path: root/Source/cmMakefile.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/cmMakefile.cxx')
1 files changed, 471 insertions, 728 deletions
diff --git a/Source/cmMakefile.cxx b/Source/cmMakefile.cxx
index ba914e1..ee6c1da 100644
--- a/Source/cmMakefile.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmMakefile.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
#include "cmGlobalGenerator.h"
#include "cmLocalGenerator.h"
#include "cmCommands.h"
-#include "cmCacheManager.h"
+#include "cmState.h"
#include "cmFunctionBlocker.h"
#include "cmListFileCache.h"
#include "cmCommandArgumentParserHelper.h"
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include "cmInstallGenerator.h"
#include "cmTestGenerator.h"
#include "cmDefinitions.h"
+#include "cmAlgorithms.h"
#include "cmake.h"
#include <stdlib.h> // required for atoi
@@ -37,32 +38,116 @@
#include <cmsys/FStream.hxx>
#include <cmsys/auto_ptr.hxx>
-#include <stack>
+#include <list>
#include <ctype.h> // for isspace
#include <assert.h>
class cmMakefile::Internals
- std::stack<cmDefinitions, std::list<cmDefinitions> > VarStack;
- std::stack<std::set<std::string> > VarInitStack;
- std::stack<std::set<std::string> > VarUsageStack;
+ std::list<cmDefinitions> VarStack;
bool IsSourceFileTryCompile;
+ void PushDefinitions()
+ {
+ this->VarStack.push_back(cmDefinitions());
+ }
+ void InitializeDefinitions(cmMakefile* parent)
+ {
+ this->VarStack.back() =
+ cmDefinitions::MakeClosure(parent->Internal->VarStack.rbegin(),
+ parent->Internal->VarStack.rend());
+ }
+ const char* GetDefinition(std::string const& name)
+ {
+ return cmDefinitions::Get(name, this->VarStack.rbegin(),
+ this->VarStack.rend());
+ }
+ bool IsInitialized(std::string const& name)
+ {
+ return cmDefinitions::HasKey(name, this->VarStack.rbegin(),
+ this->VarStack.rend());
+ }
+ void SetDefinition(std::string const& name, std::string const& value)
+ {
+ this->VarStack.back().Set(name, value.c_str());
+ }
+ void RemoveDefinition(std::string const& name)
+ {
+ this->VarStack.back().Set(name, 0);
+ }
+ std::vector<std::string> UnusedKeys() const
+ {
+ return this->VarStack.back().UnusedKeys();
+ }
+ std::vector<std::string> ClosureKeys() const
+ {
+ return cmDefinitions::ClosureKeys(this->VarStack.rbegin(),
+ this->VarStack.rend());
+ }
+ void PopDefinitions()
+ {
+ this->VarStack.pop_back();
+ }
+ bool RaiseScope(std::string const& var, const char* varDef, cmMakefile* mf)
+ {
+ std::list<cmDefinitions>::reverse_iterator it = this->VarStack.rbegin();
+ assert(it != this->VarStack.rend());
+ ++it;
+ if(it == this->VarStack.rend())
+ {
+ cmLocalGenerator* plg = mf->GetLocalGenerator()->GetParent();
+ if(!plg)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Update the definition in the parent directory top scope. This
+ // directory's scope was initialized by the closure of the parent
+ // scope, so we do not need to localize the definition first.
+ cmMakefile* parent = plg->GetMakefile();
+ if (varDef)
+ {
+ parent->AddDefinition(var, varDef);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ parent->RemoveDefinition(var);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // First localize the definition in the current scope.
+ cmDefinitions::Raise(var, this->VarStack.rbegin(), this->VarStack.rend());
+ // Now update the definition in the parent scope.
+ it->Set(var, varDef);
+ return true;
+ }
// default is not to be building executables
-cmMakefile::cmMakefile(): Internal(new Internals)
+cmMakefile::cmMakefile(cmLocalGenerator* localGenerator)
+ : Internal(new Internals),
+ LocalGenerator(localGenerator),
+ StateSnapshot(localGenerator->GetStateSnapshot())
- const cmDefinitions& defs = cmDefinitions();
- const std::set<std::string> globalKeys = defs.LocalKeys();
- this->Internal->VarStack.push(defs);
- this->Internal->VarInitStack.push(globalKeys);
- this->Internal->VarUsageStack.push(globalKeys);
+ this->Internal->PushDefinitions();
this->Internal->IsSourceFileTryCompile = false;
// Initialize these first since AddDefaultDefinitions calls AddDefinition
- this->WarnUnused = false;
- this->CheckSystemVars = false;
+ this->WarnUnused = this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetWarnUnused();
+ this->CheckSystemVars = this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetCheckSystemVars();
+ this->GeneratingBuildSystem = false;
+ this->SuppressWatches = false;
// Setup the default include file regular expression (match everything).
this->IncludeFileRegularExpression = "^.*$";
@@ -95,69 +180,9 @@ cmMakefile::cmMakefile(): Internal(new Internals)
this->HeaderFileExtensions.push_back( "txx" );
this->DefineFlags = " ";
- this->LocalGenerator = 0;
- this->Initialize();
- this->PreOrder = false;
- this->GeneratingBuildSystem = false;
- this->SuppressWatches = false;
-cmMakefile::cmMakefile(const cmMakefile& mf): Internal(new Internals)
- this->Internal->VarStack.push(mf.Internal->;
- this->Internal->VarInitStack.push(mf.Internal->;
- this->Internal->VarUsageStack.push(mf.Internal->;
- this->Prefix = mf.Prefix;
- this->AuxSourceDirectories = mf.AuxSourceDirectories;
- this->cmStartDirectory = mf.cmStartDirectory;
- this->StartOutputDirectory = mf.StartOutputDirectory;
- this->cmHomeDirectory = mf.cmHomeDirectory;
- this->HomeOutputDirectory = mf.HomeOutputDirectory;
- this->cmCurrentListFile = mf.cmCurrentListFile;
- this->ProjectName = mf.ProjectName;
- this->Targets = mf.Targets;
- this->SourceFiles = mf.SourceFiles;
- this->Tests = mf.Tests;
- this->LinkDirectories = mf.LinkDirectories;
- this->SystemIncludeDirectories = mf.SystemIncludeDirectories;
- this->ListFiles = mf.ListFiles;
- this->OutputFiles = mf.OutputFiles;
- this->LinkLibraries = mf.LinkLibraries;
- this->InstallGenerators = mf.InstallGenerators;
- this->TestGenerators = mf.TestGenerators;
- this->IncludeFileRegularExpression = mf.IncludeFileRegularExpression;
- this->ComplainFileRegularExpression = mf.ComplainFileRegularExpression;
- this->SourceFileExtensions = mf.SourceFileExtensions;
- this->HeaderFileExtensions = mf.HeaderFileExtensions;
- this->DefineFlags = mf.DefineFlags;
- this->DefineFlagsOrig = mf.DefineFlagsOrig;
- this->SourceGroups = mf.SourceGroups;
- this->LocalGenerator = mf.LocalGenerator;
- this->FunctionBlockers = mf.FunctionBlockers;
- this->MacrosMap = mf.MacrosMap;
- this->SubDirectoryOrder = mf.SubDirectoryOrder;
- this->Properties = mf.Properties;
- this->PreOrder = mf.PreOrder;
- this->WarnUnused = mf.WarnUnused;
- this->Initialize();
- this->CheckSystemVars = mf.CheckSystemVars;
- this->ListFileStack = mf.ListFileStack;
- this->OutputToSource = mf.OutputToSource;
- this->SuppressWatches = mf.SuppressWatches;
-void cmMakefile::Initialize()
this->cmDefineRegex.compile("#cmakedefine[ \t]+([A-Za-z_0-9]*)");
this->cmDefine01Regex.compile("#cmakedefine01[ \t]+([A-Za-z_0-9]*)");
@@ -175,21 +200,31 @@ void cmMakefile::Initialize()
// By default the check is not done. It is enabled by
// cmListFileCache in the top level if necessary.
this->CheckCMP0000 = false;
-unsigned int cmMakefile::GetCacheMajorVersion() const
- return this->GetCacheManager()->GetCacheMajorVersion();
+ this->AddSourceGroup("", "^.*$");
+ this->AddSourceGroup
+ ("Source Files",
+ "\\.(C|M|c|c\\+\\+|cc|cpp|cxx|f|f90|for|fpp"
+ "|ftn|m|mm|rc|def|r|odl|idl|hpj|bat)$");
+ this->AddSourceGroup("Header Files", CM_HEADER_REGEX);
+ this->AddSourceGroup("CMake Rules", "\\.rule$");
+ this->AddSourceGroup("Resources", "\\.plist$");
+ this->AddSourceGroup("Object Files", "\\.(lo|o|obj)$");
-unsigned int cmMakefile::GetCacheMinorVersion() const
- return this->GetCacheManager()->GetCacheMinorVersion();
+ this->Properties.SetCMakeInstance(this->GetCMakeInstance());
-bool cmMakefile::NeedCacheCompatibility(int major, int minor) const
- return this->GetCacheManager()->NeedCacheCompatibility(major, minor);
+ {
+ const char* dir = this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetHomeDirectory();
+ this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR", dir);
+ this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR", dir);
+ }
+ {
+ const char* dir = this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetHomeOutputDirectory();
+ this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_BINARY_DIR", dir);
+ this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR", dir);
+ }
@@ -209,111 +244,34 @@ cmMakefile::~cmMakefile()
-void cmMakefile::PrintStringVector(const char* s,
- const std::vector<std::string>& v) const
- std::cout << s << ": ( \n";
- for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i = v.begin();
- i != v.end(); ++i)
- {
- std::cout << *i << " ";
- }
- std::cout << " )\n";
-void cmMakefile
-::PrintStringVector(const char* s,
- const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, bool> >& v) const
- std::cout << s << ": ( \n";
- for(std::vector<std::pair<std::string, bool> >::const_iterator i
- = v.begin(); i != v.end(); ++i)
- {
- std::cout << i->first << " " << i->second;
- }
- std::cout << " )\n";
-// call print on all the classes in the makefile
-void cmMakefile::Print() const
- // print the class lists
- std::cout << "classes:\n";
- std::cout << " this->Targets: ";
- for (cmTargets::iterator l = this->Targets.begin();
- l != this->Targets.end(); l++)
- {
- std::cout << l->first << std::endl;
- }
- std::cout << " this->StartOutputDirectory; " <<
- this->StartOutputDirectory << std::endl;
- std::cout << " this->HomeOutputDirectory; " <<
- this->HomeOutputDirectory << std::endl;
- std::cout << " this->cmStartDirectory; " <<
- this->cmStartDirectory << std::endl;
- std::cout << " this->cmHomeDirectory; " <<
- this->cmHomeDirectory << std::endl;
- std::cout << " this->ProjectName; "
- << this->ProjectName << std::endl;
- this->PrintStringVector("this->LinkDirectories", this->LinkDirectories);
- for( std::vector<cmSourceGroup>::const_iterator i =
- this->SourceGroups.begin(); i != this->SourceGroups.end(); ++i)
- {
- std::cout << "Source Group: " << i->GetName() << std::endl;
- }
-bool cmMakefile::CommandExists(const char* name) const
- return this->GetCMakeInstance()->CommandExists(name);
void cmMakefile::IssueMessage(cmake::MessageType t,
std::string const& text) const
// Collect context information.
- cmLocalGenerator* localGen = this->GetLocalGenerator();
- if(this->CallStack.empty() && this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetIsInTryCompile())
- {
- localGen = 0;
- }
- cmListFileBacktrace backtrace(localGen);
if((t == cmake::FATAL_ERROR) || (t == cmake::INTERNAL_ERROR))
- backtrace = this->GetBacktrace();
+ this->GetCMakeInstance()->IssueMessage(t, text, this->GetBacktrace());
cmListFileContext lfc;
- if(this->ListFileStack.empty())
- {
- // We are not processing the project. Add the directory-level context.
- lfc.FilePath = this->GetCurrentDirectory();
- lfc.FilePath += "/CMakeLists.txt";
- }
- else
+ // We are not currently executing a command. Add whatever context
+ // information we have.
+ lfc.FilePath = this->ListFileStack.back();
+ if(!this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetIsInTryCompile())
- // We are processing the project but are not currently executing a
- // command. Add whatever context information we have.
- lfc.FilePath = this->ListFileStack.back();
+ lfc.FilePath = this->LocalGenerator->Convert(lfc.FilePath,
+ cmLocalGenerator::HOME);
lfc.Line = 0;
- backtrace.push_back(lfc);
+ this->GetCMakeInstance()->IssueMessage(t, text, lfc);
- // Issue the message.
- this->GetCMakeInstance()->IssueMessage(t, text, backtrace);
@@ -323,12 +281,18 @@ cmListFileBacktrace cmMakefile::GetBacktrace() const
for(CallStackType::const_reverse_iterator i = this->CallStack.rbegin();
i != this->CallStack.rend(); ++i)
- backtrace.push_back(*i->Context);
+ backtrace.Append(*i->Context);
return backtrace;
+cmListFileContext cmMakefile::GetExecutionContext() const
+ return *this->CallStack.back().Context;
void cmMakefile::PrintCommandTrace(const cmListFileFunction& lff) const
std::ostringstream msg;
@@ -364,7 +328,7 @@ bool cmMakefile::ExecuteCommand(const cmListFileFunction& lff,
// Lookup the command prototype.
- if(cmCommand* proto = this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetCommand(name))
+ if(cmCommand* proto = this->GetState()->GetCommand(name))
// Clone the prototype.
cmsys::auto_ptr<cmCommand> pcmd(proto->Clone());
@@ -496,7 +460,7 @@ cmMakefile::IncludeScope::~IncludeScope()
// one we pushed above. If the entry is empty, then the included
// script did not set any policies that might affect the includer so
// we do not need to enforce the policy.
- if(this->CheckCMP0011 && this->Makefile->PolicyStack.back().empty())
+ if(this->CheckCMP0011 && this->Makefile->PolicyStack.back().IsEmpty())
this->CheckCMP0011 = false;
@@ -518,14 +482,13 @@ void cmMakefile::IncludeScope::EnforceCMP0011()
// We check the setting of this policy again because the included
// script might actually set this policy for its includer.
- cmPolicies* policies = this->Makefile->GetPolicies();
switch (this->Makefile->GetPolicyStatus(cmPolicies::CMP0011))
case cmPolicies::WARN:
// Warn because the user did not set this policy.
std::ostringstream w;
- w << policies->GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0011) << "\n"
+ w << cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0011) << "\n"
<< "The included script\n " << this->File << "\n"
<< "affects policy settings. "
<< "CMake is implying the NO_POLICY_SCOPE option for compatibility, "
@@ -537,7 +500,7 @@ void cmMakefile::IncludeScope::EnforceCMP0011()
case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_ALWAYS:
std::ostringstream e;
- e << policies->GetRequiredPolicyError(cmPolicies::CMP0011) << "\n"
+ e << cmPolicies::GetRequiredPolicyError(cmPolicies::CMP0011) << "\n"
<< "The included script\n " << this->File << "\n"
<< "affects policy settings, so it requires this policy to be set.";
this->Makefile->IssueMessage(cmake::FATAL_ERROR, e.str());
@@ -552,102 +515,79 @@ void cmMakefile::IncludeScope::EnforceCMP0011()
-// Parse the given CMakeLists.txt file executing all commands
-bool cmMakefile::ReadListFile(const char* filename_in,
- const char *external_in,
- std::string* fullPath,
- bool noPolicyScope)
+bool cmMakefile::ProcessBuildsystemFile(const char* listfile)
+ this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_PARENT_LIST_FILE", listfile);
+ std::string curSrc = this->GetCurrentSourceDirectory();
+ return this->ReadListFile(listfile, true,
+ curSrc == this->GetHomeDirectory());
+bool cmMakefile::ReadDependentFile(const char* listfile, bool noPolicyScope)
+ this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_PARENT_LIST_FILE",
+ this->GetDefinition("CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE"));
+ bool result = this->ReadListFile(listfile, noPolicyScope, false);
+ this->ListFileStack.pop_back();
+ return result;
+bool cmMakefile::ReadListFile(const char* listfile)
+ bool result = this->ReadListFile(listfile, true, false);
+ this->ListFileStack.pop_back();
+ return result;
+bool cmMakefile::ReadListFile(const char* listfile,
+ bool noPolicyScope,
+ bool requireProjectCommand)
+ std::string filenametoread =
+ cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(listfile,
+ this->GetCurrentSourceDirectory());
std::string currentParentFile
- = this->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_PARENT_LIST_FILE");
+ = this->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_PARENT_LIST_FILE");
std::string currentFile
= this->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE");
- this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_PARENT_LIST_FILE", filename_in);
- this->MarkVariableAsUsed("CMAKE_PARENT_LIST_FILE");
- const char* external = 0;
- std::string external_abs;
- const char* filename = filename_in;
- std::string filename_abs;
- if (external_in)
- {
- external_abs =
- cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(external_in,
- this->cmStartDirectory.c_str());
- external = external_abs.c_str();
- if (filename_in)
- {
- filename_abs =
- cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(filename_in,
- this->cmStartDirectory.c_str());
- filename = filename_abs.c_str();
- }
- }
+ this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE", filenametoread.c_str());
+ this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR",
+ cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(filenametoread).c_str());
- // keep track of the current file being read
- if (filename)
- {
- if(this->cmCurrentListFile != filename)
- {
- this->cmCurrentListFile = filename;
- }
- }
+ this->MarkVariableAsUsed("CMAKE_PARENT_LIST_FILE");
+ this->MarkVariableAsUsed("CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE");
+ this->MarkVariableAsUsed("CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR");
- // Now read the input file
- const char *filenametoread= filename;
+ this->ListFileStack.push_back(filenametoread);
- if( external)
- {
- filenametoread= external;
- }
+ bool res = this->ReadListFileInternal(filenametoread.c_str(),
+ noPolicyScope, requireProjectCommand);
- this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE", filenametoread);
- this->MarkVariableAsUsed("CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE");
+ this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_PARENT_LIST_FILE", currentParentFile.c_str());
+ this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE", currentFile.c_str());
- cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(filenametoread).c_str());
+ cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(currentFile).c_str());
+ this->MarkVariableAsUsed("CMAKE_PARENT_LIST_FILE");
+ this->MarkVariableAsUsed("CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE");
- // try to see if the list file is the top most
- // list file for a project, and if it is, then it
- // must have a project command. If there is not
- // one, then cmake will provide one via the
- // cmListFileCache class.
- bool requireProjectCommand = false;
- if(!external && this->cmStartDirectory == this->cmHomeDirectory)
+ if (res)
- if(cmSystemTools::LowerCase(
- cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(filename)) == "cmakelists.txt")
- {
- requireProjectCommand = true;
- }
+ this->CheckForUnusedVariables();
- // push the listfile onto the stack
- this->ListFileStack.push_back(filenametoread);
- if(fullPath!=0)
- {
- *fullPath=filenametoread;
- }
+ return res;
+bool cmMakefile::ReadListFileInternal(const char* filenametoread,
+ bool noPolicyScope,
+ bool requireProjectCommand)
cmListFile cacheFile;
if( !cacheFile.ParseFile(filenametoread, requireProjectCommand, this) )
- // pop the listfile off the stack
- this->ListFileStack.pop_back();
- if(fullPath!=0)
- {
- *fullPath = "";
- }
- this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_PARENT_LIST_FILE", currentParentFile.c_str());
- this->MarkVariableAsUsed("CMAKE_PARENT_LIST_FILE");
- this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE", currentFile.c_str());
- this->MarkVariableAsUsed("CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE");
- this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR",
- cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(currentFile).c_str());
- this->MarkVariableAsUsed("CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR");
return false;
// add this list file to the list of dependencies
@@ -686,20 +626,6 @@ bool cmMakefile::ReadListFile(const char* filename_in,
- this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_PARENT_LIST_FILE", currentParentFile.c_str());
- this->MarkVariableAsUsed("CMAKE_PARENT_LIST_FILE");
- this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE", currentFile.c_str());
- this->MarkVariableAsUsed("CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE");
- this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR",
- cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(currentFile).c_str());
- this->MarkVariableAsUsed("CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR");
- // pop the listfile off the stack
- this->ListFileStack.pop_back();
- // Check for unused variables
- this->CheckForUnusedVariables();
return true;
@@ -742,33 +668,6 @@ void cmMakefile::EnforceDirectoryLevelRules() const
-void cmMakefile::AddCommand(cmCommand* wg)
- this->GetCMakeInstance()->AddCommand(wg);
-// Set the make file
-void cmMakefile::SetLocalGenerator(cmLocalGenerator* lg)
- this->LocalGenerator = lg;
- // the source groups need to access the global generator
- // so don't create them until the lg is set
- this->AddSourceGroup("", "^.*$");
- this->AddSourceGroup
- ("Source Files",
- "\\.(C|M|c|c\\+\\+|cc|cpp|cxx|f|f90|for|fpp"
- "|ftn|m|mm|rc|def|r|odl|idl|hpj|bat)$");
- this->AddSourceGroup("Header Files", CM_HEADER_REGEX);
- this->AddSourceGroup("CMake Rules", "\\.rule$");
- this->AddSourceGroup("Resources", "\\.plist$");
- this->AddSourceGroup("Object Files", "\\.(lo|o|obj)$");
- this->WarnUnused = this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetWarnUnused();
- this->CheckSystemVars = this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetCheckSystemVars();
struct file_not_persistent
@@ -869,8 +768,7 @@ cmMakefile::AddCustomCommandToTarget(const std::string& target,
case cmPolicies::WARN:
- e << (this->GetPolicies()
- ->GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0040)) << "\n";
+ e << cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0040) << "\n";
issueMessage = true;
case cmPolicies::OLD:
@@ -1004,7 +902,7 @@ cmMakefile::AddCustomCommandToOutput(const std::vector<std::string>& outputs,
// Generate a rule file if the main dependency is not available.
- cmGlobalGenerator* gg = this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator();
+ cmGlobalGenerator* gg = this->GetGlobalGenerator();
// Construct a rule file associated with the first output produced.
std::string outName = gg->GenerateRuleFile(outputs[0]);
@@ -1277,7 +1175,7 @@ cmMakefile::AddUtilityCommand(const std::string& utilityName,
// Store the custom command in the target.
if (!commandLines.empty() || !depends.empty())
- std::string force = this->GetStartOutputDirectory();
+ std::string force = this->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory();
force += cmake::GetCMakeFilesDirectory();
force += "/";
force += utilityName;
@@ -1339,22 +1237,11 @@ void cmMakefile::AddDefineFlag(const char* flag)
void cmMakefile::AddDefineFlag(const char* flag, std::string& dflags)
// remove any \n\r
- std::string ret = flag;
- std::string::size_type pos = 0;
- while((pos = ret.find('\n', pos)) != std::string::npos)
- {
- ret[pos] = ' ';
- pos++;
- }
- pos = 0;
- while((pos = ret.find('\r', pos)) != std::string::npos)
- {
- ret[pos] = ' ';
- pos++;
- }
- dflags += " ";
- dflags += ret;
+ std::string::size_type initSize = dflags.size();
+ dflags += std::string(" ") + flag;
+ std::string::iterator flagStart = dflags.begin() + initSize + 1;
+ std::replace(flagStart, dflags.end(), '\n', ' ');
+ std::replace(flagStart, dflags.end(), '\r', ' ');
@@ -1421,8 +1308,7 @@ bool cmMakefile::ParseDefineFlag(std::string const& def, bool remove)
// VS6 IDE does not support definition values with spaces in
// combination with '"', '$', or ';'.
- if((this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetName() ==
- "Visual Studio 6") &&
+ if((this->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetName() == "Visual Studio 6") &&
(def.find(" ") != def.npos && def.find_first_of("\"$;") != def.npos))
return false;
@@ -1439,7 +1325,7 @@ bool cmMakefile::ParseDefineFlag(std::string const& def, bool remove)
case cmPolicies::WARN:
- this->GetPolicies()->GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0005)
+ cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0005)
case cmPolicies::OLD:
// OLD behavior is to not escape the value. We should not
@@ -1449,7 +1335,7 @@ bool cmMakefile::ParseDefineFlag(std::string const& def, bool remove)
case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_ALWAYS:
- this->GetPolicies()->GetRequiredPolicyError(cmPolicies::CMP0005)
+ cmPolicies::GetRequiredPolicyError(cmPolicies::CMP0005)
return false;
case cmPolicies::NEW:
@@ -1471,18 +1357,11 @@ bool cmMakefile::ParseDefineFlag(std::string const& def, bool remove)
cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(cdefs, defs);
// Recompose the list without the definition.
- std::string ndefs;
- const char* sep = "";
- for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator di = defs.begin();
- di != defs.end(); ++di)
- {
- if(*di != define)
- {
- ndefs += sep;
- sep = ";";
- ndefs += *di;
- }
- }
+ std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator defEnd =
+ std::remove(defs.begin(), defs.end(), define);
+ std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator defBegin =
+ defs.begin();
+ std::string ndefs = cmJoin(cmRange(defBegin, defEnd), ";");
// Store the new list.
this->SetProperty("COMPILE_DEFINITIONS", ndefs.c_str());
@@ -1513,8 +1392,7 @@ void cmMakefile::AddLinkLibraryForTarget(const std::string& target,
cmTargets::iterator i = this->Targets.find(target);
if ( i != this->Targets.end())
- cmTarget* tgt =
- this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetGlobalGenerator()->FindTarget(lib);
+ cmTarget* tgt = this->GetGlobalGenerator()->FindTarget(lib);
// if it is not a static or shared library then you can not link to it
@@ -1603,7 +1481,12 @@ void cmMakefile::InitializeFromParent()
cmMakefile *parent = this->LocalGenerator->GetParent()->GetMakefile();
// Initialize definitions with the closure of the parent scope.
- this->Internal-> = parent->Internal->;
+ this->Internal->InitializeDefinitions(parent);
+ this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR",
+ this->GetCurrentSourceDirectory());
+ this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR",
+ this->GetCurrentBinaryDirectory());
const std::vector<cmValueWithOrigin>& parentIncludes =
@@ -1672,55 +1555,61 @@ void cmMakefile::InitializeFromParent()
void cmMakefile::ConfigureSubDirectory(cmLocalGenerator *lg2)
- // copy our variables from the child makefile
- lg2->GetMakefile()->MakeStartDirectoriesCurrent();
+ std::string currentStart = lg2->GetMakefile()->GetCurrentSourceDirectory();
if (this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetDebugOutput())
std::string msg=" Entering ";
- msg += lg2->GetMakefile()->GetCurrentDirectory();
+ msg += currentStart;
+ currentStart += "/CMakeLists.txt";
+ if(!cmSystemTools::FileExists(currentStart.c_str(), true))
+ {
+ // The file is missing. Check policy CMP0014.
+ std::ostringstream e;
+ e << "The source directory\n"
+ << " " << currentStart << "\n"
+ << "does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file.";
+ switch (this->GetPolicyStatus(cmPolicies::CMP0014))
+ {
+ case cmPolicies::WARN:
+ // Print the warning.
+ e << "\n"
+ << "CMake does not support this case but it used "
+ << "to work accidentally and is being allowed for "
+ << "compatibility."
+ << "\n"
+ << cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0014);
+ this->IssueMessage(cmake::AUTHOR_WARNING, e.str());
+ case cmPolicies::OLD:
+ // OLD behavior does not warn.
+ break;
+ case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_IF_USED:
+ case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_ALWAYS:
+ e << "\n"
+ << cmPolicies::GetRequiredPolicyError(cmPolicies::CMP0014);
+ case cmPolicies::NEW:
+ // NEW behavior prints the error.
+ this->IssueMessage(cmake::FATAL_ERROR, e.str());
+ }
+ lg2->SetConfiguredCMP0014(true);
+ return;
+ }
// finally configure the subdir
if (this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetDebugOutput())
std::string msg=" Returning to ";
- msg += this->GetCurrentDirectory();
+ msg += this->GetCurrentSourceDirectory();
-void cmMakefile::AddSubDirectory(const std::string& sub,
- bool excludeFromAll, bool preorder)
- // the source path must be made full if it isn't already
- std::string srcPath = sub;
- if (!cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(srcPath.c_str()))
- {
- srcPath = this->GetCurrentDirectory();
- srcPath += "/";
- srcPath += sub;
- }
- // binary path must be made full if it isn't already
- std::string binPath = sub;
- if (!cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(binPath.c_str()))
- {
- binPath = this->GetCurrentOutputDirectory();
- binPath += "/";
- binPath += sub;
- }
- this->AddSubDirectory(srcPath, binPath,
- excludeFromAll, preorder, false);
void cmMakefile::AddSubDirectory(const std::string& srcPath,
const std::string& binPath,
- bool excludeFromAll, bool preorder,
+ bool excludeFromAll,
bool immediate)
// Make sure the binary directory is unique.
@@ -1729,20 +1618,21 @@ void cmMakefile::AddSubDirectory(const std::string& srcPath,
+ cmState::Snapshot newSnapshot = this->GetState()
+ ->CreateSnapshot(this->StateSnapshot);
// create a new local generator and set its parent
- cmLocalGenerator *lg2 =
- this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->CreateLocalGenerator();
- lg2->SetParent(this->LocalGenerator);
- this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->AddLocalGenerator(lg2);
+ cmLocalGenerator *lg2 = this->GetGlobalGenerator()
+ ->MakeLocalGenerator(newSnapshot, this->LocalGenerator);
+ this->GetGlobalGenerator()->AddLocalGenerator(lg2);
// set the subdirs start dirs
- lg2->GetMakefile()->SetStartDirectory(srcPath);
- lg2->GetMakefile()->SetStartOutputDirectory(binPath);
+ lg2->GetMakefile()->SetCurrentSourceDirectory(srcPath);
+ lg2->GetMakefile()->SetCurrentBinaryDirectory(binPath);
lg2->GetMakefile()->SetProperty("EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL", "TRUE");
- lg2->GetMakefile()->SetPreOrder(preorder);
if (immediate)
@@ -1750,6 +1640,31 @@ void cmMakefile::AddSubDirectory(const std::string& srcPath,
+void cmMakefile::SetCurrentSourceDirectory(const std::string& dir)
+ this->StateSnapshot.SetCurrentSourceDirectory(dir);
+ this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR",
+ this->StateSnapshot.GetCurrentSourceDirectory());
+const char* cmMakefile::GetCurrentSourceDirectory() const
+ return this->StateSnapshot.GetCurrentSourceDirectory();
+void cmMakefile::SetCurrentBinaryDirectory(const std::string& dir)
+ this->StateSnapshot.SetCurrentBinaryDirectory(dir);
+ const char* binDir = this->StateSnapshot.GetCurrentBinaryDirectory();
+ cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(binDir);
+ this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR", binDir);
+const char* cmMakefile::GetCurrentBinaryDirectory() const
+ return this->StateSnapshot.GetCurrentBinaryDirectory();
void cmMakefile::AddIncludeDirectories(const std::vector<std::string> &incs,
bool before)
@@ -1797,14 +1712,11 @@ void cmMakefile::AddDefinition(const std::string& name, const char* value)
- this->Internal->, value);
- if (!this->Internal->VarUsageStack.empty() &&
- this->VariableInitialized(name))
+ if (this->VariableInitialized(name))
- this->CheckForUnused("changing definition", name);
- this->Internal->;
+ this->LogUnused("changing definition", name);
- this->Internal->;
+ this->Internal->SetDefinition(name, value);
cmVariableWatch* vv = this->GetVariableWatch();
@@ -1821,24 +1733,25 @@ void cmMakefile::AddDefinition(const std::string& name, const char* value)
void cmMakefile::AddCacheDefinition(const std::string& name, const char* value,
const char* doc,
- cmCacheManager::CacheEntryType type,
+ cmState::CacheEntryType type,
bool force)
bool haveVal = value ? true : false;
std::string val = haveVal ? value : "";
- cmCacheManager::CacheIterator it =
- this->GetCacheManager()->GetCacheIterator(name.c_str());
- if(!it.IsAtEnd() && (it.GetType() == cmCacheManager::UNINITIALIZED) &&
- it.Initialized())
+ const char* existingValue =
+ this->GetState()->GetInitializedCacheValue(name);
+ if(existingValue
+ && (this->GetState()->GetCacheEntryType(name)
+ == cmState::UNINITIALIZED))
// if this is not a force, then use the value from the cache
// if it is a force, then use the value being passed in
- val = it.GetValue();
+ val = existingValue;
haveVal = true;
- if ( type == cmCacheManager::PATH || type == cmCacheManager::FILEPATH )
+ if ( type == cmState::PATH || type == cmState::FILEPATH )
std::vector<std::string>::size_type cc;
std::vector<std::string> files;
@@ -1857,29 +1770,26 @@ void cmMakefile::AddCacheDefinition(const std::string& name, const char* value,
nvalue += files[cc];
- this->GetCacheManager()->AddCacheEntry(name, nvalue.c_str(), doc, type);
- val = it.GetValue();
+ this->GetState()->AddCacheEntry(name, nvalue.c_str(), doc, type);
+ val = this->GetState()->GetInitializedCacheValue(name);
haveVal = true;
- this->GetCacheManager()->AddCacheEntry(name, haveVal ? val.c_str() : 0, doc,
- type);
+ this->GetState()->AddCacheEntry(name, haveVal ? val.c_str() : 0,
+ doc, type);
// if there was a definition then remove it
- this->Internal->, 0);
+ this->Internal->RemoveDefinition(name);
void cmMakefile::AddDefinition(const std::string& name, bool value)
- this->Internal->, value? "ON" : "OFF");
- if (!this->Internal->VarUsageStack.empty() &&
- this->VariableInitialized(name))
+ if (this->VariableInitialized(name))
- this->CheckForUnused("changing definition", name);
- this->Internal->;
+ this->LogUnused("changing definition", name);
- this->Internal->;
+ this->Internal->SetDefinition(name, value ? "ON" : "OFF");
cmVariableWatch* vv = this->GetVariableWatch();
if ( vv )
@@ -1896,62 +1806,46 @@ void cmMakefile::CheckForUnusedVariables() const
- const cmDefinitions& defs = this->Internal->;
- const std::set<std::string>& locals = defs.LocalKeys();
- std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it = locals.begin();
- for (; it != locals.end(); ++it)
+ const std::vector<std::string>& unused = this->Internal->UnusedKeys();
+ std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = unused.begin();
+ for (; it != unused.end(); ++it)
- this->CheckForUnused("out of scope", *it);
+ this->LogUnused("out of scope", *it);
void cmMakefile::MarkVariableAsUsed(const std::string& var)
- this->Internal->;
+ this->Internal->GetDefinition(var);
bool cmMakefile::VariableInitialized(const std::string& var) const
- if(this->Internal-> !=
- this->Internal->
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-bool cmMakefile::VariableUsed(const std::string& var) const
- if(this->Internal-> !=
- this->Internal->
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
+ return this->Internal->IsInitialized(var);
-void cmMakefile::CheckForUnused(const char* reason,
+void cmMakefile::LogUnused(const char* reason,
const std::string& name) const
- if (this->WarnUnused && !this->VariableUsed(name))
+ if (this->WarnUnused)
std::string path;
- cmListFileBacktrace bt(this->GetLocalGenerator());
+ cmListFileContext lfc;
if (!this->CallStack.empty())
- const cmListFileContext* file = this->CallStack.back().Context;
- bt.push_back(*file);
- path = file->FilePath.c_str();
+ lfc = this->GetExecutionContext();
+ path = lfc.FilePath;
- path = this->GetStartDirectory();
+ path = this->GetCurrentSourceDirectory();
path += "/CMakeLists.txt";
- cmListFileContext lfc;
lfc.FilePath = path;
lfc.Line = 0;
- bt.push_back(lfc);
+ lfc.FilePath = this->LocalGenerator->Convert(lfc.FilePath,
+ cmLocalGenerator::HOME);
if (this->CheckSystemVars ||
this->GetHomeDirectory()) ||
@@ -1964,21 +1858,18 @@ void cmMakefile::CheckForUnused(const char* reason,
msg << "unused variable (" << reason << ") \'" << name << "\'";
- bt);
+ lfc);
void cmMakefile::RemoveDefinition(const std::string& name)
- this->Internal->, 0);
- if (!this->Internal->VarUsageStack.empty() &&
- this->VariableInitialized(name))
+ if (this->VariableInitialized(name))
- this->CheckForUnused("unsetting", name);
- this->Internal->;
+ this->LogUnused("unsetting", name);
- this->Internal->;
+ this->Internal->RemoveDefinition(name);
cmVariableWatch* vv = this->GetVariableWatch();
if ( vv )
@@ -1991,7 +1882,7 @@ void cmMakefile::RemoveDefinition(const std::string& name)
void cmMakefile::RemoveCacheDefinition(const std::string& name)
- this->GetCacheManager()->RemoveCacheEntry(name);
+ this->GetState()->RemoveCacheEntry(name);
void cmMakefile::SetProjectName(const char* p)
@@ -2025,7 +1916,7 @@ void cmMakefile::AddGlobalLinkInformation(const std::string& name,
void cmMakefile::AddAlias(const std::string& lname, cmTarget *tgt)
this->AliasTargets[lname] = tgt;
- this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->AddAlias(lname, tgt);
+ this->GetGlobalGenerator()->AddAlias(lname, tgt);
cmTarget* cmMakefile::AddLibrary(const std::string& lname,
@@ -2082,7 +1973,7 @@ cmMakefile::AddNewTarget(cmTarget::TargetType type, const std::string& name)
cmTarget& target = it->second;
target.SetType(type, name);
- this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->AddTarget(&it->second);
+ this->GetGlobalGenerator()->AddTarget(&it->second);
return &it->second;
@@ -2203,7 +2094,7 @@ void cmMakefile::AddSourceGroup(const std::vector<std::string>& name,
// group already exists, replace its regular expression
- if ( regex )
+ if ( regex && sg)
// We only want to set the regular expression. If there are already
// source files in the group, we don't want to remove them.
@@ -2219,10 +2110,14 @@ void cmMakefile::AddSourceGroup(const std::vector<std::string>& name,
sg = this->GetSourceGroup(currentName);
i = 0; // last component found
+ if(!sg)
+ {
+ cmSystemTools::Error("Could not create source group ");
+ return;
+ }
// build the whole source group path
const char* fullname = sg->GetFullName();
- cmGlobalGenerator* gg = this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator();
+ cmGlobalGenerator* gg = this->GetGlobalGenerator();
std::string guidName = "SG_Filter_";
@@ -2247,11 +2142,6 @@ void cmMakefile::AddSourceGroup(const std::vector<std::string>& name,
-void cmMakefile::AddExtraDirectory(const char* dir)
- this->AuxSourceDirectories.push_back(dir);
static bool mightExpandVariablesCMP0019(const char* s)
return s && *s && strstr(s,"${") && strchr(s,'}');
@@ -2344,7 +2234,7 @@ void cmMakefile::ExpandVariablesCMP0019()
std::ostringstream m;
- m << this->GetPolicies()->GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0019)
+ m << cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0019)
<< "\n"
<< "The following variable evaluations were encountered:\n"
<< w.str();
@@ -2445,11 +2335,10 @@ const char* cmMakefile::GetRequiredDefinition(const std::string& name) const
bool cmMakefile::IsDefinitionSet(const std::string& name) const
- const char* def = this->Internal->;
- this->Internal->;
+ const char* def = this->Internal->GetDefinition(name);
- def = this->GetCacheManager()->GetCacheValue(name);
+ def = this->GetState()->GetInitializedCacheValue(name);
if(cmVariableWatch* vv = this->GetVariableWatch())
@@ -2467,14 +2356,10 @@ bool cmMakefile::IsDefinitionSet(const std::string& name) const
const char* cmMakefile::GetDefinition(const std::string& name) const
- if (this->WarnUnused)
- {
- this->Internal->;
- }
- const char* def = this->Internal->;
+ const char* def = this->Internal->GetDefinition(name);
- def = this->GetCacheManager()->GetCacheValue(name);
+ def = this->GetState()->GetInitializedCacheValue(name);
cmVariableWatch* vv = this->GetVariableWatch();
@@ -2508,20 +2393,16 @@ const char* cmMakefile::GetSafeDefinition(const std::string& def) const
std::vector<std::string> cmMakefile
::GetDefinitions(int cacheonly /* = 0 */) const
- std::set<std::string> definitions;
+ std::vector<std::string> res;
if ( !cacheonly )
- definitions = this->Internal->;
- }
- cmCacheManager::CacheIterator cit =
- this->GetCacheManager()->GetCacheIterator();
- for ( cit.Begin(); !cit.IsAtEnd(); cit.Next() )
- {
- definitions.insert(cit.GetName());
+ res = this->Internal->ClosureKeys();
+ std::vector<std::string> cacheKeys =
+ this->GetState()->GetCacheEntryKeys();
+ res.insert(res.end(), cacheKeys.begin(), cacheKeys.end());
- std::vector<std::string> res;
- res.insert(res.end(), definitions.begin(), definitions.end());
+ std::sort(res.begin(), res.end());
return res;
@@ -2606,7 +2487,7 @@ const char *cmMakefile::ExpandVariablesInString(std::string& source,
else if(compareResults && (newResult != source || newError != mtype))
std::string msg =
- this->GetPolicies()->GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0053);
+ cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0053);
msg += "\n";
std::string msg_input = original;
@@ -2758,9 +2639,7 @@ cmake::MessageType cmMakefile::ExpandVariablesInStringOld(
case cmPolicies::WARN:
- error << "\n"
- << (this->GetPolicies()
- ->GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0010));
+ error << "\n" << cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0010);
case cmPolicies::OLD:
// OLD behavior is to just warn and continue.
mtype = cmake::AUTHOR_WARNING;
@@ -2768,8 +2647,7 @@ cmake::MessageType cmMakefile::ExpandVariablesInStringOld(
case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_IF_USED:
case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_ALWAYS:
error << "\n"
- << (this->GetPolicies()
- ->GetRequiredPolicyError(cmPolicies::CMP0010));
+ << cmPolicies::GetRequiredPolicyError(cmPolicies::CMP0010);
case cmPolicies::NEW:
// NEW behavior is to report the error.
@@ -2819,6 +2697,8 @@ cmake::MessageType cmMakefile::ExpandVariablesInStringNew(
cmake::MessageType mtype = cmake::LOG;
+ cmState* state = this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetState();
char inc = *in;
@@ -2852,7 +2732,7 @@ cmake::MessageType cmMakefile::ExpandVariablesInStringNew(
value = cmSystemTools::GetEnv(lookup.c_str());
case CACHE:
- value = this->GetCacheManager()->GetCacheValue(lookup);
+ value = state->GetCacheEntryValue(lookup);
// Get the string we're meant to append to.
@@ -2882,14 +2762,13 @@ cmake::MessageType cmMakefile::ExpandVariablesInStringNew(
std::ostringstream msg;
- cmListFileBacktrace bt(this->GetLocalGenerator());
cmListFileContext lfc;
- lfc.FilePath = filename;
+ lfc.FilePath = this->LocalGenerator
+ ->Convert(filename, cmLocalGenerator::HOME);
lfc.Line = line;
- bt.push_back(lfc);
msg << "uninitialized variable \'" << lookup << "\'";
- msg.str(), bt);
+ msg.str(), lfc);
@@ -3186,7 +3065,7 @@ std::string
cmMakefile::GetConfigurations(std::vector<std::string>& configs,
bool single) const
- if(this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->IsMultiConfig())
+ if(this->GetGlobalGenerator()->IsMultiConfig())
if(const char* configTypes =
@@ -3418,7 +3297,7 @@ void cmMakefile::AddFunctionBlocker(cmFunctionBlocker* fb)
// Record the context in which the blocker is created.
- fb->SetStartingContext(*(this->CallStack.back().Context));
+ fb->SetStartingContext(this->GetExecutionContext());
@@ -3478,27 +3357,14 @@ cmMakefile::LexicalPushPop::~LexicalPushPop()
-void cmMakefile::SetHomeDirectory(const std::string& dir)
+const char* cmMakefile::GetHomeDirectory() const
- this->cmHomeDirectory = dir;
- cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(this->cmHomeDirectory);
- this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR", this->GetHomeDirectory());
- if ( !this->GetDefinition("CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR") )
- {
- this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR", this->GetHomeDirectory());
- }
+ return this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetHomeDirectory();
-void cmMakefile::SetHomeOutputDirectory(const std::string& lib)
+const char* cmMakefile::GetHomeOutputDirectory() const
- this->HomeOutputDirectory = lib;
- cmSystemTools::ConvertToUnixSlashes(this->HomeOutputDirectory);
- this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_BINARY_DIR", this->GetHomeOutputDirectory());
- if ( !this->GetDefinition("CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR") )
- {
- this->AddDefinition("CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR",
- this->GetHomeOutputDirectory());
- }
+ return this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetHomeOutputDirectory();
void cmMakefile::SetScriptModeFile(const char* scriptfile)
@@ -3570,23 +3436,8 @@ void cmMakefile::EnableLanguage(std::vector<std::string> const & lang,
bool optional)
- this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()
- ->GetCMakeCFGIntDir());
- this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->EnableLanguage(lang, this,
- optional);
-void cmMakefile::ExpandSourceListArguments(
- std::vector<std::string> const& arguments,
- std::vector<std::string>& newargs, unsigned int /* start */) const
- // now expand the args
- unsigned int i;
- for(i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i)
- {
- // List expansion will have been done already.
- newargs.push_back(arguments[i]);
- }
+ this->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetCMakeCFGIntDir());
+ this->GetGlobalGenerator()->EnableLanguage(lang, this, optional);
int cmMakefile::TryCompile(const std::string& srcdir,
@@ -3612,11 +3463,10 @@ int cmMakefile::TryCompile(const std::string& srcdir,
// make sure the same generator is used
// use this program as the cmake to be run, it should not
// be run that way but the cmake object requires a vailid path
- std::string cmakeCommand = this->GetDefinition("CMAKE_COMMAND");
cmake cm;
cmGlobalGenerator *gg = cm.CreateGlobalGenerator
- (this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetName());
+ (this->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetName());
if (!gg)
@@ -3631,8 +3481,6 @@ int cmMakefile::TryCompile(const std::string& srcdir,
// do a configure
- cm.SetStartDirectory(srcdir);
- cm.SetStartOutputDirectory(bindir);
@@ -3645,7 +3493,7 @@ int cmMakefile::TryCompile(const std::string& srcdir,
// Add this before the user-provided CMake arguments in case
// one of the arguments is -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=...
cm.AddCacheEntry("CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE", config,
- "Build configuration", cmCacheManager::STRING);
+ "Build configuration", cmState::STRING);
// if cmake args were provided then pass them in
@@ -3679,17 +3527,16 @@ int cmMakefile::TryCompile(const std::string& srcdir,
// to save time we pass the EnableLanguage info directly
- gg->EnableLanguagesFromGenerator
- (this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator(), this);
+ gg->EnableLanguagesFromGenerator(this->GetGlobalGenerator(), this);
- "TRUE", "", cmCacheManager::INTERNAL);
+ "TRUE", "", cmState::INTERNAL);
- "FALSE", "", cmCacheManager::INTERNAL);
+ "FALSE", "", cmState::INTERNAL);
if (cm.Configure() != 0)
@@ -3712,13 +3559,12 @@ int cmMakefile::TryCompile(const std::string& srcdir,
// finally call the generator to actually build the resulting project
- int ret =
- this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->TryCompile(srcdir,bindir,
- projectName,
- targetName,
- fast,
- output,
- this);
+ int ret = this->GetGlobalGenerator()->TryCompile(srcdir,bindir,
+ projectName,
+ targetName,
+ fast,
+ output,
+ this);
this->Internal->IsSourceFileTryCompile = false;
@@ -3732,11 +3578,12 @@ bool cmMakefile::GetIsSourceFileTryCompile() const
cmake *cmMakefile::GetCMakeInstance() const
- if ( this->LocalGenerator && this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator() )
- {
- return this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetCMakeInstance();
- }
- return 0;
+ return this->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetCMakeInstance();
+cmGlobalGenerator* cmMakefile::GetGlobalGenerator() const
+ return this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator();
@@ -3751,40 +3598,26 @@ cmVariableWatch *cmMakefile::GetVariableWatch() const
-void cmMakefile::AddMacro(const char* name, const char* signature)
+void cmMakefile::AddMacro(const char* name)
- if ( !name || !signature )
- {
- return;
- }
- this->MacrosMap[name] = signature;
+ assert(name);
+ this->MacrosList.push_back(name);
void cmMakefile::GetListOfMacros(std::string& macros) const
- StringStringMap::const_iterator it;
- macros = "";
- int cc = 0;
- for ( it = this->MacrosMap.begin(); it != this->MacrosMap.end(); ++it )
- {
- if ( cc > 0 )
- {
- macros += ";";
- }
- macros += it->first;
- cc ++;
- }
+ assert(macros.empty());
+ macros = cmJoin(this->MacrosList, ";");
-cmCacheManager *cmMakefile::GetCacheManager() const
+cmState *cmMakefile::GetState() const
- return this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetCacheManager();
+ return this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetState();
void cmMakefile::DisplayStatus(const char* message, float s) const
- cmake* cm = this->GetLocalGenerator()->GetGlobalGenerator()
- ->GetCMakeInstance();
+ cmake* cm = this->GetCMakeInstance();
if (cm->GetWorkingMode() == cmake::FIND_PACKAGE_MODE)
// don't output any STATUS message in FIND_PACKAGE_MODE, since they will
@@ -3872,7 +3705,7 @@ std::string cmMakefile::GetModulesFile(const char* filename) const
<< moduleInCMakeModulePath
<< " (found via CMAKE_MODULE_PATH) which shadows "
<< moduleInCMakeRoot << ". This may cause errors later on .\n"
- << this->GetPolicies()->GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0017);
+ << cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0017);
this->IssueMessage(cmake::AUTHOR_WARNING, e.str());
// break; // fall through to OLD behaviour
@@ -4141,8 +3974,8 @@ void cmMakefile::SetProperty(const std::string& prop, const char* value)
// This property is not inherrited
- if ( strcmp(this->GetCurrentDirectory(),
- this->GetStartDirectory()) != 0 )
+ if ( strcmp(this->GetCurrentSourceDirectory(),
+ this->GetCurrentSourceDirectory()) != 0 )
@@ -4204,11 +4037,12 @@ const char *cmMakefile::GetProperty(const std::string& prop,
output = "";
if (prop == "PARENT_DIRECTORY")
- if(cmLocalGenerator* plg = this->LocalGenerator->GetParent())
+ cmState::Snapshot parent = this->StateSnapshot.GetParent();
+ if(parent.IsValid())
- output = plg->GetMakefile()->GetStartDirectory();
+ return parent.GetCurrentSourceDirectory();
- return output.c_str();
+ return "";
@@ -4217,16 +4051,7 @@ const char *cmMakefile::GetProperty(const std::string& prop,
else if (prop == "LISTFILE_STACK")
- for (std::deque<std::string>::const_iterator
- i = this->ListFileStack.begin();
- i != this->ListFileStack.end(); ++i)
- {
- if (i != this->ListFileStack.begin())
- {
- output += ";";
- }
- output += *i;
- }
+ output = cmJoin(this->ListFileStack, ";");
return output.c_str();
else if (prop == "VARIABLES" || prop == "CACHE_VARIABLES")
@@ -4236,15 +4061,7 @@ const char *cmMakefile::GetProperty(const std::string& prop,
cacheonly = 1;
- std::vector<std::string> vars = this->GetDefinitions(cacheonly);
- for (unsigned int cc = 0; cc < vars.size(); cc ++ )
- {
- if ( cc > 0 )
- {
- output += ";";
- }
- output += vars[cc];
- }
+ output = cmJoin(this->GetDefinitions(cacheonly), ";");
return output.c_str();
else if (prop == "MACROS")
@@ -4254,24 +4071,23 @@ const char *cmMakefile::GetProperty(const std::string& prop,
else if (prop == "DEFINITIONS")
- output += this->DefineFlagsOrig;
- return output.c_str();
+ switch(this->GetPolicyStatus(cmPolicies::CMP0059))
+ {
+ case cmPolicies::WARN:
+ this->IssueMessage(cmake::AUTHOR_WARNING, cmPolicies::
+ GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0059));
+ case cmPolicies::OLD:
+ output += this->DefineFlagsOrig;
+ return output.c_str();
+ case cmPolicies::NEW:
+ case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_ALWAYS:
+ case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_IF_USED:
+ break;
+ }
else if (prop == "LINK_DIRECTORIES")
- std::ostringstream str;
- for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator
- it = this->GetLinkDirectories().begin();
- it != this->GetLinkDirectories().end();
- ++ it )
- {
- if ( it != this->GetLinkDirectories().begin())
- {
- str << ";";
- }
- str << it->c_str();
- }
- output = str.str();
+ output = cmJoin(this->GetLinkDirectories(), ";");
return output.c_str();
else if (prop == "INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES")
@@ -4327,7 +4143,7 @@ const char *cmMakefile::GetProperty(const std::string& prop,
return this->LocalGenerator->GetParent()->GetMakefile()->
GetProperty(prop, scope);
- return this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetProperty(prop,scope);
+ return this->GetState()->GetGlobalProperty(prop);
return retVal;
@@ -4427,7 +4243,7 @@ void cmMakefile::AddCMakeDependFilesFromUser()
- std::string f = this->GetCurrentDirectory();
+ std::string f = this->GetCurrentSourceDirectory();
f += "/";
f += *i;
@@ -4435,13 +4251,13 @@ void cmMakefile::AddCMakeDependFilesFromUser()
-std::string cmMakefile::GetListFileStack() const
+std::string cmMakefile::FormatListFileStack() const
std::ostringstream tmp;
size_t depth = this->ListFileStack.size();
if (depth > 0)
- std::deque<std::string>::const_iterator it = this->ListFileStack.end();
+ std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = this->ListFileStack.end();
if (depth != this->ListFileStack.size())
@@ -4463,55 +4279,26 @@ std::string cmMakefile::GetListFileStack() const
void cmMakefile::PushScope()
- cmDefinitions* parent = &this->Internal->;
- const std::set<std::string>& init = this->Internal->;
- const std::set<std::string>& usage = this->Internal->;
- this->Internal->VarStack.push(cmDefinitions(parent));
- this->Internal->VarInitStack.push(init);
- this->Internal->VarUsageStack.push(usage);
+ this->Internal->PushDefinitions();
- this->GetLocalGenerator()->GetGlobalGenerator()->
- GetFileLockPool().PushFunctionScope();
+ this->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetFileLockPool().PushFunctionScope();
void cmMakefile::PopScope()
- this->GetLocalGenerator()->GetGlobalGenerator()->
- GetFileLockPool().PopFunctionScope();
+ this->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetFileLockPool().PopFunctionScope();
- cmDefinitions* current = &this->Internal->;
- std::set<std::string> init = this->Internal->;
- std::set<std::string> usage = this->Internal->;
- const std::set<std::string>& locals = current->LocalKeys();
- // Remove initialization and usage information for variables in the local
- // scope.
- std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it = locals.begin();
- for (; it != locals.end(); ++it)
- {
- init.erase(*it);
- if (!this->VariableUsed(*it))
- {
- this->CheckForUnused("out of scope", *it);
- }
- else
- {
- usage.erase(*it);
- }
- }
- this->Internal->VarStack.pop();
- this->Internal->VarInitStack.pop();
- this->Internal->VarUsageStack.pop();
- // Push initialization and usage up to the parent scope.
- this->Internal->, init.end());
- this->Internal->, usage.end());
+ this->CheckForUnusedVariables();
+ this->Internal->PopDefinitions();
void cmMakefile::RaiseScope(const std::string& var, const char *varDef)
@@ -4521,31 +4308,7 @@ void cmMakefile::RaiseScope(const std::string& var, const char *varDef)
- cmDefinitions& cur = this->Internal->;
- if(cmDefinitions* up = cur.GetParent())
- {
- // First localize the definition in the current scope.
- cur.Get(var);
- // Now update the definition in the parent scope.
- up->Set(var, varDef);
- }
- else if(cmLocalGenerator* plg = this->LocalGenerator->GetParent())
- {
- // Update the definition in the parent directory top scope. This
- // directory's scope was initialized by the closure of the parent
- // scope, so we do not need to localize the definition first.
- cmMakefile* parent = plg->GetMakefile();
- if (varDef)
- {
- parent->AddDefinition(var, varDef);
- }
- else
- {
- parent->RemoveDefinition(var);
- }
- }
- else
+ if (!this->Internal->RaiseScope(var, varDef, this))
std::ostringstream m;
m << "Cannot set \"" << var << "\": current scope has no parent.";
@@ -4553,21 +4316,6 @@ void cmMakefile::RaiseScope(const std::string& var, const char *varDef)
-// define properties
-void cmMakefile::DefineProperties(cmake *cm)
- cm->DefineProperty
- "", "", true);
- cm->DefineProperty
- "", "", true);
- cm->DefineProperty
- "", "", true);
cmMakefile::AddImportedTarget(const std::string& name,
@@ -4584,7 +4332,7 @@ cmMakefile::AddImportedTarget(const std::string& name,
this->ImportedTargets[name] = target.get();
- this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->AddTarget(target.get());
+ this->GetGlobalGenerator()->AddTarget(target.get());
// Transfer ownership to this cmMakefile object.
@@ -4612,8 +4360,7 @@ cmTarget* cmMakefile::FindTargetToUse(const std::string& name,
// Look for a target built in this project.
- return this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->FindTarget(name,
- excludeAliases);
+ return this->GetGlobalGenerator()->FindTarget(name, excludeAliases);
@@ -4621,8 +4368,7 @@ bool cmMakefile::IsAlias(const std::string& name) const
if (this->AliasTargets.find(name) != this->AliasTargets.end())
return true;
- return this->GetLocalGenerator()->GetGlobalGenerator()->IsAlias(
- name);
+ return this->GetGlobalGenerator()->IsAlias(name);
@@ -4631,7 +4377,7 @@ cmMakefile::FindGeneratorTargetToUse(const std::string& name) const
if (cmTarget *t = this->FindTargetToUse(name))
- return this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetGeneratorTarget(t);
+ return this->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetGeneratorTarget(t);
return 0;
@@ -4668,14 +4414,14 @@ bool cmMakefile::EnforceUniqueName(std::string const& name, std::string& msg,
switch (this->GetPolicyStatus(cmPolicies::CMP0002))
case cmPolicies::WARN:
- this->IssueMessage(cmake::AUTHOR_WARNING, this->GetPolicies()->
+ this->IssueMessage(cmake::AUTHOR_WARNING, cmPolicies::
case cmPolicies::OLD:
return true;
case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_IF_USED:
case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_ALWAYS:
- this->GetPolicies()->GetRequiredPolicyError(cmPolicies::CMP0002)
+ cmPolicies::GetRequiredPolicyError(cmPolicies::CMP0002)
return true;
case cmPolicies::NEW:
@@ -4684,11 +4430,11 @@ bool cmMakefile::EnforceUniqueName(std::string const& name, std::string& msg,
// The conflict is with a non-imported target.
// Allow this if the user has requested support.
- cmake* cm =
- this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetCMakeInstance();
+ cmake* cm = this->GetCMakeInstance();
if(isCustom && existing->GetType() == cmTarget::UTILITY &&
this != existing->GetMakefile() &&
+ cm->GetState()
return true;
@@ -4722,7 +4468,7 @@ bool cmMakefile::EnforceUniqueName(std::string const& name, std::string& msg,
default: break;
e << "created in source directory \""
- << existing->GetMakefile()->GetCurrentDirectory() << "\". "
+ << existing->GetMakefile()->GetCurrentSourceDirectory() << "\". "
<< "See documentation for policy CMP0002 for more details.";
msg = e.str();
return false;
@@ -4736,7 +4482,7 @@ bool cmMakefile::EnforceUniqueDir(const std::string& srcPath,
const std::string& binPath) const
// Make sure the binary directory is unique.
- cmGlobalGenerator* gg = this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalGenerator();
+ cmGlobalGenerator* gg = this->GetGlobalGenerator();
return true;
@@ -4746,7 +4492,7 @@ bool cmMakefile::EnforceUniqueDir(const std::string& srcPath,
case cmPolicies::WARN:
// Print the warning.
- e << this->GetPolicies()->GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0013)
+ e << cmPolicies::GetPolicyWarning(cmPolicies::CMP0013)
<< "\n"
<< "The binary directory\n"
<< " " << binPath << "\n"
@@ -4763,7 +4509,7 @@ bool cmMakefile::EnforceUniqueDir(const std::string& srcPath,
return true;
case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_IF_USED:
case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_ALWAYS:
- e << this->GetPolicies()->GetRequiredPolicyError(cmPolicies::CMP0013)
+ e << cmPolicies::GetRequiredPolicyError(cmPolicies::CMP0013)
<< "\n";
case cmPolicies::NEW:
// NEW behavior prints the error.
@@ -4866,7 +4612,7 @@ cmMakefile::GetPolicyStatus(cmPolicies::PolicyID id) const
return cur;
- cmPolicies::PolicyStatus def = this->GetPolicies()->GetPolicyStatus(id);
+ cmPolicies::PolicyStatus def = cmPolicies::GetPolicyStatus(id);
if(def == cmPolicies::REQUIRED_ALWAYS ||
def == cmPolicies::REQUIRED_IF_USED)
@@ -4886,10 +4632,9 @@ cmMakefile::GetPolicyStatusInternal(cmPolicies::PolicyID id) const
for(PolicyStackType::const_reverse_iterator psi = this->PolicyStack.rbegin();
psi != this->PolicyStack.rend(); ++psi)
- PolicyStackEntry::const_iterator pse = psi->find(id);
- if(pse != psi->end())
+ if(psi->IsDefined(id))
- return pse->second;
+ return psi->Get(id);
@@ -4901,7 +4646,7 @@ cmMakefile::GetPolicyStatusInternal(cmPolicies::PolicyID id) const
// The policy is not set. Use the default for this CMake version.
- return this->GetPolicies()->GetPolicyStatus(id);
+ return cmPolicies::GetPolicyStatus(id);
@@ -4924,7 +4669,7 @@ bool cmMakefile::SetPolicy(const char *id,
cmPolicies::PolicyStatus status)
cmPolicies::PolicyID pid;
- if (!this->GetPolicies()->GetPolicyID(id, /* out */ pid))
+ if (!cmPolicies::GetPolicyID(id, /* out */ pid))
std::ostringstream e;
e << "Policy \"" << id << "\" is not known to this version of CMake.";
@@ -4940,11 +4685,11 @@ bool cmMakefile::SetPolicy(cmPolicies::PolicyID id,
// A REQUIRED_ALWAYS policy may be set only to NEW.
if(status != cmPolicies::NEW &&
- this->GetPolicies()->GetPolicyStatus(id) ==
+ cmPolicies::GetPolicyStatus(id) ==
std::string msg =
- this->GetPolicies()->GetRequiredAlwaysPolicyError(id);
+ cmPolicies::GetRequiredAlwaysPolicyError(id);
this->IssueMessage(cmake::FATAL_ERROR, msg);
return false;
@@ -4954,7 +4699,7 @@ bool cmMakefile::SetPolicy(cmPolicies::PolicyID id,
for(PolicyStackType::reverse_iterator psi = this->PolicyStack.rbegin();
previous_was_weak && psi != this->PolicyStack.rend(); ++psi)
- (*psi)[id] = status;
+ psi->Set(id, status);
previous_was_weak = psi->Weak;
@@ -4963,8 +4708,8 @@ bool cmMakefile::SetPolicy(cmPolicies::PolicyID id,
if(id == cmPolicies::CMP0001 &&
(status == cmPolicies::WARN || status == cmPolicies::OLD))
- if(!(this->GetCacheManager()
+ if(!(this->GetState()
+ ->GetInitializedCacheValue("CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY")))
// Set it to 2.4 because that is the last version where the
// variable had meaning.
@@ -4973,7 +4718,7 @@ bool cmMakefile::SetPolicy(cmPolicies::PolicyID id,
"For backwards compatibility, what version of CMake "
"commands and "
"syntax should this version of CMake try to support.",
- cmCacheManager::STRING);
+ cmState::STRING);
@@ -5046,49 +4791,47 @@ void cmMakefile::PopPolicyBarrier(bool reportError)
bool cmMakefile::SetPolicyVersion(const char *version)
- return this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetPolicies()->
- ApplyPolicyVersion(this,version);
+ return cmPolicies::ApplyPolicyVersion(this,version);
-cmPolicies *cmMakefile::GetPolicies() const
+bool cmMakefile::HasCMP0054AlreadyBeenReported() const
- if (!this->GetCMakeInstance())
- {
- return 0;
- }
- return this->GetCMakeInstance()->GetPolicies();
+ return !this->CMP0054ReportedIds.insert(this->GetExecutionContext()).second;
-bool cmMakefile::HasCMP0054AlreadyBeenReported(
- cmListFileContext context) const
+void cmMakefile::RecordPolicies(cmPolicies::PolicyMap& pm)
- cmCMP0054Id id(context);
- bool alreadyReported =
- this->CMP0054ReportedIds.find(id) != this->CMP0054ReportedIds.end();
- if(!alreadyReported)
+ /* Record the setting of every policy. */
+ typedef cmPolicies::PolicyID PolicyID;
+ for(PolicyID pid = cmPolicies::CMP0000;
+ pid != cmPolicies::CMPCOUNT; pid = PolicyID(pid+1))
- this->CMP0054ReportedIds.insert(id);
+ pm.Set(pid, this->GetPolicyStatus(pid));
- return alreadyReported;
-void cmMakefile::RecordPolicies(cmPolicies::PolicyMap& pm)
+bool cmMakefile::IgnoreErrorsCMP0061() const
- /* Record the setting of every policy. */
- typedef cmPolicies::PolicyID PolicyID;
- for(PolicyID pid = cmPolicies::CMP0000;
- pid != cmPolicies::CMPCOUNT; pid = PolicyID(pid+1))
+ bool ignoreErrors = true;
+ switch (this->GetPolicyStatus(cmPolicies::CMP0061))
- pm[pid] = this->GetPolicyStatus(pid);
+ case cmPolicies::WARN:
+ // No warning for this policy!
+ case cmPolicies::OLD:
+ break;
+ case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_IF_USED:
+ case cmPolicies::REQUIRED_ALWAYS:
+ case cmPolicies::NEW:
+ ignoreErrors = false;
+ break;
+ return ignoreErrors;
#define FEATURE_STRING(F) , #F
static const char * const C_FEATURES[] = {