path: root/Source/CTest/cmCTestBuildAndTestHandler.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/CTest/cmCTestBuildAndTestHandler.cxx')
1 files changed, 542 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/CTest/cmCTestBuildAndTestHandler.cxx b/Source/CTest/cmCTestBuildAndTestHandler.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fa3c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/CTest/cmCTestBuildAndTestHandler.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+ CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator
+ Copyright 2000-2009 Kitware, Inc., Insight Software Consortium
+ Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License");
+ see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
+ See the License for more information.
+#include "cmCTestBuildAndTestHandler.h"
+#include "cmSystemTools.h"
+#include "cmCTest.h"
+#include "cmake.h"
+#include "cmGlobalGenerator.h"
+#include <cmsys/Process.h>
+#include "cmCTestTestHandler.h"
+ this->BuildTwoConfig = false;
+ this->BuildNoClean = false;
+ this->BuildNoCMake = false;
+ this->Timeout = 0;
+void cmCTestBuildAndTestHandler::Initialize()
+ this->BuildTargets.erase(
+ this->BuildTargets.begin(), this->BuildTargets.end());
+ this->Superclass::Initialize();
+const char* cmCTestBuildAndTestHandler::GetOutput()
+ return this->Output.c_str();
+int cmCTestBuildAndTestHandler::ProcessHandler()
+ this->Output = "";
+ std::string output;
+ cmSystemTools::ResetErrorOccuredFlag();
+ int retv = this->RunCMakeAndTest(&this->Output);
+ cmSystemTools::ResetErrorOccuredFlag();
+ return retv;
+int cmCTestBuildAndTestHandler::RunCMake(std::string* outstring,
+ cmOStringStream &out, std::string &cmakeOutString, std::string &cwd,
+ cmake *cm)
+ unsigned int k;
+ std::vector<std::string> args;
+ args.push_back(this->CTest->GetCMakeExecutable());
+ args.push_back(this->SourceDir);
+ if(this->BuildGenerator.size())
+ {
+ std::string generator = "-G";
+ generator += this->BuildGenerator;
+ args.push_back(generator);
+ }
+ if(this->BuildGeneratorToolset.size())
+ {
+ std::string toolset = "-T";
+ toolset += this->BuildGeneratorToolset;
+ args.push_back(toolset);
+ }
+ const char* config = 0;
+ if ( this->CTest->GetConfigType().size() > 0 )
+ {
+ config = this->CTest->GetConfigType().c_str();
+ }
+ if(!config)
+ {
+ config = CMAKE_INTDIR;
+ }
+ if ( config )
+ {
+ std::string btype
+ = "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=" + std::string(config);
+ args.push_back(btype);
+ }
+ for(k=0; k < this->BuildOptions.size(); ++k)
+ {
+ args.push_back(this->BuildOptions[k]);
+ }
+ if (cm->Run(args) != 0)
+ {
+ out << "Error: cmake execution failed\n";
+ out << cmakeOutString << "\n";
+ // return to the original directory
+ cmSystemTools::ChangeDirectory(cwd.c_str());
+ if(outstring)
+ {
+ *outstring = out.str();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cmCTestLog(this->CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, out.str() << std::endl);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // do another config?
+ if(this->BuildTwoConfig)
+ {
+ if (cm->Run(args) != 0)
+ {
+ out << "Error: cmake execution failed\n";
+ out << cmakeOutString << "\n";
+ // return to the original directory
+ cmSystemTools::ChangeDirectory(cwd.c_str());
+ if(outstring)
+ {
+ *outstring = out.str();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cmCTestLog(this->CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, out.str() << std::endl);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ out << "======== CMake output ======\n";
+ out << cmakeOutString;
+ out << "======== End CMake output ======\n";
+ return 0;
+void CMakeMessageCallback(const char* m, const char*, bool&, void* s)
+ std::string* out = (std::string*)s;
+ *out += m;
+ *out += "\n";
+void CMakeProgressCallback(const char*msg, float , void * s)
+ std::string* out = (std::string*)s;
+ *out += msg;
+ *out += "\n";
+void CMakeStdoutCallback(const char* m, int len, void* s)
+ std::string* out = (std::string*)s;
+ out->append(m, len);
+struct cmSetupOutputCaptureCleanup
+ ~cmSetupOutputCaptureCleanup()
+ {
+ cmSystemTools::SetErrorCallback(0, 0);
+ cmSystemTools::SetStdoutCallback(0, 0);
+ }
+int cmCTestBuildAndTestHandler::RunCMakeAndTest(std::string* outstring)
+ unsigned int k;
+ std::string cmakeOutString;
+ cmSystemTools::SetErrorCallback(CMakeMessageCallback, &cmakeOutString);
+ cmSystemTools::SetStdoutCallback(CMakeStdoutCallback, &cmakeOutString);
+ // make sure SetStdoutCallback and SetErrorCallback are set to null
+ // after this function exits so that they do not point at a destroyed
+ // string cmakeOutString
+ cmSetupOutputCaptureCleanup cleanup;
+ static_cast<void>(cleanup);
+ cmOStringStream out;
+ // if the generator and make program are not specified then it is an error
+ if (!this->BuildGenerator.size() || !this->BuildMakeProgram.size())
+ {
+ if(outstring)
+ {
+ *outstring =
+ "--build-and-test requires that both the generator and makeprogram "
+ "be provided using the --build-generator and --build-makeprogram "
+ "command line options. ";
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if ( this->CTest->GetConfigType().size() == 0 &&
+ this->ConfigSample.size())
+ {
+ // use the config sample to set the ConfigType
+ std::string fullPath;
+ std::string resultingConfig;
+ std::vector<std::string> extraPaths;
+ std::vector<std::string> failed;
+ fullPath =
+ cmCTestTestHandler::FindExecutable(this->CTest,
+ this->ConfigSample.c_str(),
+ resultingConfig,
+ extraPaths,
+ failed);
+ if (fullPath.size() && resultingConfig.size())
+ {
+ this->CTest->SetConfigType(resultingConfig.c_str());
+ }
+ out << "Using config sample with results: "
+ << fullPath << " and " << resultingConfig << std::endl;
+ }
+ // we need to honor the timeout specified, the timeout include cmake, build
+ // and test time
+ double clock_start = cmSystemTools::GetTime();
+ // make sure the binary dir is there
+ std::string cwd = cmSystemTools::GetCurrentWorkingDirectory();
+ out << "Internal cmake changing into directory: "
+ << this->BinaryDir << std::endl;
+ if (!cmSystemTools::FileIsDirectory(this->BinaryDir.c_str()))
+ {
+ cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(this->BinaryDir.c_str());
+ }
+ cmSystemTools::ChangeDirectory(this->BinaryDir.c_str());
+ // should we cmake?
+ cmake cm;
+ cm.SetProgressCallback(CMakeProgressCallback, &cmakeOutString);
+ if(this->BuildNoCMake)
+ {
+ cm.SetGlobalGenerator(cm.CreateGlobalGenerator(
+ this->BuildGenerator.c_str()));
+ cm.SetGeneratorToolset(this->BuildGeneratorToolset);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // do the cmake step, no timeout here since it is not a sub process
+ if (this->RunCMake(outstring,out,cmakeOutString,cwd,&cm))
+ {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // do the build
+ std::vector<std::string>::iterator tarIt;
+ if ( this->BuildTargets.size() == 0 )
+ {
+ this->BuildTargets.push_back("");
+ }
+ for ( tarIt = this->BuildTargets.begin();
+ tarIt != this->BuildTargets.end(); ++ tarIt )
+ {
+ double remainingTime = 0;
+ if (this->Timeout > 0)
+ {
+ remainingTime = this->Timeout - cmSystemTools::GetTime() + clock_start;
+ if (remainingTime <= 0)
+ {
+ if(outstring)
+ {
+ *outstring = "--build-and-test timeout exceeded. ";
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ std::string output;
+ const char* config = 0;
+ if ( this->CTest->GetConfigType().size() > 0 )
+ {
+ config = this->CTest->GetConfigType().c_str();
+ }
+ if(!config)
+ {
+ config = CMAKE_INTDIR;
+ }
+ if(!config)
+ {
+ config = "Debug";
+ }
+ int retVal = cm.GetGlobalGenerator()->Build(
+ this->SourceDir.c_str(), this->BinaryDir.c_str(),
+ this->BuildProject.c_str(), tarIt->c_str(),
+ &output, this->BuildMakeProgram.c_str(),
+ config,
+ !this->BuildNoClean,
+ false, remainingTime);
+ out << output;
+ // if the build failed then return
+ if (retVal)
+ {
+ if(outstring)
+ {
+ *outstring = out.str();
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(outstring)
+ {
+ *outstring = out.str();
+ }
+ // if no test was specified then we are done
+ if (!this->TestCommand.size())
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // now run the compiled test if we can find it
+ // store the final location in fullPath
+ std::string fullPath;
+ std::string resultingConfig;
+ std::vector<std::string> extraPaths;
+ // if this->ExecutableDirectory is set try that as well
+ if (this->ExecutableDirectory.size())
+ {
+ std::string tempPath = this->ExecutableDirectory;
+ tempPath += "/";
+ tempPath += this->TestCommand;
+ extraPaths.push_back(tempPath);
+ }
+ std::vector<std::string> failed;
+ fullPath =
+ cmCTestTestHandler::FindExecutable(this->CTest,
+ this->TestCommand.c_str(),
+ resultingConfig,
+ extraPaths,
+ failed);
+ if(!cmSystemTools::FileExists(fullPath.c_str()))
+ {
+ out << "Could not find path to executable, perhaps it was not built: "
+ << this->TestCommand << "\n";
+ out << "tried to find it in these places:\n";
+ out << fullPath.c_str() << "\n";
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i < failed.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ out << failed[i] << "\n";
+ }
+ if(outstring)
+ {
+ *outstring = out.str();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cmCTestLog(this->CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE, out.str());
+ }
+ // return to the original directory
+ cmSystemTools::ChangeDirectory(cwd.c_str());
+ return 1;
+ }
+ std::vector<const char*> testCommand;
+ testCommand.push_back(fullPath.c_str());
+ for(k=0; k < this->TestCommandArgs.size(); ++k)
+ {
+ testCommand.push_back(this->TestCommandArgs[k].c_str());
+ }
+ testCommand.push_back(0);
+ std::string outs;
+ int retval = 0;
+ // run the test from the this->BuildRunDir if set
+ if(this->BuildRunDir.size())
+ {
+ out << "Run test in directory: " << this->BuildRunDir << "\n";
+ cmSystemTools::ChangeDirectory(this->BuildRunDir.c_str());
+ }
+ out << "Running test command: \"" << fullPath << "\"";
+ for(k=0; k < this->TestCommandArgs.size(); ++k)
+ {
+ out << " \"" << this->TestCommandArgs[k] << "\"";
+ }
+ out << "\n";
+ // how much time is remaining
+ double remainingTime = 0;
+ if (this->Timeout > 0)
+ {
+ remainingTime = this->Timeout - cmSystemTools::GetTime() + clock_start;
+ if (remainingTime <= 0)
+ {
+ if(outstring)
+ {
+ *outstring = "--build-and-test timeout exceeded. ";
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ int runTestRes = this->CTest->RunTest(testCommand, &outs, &retval, 0,
+ remainingTime, 0);
+ if(runTestRes != cmsysProcess_State_Exited || retval != 0)
+ {
+ out << "Test command failed: " << testCommand[0] << "\n";
+ retval = 1;
+ }
+ out << outs << "\n";
+ if(outstring)
+ {
+ *outstring = out.str();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cmCTestLog(this->CTest, OUTPUT, out.str() << std::endl);
+ }
+ return retval;
+int cmCTestBuildAndTestHandler::ProcessCommandLineArguments(
+ const std::string& currentArg, size_t& idx,
+ const std::vector<std::string>& allArgs)
+ // --build-and-test options
+ if(currentArg.find("--build-and-test",0) == 0 && idx < allArgs.size() - 1)
+ {
+ if(idx+2 < allArgs.size())
+ {
+ idx++;
+ this->SourceDir = allArgs[idx];
+ idx++;
+ this->BinaryDir = allArgs[idx];
+ // dir must exist before CollapseFullPath is called
+ cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(this->BinaryDir.c_str());
+ this->BinaryDir
+ = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(this->BinaryDir.c_str());
+ this->SourceDir
+ = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(this->SourceDir.c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cmCTestLog(this->CTest, ERROR_MESSAGE,
+ "--build-and-test must have source and binary dir" << std::endl);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if(currentArg.find("--build-target",0) == 0 && idx < allArgs.size() - 1)
+ {
+ idx++;
+ this->BuildTargets.push_back(allArgs[idx]);
+ }
+ if(currentArg.find("--build-nocmake",0) == 0)
+ {
+ this->BuildNoCMake = true;
+ }
+ if(currentArg.find("--build-run-dir",0) == 0 && idx < allArgs.size() - 1)
+ {
+ idx++;
+ this->BuildRunDir = allArgs[idx];
+ }
+ if(currentArg.find("--build-two-config",0) == 0)
+ {
+ this->BuildTwoConfig = true;
+ }
+ if(currentArg.find("--build-exe-dir",0) == 0 && idx < allArgs.size() - 1)
+ {
+ idx++;
+ this->ExecutableDirectory = allArgs[idx];
+ }
+ if(currentArg.find("--test-timeout",0) == 0 && idx < allArgs.size() - 1)
+ {
+ idx++;
+ this->Timeout = atof(allArgs[idx].c_str());
+ }
+ if(currentArg == "--build-generator" && idx < allArgs.size() - 1)
+ {
+ idx++;
+ this->BuildGenerator = allArgs[idx];
+ }
+ if(currentArg == "--build-generator-toolset" &&
+ idx < allArgs.size() - 1)
+ {
+ idx++;
+ this->BuildGeneratorToolset = allArgs[idx];
+ }
+ if(currentArg.find("--build-project",0) == 0 && idx < allArgs.size() - 1)
+ {
+ idx++;
+ this->BuildProject = allArgs[idx];
+ }
+ if(currentArg.find("--build-makeprogram",0) == 0 &&
+ idx < allArgs.size() - 1)
+ {
+ idx++;
+ this->BuildMakeProgram = allArgs[idx];
+ }
+ if(currentArg.find("--build-config-sample",0) == 0 &&
+ idx < allArgs.size() - 1)
+ {
+ idx++;
+ this->ConfigSample = allArgs[idx];
+ }
+ if(currentArg.find("--build-noclean",0) == 0)
+ {
+ this->BuildNoClean = true;
+ }
+ if(currentArg.find("--build-options",0) == 0 && idx < allArgs.size() - 1)
+ {
+ ++idx;
+ bool done = false;
+ while(idx < allArgs.size() && !done)
+ {
+ this->BuildOptions.push_back(allArgs[idx]);
+ if(idx+1 < allArgs.size()
+ && (allArgs[idx+1] == "--build-target" ||
+ allArgs[idx+1] == "--test-command"))
+ {
+ done = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++idx;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(currentArg.find("--test-command",0) == 0 && idx < allArgs.size() - 1)
+ {
+ ++idx;
+ this->TestCommand = allArgs[idx];
+ while(idx+1 < allArgs.size())
+ {
+ ++idx;
+ this->TestCommandArgs.push_back(allArgs[idx]);
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;