path: root/Source/cmGeneratorTarget.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/cmGeneratorTarget.h')
1 files changed, 857 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/cmGeneratorTarget.h b/Source/cmGeneratorTarget.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ee8a16
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+++ b/Source/cmGeneratorTarget.h
@@ -0,0 +1,857 @@
+/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
+ file Copyright.txt or for details. */
+#ifndef cmGeneratorTarget_h
+#define cmGeneratorTarget_h
+#include "cmConfigure.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
+#include "cmLinkItem.h"
+#include "cmListFileCache.h"
+#include "cmPolicies.h"
+#include "cmStateTypes.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+class cmComputeLinkInformation;
+class cmCustomCommand;
+class cmGlobalGenerator;
+class cmLocalGenerator;
+class cmMakefile;
+class cmSourceFile;
+class cmTarget;
+class cmGeneratorTarget
+ CM_DISABLE_COPY(cmGeneratorTarget)
+ cmGeneratorTarget(cmTarget*, cmLocalGenerator* lg);
+ ~cmGeneratorTarget();
+ cmLocalGenerator* GetLocalGenerator() const;
+ cmGlobalGenerator* GetGlobalGenerator() const;
+ bool IsImported() const;
+ bool IsImportedGloballyVisible() const;
+ const char* GetLocation(const std::string& config) const;
+ std::vector<cmCustomCommand> const& GetPreBuildCommands() const;
+ std::vector<cmCustomCommand> const& GetPreLinkCommands() const;
+ std::vector<cmCustomCommand> const& GetPostBuildCommands() const;
+ cmPolicies::PolicyStatus GetPolicyStatus##POLICY() const \
+ { \
+ return this->PolicyMap.Get(cmPolicies::POLICY); \
+ }
+ /** Get the location of the target in the build tree with a placeholder
+ referencing the configuration in the native build system. This
+ location is suitable for use as the LOCATION target property. */
+ const char* GetLocationForBuild() const;
+ cmComputeLinkInformation* GetLinkInformation(
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ cmStateEnums::TargetType GetType() const;
+ const std::string& GetName() const;
+ std::string GetExportName() const;
+ std::vector<std::string> GetPropertyKeys() const;
+ const char* GetProperty(const std::string& prop) const;
+ bool GetPropertyAsBool(const std::string& prop) const;
+ void GetSourceFiles(std::vector<cmSourceFile*>& files,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ void GetSourceFilesWithoutObjectLibraries(std::vector<cmSourceFile*>& files,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ /** Source file kinds (classifications).
+ Generators use this to decide how to treat a source file. */
+ enum SourceKind
+ {
+ SourceKindAppManifest,
+ SourceKindCertificate,
+ SourceKindCustomCommand,
+ SourceKindExternalObject,
+ SourceKindExtra,
+ SourceKindHeader,
+ SourceKindIDL,
+ SourceKindManifest,
+ SourceKindModuleDefinition,
+ SourceKindObjectSource,
+ SourceKindResx,
+ SourceKindXaml
+ };
+ /** A source file paired with a kind (classification). */
+ struct SourceAndKind
+ {
+ cmSourceFile* Source;
+ SourceKind Kind;
+ };
+ /** All sources needed for a configuration with kinds assigned. */
+ struct KindedSources
+ {
+ std::vector<SourceAndKind> Sources;
+ std::set<std::string> ExpectedResxHeaders;
+ std::set<std::string> ExpectedXamlHeaders;
+ std::set<std::string> ExpectedXamlSources;
+ bool Initialized;
+ KindedSources()
+ : Initialized(false)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ /** Get all sources needed for a configuration with kinds assigned. */
+ KindedSources const& GetKindedSources(std::string const& config) const;
+ struct AllConfigSource
+ {
+ cmSourceFile const* Source;
+ cmGeneratorTarget::SourceKind Kind;
+ std::vector<size_t> Configs;
+ };
+ /** Get all sources needed for all configurations with kinds and
+ per-source configurations assigned. */
+ std::vector<AllConfigSource> const& GetAllConfigSources() const;
+ void GetObjectSources(std::vector<cmSourceFile const*>&,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ const std::string& GetObjectName(cmSourceFile const* file);
+ const char* GetCustomObjectExtension() const;
+ bool HasExplicitObjectName(cmSourceFile const* file) const;
+ void AddExplicitObjectName(cmSourceFile const* sf);
+ void GetModuleDefinitionSources(std::vector<cmSourceFile const*>&,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ void GetResxSources(std::vector<cmSourceFile const*>&,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ void GetExternalObjects(std::vector<cmSourceFile const*>&,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ void GetHeaderSources(std::vector<cmSourceFile const*>&,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ void GetExtraSources(std::vector<cmSourceFile const*>&,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ void GetCustomCommands(std::vector<cmSourceFile const*>&,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ void GetExpectedResxHeaders(std::set<std::string>&,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ void GetAppManifest(std::vector<cmSourceFile const*>&,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ void GetManifests(std::vector<cmSourceFile const*>&,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ void GetCertificates(std::vector<cmSourceFile const*>&,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ void GetXamlSources(std::vector<cmSourceFile const*>&,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ void GetExpectedXamlHeaders(std::set<std::string>&,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ void GetExpectedXamlSources(std::set<std::string>&,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ std::set<cmLinkItem> const& GetUtilityItems() const;
+ void ComputeObjectMapping();
+ const char* GetFeature(const std::string& feature,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ bool IsIPOEnabled(std::string const& lang, std::string const& config) const;
+ bool IsLinkInterfaceDependentBoolProperty(const std::string& p,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ bool IsLinkInterfaceDependentStringProperty(const std::string& p,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ bool IsLinkInterfaceDependentNumberMinProperty(
+ const std::string& p, const std::string& config) const;
+ bool IsLinkInterfaceDependentNumberMaxProperty(
+ const std::string& p, const std::string& config) const;
+ bool GetLinkInterfaceDependentBoolProperty(const std::string& p,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ const char* GetLinkInterfaceDependentStringProperty(
+ const std::string& p, const std::string& config) const;
+ const char* GetLinkInterfaceDependentNumberMinProperty(
+ const std::string& p, const std::string& config) const;
+ const char* GetLinkInterfaceDependentNumberMaxProperty(
+ const std::string& p, const std::string& config) const;
+ cmLinkInterface const* GetLinkInterface(
+ const std::string& config, const cmGeneratorTarget* headTarget) const;
+ void ComputeLinkInterface(const std::string& config,
+ cmOptionalLinkInterface& iface,
+ const cmGeneratorTarget* head) const;
+ cmLinkInterfaceLibraries const* GetLinkInterfaceLibraries(
+ const std::string& config, const cmGeneratorTarget* headTarget,
+ bool usage_requirements_only) const;
+ void ComputeLinkInterfaceLibraries(const std::string& config,
+ cmOptionalLinkInterface& iface,
+ const cmGeneratorTarget* head,
+ bool usage_requirements_only) const;
+ /** Get the library name for an imported interface library. */
+ std::string GetImportedLibName(std::string const& config) const;
+ /** Get the full path to the target according to the settings in its
+ makefile and the configuration type. */
+ std::string GetFullPath(
+ const std::string& config = "",
+ cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact = cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact,
+ bool realname = false) const;
+ std::string NormalGetFullPath(const std::string& config,
+ cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact,
+ bool realname) const;
+ std::string NormalGetRealName(const std::string& config) const;
+ /** Get the names of an object library's object files underneath
+ its object file directory. */
+ void GetTargetObjectNames(std::string const& config,
+ std::vector<std::string>& objects) const;
+ /** What hierarchy level should the reported directory contain */
+ enum BundleDirectoryLevel
+ {
+ BundleDirLevel,
+ ContentLevel,
+ FullLevel
+ };
+ /** @return the Mac App directory without the base */
+ std::string GetAppBundleDirectory(const std::string& config,
+ BundleDirectoryLevel level) const;
+ /** Return whether this target is an executable Bundle, a framework
+ or CFBundle on Apple. */
+ bool IsBundleOnApple() const;
+ /** Get the full name of the target according to the settings in its
+ makefile. */
+ std::string GetFullName(const std::string& config = "",
+ cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact =
+ cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact) const;
+ /** @return the Mac framework directory without the base. */
+ std::string GetFrameworkDirectory(const std::string& config,
+ BundleDirectoryLevel level) const;
+ /** Return the framework version string. Undefined if
+ IsFrameworkOnApple returns false. */
+ std::string GetFrameworkVersion() const;
+ /** @return the Mac CFBundle directory without the base */
+ std::string GetCFBundleDirectory(const std::string& config,
+ BundleDirectoryLevel level) const;
+ /** Return the install name directory for the target in the
+ * build tree. For example: "\@rpath/", "\@loader_path/",
+ * or "/full/path/to/library". */
+ std::string GetInstallNameDirForBuildTree(const std::string& config) const;
+ /** Return the install name directory for the target in the
+ * install tree. For example: "\@rpath/" or "\@loader_path/". */
+ std::string GetInstallNameDirForInstallTree() const;
+ cmListFileBacktrace GetBacktrace() const;
+ const std::vector<std::string>& GetLinkDirectories() const;
+ std::set<std::string> const& GetUtilities() const;
+ cmListFileBacktrace const* GetUtilityBacktrace(const std::string& u) const;
+ bool LinkLanguagePropagatesToDependents() const
+ {
+ return this->GetType() == cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY;
+ }
+ /** Get the macro to define when building sources in this target.
+ If no macro should be defined null is returned. */
+ const char* GetExportMacro() const;
+ /** Get the soname of the target. Allowed only for a shared library. */
+ std::string GetSOName(const std::string& config) const;
+ void GetFullNameComponents(std::string& prefix, std::string& base,
+ std::string& suffix,
+ const std::string& config = "",
+ cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact =
+ cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact) const;
+ /** Append to @a base the bundle directory hierarchy up to a certain @a level
+ * and return it. */
+ std::string BuildBundleDirectory(const std::string& base,
+ const std::string& config,
+ BundleDirectoryLevel level) const;
+ /** @return the mac content directory for this target. */
+ std::string GetMacContentDirectory(
+ const std::string& config, cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact) const;
+ /** @return folder prefix for IDEs. */
+ std::string GetEffectiveFolderName() const;
+ cmTarget* Target;
+ cmMakefile* Makefile;
+ cmLocalGenerator* LocalGenerator;
+ cmGlobalGenerator const* GlobalGenerator;
+ struct ModuleDefinitionInfo
+ {
+ std::string DefFile;
+ bool DefFileGenerated;
+ bool WindowsExportAllSymbols;
+ std::vector<cmSourceFile const*> Sources;
+ };
+ ModuleDefinitionInfo const* GetModuleDefinitionInfo(
+ std::string const& config) const;
+ /** Return whether or not the target is for a DLL platform. */
+ bool IsDLLPlatform() const;
+ /** @return whether this target have a well defined output file name. */
+ bool HaveWellDefinedOutputFiles() const;
+ /** Link information from the transitive closure of the link
+ implementation and the interfaces of its dependencies. */
+ struct LinkClosure
+ {
+ // The preferred linker language.
+ std::string LinkerLanguage;
+ // Languages whose runtime libraries must be linked.
+ std::vector<std::string> Languages;
+ };
+ LinkClosure const* GetLinkClosure(const std::string& config) const;
+ void ComputeLinkClosure(const std::string& config, LinkClosure& lc) const;
+ cmLinkImplementation const* GetLinkImplementation(
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ void ComputeLinkImplementationLanguages(
+ const std::string& config, cmOptionalLinkImplementation& impl) const;
+ cmLinkImplementationLibraries const* GetLinkImplementationLibraries(
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ void ComputeLinkImplementationLibraries(const std::string& config,
+ cmOptionalLinkImplementation& impl,
+ const cmGeneratorTarget* head) const;
+ cmGeneratorTarget* FindTargetToLink(std::string const& name) const;
+ // Compute the set of languages compiled by the target. This is
+ // computed every time it is called because the languages can change
+ // when source file properties are changed and we do not have enough
+ // information to forward these property changes to the targets
+ // until we have per-target object file properties.
+ void GetLanguages(std::set<std::string>& languages,
+ std::string const& config) const;
+ void GetObjectLibrariesCMP0026(
+ std::vector<cmGeneratorTarget*>& objlibs) const;
+ std::string GetFullNameImported(const std::string& config,
+ cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact) const;
+ /** Get source files common to all configurations and diagnose cases
+ with per-config sources. Excludes sources added by a TARGET_OBJECTS
+ generator expression. */
+ bool GetConfigCommonSourceFiles(std::vector<cmSourceFile*>& files) const;
+ bool HaveBuildTreeRPATH(const std::string& config) const;
+ /** Full path with trailing slash to the top-level directory
+ holding object files for this target. Includes the build
+ time config name placeholder if needed for the generator. */
+ std::string ObjectDirectory;
+ /** Full path with trailing slash to the top-level directory
+ holding object files for the given configuration. */
+ std::string GetObjectDirectory(std::string const& config) const;
+ void GetAppleArchs(const std::string& config,
+ std::vector<std::string>& archVec) const;
+ std::string GetFeatureSpecificLinkRuleVariable(
+ std::string const& var, std::string const& lang,
+ std::string const& config) const;
+ /** Return the rule variable used to create this type of target. */
+ std::string GetCreateRuleVariable(std::string const& lang,
+ std::string const& config) const;
+ /** Get the include directories for this target. */
+ std::vector<std::string> GetIncludeDirectories(
+ const std::string& config, const std::string& lang) const;
+ void GetCompileOptions(std::vector<std::string>& result,
+ const std::string& config,
+ const std::string& language) const;
+ void GetCompileFeatures(std::vector<std::string>& features,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ void GetCompileDefinitions(std::vector<std::string>& result,
+ const std::string& config,
+ const std::string& language) const;
+ bool IsSystemIncludeDirectory(const std::string& dir,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ /** Add the target output files to the global generator manifest. */
+ void ComputeTargetManifest(const std::string& config) const;
+ bool ComputeCompileFeatures(std::string const& config) const;
+ /**
+ * Trace through the source files in this target and add al source files
+ * that they depend on, used by all generators
+ */
+ void TraceDependencies();
+ /** Get the directory in which this target will be built. If the
+ configuration name is given then the generator will add its
+ subdirectory for that configuration. Otherwise just the canonical
+ output directory is given. */
+ std::string GetDirectory(const std::string& config = "",
+ cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact =
+ cmStateEnums::RuntimeBinaryArtifact) const;
+ /** Get the directory in which to place the target compiler .pdb file.
+ If the configuration name is given then the generator will add its
+ subdirectory for that configuration. Otherwise just the canonical
+ compiler pdb output directory is given. */
+ std::string GetCompilePDBDirectory(const std::string& config = "") const;
+ /** Get sources that must be built before the given source. */
+ std::vector<cmSourceFile*> const* GetSourceDepends(
+ cmSourceFile const* sf) const;
+ /** Return whether this target uses the default value for its output
+ directory. */
+ bool UsesDefaultOutputDir(const std::string& config,
+ cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact) const;
+ // Cache target output paths for each configuration.
+ struct OutputInfo
+ {
+ std::string OutDir;
+ std::string ImpDir;
+ std::string PdbDir;
+ bool empty() const
+ {
+ return OutDir.empty() && ImpDir.empty() && PdbDir.empty();
+ }
+ };
+ OutputInfo const* GetOutputInfo(const std::string& config) const;
+ /** Get the name of the pdb file for the target. */
+ std::string GetPDBName(const std::string& config = "") const;
+ /** Whether this library has soname enabled and platform supports it. */
+ bool HasSOName(const std::string& config) const;
+ struct CompileInfo
+ {
+ std::string CompilePdbDir;
+ };
+ CompileInfo const* GetCompileInfo(const std::string& config) const;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, CompileInfo> CompileInfoMapType;
+ mutable CompileInfoMapType CompileInfoMap;
+ bool IsNullImpliedByLinkLibraries(const std::string& p) const;
+ /** Get the name of the compiler pdb file for the target. */
+ std::string GetCompilePDBName(const std::string& config = "") const;
+ /** Get the path for the MSVC /Fd option for this target. */
+ std::string GetCompilePDBPath(const std::string& config = "") const;
+ // Get the target base name.
+ std::string GetOutputName(const std::string& config,
+ cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact) const;
+ /** Clears cached meta data for local and external source files.
+ * The meta data will be recomputed on demand.
+ */
+ void ClearSourcesCache();
+ void AddSource(const std::string& src);
+ void AddTracedSources(std::vector<std::string> const& srcs);
+ /**
+ * Adds an entry to the INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES list.
+ * If before is true the entry is pushed at the front.
+ */
+ void AddIncludeDirectory(const std::string& src, bool before = false);
+ /**
+ * Flags for a given source file as used in this target. Typically assigned
+ * via SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES when the property is a list of source files.
+ */
+ enum SourceFileType
+ {
+ SourceFileTypeNormal,
+ SourceFileTypePrivateHeader, // is in "PRIVATE_HEADER" target property
+ SourceFileTypePublicHeader, // is in "PUBLIC_HEADER" target property
+ SourceFileTypeResource, // is in "RESOURCE" target property *or*
+ // has MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION=="Resources"
+ SourceFileTypeDeepResource, // MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION starts with
+ // "Resources/"
+ SourceFileTypeMacContent // has MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION!="Resources[/]"
+ };
+ struct SourceFileFlags
+ {
+ SourceFileFlags()
+ : Type(SourceFileTypeNormal)
+ , MacFolder(nullptr)
+ {
+ }
+ SourceFileType Type;
+ const char* MacFolder; // location inside Mac content folders
+ };
+ void GetAutoUicOptions(std::vector<std::string>& result,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ /** Get the names of the executable needed to generate a build rule
+ that takes into account executable version numbers. This should
+ be called only on an executable target. */
+ void GetExecutableNames(std::string& name, std::string& realName,
+ std::string& impName, std::string& pdbName,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ /** Get the names of the library needed to generate a build rule
+ that takes into account shared library version numbers. This
+ should be called only on a library target. */
+ void GetLibraryNames(std::string& name, std::string& soName,
+ std::string& realName, std::string& impName,
+ std::string& pdbName, const std::string& config) const;
+ /**
+ * Compute whether this target must be relinked before installing.
+ */
+ bool NeedRelinkBeforeInstall(const std::string& config) const;
+ /** Return true if builtin chrpath will work for this target */
+ bool IsChrpathUsed(const std::string& config) const;
+ /** Get the directory in which this targets .pdb files will be placed.
+ If the configuration name is given then the generator will add its
+ subdirectory for that configuration. Otherwise just the canonical
+ pdb output directory is given. */
+ std::string GetPDBDirectory(const std::string& config) const;
+ ///! Return the preferred linker language for this target
+ std::string GetLinkerLanguage(const std::string& config) const;
+ /** Does this target have a GNU implib to convert to MS format? */
+ bool HasImplibGNUtoMS() const;
+ /** Convert the given GNU import library name (.dll.a) to a name with a new
+ extension (.lib or ${CMAKE_IMPORT_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}). */
+ bool GetImplibGNUtoMS(std::string const& gnuName, std::string& out,
+ const char* newExt = nullptr) const;
+ bool IsExecutableWithExports() const;
+ /** Return whether or not the target has a DLL import library. */
+ bool HasImportLibrary() const;
+ /** Get a build-tree directory in which to place target support files. */
+ std::string GetSupportDirectory() const;
+ /** Return whether this target may be used to link another target. */
+ bool IsLinkable() const;
+ /** Return whether this target is a shared library Framework on
+ Apple. */
+ bool IsFrameworkOnApple() const;
+ /** Return whether this target is an executable Bundle on Apple. */
+ bool IsAppBundleOnApple() const;
+ /** Return whether this target is a XCTest on Apple. */
+ bool IsXCTestOnApple() const;
+ /** Return whether this target is a CFBundle (plugin) on Apple. */
+ bool IsCFBundleOnApple() const;
+ struct SourceFileFlags GetTargetSourceFileFlags(
+ const cmSourceFile* sf) const;
+ void ReportPropertyOrigin(const std::string& p, const std::string& result,
+ const std::string& report,
+ const std::string& compatibilityType) const;
+ class TargetPropertyEntry;
+ bool HaveInstallTreeRPATH() const;
+ /** Whether this library has \@rpath and platform supports it. */
+ bool HasMacOSXRpathInstallNameDir(const std::string& config) const;
+ /** Whether this library defaults to \@rpath. */
+ bool MacOSXRpathInstallNameDirDefault() const;
+ enum InstallNameType
+ {
+ };
+ /** Whether to use INSTALL_NAME_DIR. */
+ bool MacOSXUseInstallNameDir() const;
+ /** Whether to generate an install_name. */
+ bool CanGenerateInstallNameDir(InstallNameType t) const;
+ /** Test for special case of a third-party shared library that has
+ no soname at all. */
+ bool IsImportedSharedLibWithoutSOName(const std::string& config) const;
+ const char* ImportedGetLocation(const std::string& config) const;
+ /** Get the target major and minor version numbers interpreted from
+ the VERSION property. Version 0 is returned if the property is
+ not set or cannot be parsed. */
+ void GetTargetVersion(int& major, int& minor) const;
+ /** Get the target major, minor, and patch version numbers
+ interpreted from the VERSION or SOVERSION property. Version 0
+ is returned if the property is not set or cannot be parsed. */
+ void GetTargetVersion(bool soversion, int& major, int& minor,
+ int& patch) const;
+ std::string GetFortranModuleDirectory(std::string const& working_dir) const;
+ const char* GetSourcesProperty() const;
+ void AddSourceCommon(const std::string& src);
+ std::string CreateFortranModuleDirectory(
+ std::string const& working_dir) const;
+ mutable bool FortranModuleDirectoryCreated;
+ mutable std::string FortranModuleDirectory;
+ friend class cmTargetTraceDependencies;
+ struct SourceEntry
+ {
+ std::vector<cmSourceFile*> Depends;
+ };
+ typedef std::map<cmSourceFile const*, SourceEntry> SourceEntriesType;
+ SourceEntriesType SourceDepends;
+ mutable std::map<cmSourceFile const*, std::string> Objects;
+ std::set<cmSourceFile const*> ExplicitObjectName;
+ mutable std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> SystemIncludesCache;
+ mutable std::string ExportMacro;
+ void ConstructSourceFileFlags() const;
+ mutable bool SourceFileFlagsConstructed;
+ mutable std::map<cmSourceFile const*, SourceFileFlags> SourceFlagsMap;
+ mutable std::map<std::string, bool> DebugCompatiblePropertiesDone;
+ std::string GetFullNameInternal(const std::string& config,
+ cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact) const;
+ void GetFullNameInternal(const std::string& config,
+ cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact,
+ std::string& outPrefix, std::string& outBase,
+ std::string& outSuffix) const;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, LinkClosure> LinkClosureMapType;
+ mutable LinkClosureMapType LinkClosureMap;
+ // Returns ARCHIVE, LIBRARY, or RUNTIME based on platform and type.
+ const char* GetOutputTargetType(cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact) const;
+ void ComputeVersionedName(std::string& vName, std::string const& prefix,
+ std::string const& base, std::string const& suffix,
+ std::string const& name,
+ const char* version) const;
+ struct CompatibleInterfacesBase
+ {
+ std::set<std::string> PropsBool;
+ std::set<std::string> PropsString;
+ std::set<std::string> PropsNumberMax;
+ std::set<std::string> PropsNumberMin;
+ };
+ CompatibleInterfacesBase const& GetCompatibleInterfaces(
+ std::string const& config) const;
+ struct CompatibleInterfaces : public CompatibleInterfacesBase
+ {
+ CompatibleInterfaces()
+ : Done(false)
+ {
+ }
+ bool Done;
+ };
+ mutable std::map<std::string, CompatibleInterfaces> CompatibleInterfacesMap;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, cmComputeLinkInformation*>
+ cmTargetLinkInformationMap;
+ mutable cmTargetLinkInformationMap LinkInformation;
+ void CheckPropertyCompatibility(cmComputeLinkInformation* info,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ struct LinkImplClosure : public std::vector<cmGeneratorTarget const*>
+ {
+ LinkImplClosure()
+ : Done(false)
+ {
+ }
+ bool Done;
+ };
+ mutable std::map<std::string, LinkImplClosure> LinkImplClosureMap;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, cmHeadToLinkInterfaceMap> LinkInterfaceMapType;
+ mutable LinkInterfaceMapType LinkInterfaceMap;
+ mutable LinkInterfaceMapType LinkInterfaceUsageRequirementsOnlyMap;
+ cmHeadToLinkInterfaceMap& GetHeadToLinkInterfaceMap(
+ std::string const& config) const;
+ cmHeadToLinkInterfaceMap& GetHeadToLinkInterfaceUsageRequirementsMap(
+ std::string const& config) const;
+ // Cache import information from properties for each configuration.
+ struct ImportInfo
+ {
+ ImportInfo()
+ : NoSOName(false)
+ , Multiplicity(0)
+ {
+ }
+ bool NoSOName;
+ unsigned int Multiplicity;
+ std::string Location;
+ std::string SOName;
+ std::string ImportLibrary;
+ std::string LibName;
+ std::string Languages;
+ std::string Libraries;
+ std::string LibrariesProp;
+ std::string SharedDeps;
+ };
+ typedef std::map<std::string, ImportInfo> ImportInfoMapType;
+ mutable ImportInfoMapType ImportInfoMap;
+ void ComputeImportInfo(std::string const& desired_config,
+ ImportInfo& info) const;
+ ImportInfo const* GetImportInfo(const std::string& config) const;
+ /** Strip off leading and trailing whitespace from an item named in
+ the link dependencies of this target. */
+ std::string CheckCMP0004(std::string const& item) const;
+ cmLinkInterface const* GetImportLinkInterface(
+ const std::string& config, const cmGeneratorTarget* head,
+ bool usage_requirements_only) const;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, KindedSources> KindedSourcesMapType;
+ mutable KindedSourcesMapType KindedSourcesMap;
+ void ComputeKindedSources(KindedSources& files,
+ std::string const& config) const;
+ mutable std::vector<AllConfigSource> AllConfigSources;
+ void ComputeAllConfigSources() const;
+ std::vector<TargetPropertyEntry*> IncludeDirectoriesEntries;
+ std::vector<TargetPropertyEntry*> CompileOptionsEntries;
+ std::vector<TargetPropertyEntry*> CompileFeaturesEntries;
+ std::vector<TargetPropertyEntry*> CompileDefinitionsEntries;
+ std::vector<TargetPropertyEntry*> SourceEntries;
+ mutable std::set<std::string> LinkImplicitNullProperties;
+ void ExpandLinkItems(std::string const& prop, std::string const& value,
+ std::string const& config,
+ const cmGeneratorTarget* headTarget,
+ bool usage_requirements_only,
+ std::vector<cmLinkItem>& items,
+ bool& hadHeadSensitiveCondition) const;
+ void LookupLinkItems(std::vector<std::string> const& names,
+ std::vector<cmLinkItem>& items) const;
+ void GetSourceFiles(std::vector<std::string>& files,
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ struct HeadToLinkImplementationMap
+ : public std::map<cmGeneratorTarget const*, cmOptionalLinkImplementation>
+ {
+ };
+ typedef std::map<std::string, HeadToLinkImplementationMap> LinkImplMapType;
+ mutable LinkImplMapType LinkImplMap;
+ cmLinkImplementationLibraries const* GetLinkImplementationLibrariesInternal(
+ const std::string& config, const cmGeneratorTarget* head) const;
+ bool ComputeOutputDir(const std::string& config,
+ cmStateEnums::ArtifactType artifact,
+ std::string& out) const;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, OutputInfo> OutputInfoMapType;
+ mutable OutputInfoMapType OutputInfoMap;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, ModuleDefinitionInfo>
+ ModuleDefinitionInfoMapType;
+ mutable ModuleDefinitionInfoMapType ModuleDefinitionInfoMap;
+ void ComputeModuleDefinitionInfo(std::string const& config,
+ ModuleDefinitionInfo& info) const;
+ typedef std::pair<std::string, cmStateEnums::ArtifactType> OutputNameKey;
+ typedef std::map<OutputNameKey, std::string> OutputNameMapType;
+ mutable OutputNameMapType OutputNameMap;
+ mutable std::set<cmLinkItem> UtilityItems;
+ cmPolicies::PolicyMap PolicyMap;
+ mutable bool PolicyWarnedCMP0022;
+ mutable bool PolicyReportedCMP0069;
+ mutable bool DebugIncludesDone;
+ mutable bool DebugCompileOptionsDone;
+ mutable bool DebugCompileFeaturesDone;
+ mutable bool DebugCompileDefinitionsDone;
+ mutable bool DebugSourcesDone;
+ mutable bool LinkImplementationLanguageIsContextDependent;
+ mutable bool UtilityItemsDone;
+ bool DLLPlatform;
+ bool ComputePDBOutputDir(const std::string& kind, const std::string& config,
+ std::string& out) const;
+ const std::vector<const cmGeneratorTarget*>& GetLinkImplementationClosure(
+ const std::string& config) const;
+ mutable std::map<std::string, std::string> MaxLanguageStandards;
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> const& GetMaxLanguageStandards() const
+ {
+ return this->MaxLanguageStandards;
+ }
+ struct StrictTargetComparison
+ {
+ bool operator()(cmGeneratorTarget const* t1,
+ cmGeneratorTarget const* t2) const;
+ };