path: root/Source/QtDialog/CMakeSetupDialog.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/QtDialog/CMakeSetupDialog.cxx')
1 files changed, 1305 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/QtDialog/CMakeSetupDialog.cxx b/Source/QtDialog/CMakeSetupDialog.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d62f72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/QtDialog/CMakeSetupDialog.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1305 @@
+ CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator
+ Copyright 2000-2009 Kitware, Inc., Insight Software Consortium
+ Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License");
+ see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
+ See the License for more information.
+#include "CMakeSetupDialog.h"
+#include <QFileDialog>
+#include <QProgressBar>
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <QStatusBar>
+#include <QToolButton>
+#include <QDialogButtonBox>
+#include <QCloseEvent>
+#include <QCoreApplication>
+#include <QSettings>
+#include <QMenu>
+#include <QMenuBar>
+#include <QDragEnterEvent>
+#include <QMimeData>
+#include <QUrl>
+#include <QShortcut>
+#include <QKeySequence>
+#include <QMacInstallDialog.h>
+#include <QInputDialog>
+#include "QCMake.h"
+#include "QCMakeCacheView.h"
+#include "AddCacheEntry.h"
+#include "FirstConfigure.h"
+#include "cmVersion.h"
+QCMakeThread::QCMakeThread(QObject* p)
+ : QThread(p), CMakeInstance(NULL)
+QCMake* QCMakeThread::cmakeInstance() const
+ return this->CMakeInstance;
+void QCMakeThread::run()
+ this->CMakeInstance = new QCMake;
+ // emit that this cmake thread is ready for use
+ emit this->cmakeInitialized();
+ this->exec();
+ delete this->CMakeInstance;
+ this->CMakeInstance = NULL;
+ : ExitAfterGenerate(true), CacheModified(false), ConfigureNeeded(true), CurrentState(Interrupting)
+ QString title = QString(tr("CMake %1"));
+ title = title.arg(cmVersion::GetCMakeVersion());
+ this->setWindowTitle(title);
+ // create the GUI
+ QSettings settings;
+ settings.beginGroup("Settings/StartPath");
+ int h = settings.value("Height", 500).toInt();
+ int w = settings.value("Width", 700).toInt();
+ this->resize(w, h);
+ this->AddVariableCompletions = settings.value("AddVariableCompletionEntries",
+ QStringList("CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX")).toStringList();
+ QWidget* cont = new QWidget(this);
+ this->setupUi(cont);
+ this->Splitter->setStretchFactor(0, 3);
+ this->Splitter->setStretchFactor(1, 1);
+ this->setCentralWidget(cont);
+ this->ProgressBar->reset();
+ this->RemoveEntry->setEnabled(false);
+ this->AddEntry->setEnabled(false);
+ QByteArray p = settings.value("SplitterSizes").toByteArray();
+ this->Splitter->restoreState(p);
+ bool groupView = settings.value("GroupView", false).toBool();
+ this->setGroupedView(groupView);
+ this->groupedCheck->setCheckState(groupView ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+ bool advancedView = settings.value("AdvancedView", false).toBool();
+ this->setAdvancedView(advancedView);
+ this->advancedCheck->setCheckState(advancedView?Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
+ QMenu* FileMenu = this->menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&File"));
+ this->ReloadCacheAction = FileMenu->addAction(tr("&Reload Cache"));
+ QObject::connect(this->ReloadCacheAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(doReloadCache()));
+ this->DeleteCacheAction = FileMenu->addAction(tr("&Delete Cache"));
+ QObject::connect(this->DeleteCacheAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(doDeleteCache()));
+ this->ExitAction = FileMenu->addAction(tr("E&xit"));
+ this->ExitAction->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Q));
+ QObject::connect(this->ExitAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(close()));
+ QMenu* ToolsMenu = this->menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Tools"));
+ this->ConfigureAction = ToolsMenu->addAction(tr("&Configure"));
+ // prevent merging with Preferences menu item on Mac OS X
+ this->ConfigureAction->setMenuRole(QAction::NoRole);
+ QObject::connect(this->ConfigureAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(doConfigure()));
+ this->GenerateAction = ToolsMenu->addAction(tr("&Generate"));
+ QObject::connect(this->GenerateAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(doGenerate()));
+ QAction* showChangesAction = ToolsMenu->addAction(tr("&Show My Changes"));
+ QObject::connect(showChangesAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(showUserChanges()));
+#if defined(Q_WS_MAC)
+ this->InstallForCommandLineAction
+ = ToolsMenu->addAction(tr("&Install For Command Line Use"));
+ QObject::connect(this->InstallForCommandLineAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(doInstallForCommandLine()));
+ ToolsMenu->addSeparator();
+ ToolsMenu->addAction(tr("&Find in Output..."),
+ this, SLOT(doOutputFindDialog()),
+ QKeySequence::Find);
+ ToolsMenu->addAction(tr("Find Next"),
+ this, SLOT(doOutputFindNext()),
+ QKeySequence::FindNext);
+ ToolsMenu->addAction(tr("Find Previous"),
+ this, SLOT(doOutputFindPrev()),
+ QKeySequence::FindPrevious);
+ ToolsMenu->addAction(tr("Goto Next Error"),
+ this, SLOT(doOutputErrorNext()),
+ QKeySequence(Qt::Key_F8)); // in Visual Studio
+ new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_Period),
+ this, SLOT(doOutputErrorNext())); // in Eclipse
+ QMenu* OptionsMenu = this->menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Options"));
+ this->SuppressDevWarningsAction =
+ OptionsMenu->addAction(tr("&Suppress dev Warnings (-Wno-dev)"));
+ this->SuppressDevWarningsAction->setCheckable(true);
+ this->WarnUninitializedAction =
+ OptionsMenu->addAction(tr("&Warn Uninitialized (--warn-uninitialized)"));
+ this->WarnUninitializedAction->setCheckable(true);
+ this->WarnUnusedAction =
+ OptionsMenu->addAction(tr("&Warn Unused (--warn-unused-vars)"));
+ this->WarnUnusedAction->setCheckable(true);
+ QAction* debugAction = OptionsMenu->addAction(tr("&Debug Output"));
+ debugAction->setCheckable(true);
+ QObject::connect(debugAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(setDebugOutput(bool)));
+ OptionsMenu->addSeparator();
+ QAction* expandAction = OptionsMenu->addAction(tr("&Expand Grouped Entries"));
+ QObject::connect(expandAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
+ this->CacheValues, SLOT(expandAll()));
+ QAction* collapseAction = OptionsMenu->addAction(tr("&Collapse Grouped Entries"));
+ QObject::connect(collapseAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
+ this->CacheValues, SLOT(collapseAll()));
+ QMenu* HelpMenu = this->menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Help"));
+ QAction* a = HelpMenu->addAction(tr("About"));
+ QObject::connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(doAbout()));
+ a = HelpMenu->addAction(tr("Help"));
+ QObject::connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(doHelp()));
+ this->setAcceptDrops(true);
+ // get the saved binary directories
+ QStringList buildPaths = this->loadBuildPaths();
+ this->BinaryDirectory->addItems(buildPaths);
+ this->BinaryDirectory->setCompleter(new QCMakeFileCompleter(this, true));
+ this->SourceDirectory->setCompleter(new QCMakeFileCompleter(this, true));
+ // fixed pitch font in output window
+ QFont outputFont("Courier");
+ this->Output->setFont(outputFont);
+ this->ErrorFormat.setForeground(QBrush(Qt::red));
+ this->Output->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu);
+ connect(this->Output, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)),
+ this, SLOT(doOutputContextMenu(const QPoint &)));
+ // start the cmake worker thread
+ this->CMakeThread = new QCMakeThread(this);
+ QObject::connect(this->CMakeThread, SIGNAL(cmakeInitialized()),
+ this, SLOT(initialize()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ this->CMakeThread->start();
+ this->enterState(ReadyConfigure);
+ ProgressOffset = 0.0;
+ ProgressFactor = 1.0;
+void CMakeSetupDialog::initialize()
+ // now the cmake worker thread is running, lets make our connections to it
+ QObject::connect(this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance(),
+ SIGNAL(propertiesChanged(const QCMakePropertyList&)),
+ this->CacheValues->cacheModel(),
+ SLOT(setProperties(const QCMakePropertyList&)));
+ QObject::connect(this->ConfigureButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(doConfigure()));
+ QObject::connect(this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance(), SIGNAL(configureDone(int)),
+ this, SLOT(exitLoop(int)));
+ QObject::connect(this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance(), SIGNAL(generateDone(int)),
+ this, SLOT(exitLoop(int)));
+ QObject::connect(this->GenerateButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(doGenerate()));
+ QObject::connect(this->BrowseSourceDirectoryButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(doSourceBrowse()));
+ QObject::connect(this->BrowseBinaryDirectoryButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(doBinaryBrowse()));
+ QObject::connect(this->BinaryDirectory, SIGNAL(editTextChanged(QString)),
+ this, SLOT(onBinaryDirectoryChanged(QString)));
+ QObject::connect(this->SourceDirectory, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)),
+ this, SLOT(onSourceDirectoryChanged(QString)));
+ QObject::connect(this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance(),
+ SIGNAL(sourceDirChanged(QString)),
+ this, SLOT(updateSourceDirectory(QString)));
+ QObject::connect(this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance(),
+ SIGNAL(binaryDirChanged(QString)),
+ this, SLOT(updateBinaryDirectory(QString)));
+ QObject::connect(this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance(),
+ SIGNAL(progressChanged(QString, float)),
+ this, SLOT(showProgress(QString,float)));
+ QObject::connect(this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance(),
+ SIGNAL(errorMessage(QString)),
+ this, SLOT(error(QString)));
+ QObject::connect(this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance(),
+ SIGNAL(outputMessage(QString)),
+ this, SLOT(message(QString)));
+ QObject::connect(this->groupedCheck, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(setGroupedView(bool)));
+ QObject::connect(this->advancedCheck, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(setAdvancedView(bool)));
+ QObject::connect(this->Search, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)),
+ this, SLOT(setSearchFilter(QString)));
+ QObject::connect(this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance(),
+ SIGNAL(generatorChanged(QString)),
+ this, SLOT(updateGeneratorLabel(QString)));
+ this->updateGeneratorLabel(QString());
+ QObject::connect(this->CacheValues->cacheModel(),
+ SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)),
+ this, SLOT(setCacheModified()));
+ QObject::connect(this->CacheValues->selectionModel(),
+ SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)),
+ this, SLOT(selectionChanged()));
+ QObject::connect(this->RemoveEntry, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(removeSelectedCacheEntries()));
+ QObject::connect(this->AddEntry, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(addCacheEntry()));
+ QObject::connect(this->SuppressDevWarningsAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
+ this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance(), SLOT(setSuppressDevWarnings(bool)));
+ QObject::connect(this->WarnUninitializedAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
+ this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance(),
+ SLOT(setWarnUninitializedMode(bool)));
+ QObject::connect(this->WarnUnusedAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
+ this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance(),
+ SLOT(setWarnUnusedMode(bool)));
+ if(!this->SourceDirectory->text().isEmpty() ||
+ !this->BinaryDirectory->lineEdit()->text().isEmpty())
+ {
+ this->onSourceDirectoryChanged(this->SourceDirectory->text());
+ this->onBinaryDirectoryChanged(this->BinaryDirectory->lineEdit()->text());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this->onBinaryDirectoryChanged(this->BinaryDirectory->lineEdit()->text());
+ }
+ QSettings settings;
+ settings.beginGroup("Settings/StartPath");
+ settings.setValue("Height", this->height());
+ settings.setValue("Width", this->width());
+ settings.setValue("SplitterSizes", this->Splitter->saveState());
+ // wait for thread to stop
+ this->CMakeThread->quit();
+ this->CMakeThread->wait();
+bool CMakeSetupDialog::prepareConfigure()
+ // make sure build directory exists
+ QString bindir = this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance()->binaryDirectory();
+ QDir dir(bindir);
+ if(!dir.exists())
+ {
+ QString msg = tr("Build directory does not exist, "
+ "should I create it?\n\n"
+ "Directory: ");
+ msg += bindir;
+ QString title = tr("Create Directory");
+ QMessageBox::StandardButton btn;
+ btn = QMessageBox::information(this, title, msg,
+ QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No);
+ if(btn == QMessageBox::No)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!dir.mkpath("."))
+ {
+ QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Create Directory Failed"),
+ QString(tr("Failed to create directory %1")).arg(dir.path()),
+ QMessageBox::Ok);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // if no generator, prompt for it and other setup stuff
+ if(this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance()->generator().isEmpty())
+ {
+ if(!this->setupFirstConfigure())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // remember path
+ this->addBinaryPath(dir.absolutePath());
+ return true;
+void CMakeSetupDialog::exitLoop(int err)
+ this->LocalLoop.exit(err);
+void CMakeSetupDialog::doConfigure()
+ if(this->CurrentState == Configuring)
+ {
+ // stop configure
+ doInterrupt();
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!prepareConfigure())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ this->enterState(Configuring);
+ bool ret = doConfigureInternal();
+ if(ret)
+ {
+ this->ConfigureNeeded = false;
+ }
+ if(ret && !this->CacheValues->cacheModel()->newPropertyCount())
+ {
+ this->enterState(ReadyGenerate);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this->enterState(ReadyConfigure);
+ this->CacheValues->scrollToTop();
+ }
+ this->ProgressBar->reset();
+bool CMakeSetupDialog::doConfigureInternal()
+ this->Output->clear();
+ this->CacheValues->selectionModel()->clear();
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance(),
+ "setProperties", Qt::QueuedConnection,
+ Q_ARG(QCMakePropertyList,
+ this->CacheValues->cacheModel()->properties()));
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance(),
+ "configure", Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ int err = this->LocalLoop.exec();
+ if(err != 0)
+ {
+ QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"),
+ tr("Error in configuration process, project files may be invalid"),
+ QMessageBox::Ok);
+ }
+ return 0 == err;
+void CMakeSetupDialog::doInstallForCommandLine()
+ QMacInstallDialog setupdialog(0);
+ setupdialog.exec();
+bool CMakeSetupDialog::doGenerateInternal()
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance(),
+ "generate", Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ int err = this->LocalLoop.exec();
+ if(err != 0)
+ {
+ QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"),
+ tr("Error in generation process, project files may be invalid"),
+ QMessageBox::Ok);
+ }
+ return 0 == err;
+void CMakeSetupDialog::doGenerate()
+ if(this->CurrentState == Generating)
+ {
+ // stop generate
+ doInterrupt();
+ return;
+ }
+ // see if we need to configure
+ // we'll need to configure if:
+ // the configure step hasn't been done yet
+ // generate was the last step done
+ if(this->ConfigureNeeded)
+ {
+ if(!prepareConfigure())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ this->enterState(Generating);
+ bool config_passed = true;
+ if(this->ConfigureNeeded)
+ {
+ this->CacheValues->cacheModel()->setShowNewProperties(false);
+ this->ProgressFactor = 0.5;
+ config_passed = doConfigureInternal();
+ this->ProgressOffset = 0.5;
+ }
+ if(config_passed)
+ {
+ doGenerateInternal();
+ }
+ this->ProgressOffset = 0.0;
+ this->ProgressFactor = 1.0;
+ this->CacheValues->cacheModel()->setShowNewProperties(true);
+ this->enterState(ReadyConfigure);
+ this->ProgressBar->reset();
+ this->ConfigureNeeded = true;
+void CMakeSetupDialog::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* e)
+ // prompt for close if there are unsaved changes, and we're not busy
+ if(this->CacheModified)
+ {
+ QString msg = tr("You have changed options but not rebuilt, "
+ "are you sure you want to exit?");
+ QString title = tr("Confirm Exit");
+ QMessageBox::StandardButton btn;
+ btn = QMessageBox::critical(this, title, msg,
+ QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No);
+ if(btn == QMessageBox::No)
+ {
+ e->ignore();
+ }
+ }
+ // don't close if we're busy, unless the user really wants to
+ if(this->CurrentState == Configuring)
+ {
+ QString msg = tr("You are in the middle of a Configure.\n"
+ "If you Exit now the configure information will be lost.\n"
+ "Are you sure you want to Exit?");
+ QString title = tr("Confirm Exit");
+ QMessageBox::StandardButton btn;
+ btn = QMessageBox::critical(this, title, msg,
+ QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No);
+ if(btn == QMessageBox::No)
+ {
+ e->ignore();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this->doInterrupt();
+ }
+ }
+ // let the generate finish
+ if(this->CurrentState == Generating)
+ {
+ e->ignore();
+ }
+void CMakeSetupDialog::doHelp()
+ QString msg = tr("CMake is used to configure and generate build files for "
+ "software projects. The basic steps for configuring a project are as "
+ "follows:\r\n\r\n1. Select the source directory for the project. This should "
+ "contain the CMakeLists.txt files for the project.\r\n\r\n2. Select the build "
+ "directory for the project. This is the directory where the project will be "
+ "built. It can be the same or a different directory than the source "
+ "directory. For easy clean up, a separate build directory is recommended. "
+ "CMake will create the directory if it does not exist.\r\n\r\n3. Once the "
+ "source and binary directories are selected, it is time to press the "
+ "Configure button. This will cause CMake to read all of the input files and "
+ "discover all the variables used by the project. The first time a variable "
+ "is displayed it will be in Red. Users should inspect red variables making "
+ "sure the values are correct. For some projects the Configure process can "
+ "be iterative, so continue to press the Configure button until there are no "
+ "longer red entries.\r\n\r\n4. Once there are no longer red entries, you "
+ "should click the Generate button. This will write the build files to the build "
+ "directory.");
+ QDialog dialog;
+ QFontMetrics met(this->font());
+ int msgWidth = met.width(msg);
+ dialog.setMinimumSize(msgWidth/15,20);
+ dialog.setWindowTitle(tr("Help"));
+ QVBoxLayout* l = new QVBoxLayout(&dialog);
+ QLabel* lab = new QLabel(&dialog);
+ lab->setText(msg);
+ lab->setWordWrap(true);
+ QDialogButtonBox* btns = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok,
+ Qt::Horizontal, &dialog);
+ QObject::connect(btns, SIGNAL(accepted()), &dialog, SLOT(accept()));
+ l->addWidget(lab);
+ l->addWidget(btns);
+ dialog.exec();
+void CMakeSetupDialog::doInterrupt()
+ this->enterState(Interrupting);
+ this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance()->interrupt();
+void CMakeSetupDialog::doSourceBrowse()
+ QString dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this,
+ tr("Enter Path to Source"), this->SourceDirectory->text());
+ if(!dir.isEmpty())
+ {
+ this->setSourceDirectory(dir);
+ }
+void CMakeSetupDialog::updateSourceDirectory(const QString& dir)
+ if(this->SourceDirectory->text() != dir)
+ {
+ this->SourceDirectory->blockSignals(true);
+ this->SourceDirectory->setText(dir);
+ this->SourceDirectory->blockSignals(false);
+ }
+void CMakeSetupDialog::updateBinaryDirectory(const QString& dir)
+ if(this->BinaryDirectory->currentText() != dir)
+ {
+ this->BinaryDirectory->blockSignals(true);
+ this->BinaryDirectory->setEditText(dir);
+ this->BinaryDirectory->blockSignals(false);
+ }
+void CMakeSetupDialog::doBinaryBrowse()
+ QString dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this,
+ tr("Enter Path to Build"), this->BinaryDirectory->currentText());
+ if(!dir.isEmpty() && dir != this->BinaryDirectory->currentText())
+ {
+ this->setBinaryDirectory(dir);
+ }
+void CMakeSetupDialog::setBinaryDirectory(const QString& dir)
+ this->BinaryDirectory->setEditText(dir);
+void CMakeSetupDialog::onSourceDirectoryChanged(const QString& dir)
+ this->Output->clear();
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance(),
+ "setSourceDirectory", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QString, dir));
+void CMakeSetupDialog::onBinaryDirectoryChanged(const QString& dir)
+ QString title = QString(tr("CMake %1 - %2"));
+ title = title.arg(cmVersion::GetCMakeVersion());
+ title = title.arg(dir);
+ this->setWindowTitle(title);
+ this->CacheModified = false;
+ this->CacheValues->cacheModel()->clear();
+ qobject_cast<QCMakeCacheModelDelegate*>(this->CacheValues->itemDelegate())->clearChanges();
+ this->Output->clear();
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance(),
+ "setBinaryDirectory", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QString, dir));
+void CMakeSetupDialog::setSourceDirectory(const QString& dir)
+ this->SourceDirectory->setText(dir);
+void CMakeSetupDialog::showProgress(const QString& /*msg*/, float percent)
+ percent = (percent * ProgressFactor) + ProgressOffset;
+ this->ProgressBar->setValue(qRound(percent * 100));
+void CMakeSetupDialog::error(const QString& msg)
+ this->Output->setCurrentCharFormat(this->ErrorFormat);
+ //QTextEdit will terminate the msg with a ParagraphSeparator, but it also replaces
+ //all newlines with ParagraphSeparators. By replacing the newlines by ourself, one
+ //error msg will be one paragraph.
+ QString paragraph(msg);
+ paragraph.replace(QLatin1Char('\n'), QChar::LineSeparator);
+ this->Output->append(paragraph);
+void CMakeSetupDialog::message(const QString& msg)
+ this->Output->setCurrentCharFormat(this->MessageFormat);
+ this->Output->append(msg);
+void CMakeSetupDialog::setEnabledState(bool enabled)
+ // disable parts of the GUI during configure/generate
+ this->CacheValues->cacheModel()->setEditEnabled(enabled);
+ this->SourceDirectory->setEnabled(enabled);
+ this->BrowseSourceDirectoryButton->setEnabled(enabled);
+ this->BinaryDirectory->setEnabled(enabled);
+ this->BrowseBinaryDirectoryButton->setEnabled(enabled);
+ this->ReloadCacheAction->setEnabled(enabled);
+ this->DeleteCacheAction->setEnabled(enabled);
+ this->ExitAction->setEnabled(enabled);
+ this->ConfigureAction->setEnabled(enabled);
+ this->AddEntry->setEnabled(enabled);
+ this->RemoveEntry->setEnabled(false); // let selection re-enable it
+bool CMakeSetupDialog::setupFirstConfigure()
+ FirstConfigure dialog;
+ // initialize dialog and restore saved settings
+ // add generators
+ dialog.setGenerators(this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance()->availableGenerators());
+ // restore from settings
+ dialog.loadFromSettings();
+ if(dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
+ {
+ dialog.saveToSettings();
+ this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance()->setGenerator(dialog.getGenerator());
+ QCMakeCacheModel* m = this->CacheValues->cacheModel();
+ if(dialog.compilerSetup())
+ {
+ QString fortranCompiler = dialog.getFortranCompiler();
+ if(!fortranCompiler.isEmpty())
+ {
+ m->insertProperty(QCMakeProperty::FILEPATH, "CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER",
+ "Fortran compiler.", fortranCompiler, false);
+ }
+ QString cxxCompiler = dialog.getCXXCompiler();
+ if(!cxxCompiler.isEmpty())
+ {
+ m->insertProperty(QCMakeProperty::FILEPATH, "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER",
+ "CXX compiler.", cxxCompiler, false);
+ }
+ QString cCompiler = dialog.getCCompiler();
+ if(!cCompiler.isEmpty())
+ {
+ m->insertProperty(QCMakeProperty::FILEPATH, "CMAKE_C_COMPILER",
+ "C compiler.", cCompiler, false);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(dialog.crossCompilerSetup())
+ {
+ QString fortranCompiler = dialog.getFortranCompiler();
+ if(!fortranCompiler.isEmpty())
+ {
+ m->insertProperty(QCMakeProperty::FILEPATH, "CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER",
+ "Fortran compiler.", fortranCompiler, false);
+ }
+ QString mode = dialog.getCrossIncludeMode();
+ m->insertProperty(QCMakeProperty::STRING, "CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_INCLUDE",
+ tr("CMake Find Include Mode"), mode, false);
+ mode = dialog.getCrossLibraryMode();
+ m->insertProperty(QCMakeProperty::STRING, "CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARY",
+ tr("CMake Find Library Mode"), mode, false);
+ mode = dialog.getCrossProgramMode();
+ m->insertProperty(QCMakeProperty::STRING, "CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PROGRAM",
+ tr("CMake Find Program Mode"), mode, false);
+ QString rootPath = dialog.getCrossRoot();
+ m->insertProperty(QCMakeProperty::PATH, "CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH",
+ tr("CMake Find Root Path"), rootPath, false);
+ QString systemName = dialog.getSystemName();
+ m->insertProperty(QCMakeProperty::STRING, "CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME",
+ tr("CMake System Name"), systemName, false);
+ QString cxxCompiler = dialog.getCXXCompiler();
+ m->insertProperty(QCMakeProperty::FILEPATH, "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER",
+ tr("CXX compiler."), cxxCompiler, false);
+ QString cCompiler = dialog.getCCompiler();
+ m->insertProperty(QCMakeProperty::FILEPATH, "CMAKE_C_COMPILER",
+ tr("C compiler."), cCompiler, false);
+ }
+ else if(dialog.crossCompilerToolChainFile())
+ {
+ QString toolchainFile = dialog.getCrossCompilerToolChainFile();
+ m->insertProperty(QCMakeProperty::FILEPATH, "CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE",
+ tr("Cross Compile ToolChain File"), toolchainFile, false);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void CMakeSetupDialog::updateGeneratorLabel(const QString& gen)
+ QString str = tr("Current Generator: ");
+ if(gen.isEmpty())
+ {
+ str += tr("None");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ str += gen;
+ }
+ this->Generator->setText(str);
+void CMakeSetupDialog::doReloadCache()
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance(),
+ "reloadCache", Qt::QueuedConnection);
+void CMakeSetupDialog::doDeleteCache()
+ QString title = tr("Delete Cache");
+ QString msg = tr("Are you sure you want to delete the cache?");
+ QMessageBox::StandardButton btn;
+ btn = QMessageBox::information(this, title, msg,
+ QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No);
+ if(btn == QMessageBox::No)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance(),
+ "deleteCache", Qt::QueuedConnection);
+void CMakeSetupDialog::doAbout()
+ QString msg = tr("CMake %1\n"
+ "Using Qt %2\n"
+ "");
+ msg = msg.arg(cmVersion::GetCMakeVersion());
+ msg = msg.arg(qVersion());
+ QDialog dialog;
+ dialog.setWindowTitle(tr("About"));
+ QVBoxLayout* l = new QVBoxLayout(&dialog);
+ QLabel* lab = new QLabel(&dialog);
+ l->addWidget(lab);
+ lab->setText(msg);
+ lab->setWordWrap(true);
+ QDialogButtonBox* btns = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok,
+ Qt::Horizontal, &dialog);
+ QObject::connect(btns, SIGNAL(accepted()), &dialog, SLOT(accept()));
+ l->addWidget(btns);
+ dialog.exec();
+void CMakeSetupDialog::setExitAfterGenerate(bool b)
+ this->ExitAfterGenerate = b;
+void CMakeSetupDialog::addBinaryPath(const QString& path)
+ QString cleanpath = QDir::cleanPath(path);
+ // update UI
+ this->BinaryDirectory->blockSignals(true);
+ int idx = this->BinaryDirectory->findText(cleanpath);
+ if(idx != -1)
+ {
+ this->BinaryDirectory->removeItem(idx);
+ }
+ this->BinaryDirectory->insertItem(0, cleanpath);
+ this->BinaryDirectory->setCurrentIndex(0);
+ this->BinaryDirectory->blockSignals(false);
+ // save to registry
+ QStringList buildPaths = this->loadBuildPaths();
+ buildPaths.removeAll(cleanpath);
+ buildPaths.prepend(cleanpath);
+ this->saveBuildPaths(buildPaths);
+void CMakeSetupDialog::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent* e)
+ if(!(this->CurrentState == ReadyConfigure ||
+ this->CurrentState == ReadyGenerate))
+ {
+ e->ignore();
+ return;
+ }
+ const QMimeData* dat = e->mimeData();
+ QList<QUrl> urls = dat->urls();
+ QString file = urls.count() ? urls[0].toLocalFile() : QString();
+ if(!file.isEmpty() &&
+ (file.endsWith("CMakeCache.txt", Qt::CaseInsensitive) ||
+ file.endsWith("CMakeLists.txt", Qt::CaseInsensitive) ) )
+ {
+ e->accept();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ e->ignore();
+ }
+void CMakeSetupDialog::dropEvent(QDropEvent* e)
+ if(!(this->CurrentState == ReadyConfigure ||
+ this->CurrentState == ReadyGenerate))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ const QMimeData* dat = e->mimeData();
+ QList<QUrl> urls = dat->urls();
+ QString file = urls.count() ? urls[0].toLocalFile() : QString();
+ if(file.endsWith("CMakeCache.txt", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
+ {
+ QFileInfo info(file);
+ if(this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance()->binaryDirectory() != info.absolutePath())
+ {
+ this->setBinaryDirectory(info.absolutePath());
+ }
+ }
+ else if(file.endsWith("CMakeLists.txt", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
+ {
+ QFileInfo info(file);
+ if(this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance()->binaryDirectory() != info.absolutePath())
+ {
+ this->setSourceDirectory(info.absolutePath());
+ this->setBinaryDirectory(info.absolutePath());
+ }
+ }
+QStringList CMakeSetupDialog::loadBuildPaths()
+ QSettings settings;
+ settings.beginGroup("Settings/StartPath");
+ QStringList buildPaths;
+ for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
+ {
+ QString p = settings.value(QString("WhereBuild%1").arg(i)).toString();
+ if(!p.isEmpty())
+ {
+ buildPaths.append(p);
+ }
+ }
+ return buildPaths;
+void CMakeSetupDialog::saveBuildPaths(const QStringList& paths)
+ QSettings settings;
+ settings.beginGroup("Settings/StartPath");
+ int num = paths.count();
+ if(num > 10)
+ {
+ num = 10;
+ }
+ for(int i=0; i<num; i++)
+ {
+ settings.setValue(QString("WhereBuild%1").arg(i), paths[i]);
+ }
+void CMakeSetupDialog::setCacheModified()
+ this->CacheModified = true;
+ this->enterState(ReadyConfigure);
+void CMakeSetupDialog::removeSelectedCacheEntries()
+ QModelIndexList idxs = this->CacheValues->selectionModel()->selectedRows();
+ QList<QPersistentModelIndex> pidxs;
+ foreach(QModelIndex i, idxs)
+ {
+ pidxs.append(i);
+ }
+ foreach(QPersistentModelIndex pi, pidxs)
+ {
+ this->CacheValues->model()->removeRow(pi.row(), pi.parent());
+ }
+void CMakeSetupDialog::selectionChanged()
+ QModelIndexList idxs = this->CacheValues->selectionModel()->selectedRows();
+ if(idxs.count() &&
+ (this->CurrentState == ReadyConfigure ||
+ this->CurrentState == ReadyGenerate) )
+ {
+ this->RemoveEntry->setEnabled(true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this->RemoveEntry->setEnabled(false);
+ }
+void CMakeSetupDialog::enterState(CMakeSetupDialog::State s)
+ if(s == this->CurrentState)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ this->CurrentState = s;
+ if(s == Interrupting)
+ {
+ this->ConfigureButton->setEnabled(false);
+ this->GenerateButton->setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ else if(s == Configuring)
+ {
+ this->setEnabledState(false);
+ this->GenerateButton->setEnabled(false);
+ this->GenerateAction->setEnabled(false);
+ this->ConfigureButton->setText(tr("&Stop"));
+ }
+ else if(s == Generating)
+ {
+ this->CacheModified = false;
+ this->setEnabledState(false);
+ this->ConfigureButton->setEnabled(false);
+ this->GenerateAction->setEnabled(false);
+ this->GenerateButton->setText(tr("&Stop"));
+ }
+ else if(s == ReadyConfigure)
+ {
+ this->setEnabledState(true);
+ this->GenerateButton->setEnabled(true);
+ this->GenerateAction->setEnabled(true);
+ this->ConfigureButton->setEnabled(true);
+ this->ConfigureButton->setText(tr("&Configure"));
+ this->GenerateButton->setText(tr("&Generate"));
+ }
+ else if(s == ReadyGenerate)
+ {
+ this->setEnabledState(true);
+ this->GenerateButton->setEnabled(true);
+ this->GenerateAction->setEnabled(true);
+ this->ConfigureButton->setEnabled(true);
+ this->ConfigureButton->setText(tr("&Configure"));
+ this->GenerateButton->setText(tr("&Generate"));
+ }
+void CMakeSetupDialog::addCacheEntry()
+ QDialog dialog(this);
+ dialog.resize(400, 200);
+ dialog.setWindowTitle(tr("Add Cache Entry"));
+ QVBoxLayout* l = new QVBoxLayout(&dialog);
+ AddCacheEntry* w = new AddCacheEntry(&dialog, this->AddVariableCompletions);
+ QDialogButtonBox* btns = new QDialogButtonBox(
+ QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel,
+ Qt::Horizontal, &dialog);
+ QObject::connect(btns, SIGNAL(accepted()), &dialog, SLOT(accept()));
+ QObject::connect(btns, SIGNAL(rejected()), &dialog, SLOT(reject()));
+ l->addWidget(w);
+ l->addStretch();
+ l->addWidget(btns);
+ if(QDialog::Accepted == dialog.exec())
+ {
+ QCMakeCacheModel* m = this->CacheValues->cacheModel();
+ m->insertProperty(w->type(), w->name(), w->description(), w->value(), false);
+ // only add variable names to the completion which are new
+ if (!this->AddVariableCompletions.contains(w->name()))
+ {
+ this->AddVariableCompletions << w->name();
+ // limit to at most 100 completion items
+ if (this->AddVariableCompletions.size() > 100)
+ {
+ this->AddVariableCompletions.removeFirst();
+ }
+ // make sure CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is always there
+ if (!this->AddVariableCompletions.contains("CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX"))
+ {
+ this->AddVariableCompletions << QString("CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX");
+ }
+ QSettings settings;
+ settings.beginGroup("Settings/StartPath");
+ settings.setValue("AddVariableCompletionEntries",
+ this->AddVariableCompletions);
+ }
+ }
+void CMakeSetupDialog::startSearch()
+ this->Search->setFocus(Qt::OtherFocusReason);
+ this->Search->selectAll();
+void CMakeSetupDialog::setDebugOutput(bool flag)
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this->CMakeThread->cmakeInstance(),
+ "setDebugOutput", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(bool, flag));
+void CMakeSetupDialog::setGroupedView(bool v)
+ this->CacheValues->cacheModel()->setViewType(v ? QCMakeCacheModel::GroupView : QCMakeCacheModel::FlatView);
+ this->CacheValues->setRootIsDecorated(v);
+ QSettings settings;
+ settings.beginGroup("Settings/StartPath");
+ settings.setValue("GroupView", v);
+void CMakeSetupDialog::setAdvancedView(bool v)
+ this->CacheValues->setShowAdvanced(v);
+ QSettings settings;
+ settings.beginGroup("Settings/StartPath");
+ settings.setValue("AdvancedView", v);
+void CMakeSetupDialog::showUserChanges()
+ QSet<QCMakeProperty> changes =
+ qobject_cast<QCMakeCacheModelDelegate*>(this->CacheValues->itemDelegate())->changes();
+ QDialog dialog(this);
+ dialog.setWindowTitle(tr("My Changes"));
+ dialog.resize(600, 400);
+ QVBoxLayout* l = new QVBoxLayout(&dialog);
+ QTextEdit* textedit = new QTextEdit(&dialog);
+ textedit->setReadOnly(true);
+ l->addWidget(textedit);
+ QDialogButtonBox* btns = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Close,
+ Qt::Horizontal, &dialog);
+ QObject::connect(btns, SIGNAL(rejected()), &dialog, SLOT(accept()));
+ l->addWidget(btns);
+ QString command;
+ QString cache;
+ foreach(QCMakeProperty prop, changes)
+ {
+ QString type;
+ switch(prop.Type)
+ {
+ case QCMakeProperty::BOOL:
+ type = "BOOL";
+ break;
+ case QCMakeProperty::PATH:
+ type = "PATH";
+ break;
+ case QCMakeProperty::FILEPATH:
+ type = "FILEPATH";
+ break;
+ case QCMakeProperty::STRING:
+ type = "STRING";
+ break;
+ }
+ QString value;
+ if(prop.Type == QCMakeProperty::BOOL)
+ {
+ value = prop.Value.toBool() ? "1" : "0";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ value = prop.Value.toString();
+ }
+ QString line("%1:%2=");
+ line = line.arg(prop.Key);
+ line = line.arg(type);
+ command += QString("-D%1\"%2\" ").arg(line).arg(value);
+ cache += QString("%1%2\n").arg(line).arg(value);
+ }
+ textedit->append(tr("Commandline options:"));
+ textedit->append(command);
+ textedit->append("\n");
+ textedit->append(tr("Cache file:"));
+ textedit->append(cache);
+ dialog.exec();
+void CMakeSetupDialog::setSearchFilter(const QString& str)
+ this->CacheValues->selectionModel()->clear();
+ this->CacheValues->setSearchFilter(str);
+void CMakeSetupDialog::doOutputContextMenu(const QPoint &pt)
+ QMenu *menu = this->Output->createStandardContextMenu();
+ menu->addSeparator();
+ menu->addAction(tr("Find..."),
+ this, SLOT(doOutputFindDialog()), QKeySequence::Find);
+ menu->addAction(tr("Find Next"),
+ this, SLOT(doOutputFindNext()), QKeySequence::FindNext);
+ menu->addAction(tr("Find Previous"),
+ this, SLOT(doOutputFindPrev()), QKeySequence::FindPrevious);
+ menu->addSeparator();
+ menu->addAction(tr("Goto Next Error"),
+ this, SLOT(doOutputErrorNext()), QKeySequence(Qt::Key_F8));
+ menu->exec(this->Output->mapToGlobal(pt));
+ delete menu;
+void CMakeSetupDialog::doOutputFindDialog()
+ QStringList strings(this->FindHistory);
+ QString selection = this->Output->textCursor().selectedText();
+ if (!selection.isEmpty() &&
+ !selection.contains(QChar::ParagraphSeparator) &&
+ !selection.contains(QChar::LineSeparator))
+ {
+ strings.push_front(selection);
+ }
+ bool ok;
+ QString search = QInputDialog::getItem(this, tr("Find in Output"),
+ tr("Find:"), strings, 0, true, &ok);
+ if (ok && !search.isEmpty())
+ {
+ if (!this->FindHistory.contains(search))
+ {
+ this->FindHistory.push_front(search);
+ }
+ doOutputFindNext();
+ }
+void CMakeSetupDialog::doOutputFindPrev()
+ doOutputFindNext(false);
+void CMakeSetupDialog::doOutputFindNext(bool directionForward)
+ if (this->FindHistory.isEmpty())
+ {
+ doOutputFindDialog(); //will re-call this function again
+ return;
+ }
+ QString search = this->FindHistory.front();
+ QTextCursor cursor = this->Output->textCursor();
+ QTextDocument* document = this->Output->document();
+ QTextDocument::FindFlags flags;
+ if (!directionForward)
+ {
+ flags |= QTextDocument::FindBackward;
+ }
+ cursor = document->find(search, cursor, flags);
+ if (cursor.isNull())
+ {
+ // first search found nothing, wrap around and search again
+ cursor = this->Output->textCursor();
+ cursor.movePosition(directionForward ? QTextCursor::Start
+ : QTextCursor::End);
+ cursor = document->find(search, cursor, flags);
+ }
+ if (cursor.hasSelection())
+ {
+ this->Output->setTextCursor(cursor);
+ }
+void CMakeSetupDialog::doOutputErrorNext()
+ QTextCursor cursor = this->Output->textCursor();
+ bool atEnd = false;
+ // move cursor out of current error-block
+ if (cursor.blockCharFormat() == this->ErrorFormat)
+ {
+ atEnd = !cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextBlock);
+ }
+ // move cursor to next error-block
+ while (cursor.blockCharFormat() != this->ErrorFormat && !atEnd)
+ {
+ atEnd = !cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextBlock);
+ }
+ if (atEnd)
+ {
+ // first search found nothing, wrap around and search again
+ atEnd = !cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Start);
+ // move cursor to next error-block
+ while (cursor.blockCharFormat() != this->ErrorFormat && !atEnd)
+ {
+ atEnd = !cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextBlock);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!atEnd)
+ {
+ cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::EndOfBlock, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor);
+ QTextCharFormat selectionFormat;
+ selectionFormat.setBackground(Qt::yellow);
+ QTextEdit::ExtraSelection extraSelection = {cursor, selectionFormat};
+ this->Output->setExtraSelections(QList<QTextEdit::ExtraSelection>()
+ << extraSelection);
+ // make the whole error-block visible
+ this->Output->setTextCursor(cursor);
+ // remove the selection to see the extraSelection
+ cursor.setPosition(cursor.anchor());
+ this->Output->setTextCursor(cursor);
+ }