path: root/Source/cmGeneratorExpressionEvaluator.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/cmGeneratorExpressionEvaluator.cxx')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/Source/cmGeneratorExpressionEvaluator.cxx b/Source/cmGeneratorExpressionEvaluator.cxx
index 60c969e..ba74e60 100644
--- a/Source/cmGeneratorExpressionEvaluator.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmGeneratorExpressionEvaluator.cxx
@@ -313,6 +313,48 @@ static const char* targetPropertyTransitiveWhitelist[] = {
+std::string getLinkedTargetsContent(const std::vector<std::string> &libraries,
+ cmTarget *target,
+ cmGeneratorExpressionContext *context,
+ cmGeneratorExpressionDAGChecker *dagChecker,
+ const std::string &interfacePropertyName)
+ cmGeneratorExpression ge(context->Backtrace);
+ std::string sep;
+ std::string depString;
+ for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator
+ it = libraries.begin();
+ it != libraries.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (*it == target->GetName())
+ {
+ // Broken code can have a target in its own link interface.
+ // Don't follow such link interface entries so as not to create a
+ // self-referencing loop.
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (context->Makefile->FindTargetToUse(it->c_str()))
+ {
+ depString +=
+ sep + "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:" + *it + "," + interfacePropertyName + ">";
+ sep = ";";
+ }
+ }
+ cmsys::auto_ptr<cmCompiledGeneratorExpression> cge = ge.Parse(depString);
+ std::string linkedTargetsContent = cge->Evaluate(context->Makefile,
+ context->Config,
+ context->Quiet,
+ context->HeadTarget,
+ target,
+ dagChecker);
+ if (cge->GetHadContextSensitiveCondition())
+ {
+ context->HadContextSensitiveCondition = true;
+ }
+ return linkedTargetsContent;
struct TransitiveWhitelistCompare
@@ -508,41 +550,10 @@ static const struct TargetPropertyNode : public cmGeneratorExpressionNode
- cmGeneratorExpression ge(context->Backtrace);
- std::string sep;
- std::string depString;
- for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator
- it = iface->Libraries.begin();
- it != iface->Libraries.end(); ++it)
- {
- if (*it == target->GetName())
- {
- // Broken code can have a target in its own link interface.
- // Don't follow such link interface entries so as not to create a
- // self-referencing loop.
- continue;
- }
- if (context->Makefile->FindTargetToUse(it->c_str()))
- {
- depString +=
- sep + "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:" + *it + ","
- + interfacePropertyName + ">";
- sep = ";";
- }
- }
- cmsys::auto_ptr<cmCompiledGeneratorExpression> cge =
- ge.Parse(depString);
- linkedTargetsContent = cge->Evaluate(context->Makefile,
- context->Config,
- context->Quiet,
- context->HeadTarget,
- target,
- &dagChecker);
- if (cge->GetHadContextSensitiveCondition())
- {
- context->HadContextSensitiveCondition = true;
- }
+ linkedTargetsContent =
+ getLinkedTargetsContent(iface->Libraries, target,
+ context, &dagChecker,
+ interfacePropertyName);