+ cmCPackExtGenerator::CreateGenerator);
+ }
#ifdef __APPLE__
if (cmCPackDragNDropGenerator::CanGenerate()) {
this->RegisterGenerator("DragNDrop", "Mac OSX Drag And Drop",