path: root/Source/cmNinjaTargetGenerator.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/cmNinjaTargetGenerator.cxx')
1 files changed, 801 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/cmNinjaTargetGenerator.cxx b/Source/cmNinjaTargetGenerator.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e6dc60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/cmNinjaTargetGenerator.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,801 @@
+ CMake - Cross Platform Makefile Generator
+ Copyright 2011 Peter Collingbourne <>
+ Copyright 2011 Nicolas Despres <>
+ Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License");
+ see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
+ See the License for more information.
+#include "cmNinjaTargetGenerator.h"
+#include "cmGlobalNinjaGenerator.h"
+#include "cmLocalNinjaGenerator.h"
+#include "cmGeneratedFileStream.h"
+#include "cmGeneratorTarget.h"
+#include "cmNinjaNormalTargetGenerator.h"
+#include "cmNinjaUtilityTargetGenerator.h"
+#include "cmSystemTools.h"
+#include "cmMakefile.h"
+#include "cmComputeLinkInformation.h"
+#include "cmSourceFile.h"
+#include "cmCustomCommandGenerator.h"
+#include "cmAlgorithms.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+cmNinjaTargetGenerator *
+cmNinjaTargetGenerator::New(cmGeneratorTarget* target)
+ switch (target->GetType())
+ {
+ case cmTarget::EXECUTABLE:
+ case cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY:
+ case cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY:
+ case cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY:
+ case cmTarget::OBJECT_LIBRARY:
+ return new cmNinjaNormalTargetGenerator(target);
+ case cmTarget::UTILITY:
+ return new cmNinjaUtilityTargetGenerator(target);;
+ case cmTarget::GLOBAL_TARGET: {
+ // We only want to process global targets that live in the home
+ // (i.e. top-level) directory. CMake creates copies of these targets
+ // in every directory, which we don't need.
+ cmMakefile *mf = target->Target->GetMakefile();
+ if (strcmp(mf->GetCurrentSourceDirectory(),
+ mf->GetHomeDirectory()) == 0)
+ return new cmNinjaUtilityTargetGenerator(target);
+ // else fallthrough
+ }
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+cmNinjaTargetGenerator::cmNinjaTargetGenerator(cmGeneratorTarget* target)
+ : cmCommonTargetGenerator(cmOutputConverter::HOME_OUTPUT, target),
+ MacOSXContentGenerator(0),
+ OSXBundleGenerator(0),
+ MacContentFolders(),
+ LocalGenerator(
+ static_cast<cmLocalNinjaGenerator*>(target->GetLocalGenerator())),
+ Objects()
+ MacOSXContentGenerator = new MacOSXContentGeneratorType(this);
+ delete this->MacOSXContentGenerator;
+cmGeneratedFileStream& cmNinjaTargetGenerator::GetBuildFileStream() const
+ return *this->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetBuildFileStream();
+cmGeneratedFileStream& cmNinjaTargetGenerator::GetRulesFileStream() const
+ return *this->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetRulesFileStream();
+cmGlobalNinjaGenerator* cmNinjaTargetGenerator::GetGlobalGenerator() const
+ return this->LocalGenerator->GetGlobalNinjaGenerator();
+std::string cmNinjaTargetGenerator::LanguageCompilerRule(
+ const std::string& lang) const
+ return lang + "_COMPILER__" +
+ cmGlobalNinjaGenerator::EncodeRuleName(this->Target->GetName());
+ return "cmake_order_depends_target_" + this->GetTargetName();
+// TODO: Most of the code is picked up from
+// void cmMakefileExecutableTargetGenerator::WriteExecutableRule(bool relink),
+// void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::WriteTargetLanguageFlags()
+// Refactor it.
+cmNinjaTargetGenerator::ComputeFlagsForObject(cmSourceFile const* source,
+ const std::string& language)
+ std::string flags = this->GetFlags(language);
+ // Add Fortran format flags.
+ if(language == "Fortran")
+ {
+ this->AppendFortranFormatFlags(flags, *source);
+ }
+ // Add source file specific flags.
+ this->LocalGenerator->AppendFlags(flags,
+ source->GetProperty("COMPILE_FLAGS"));
+ return flags;
+void cmNinjaTargetGenerator::AddIncludeFlags(std::string& languageFlags,
+ std::string const& language)
+ std::vector<std::string> includes;
+ this->LocalGenerator->GetIncludeDirectories(includes,
+ this->GeneratorTarget,
+ language,
+ this->GetConfigName());
+ // Add include directory flags.
+ std::string includeFlags =
+ this->LocalGenerator->GetIncludeFlags(includes, this->GeneratorTarget,
+ language,
+ language == "RC" ? true : false, // full include paths for RC
+ // needed by cmcldeps
+ false,
+ this->GetConfigName());
+ if (this->GetGlobalGenerator()->IsGCCOnWindows())
+ cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(includeFlags, "\\", "/");
+ this->LocalGenerator->AppendFlags(languageFlags, includeFlags);
+bool cmNinjaTargetGenerator::NeedDepTypeMSVC(const std::string& lang) const
+ if (lang == "C" || lang == "CXX")
+ {
+ cmMakefile* mf = this->GetMakefile();
+ return (
+ strcmp(mf->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID"), "MSVC") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(mf->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID"), "MSVC") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(mf->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_C_SIMULATE_ID"), "MSVC") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(mf->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_CXX_SIMULATE_ID"), "MSVC") == 0
+ );
+ }
+ return false;
+// TODO: Refactor with
+// void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::WriteTargetLanguageFlags().
+ComputeDefines(cmSourceFile const* source, const std::string& language)
+ std::set<std::string> defines;
+ this->LocalGenerator->AppendDefines
+ (defines,
+ source->GetProperty("COMPILE_DEFINITIONS"));
+ {
+ std::string defPropName = "COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_";
+ defPropName += cmSystemTools::UpperCase(this->GetConfigName());
+ this->LocalGenerator->AppendDefines
+ (defines,
+ source->GetProperty(defPropName));
+ }
+ std::string definesString = this->GetDefines(language);
+ this->LocalGenerator->JoinDefines(defines, definesString,
+ language);
+ return definesString;
+cmNinjaDeps cmNinjaTargetGenerator::ComputeLinkDeps() const
+ // Static libraries never depend on other targets for linking.
+ if (this->Target->GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY ||
+ this->Target->GetType() == cmTarget::OBJECT_LIBRARY)
+ return cmNinjaDeps();
+ cmComputeLinkInformation* cli =
+ this->GeneratorTarget->GetLinkInformation(this->GetConfigName());
+ if(!cli)
+ return cmNinjaDeps();
+ const std::vector<std::string> &deps = cli->GetDepends();
+ cmNinjaDeps result(deps.size());
+ std::transform(deps.begin(), deps.end(), result.begin(), MapToNinjaPath());
+ // Add a dependency on the link definitions file, if any.
+ if(!this->ModuleDefinitionFile.empty())
+ {
+ result.push_back(this->ConvertToNinjaPath(this->ModuleDefinitionFile));
+ }
+ // Add a dependency on user-specified manifest files, if any.
+ std::vector<cmSourceFile const*> manifest_srcs;
+ this->GeneratorTarget->GetManifests(manifest_srcs, this->ConfigName);
+ for (std::vector<cmSourceFile const*>::iterator mi = manifest_srcs.begin();
+ mi != manifest_srcs.end(); ++mi)
+ {
+ result.push_back(this->ConvertToNinjaPath((*mi)->GetFullPath()));
+ }
+ // Add user-specified dependencies.
+ if (const char* linkDepends = this->Target->GetProperty("LINK_DEPENDS"))
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> linkDeps;
+ cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(linkDepends, linkDeps);
+ std::transform(linkDeps.begin(), linkDeps.end(),
+ std::back_inserter(result), MapToNinjaPath());
+ }
+ return result;
+::GetSourceFilePath(cmSourceFile const* source) const
+ return ConvertToNinjaPath(source->GetFullPath());
+::GetObjectFilePath(cmSourceFile const* source) const
+ std::string path = this->LocalGenerator->GetHomeRelativeOutputPath();
+ if(!path.empty())
+ path += "/";
+ std::string const& objectName = this->GeneratorTarget
+ ->GetObjectName(source);
+ path += this->LocalGenerator->GetTargetDirectory(*this->Target);
+ path += "/";
+ path += objectName;
+ return path;
+std::string cmNinjaTargetGenerator::GetTargetOutputDir() const
+ std::string dir = this->Target->GetDirectory(this->GetConfigName());
+ return ConvertToNinjaPath(dir);
+::GetTargetFilePath(const std::string& name) const
+ std::string path = this->GetTargetOutputDir();
+ if (path.empty() || path == ".")
+ return name;
+ path += "/";
+ path += name;
+ return path;
+std::string cmNinjaTargetGenerator::GetTargetName() const
+ return this->Target->GetName();
+bool cmNinjaTargetGenerator::SetMsvcTargetPdbVariable(cmNinjaVars& vars) const
+ cmMakefile* mf = this->GetMakefile();
+ if (mf->GetDefinition("MSVC_C_ARCHITECTURE_ID") ||
+ mf->GetDefinition("MSVC_CXX_ARCHITECTURE_ID"))
+ {
+ std::string pdbPath;
+ std::string compilePdbPath;
+ if(this->Target->GetType() == cmTarget::EXECUTABLE ||
+ this->Target->GetType() == cmTarget::STATIC_LIBRARY ||
+ this->Target->GetType() == cmTarget::SHARED_LIBRARY ||
+ this->Target->GetType() == cmTarget::MODULE_LIBRARY)
+ {
+ pdbPath = this->Target->GetPDBDirectory(this->GetConfigName());
+ pdbPath += "/";
+ pdbPath += this->GeneratorTarget->GetPDBName(this->GetConfigName());
+ }
+ if(this->Target->GetType() <= cmTarget::OBJECT_LIBRARY)
+ {
+ compilePdbPath =
+ this->GeneratorTarget->GetCompilePDBPath(this->GetConfigName());
+ if(compilePdbPath.empty())
+ {
+ compilePdbPath = this->Target->GetSupportDirectory() + "/";
+ }
+ }
+ vars["TARGET_PDB"] = this->GetLocalGenerator()->ConvertToOutputFormat(
+ ConvertToNinjaPath(pdbPath),
+ cmLocalGenerator::SHELL);
+ this->GetLocalGenerator()->ConvertToOutputFormat(
+ ConvertToNinjaPath(compilePdbPath),
+ cmLocalGenerator::SHELL);
+ EnsureParentDirectoryExists(pdbPath);
+ EnsureParentDirectoryExists(compilePdbPath);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+::WriteLanguageRules(const std::string& language)
+ this->GetRulesFileStream()
+ << "# Rules for language " << language << "\n\n";
+ this->WriteCompileRule(language);
+::WriteCompileRule(const std::string& lang)
+ cmLocalGenerator::RuleVariables vars;
+ vars.RuleLauncher = "RULE_LAUNCH_COMPILE";
+ vars.CMTarget = this->GetTarget();
+ vars.Language = lang.c_str();
+ vars.Source = "$in";
+ vars.Object = "$out";
+ vars.Defines = "$DEFINES";
+ vars.Includes = "$INCLUDES";
+ vars.TargetPDB = "$TARGET_PDB";
+ vars.TargetCompilePDB = "$TARGET_COMPILE_PDB";
+ vars.ObjectDir = "$OBJECT_DIR";
+ vars.ObjectFileDir = "$OBJECT_FILE_DIR";
+ cmMakefile* mf = this->GetMakefile();
+ // Tell ninja dependency format so all deps can be loaded into a database
+ std::string deptype;
+ std::string depfile;
+ std::string cldeps;
+ std::string flags = "$FLAGS";
+ if (this->NeedDepTypeMSVC(lang))
+ {
+ deptype = "msvc";
+ depfile = "";
+ flags += " /showIncludes";
+ }
+ else if (lang == "RC" && this->NeedDepTypeMSVC("C"))
+ {
+ // For the MS resource compiler we need cmcldeps, but skip dependencies
+ // for source-file try_compile cases because they are always fresh.
+ if (!mf->GetIsSourceFileTryCompile())
+ {
+ deptype = "gcc";
+ depfile = "$DEP_FILE";
+ const std::string cl = mf->GetDefinition("CMAKE_C_COMPILER") ?
+ mf->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_C_COMPILER") :
+ mf->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER");
+ cldeps = "\"";
+ cldeps += cmSystemTools::GetCMClDepsCommand();
+ cldeps += "\" " + lang + " $in \"$DEP_FILE\" $out \"";
+ cldeps += mf->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_CL_SHOWINCLUDES_PREFIX");
+ cldeps += "\" \"" + cl + "\" ";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ deptype = "gcc";
+ const char* langdeptype = mf->GetDefinition("CMAKE_NINJA_DEPTYPE_" + lang);
+ if (langdeptype)
+ {
+ deptype = langdeptype;
+ }
+ depfile = "$DEP_FILE";
+ const std::string flagsName = "CMAKE_DEPFILE_FLAGS_" + lang;
+ std::string depfileFlags = mf->GetSafeDefinition(flagsName);
+ if (!depfileFlags.empty())
+ {
+ cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(depfileFlags, "<DEPFILE>", "$DEP_FILE");
+ cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(depfileFlags, "<OBJECT>", "$out");
+ cmSystemTools::ReplaceString(depfileFlags, "<CMAKE_C_COMPILER>",
+ mf->GetDefinition("CMAKE_C_COMPILER"));
+ flags += " " + depfileFlags;
+ }
+ }
+ vars.Flags = flags.c_str();
+ vars.DependencyFile = depfile.c_str();
+ // Rule for compiling object file.
+ const std::string cmdVar = std::string("CMAKE_") + lang + "_COMPILE_OBJECT";
+ std::string compileCmd = mf->GetRequiredDefinition(cmdVar);
+ std::vector<std::string> compileCmds;
+ cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(compileCmd, compileCmds);
+ // Maybe insert an include-what-you-use runner.
+ if (!compileCmds.empty() && (lang == "C" || lang == "CXX"))
+ {
+ std::string const iwyu_prop = lang + "_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE";
+ const char *iwyu = this->Target->GetProperty(iwyu_prop);
+ if (iwyu && *iwyu)
+ {
+ std::string run_iwyu =
+ this->GetLocalGenerator()->ConvertToOutputFormat(
+ cmSystemTools::GetCMakeCommand(), cmLocalGenerator::SHELL);
+ run_iwyu += " -E __run_iwyu --iwyu=";
+ run_iwyu += this->GetLocalGenerator()->EscapeForShell(iwyu);
+ run_iwyu += " -- ";
+ compileCmds.front().insert(0, run_iwyu);
+ }
+ }
+ // Maybe insert a compiler launcher like ccache or distcc
+ if (!compileCmds.empty() && (lang == "C" || lang == "CXX"))
+ {
+ std::string const clauncher_prop = lang + "_COMPILER_LAUNCHER";
+ const char *clauncher = this->Target->GetProperty(clauncher_prop);
+ if (clauncher && *clauncher)
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> launcher_cmd;
+ cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(clauncher, launcher_cmd, true);
+ for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = launcher_cmd.begin(),
+ e = launcher_cmd.end(); i != e; ++i)
+ {
+ *i = this->LocalGenerator->EscapeForShell(*i);
+ }
+ std::string const& run_launcher = cmJoin(launcher_cmd, " ") + " ";
+ compileCmds.front().insert(0, run_launcher);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!compileCmds.empty())
+ {
+ compileCmds.front().insert(0, cldeps);
+ }
+ for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = compileCmds.begin();
+ i != compileCmds.end(); ++i)
+ this->GetLocalGenerator()->ExpandRuleVariables(*i, vars);
+ std::string cmdLine =
+ this->GetLocalGenerator()->BuildCommandLine(compileCmds);
+ // Write the rule for compiling file of the given language.
+ std::ostringstream comment;
+ comment << "Rule for compiling " << lang << " files.";
+ std::ostringstream description;
+ description << "Building " << lang << " object $out";
+ this->GetGlobalGenerator()->AddRule(this->LanguageCompilerRule(lang),
+ cmdLine,
+ description.str(),
+ comment.str(),
+ depfile,
+ deptype,
+ /*rspfile*/ "",
+ /*rspcontent*/ "",
+ /*restat*/ "",
+ /*generator*/ false);
+ // Write comments.
+ cmGlobalNinjaGenerator::WriteDivider(this->GetBuildFileStream());
+ this->GetBuildFileStream()
+ << "# Object build statements for "
+ << cmTarget::GetTargetTypeName(this->GetTarget()->GetType())
+ << " target "
+ << this->GetTargetName()
+ << "\n\n";
+ std::string config = this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE");
+ std::vector<cmSourceFile const*> customCommands;
+ this->GeneratorTarget->GetCustomCommands(customCommands, config);
+ for(std::vector<cmSourceFile const*>::const_iterator
+ si = customCommands.begin();
+ si != customCommands.end(); ++si)
+ {
+ cmCustomCommand const* cc = (*si)->GetCustomCommand();
+ this->GetLocalGenerator()->AddCustomCommandTarget(cc, this->GetTarget());
+ // Record the custom commands for this target. The container is used
+ // in WriteObjectBuildStatement when called in a loop below.
+ this->CustomCommands.push_back(cc);
+ }
+ std::vector<cmSourceFile const*> headerSources;
+ this->GeneratorTarget->GetHeaderSources(headerSources, config);
+ this->OSXBundleGenerator->GenerateMacOSXContentStatements(
+ headerSources,
+ this->MacOSXContentGenerator);
+ std::vector<cmSourceFile const*> extraSources;
+ this->GeneratorTarget->GetExtraSources(extraSources, config);
+ this->OSXBundleGenerator->GenerateMacOSXContentStatements(
+ extraSources,
+ this->MacOSXContentGenerator);
+ std::vector<cmSourceFile const*> externalObjects;
+ this->GeneratorTarget->GetExternalObjects(externalObjects, config);
+ for(std::vector<cmSourceFile const*>::const_iterator
+ si = externalObjects.begin();
+ si != externalObjects.end(); ++si)
+ {
+ this->Objects.push_back(this->GetSourceFilePath(*si));
+ }
+ cmNinjaDeps orderOnlyDeps;
+ this->GetLocalGenerator()->AppendTargetDepends(this->Target, orderOnlyDeps);
+ // Add order-only dependencies on custom command outputs.
+ for(std::vector<cmCustomCommand const*>::const_iterator
+ cci = this->CustomCommands.begin();
+ cci != this->CustomCommands.end(); ++cci)
+ {
+ cmCustomCommand const* cc = *cci;
+ cmCustomCommandGenerator ccg(*cc, this->GetConfigName(),
+ this->GetLocalGenerator());
+ const std::vector<std::string>& ccoutputs = ccg.GetOutputs();
+ const std::vector<std::string>& ccbyproducts= ccg.GetByproducts();
+ std::transform(ccoutputs.begin(), ccoutputs.end(),
+ std::back_inserter(orderOnlyDeps), MapToNinjaPath());
+ std::transform(ccbyproducts.begin(), ccbyproducts.end(),
+ std::back_inserter(orderOnlyDeps), MapToNinjaPath());
+ }
+ if (!orderOnlyDeps.empty())
+ {
+ cmNinjaDeps orderOnlyTarget;
+ orderOnlyTarget.push_back(this->OrderDependsTargetForTarget());
+ this->GetGlobalGenerator()->WritePhonyBuild(this->GetBuildFileStream(),
+ "Order-only phony target for "
+ + this->GetTargetName(),
+ orderOnlyTarget,
+ cmNinjaDeps(),
+ cmNinjaDeps(),
+ orderOnlyDeps);
+ }
+ std::vector<cmSourceFile const*> objectSources;
+ this->GeneratorTarget->GetObjectSources(objectSources, config);
+ for(std::vector<cmSourceFile const*>::const_iterator
+ si = objectSources.begin(); si != objectSources.end(); ++si)
+ {
+ this->WriteObjectBuildStatement(*si, !orderOnlyDeps.empty());
+ }
+ this->GetBuildFileStream() << "\n";
+ cmSourceFile const* source, bool writeOrderDependsTargetForTarget)
+ std::string const language = source->GetLanguage();
+ std::string const sourceFileName =
+ language=="RC" ? source->GetFullPath() : this->GetSourceFilePath(source);
+ std::string const objectDir = this->Target->GetSupportDirectory();
+ std::string const objectFileName = this->GetObjectFilePath(source);
+ std::string const objectFileDir =
+ cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(objectFileName);
+ cmNinjaVars vars;
+ vars["FLAGS"] = this->ComputeFlagsForObject(source, language);
+ vars["DEFINES"] = this->ComputeDefines(source, language);
+ vars["INCLUDES"] = this->GetIncludes(language);
+ if (!this->NeedDepTypeMSVC(language))
+ {
+ vars["DEP_FILE"] =
+ cmGlobalNinjaGenerator::EncodeDepfileSpace(objectFileName + ".d");
+ }
+ this->ExportObjectCompileCommand(
+ language, sourceFileName,
+ objectDir, objectFileName, objectFileDir,
+ vars["FLAGS"], vars["DEFINES"], vars["INCLUDES"]
+ );
+ std::string comment;
+ std::string rule = this->LanguageCompilerRule(language);
+ cmNinjaDeps outputs;
+ outputs.push_back(objectFileName);
+ // Add this object to the list of object files.
+ this->Objects.push_back(objectFileName);
+ cmNinjaDeps explicitDeps;
+ explicitDeps.push_back(sourceFileName);
+ cmNinjaDeps implicitDeps;
+ if(const char* objectDeps = source->GetProperty("OBJECT_DEPENDS")) {
+ std::vector<std::string> depList;
+ cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(objectDeps, depList);
+ for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator odi = depList.begin();
+ odi != depList.end(); ++odi)
+ {
+ if (cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(*odi))
+ {
+ *odi = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(*odi);
+ }
+ }
+ std::transform(depList.begin(), depList.end(),
+ std::back_inserter(implicitDeps), MapToNinjaPath());
+ }
+ cmNinjaDeps orderOnlyDeps;
+ if (writeOrderDependsTargetForTarget)
+ {
+ orderOnlyDeps.push_back(this->OrderDependsTargetForTarget());
+ }
+ // If the source file is GENERATED and does not have a custom command
+ // (either attached to this source file or another one), assume that one of
+ // the target dependencies, OBJECT_DEPENDS or header file custom commands
+ // will rebuild the file.
+ if (source->GetPropertyAsBool("GENERATED") && !source->GetCustomCommand() &&
+ !this->GetGlobalGenerator()->HasCustomCommandOutput(sourceFileName)) {
+ this->GetGlobalGenerator()->AddAssumedSourceDependencies(sourceFileName,
+ orderOnlyDeps);
+ }
+ EnsureParentDirectoryExists(objectFileName);
+ vars["OBJECT_DIR"] = this->GetLocalGenerator()->ConvertToOutputFormat(
+ ConvertToNinjaPath(objectDir),
+ cmLocalGenerator::SHELL);
+ vars["OBJECT_FILE_DIR"] = this->GetLocalGenerator()->ConvertToOutputFormat(
+ ConvertToNinjaPath(objectFileDir),
+ cmLocalGenerator::SHELL);
+ this->addPoolNinjaVariable("JOB_POOL_COMPILE", this->GetTarget(), vars);
+ this->SetMsvcTargetPdbVariable(vars);
+ this->GetGlobalGenerator()->WriteBuild(this->GetBuildFileStream(),
+ comment,
+ rule,
+ outputs,
+ explicitDeps,
+ implicitDeps,
+ orderOnlyDeps,
+ vars);
+ if(const char* objectOutputs = source->GetProperty("OBJECT_OUTPUTS")) {
+ std::vector<std::string> outputList;
+ cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(objectOutputs, outputList);
+ std::transform(outputList.begin(), outputList.end(), outputList.begin(),
+ MapToNinjaPath());
+ this->GetGlobalGenerator()->WritePhonyBuild(this->GetBuildFileStream(),
+ "Additional output files.",
+ outputList,
+ outputs);
+ }
+ std::string const& language,
+ std::string const& sourceFileName,
+ std::string const& objectDir,
+ std::string const& objectFileName,
+ std::string const& objectFileDir,
+ std::string const& flags,
+ std::string const& defines,
+ std::string const& includes
+ )
+ if(!this->Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS"))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ cmLocalGenerator::RuleVariables compileObjectVars;
+ compileObjectVars.Language = language.c_str();
+ std::string escapedSourceFileName = sourceFileName;
+ if (!cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(sourceFileName.c_str()))
+ {
+ escapedSourceFileName = cmSystemTools::CollapseFullPath(
+ escapedSourceFileName,
+ this->GetGlobalGenerator()->GetCMakeInstance()->
+ GetHomeOutputDirectory());
+ }
+ escapedSourceFileName =
+ this->LocalGenerator->ConvertToOutputFormat(
+ escapedSourceFileName, cmLocalGenerator::SHELL);
+ compileObjectVars.Source = escapedSourceFileName.c_str();
+ compileObjectVars.Object = objectFileName.c_str();
+ compileObjectVars.ObjectDir = objectDir.c_str();
+ compileObjectVars.ObjectFileDir = objectFileDir.c_str();
+ compileObjectVars.Flags = flags.c_str();
+ compileObjectVars.Defines = defines.c_str();
+ compileObjectVars.Includes = includes.c_str();
+ // Rule for compiling object file.
+ std::string compileCmdVar = "CMAKE_";
+ compileCmdVar += language;
+ compileCmdVar += "_COMPILE_OBJECT";
+ std::string compileCmd =
+ this->GetMakefile()->GetRequiredDefinition(compileCmdVar);
+ std::vector<std::string> compileCmds;
+ cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(compileCmd, compileCmds);
+ for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = compileCmds.begin();
+ i != compileCmds.end(); ++i)
+ this->GetLocalGenerator()->ExpandRuleVariables(*i, compileObjectVars);
+ std::string cmdLine =
+ this->GetLocalGenerator()->BuildCommandLine(compileCmds);
+ this->GetGlobalGenerator()->AddCXXCompileCommand(cmdLine,
+ sourceFileName);
+::EnsureDirectoryExists(const std::string& path) const
+ if (cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(path.c_str()))
+ {
+ cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(path.c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const std::string fullPath = std::string(this->GetGlobalGenerator()->
+ GetCMakeInstance()->GetHomeOutputDirectory())
+ + "/" + path;
+ cmSystemTools::MakeDirectory(fullPath.c_str());
+ }
+::EnsureParentDirectoryExists(const std::string& path) const
+ EnsureDirectoryExists(cmSystemTools::GetParentDirectory(path));
+ cmSourceFile const& source, const char* pkgloc)
+ // Skip OS X content when not building a Framework or Bundle.
+ if(!this->Generator->GetGeneratorTarget()->IsBundleOnApple())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string macdir =
+ this->Generator->OSXBundleGenerator->InitMacOSXContentDirectory(pkgloc);
+ // Get the input file location.
+ std::string input = source.GetFullPath();
+ input =
+ this->Generator->GetGlobalGenerator()->ConvertToNinjaPath(input);
+ // Get the output file location.
+ std::string output = macdir;
+ output += "/";
+ output += cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(input);
+ output =
+ this->Generator->GetGlobalGenerator()->ConvertToNinjaPath(output);
+ // Write a build statement to copy the content into the bundle.
+ this->Generator->GetGlobalGenerator()->WriteMacOSXContentBuild(input,
+ output);
+ // Add as a dependency of all target so that it gets called.
+ this->Generator->GetGlobalGenerator()->AddDependencyToAll(output);
+void cmNinjaTargetGenerator::addPoolNinjaVariable(
+ const std::string& pool_property,
+ cmTarget* target,
+ cmNinjaVars& vars)
+ const char* pool = target->GetProperty(pool_property);
+ if (pool)
+ {
+ vars["pool"] = pool;
+ }