path: root/Source/cmGlobalNinjaGenerator.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/cmGlobalNinjaGenerator.cxx')
1 files changed, 498 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/Source/cmGlobalNinjaGenerator.cxx b/Source/cmGlobalNinjaGenerator.cxx
index acaed36..077de42 100644
--- a/Source/cmGlobalNinjaGenerator.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmGlobalNinjaGenerator.cxx
@@ -3,8 +3,10 @@
#include "cmGlobalNinjaGenerator.h"
#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdio>
+#include <functional>
#include <sstream>
#include <utility>
@@ -14,6 +16,7 @@
#include <cm/string_view>
#include <cmext/algorithm>
#include <cmext/memory>
+#include <cmext/string_view>
#include <cm3p/json/reader.h>
#include <cm3p/json/value.h>
@@ -21,7 +24,9 @@
#include "cmsys/FStream.hxx"
+#include "cmCxxModuleMapper.h"
#include "cmDocumentationEntry.h"
+#include "cmFileSet.h"
#include "cmFortranParser.h"
#include "cmGeneratedFileStream.h"
#include "cmGeneratorExpressionEvaluationFile.h"
@@ -1025,19 +1030,6 @@ bool cmGlobalNinjaGenerator::OpenBuildFileStreams()
return false;
- // New buffer size 8 MiB
- constexpr auto buildFileStreamBufferSize = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
- // Ensure the buffer is allocated
- if (!this->BuildFileStreamBuffer) {
- this->BuildFileStreamBuffer =
- cm::make_unique<char[]>(buildFileStreamBufferSize);
- }
- // Enlarge the internal buffer of the `BuildFileStream`
- this->BuildFileStream->rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(this->BuildFileStreamBuffer.get(),
- buildFileStreamBufferSize);
// Write a comment about this file.
<< "# This file contains all the build statements describing the\n"
@@ -2480,13 +2472,53 @@ cm::optional<cmSourceInfo> cmcmd_cmake_ninja_depends_fortran(
+struct CxxModuleFileSet
+ std::string Name;
+ std::string RelativeDirectory;
+ std::string SourcePath;
+ std::string Type;
+ cmFileSetVisibility Visibility;
+ cm::optional<std::string> Destination;
+struct CxxModuleBmiInstall
+ std::string Component;
+ std::string Destination;
+ bool ExcludeFromAll;
+ bool Optional;
+ std::string Permissions;
+ std::string MessageLevel;
+ std::string ScriptLocation;
+struct CxxModuleExport
+ std::string Name;
+ std::string Destination;
+ std::string Prefix;
+ std::string CxxModuleInfoDir;
+ std::string Namespace;
+ bool Install;
+struct cmGlobalNinjaGenerator::CxxModuleExportInfo
+ std::map<std::string, CxxModuleFileSet> ObjectToFileSet;
+ cm::optional<CxxModuleBmiInstall> BmiInstallation;
+ std::vector<CxxModuleExport> Exports;
+ std::string Config;
bool cmGlobalNinjaGenerator::WriteDyndepFile(
std::string const& dir_top_src, std::string const& dir_top_bld,
std::string const& dir_cur_src, std::string const& dir_cur_bld,
std::string const& arg_dd, std::vector<std::string> const& arg_ddis,
std::string const& module_dir,
std::vector<std::string> const& linked_target_dirs,
- std::string const& arg_lang, std::string const& arg_modmapfmt)
+ std::string const& arg_lang, std::string const& arg_modmapfmt,
+ CxxModuleExportInfo const& export_info)
// Setup path conversions.
@@ -2511,13 +2543,15 @@ bool cmGlobalNinjaGenerator::WriteDyndepFile(
+ CxxModuleUsage usages;
// Map from module name to module file path, if known.
std::map<std::string, std::string> mod_files;
// Populate the module map with those provided by linked targets first.
for (std::string const& linked_target_dir : linked_target_dirs) {
std::string const ltmn =
- cmStrCat(linked_target_dir, "/", arg_lang, "Modules.json");
+ cmStrCat(linked_target_dir, '/', arg_lang, "Modules.json");
Json::Value ltm;
cmsys::ifstream ltmf(ltmn.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
Json::Reader reader;
@@ -2528,21 +2562,71 @@ bool cmGlobalNinjaGenerator::WriteDyndepFile(
return false;
if (ltm.isObject()) {
- for (Json::Value::iterator i = ltm.begin(); i != ltm.end(); ++i) {
- mod_files[i.key().asString()] = i->asString();
+ Json::Value const& target_modules = ltm["modules"];
+ if (target_modules.isObject()) {
+ for (auto i = target_modules.begin(); i != target_modules.end(); ++i) {
+ mod_files[i.key().asString()] = i->asString();
+ }
+ }
+ Json::Value const& target_modules_references = ltm["references"];
+ if (target_modules_references.isObject()) {
+ for (auto i = target_modules_references.begin();
+ i != target_modules_references.end(); ++i) {
+ if (i->isObject()) {
+ Json::Value const& reference_path = (*i)["path"];
+ CxxModuleReference module_reference;
+ if (reference_path.isString()) {
+ module_reference.Path = reference_path.asString();
+ }
+ Json::Value const& reference_method = (*i)["lookup-method"];
+ if (reference_method.isString()) {
+ std::string reference = reference_method.asString();
+ if (reference == "by-name") {
+ module_reference.Method = LookupMethod::ByName;
+ } else if (reference == "include-angle") {
+ module_reference.Method = LookupMethod::IncludeAngle;
+ } else if (reference == "include-quote") {
+ module_reference.Method = LookupMethod::IncludeQuote;
+ }
+ }
+ usages.Reference[i.key().asString()] = module_reference;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Json::Value const& target_modules_usage = ltm["usages"];
+ if (target_modules_usage.isObject()) {
+ for (auto i = target_modules_usage.begin();
+ i != target_modules_usage.end(); ++i) {
+ if (i->isArray()) {
+ for (auto j = i->begin(); j != i->end(); ++j) {
+ usages.Usage[i.key().asString()].insert(j->asString());
+ }
+ }
+ }
- const char* module_ext = "";
- if (arg_modmapfmt == "gcc") {
- module_ext = ".gcm";
+ cm::optional<CxxModuleMapFormat> modmap_fmt;
+ if (arg_modmapfmt.empty()) {
+ // nothing to do.
+ } else if (arg_modmapfmt == "gcc") {
+ modmap_fmt = CxxModuleMapFormat::Gcc;
+ } else if (arg_modmapfmt == "msvc") {
+ modmap_fmt = CxxModuleMapFormat::Msvc;
+ } else {
+ cmSystemTools::Error(
+ cmStrCat("-E cmake_ninja_dyndep does not understand the ", arg_modmapfmt,
+ " module map format"));
+ return false;
+ auto module_ext = CxxModuleMapExtension(modmap_fmt);
// Extend the module map with those provided by this target.
// We do this after loading the modules provided by linked targets
// in case we have one of the same name that must be preferred.
- Json::Value tm = Json::objectValue;
+ Json::Value target_modules = Json::objectValue;
for (cmScanDepInfo const& object : objects) {
for (auto const& p : object.Provides) {
std::string mod;
@@ -2555,12 +2639,13 @@ bool cmGlobalNinjaGenerator::WriteDyndepFile(
} else {
// Assume the module file path matches the logical module name.
- std::string safe_logical_name = p.LogicalName;
+ std::string safe_logical_name =
+ p.LogicalName; // TODO: needs fixing for header units
cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(safe_logical_name, ":", "-");
mod = cmStrCat(module_dir, safe_logical_name, module_ext);
mod_files[p.LogicalName] = mod;
- tm[p.LogicalName] = mod;
+ target_modules[p.LogicalName] = mod;
@@ -2568,6 +2653,32 @@ bool cmGlobalNinjaGenerator::WriteDyndepFile(
ddf << "ninja_dyndep_version = 1.0\n";
+ CxxModuleLocations locs;
+ locs.RootDirectory = ".";
+ locs.PathForGenerator = [this](std::string const& path) -> std::string {
+ return this->ConvertToNinjaPath(path);
+ };
+ locs.BmiLocationForModule =
+ [&mod_files](std::string const& logical) -> cm::optional<std::string> {
+ auto m = mod_files.find(logical);
+ if (m != mod_files.end()) {
+ return m->second;
+ }
+ return {};
+ };
+ // Insert information about the current target's modules.
+ if (modmap_fmt) {
+ auto cycle_modules = CxxModuleUsageSeed(locs, objects, usages);
+ if (!cycle_modules.empty()) {
+ cmSystemTools::Error(
+ cmStrCat("Circular dependency detected in the C++ module import "
+ "graph. See modules named: \"",
+ cmJoin(cycle_modules, R"(", ")"_s), '"'));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
cmNinjaBuild build("dyndep");
for (cmScanDepInfo const& object : objects) {
@@ -2589,60 +2700,332 @@ bool cmGlobalNinjaGenerator::WriteDyndepFile(
build.Variables.emplace("restat", "1");
- if (arg_modmapfmt.empty()) {
- // nothing to do.
- } else {
- std::stringstream mm;
- if (arg_modmapfmt == "gcc") {
- // Documented in GCC's documentation. The format is a series of lines
- // with a module name and the associated filename separated by
- // spaces. The first line may use `$root` as the module name to
- // specify a "repository root". That is used to anchor any relative
- // paths present in the file (CMake should never generate any).
- // Write the root directory to use for module paths.
- mm << "$root .\n";
- for (auto const& l : object.Provides) {
- auto m = mod_files.find(l.LogicalName);
- if (m != mod_files.end()) {
- mm << l.LogicalName << " " << this->ConvertToNinjaPath(m->second)
- << "\n";
- }
- }
- for (auto const& r : object.Requires) {
- auto m = mod_files.find(r.LogicalName);
- if (m != mod_files.end()) {
- mm << r.LogicalName << " " << this->ConvertToNinjaPath(m->second)
- << "\n";
- }
- }
- } else {
- cmSystemTools::Error(
- cmStrCat("-E cmake_ninja_dyndep does not understand the ",
- arg_modmapfmt, " module map format"));
- return false;
- }
+ if (modmap_fmt) {
+ auto mm = CxxModuleMapContent(*modmap_fmt, locs, object, usages);
// XXX(modmap): If changing this path construction, change
// `cmNinjaTargetGenerator::WriteObjectBuildStatements` to generate the
// corresponding file path.
cmGeneratedFileStream mmf(cmStrCat(object.PrimaryOutput, ".modmap"));
- mmf << mm.str();
+ mmf << mm;
this->WriteBuild(ddf, build);
+ Json::Value target_module_info = Json::objectValue;
+ target_module_info["modules"] = target_modules;
+ auto& target_usages = target_module_info["usages"] = Json::objectValue;
+ for (auto const& u : usages.Usage) {
+ auto& mod_usage = target_usages[u.first] = Json::arrayValue;
+ for (auto const& v : u.second) {
+ mod_usage.append(v);
+ }
+ }
+ auto name_for_method = [](LookupMethod method) -> cm::static_string_view {
+ switch (method) {
+ case LookupMethod::ByName:
+ return "by-name"_s;
+ case LookupMethod::IncludeAngle:
+ return "include-angle"_s;
+ case LookupMethod::IncludeQuote:
+ return "include-quote"_s;
+ }
+ assert(false && "unsupported lookup method");
+ return ""_s;
+ };
+ auto& target_references = target_module_info["references"] =
+ Json::objectValue;
+ for (auto const& r : usages.Reference) {
+ auto& mod_ref = target_references[r.first] = Json::objectValue;
+ mod_ref["path"] = r.second.Path;
+ mod_ref["lookup-method"] = std::string(name_for_method(r.second.Method));
+ }
// Store the map of modules provided by this target in a file for
// use by dependents that reference this target in linked-target-dirs.
std::string const target_mods_file = cmStrCat(
cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(arg_dd), '/', arg_lang, "Modules.json");
cmGeneratedFileStream tmf(target_mods_file);
- tmf << tm;
+ tmf << target_module_info;
+ bool result = true;
+ // Fortran doesn't support any of the file-set or BMI installation considered
+ // below.
+ if (arg_lang != "Fortran"_s) {
+ // Prepare the export information blocks.
+ std::string const config_upper =
+ cmSystemTools::UpperCase(export_info.Config);
+ std::vector<std::pair<std::unique_ptr<cmGeneratedFileStream>,
+ CxxModuleExport const*>>
+ exports;
+ for (auto const& exp : export_info.Exports) {
+ std::unique_ptr<cmGeneratedFileStream> properties;
+ std::string const export_dir =
+ cmStrCat(exp.Prefix, '/', exp.CxxModuleInfoDir, '/');
+ std::string const property_file_path = cmStrCat(
+ export_dir, "target-", exp.Name, '-', export_info.Config, ".cmake");
+ properties = cm::make_unique<cmGeneratedFileStream>(property_file_path);
+ // Set up the preamble.
+ *properties << "set_property(TARGET \"" << exp.Namespace << exp.Name
+ << "\"\n"
+ << " PROPERTY IMPORTED_CXX_MODULES_" << config_upper
+ << '\n';
+ exports.emplace_back(std::move(properties), &exp);
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<cmGeneratedFileStream> bmi_install_script;
+ if (export_info.BmiInstallation) {
+ bmi_install_script = cm::make_unique<cmGeneratedFileStream>(
+ export_info.BmiInstallation->ScriptLocation);
+ }
+ auto cmEscape = [](cm::string_view str) {
+ return cmOutputConverter::EscapeForCMake(
+ str, cmOutputConverter::WrapQuotes::NoWrap);
+ };
+ auto install_destination =
+ [&cmEscape](std::string const& dest) -> std::pair<bool, std::string> {
+ if (cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(dest)) {
+ return std::make_pair(true, cmEscape(dest));
+ }
+ return std::make_pair(false,
+ cmStrCat("${_IMPORT_PREFIX}/", cmEscape(dest)));
+ };
- return true;
+ // public/private requirement tracking.
+ std::set<std::string> private_modules;
+ std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> public_source_requires;
+ for (cmScanDepInfo const& object : objects) {
+ // Convert to forward slashes.
+ auto output_path = object.PrimaryOutput;
+# ifdef _WIN32
+ cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(output_path);
+# endif
+ // Find the fileset for this object.
+ auto fileset_info_itr = export_info.ObjectToFileSet.find(output_path);
+ bool const has_provides = !object.Provides.empty();
+ if (fileset_info_itr == export_info.ObjectToFileSet.end()) {
+ // If it provides anything, it should have a `CXX_MODULES` or
+ // `CXX_MODULE_INTERNAL_PARTITIONS` type and be present.
+ if (has_provides) {
+ // Take the first module provided to provide context.
+ auto const& provides = object.Provides[0];
+ char const* ok_types = "`CXX_MODULES`";
+ if (provides.LogicalName.find(':') != std::string::npos) {
+ "it is not `export`ed)";
+ }
+ cmSystemTools::Error(
+ cmStrCat("Output ", object.PrimaryOutput, " provides the `",
+ provides.LogicalName,
+ "` module but it is not found in a `FILE_SET` of type ",
+ ok_types));
+ result = false;
+ }
+ // This object file does not provide anything, so nothing more needs to
+ // be done.
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto const& file_set = fileset_info_itr->second;
+ // Verify the fileset type for the object.
+ if (file_set.Type == "CXX_MODULES"_s) {
+ if (!has_provides) {
+ cmSystemTools::Error(cmStrCat(
+ "Output ", object.PrimaryOutput,
+ " is of type `CXX_MODULES` but does not provide a module"));
+ result = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else if (file_set.Type == "CXX_MODULE_INTERNAL_PARTITIONS"_s) {
+ if (!has_provides) {
+ cmSystemTools::Error(cmStrCat(
+ "Source ", file_set.SourcePath,
+ " is of type `CXX_MODULE_INTERNAL_PARTITIONS` but does not "
+ "provide a module"));
+ result = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ auto const& provides = object.Provides[0];
+ if (provides.LogicalName.find(':') == std::string::npos) {
+ cmSystemTools::Error(cmStrCat(
+ "Source ", file_set.SourcePath,
+ " is of type `CXX_MODULE_INTERNAL_PARTITIONS` but does not "
+ "provide a module partition"));
+ result = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else if (file_set.Type == "CXX_MODULE_HEADERS"_s) {
+ // TODO.
+ } else {
+ if (has_provides) {
+ auto const& provides = object.Provides[0];
+ char const* ok_types = "`CXX_MODULES`";
+ if (provides.LogicalName.find(':') != std::string::npos) {
+ "it is not `export`ed)";
+ }
+ cmSystemTools::Error(cmStrCat(
+ "Source ", file_set.SourcePath, " provides the `",
+ provides.LogicalName, "` C++ module but is of type `",
+ file_set.Type, "` module but must be of type ", ok_types));
+ result = false;
+ }
+ // Not a C++ module; ignore.
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!cmFileSetVisibilityIsForInterface(file_set.Visibility)) {
+ // Nothing needs to be conveyed about non-`PUBLIC` modules.
+ for (auto const& p : object.Provides) {
+ private_modules.insert(p.LogicalName);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ // The module is public. Record what it directly requires.
+ {
+ auto& reqs = public_source_requires[file_set.SourcePath];
+ for (auto const& r : object.Requires) {
+ reqs.insert(r.LogicalName);
+ }
+ }
+ // Write out properties and install rules for any exports.
+ for (auto const& p : object.Provides) {
+ bool bmi_dest_is_abs = false;
+ std::string bmi_destination;
+ if (export_info.BmiInstallation) {
+ auto dest =
+ install_destination(export_info.BmiInstallation->Destination);
+ bmi_dest_is_abs = dest.first;
+ bmi_destination = cmStrCat(dest.second, '/');
+ }
+ std::string install_bmi_path;
+ std::string build_bmi_path;
+ auto m = mod_files.find(p.LogicalName);
+ if (m != mod_files.end()) {
+ install_bmi_path =
+ cmStrCat(bmi_destination,
+ cmEscape(cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(m->second)));
+ build_bmi_path = cmEscape(m->second);
+ }
+ for (auto const& exp : exports) {
+ std::string iface_source;
+ if (exp.second->Install && file_set.Destination) {
+ auto dest = install_destination(*file_set.Destination);
+ iface_source = cmStrCat(
+ dest.second, '/', cmEscape(file_set.RelativeDirectory),
+ cmEscape(cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(file_set.SourcePath)));
+ } else {
+ iface_source = cmEscape(file_set.SourcePath);
+ }
+ std::string bmi_path;
+ if (exp.second->Install && export_info.BmiInstallation) {
+ bmi_path = install_bmi_path;
+ } else if (!exp.second->Install) {
+ bmi_path = build_bmi_path;
+ }
+ if (iface_source.empty()) {
+ // No destination for the C++ module source; ignore this property
+ // value.
+ continue;
+ }
+ *exp.first << " \"" << cmEscape(p.LogicalName) << '='
+ << iface_source;
+ if (!bmi_path.empty()) {
+ *exp.first << ',' << bmi_path;
+ }
+ *exp.first << "\"\n";
+ }
+ if (bmi_install_script) {
+ auto const& bmi_install = *export_info.BmiInstallation;
+ *bmi_install_script << "if (CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT STREQUAL \""
+ << cmEscape(bmi_install.Component) << '\"';
+ if (!bmi_install.ExcludeFromAll) {
+ *bmi_install_script << " OR NOT CMAKE_INSTALL_COMPONENT";
+ }
+ *bmi_install_script << ")\n";
+ *bmi_install_script << " file(INSTALL\n"
+ if (!bmi_dest_is_abs) {
+ *bmi_install_script << "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/";
+ }
+ *bmi_install_script << cmEscape(bmi_install.Destination)
+ << "\"\n"
+ " TYPE FILE\n";
+ if (bmi_install.Optional) {
+ *bmi_install_script << " OPTIONAL\n";
+ }
+ if (!bmi_install.MessageLevel.empty()) {
+ *bmi_install_script << " " << bmi_install.MessageLevel << "\n";
+ }
+ if (!bmi_install.Permissions.empty()) {
+ *bmi_install_script << " PERMISSIONS" << bmi_install.Permissions
+ << "\n";
+ }
+ *bmi_install_script << " FILES \"" << m->second << "\")\n";
+ if (bmi_dest_is_abs) {
+ *bmi_install_script
+ " \""
+ << cmEscape(cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(m->second))
+ << "\")\n"
+ " message(WARNING\n"
+ " endif ()\n"
+ " message(FATAL_ERROR\n"
+ " \"ABSOLUTE path INSTALL DESTINATION forbidden (by "
+ " endif ()\n";
+ }
+ *bmi_install_script << "endif ()\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Add trailing parenthesis for the `set_property` call.
+ for (auto const& exp : exports) {
+ *exp.first << ")\n";
+ }
+ // Check that public sources only require public modules.
+ for (auto const& pub_reqs : public_source_requires) {
+ for (auto const& req : pub_reqs.second) {
+ if (private_modules.count(req)) {
+ cmSystemTools::Error(cmStrCat(
+ "Public C++ module source `", pub_reqs.first, "` requires the `",
+ req, "` C++ module which is provided by a private source"));
+ result = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
int cmcmd_cmake_ninja_dyndep(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator argBeg,
@@ -2716,6 +3099,59 @@ int cmcmd_cmake_ninja_dyndep(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator argBeg,
+ cmGlobalNinjaGenerator::CxxModuleExportInfo export_info;
+ export_info.Config = tdi["config"].asString();
+ if (export_info.Config.empty()) {
+ export_info.Config = "noconfig";
+ }
+ Json::Value const& tdi_exports = tdi["exports"];
+ if (tdi_exports.isArray()) {
+ for (auto const& tdi_export : tdi_exports) {
+ CxxModuleExport exp;
+ exp.Install = tdi_export["install"].asBool();
+ exp.Name = tdi_export["export-name"].asString();
+ exp.Destination = tdi_export["destination"].asString();
+ exp.Prefix = tdi_export["export-prefix"].asString();
+ exp.CxxModuleInfoDir = tdi_export["cxx-module-info-dir"].asString();
+ exp.Namespace = tdi_export["namespace"].asString();
+ export_info.Exports.push_back(exp);
+ }
+ }
+ auto const& bmi_installation = tdi["bmi-installation"];
+ if (bmi_installation.isObject()) {
+ CxxModuleBmiInstall bmi_install;
+ bmi_install.Component = bmi_installation["component"].asString();
+ bmi_install.Destination = bmi_installation["destination"].asString();
+ bmi_install.ExcludeFromAll = bmi_installation["exclude-from-all"].asBool();
+ bmi_install.Optional = bmi_installation["optional"].asBool();
+ bmi_install.Permissions = bmi_installation["permissions"].asString();
+ bmi_install.MessageLevel = bmi_installation["message-level"].asString();
+ bmi_install.ScriptLocation =
+ bmi_installation["script-location"].asString();
+ export_info.BmiInstallation = bmi_install;
+ }
+ Json::Value const& tdi_cxx_modules = tdi["cxx-modules"];
+ if (tdi_cxx_modules.isObject()) {
+ for (auto i = tdi_cxx_modules.begin(); i != tdi_cxx_modules.end(); ++i) {
+ CxxModuleFileSet& fsi = export_info.ObjectToFileSet[i.key().asString()];
+ auto const& tdi_cxx_module_info = *i;
+ fsi.Name = tdi_cxx_module_info["name"].asString();
+ fsi.RelativeDirectory =
+ tdi_cxx_module_info["relative-directory"].asString();
+ fsi.SourcePath = tdi_cxx_module_info["source"].asString();
+ fsi.Type = tdi_cxx_module_info["type"].asString();
+ fsi.Visibility = cmFileSetVisibilityFromName(
+ tdi_cxx_module_info["visibility"].asString(), nullptr);
+ auto const& tdi_fs_dest = tdi_cxx_module_info["destination"];
+ if (tdi_fs_dest.isString()) {
+ fsi.Destination = tdi_fs_dest.asString();
+ }
+ }
+ }
cmake cm(cmake::RoleInternal, cmState::Unknown);
@@ -2723,7 +3159,8 @@ int cmcmd_cmake_ninja_dyndep(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator argBeg,
if (!ggd ||
dir_top_src, dir_top_bld, dir_cur_src, dir_cur_bld, arg_dd, arg_ddis,
- module_dir, linked_target_dirs, arg_lang, arg_modmapfmt)) {
+ module_dir, linked_target_dirs, arg_lang, arg_modmapfmt,
+ export_info)) {
return 1;
return 0;