path: root/Source/cmQTWrapUICommand.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/cmQTWrapUICommand.cxx')
1 files changed, 114 insertions, 158 deletions
diff --git a/Source/cmQTWrapUICommand.cxx b/Source/cmQTWrapUICommand.cxx
index 2f7982d..ff86ed9 100644
--- a/Source/cmQTWrapUICommand.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmQTWrapUICommand.cxx
@@ -24,191 +24,147 @@ bool cmQTWrapUICommand::InitialPass(std::vector<std::string> const& argsIn)
this->SetError("called with incorrect number of arguments");
return false;
+ // This command supports source list inputs for compatibility.
std::vector<std::string> args;
this->Makefile->ExpandSourceListArguments(argsIn, args, 3);
- // what is the current source dir
- std::string cdir = this->Makefile->GetCurrentDirectory();
- // keep the library name
- this->LibraryName = args[0];
- this->HeaderList = args[1];
- this->SourceList = args[2];
- std::string sourceListValue;
- std::string headerListValue;
- const char *def = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(this->SourceList.c_str());
- if (def)
- {
- sourceListValue = def;
- }
- // get the list of classes for this library
+ // Get the uic and moc executables to run in the custom commands.
+ const char* uic_exe =
+ this->Makefile->GetRequiredDefinition("QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE");
+ const char* moc_exe =
+ this->Makefile->GetRequiredDefinition("QT_MOC_EXECUTABLE");
+ // Get the variable holding the list of sources.
+ std::string const& headerList = args[1];
+ std::string const& sourceList = args[2];
+ std::string headerListValue =
+ this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(headerList.c_str());
+ std::string sourceListValue =
+ this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(sourceList.c_str());
+ // Create rules for all sources listed.
for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator j = (args.begin() + 3);
j != args.end(); ++j)
- {
+ {
cmSourceFile *curr = this->Makefile->GetSource(j->c_str());
// if we should wrap the class
- if (!curr || !curr->GetPropertyAsBool("WRAP_EXCLUDE"))
+ if(!(curr && curr->GetPropertyAsBool("WRAP_EXCLUDE")))
- cmSourceFile header_file;
- cmSourceFile source_file;
- cmSourceFile moc_file;
- std::string srcName = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutExtension(*j);
- header_file.SetName(srcName.c_str(),
- this->Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory(),
- "h",false);
- source_file.SetName(srcName.c_str(),
- this->Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory(),
- "cxx",false);
- std::string moc_source_name("moc_");
- moc_source_name = moc_source_name + srcName;
- moc_file.SetName(moc_source_name.c_str(),
- this->Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory(),
- "cxx",false);
- std::string origname;
- if ( (*j)[0] == '/' || (*j)[1] == ':' )
+ // Compute the name of the files to generate.
+ std::string srcName =
+ cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(*j);
+ std::string hName = this->Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory();
+ hName += "/";
+ hName += srcName;
+ hName += ".h";
+ std::string cxxName = this->Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory();
+ cxxName += "/";
+ cxxName += srcName;
+ cxxName += ".cxx";
+ std::string mocName = this->Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory();
+ mocName += "/moc_";
+ mocName += srcName;
+ mocName += ".cxx";
+ // Compute the name of the ui file from which to generate others.
+ std::string uiName;
+ if(cmSystemTools::FileIsFullPath(j->c_str()))
- origname = *j;
+ uiName = *j;
- if ( curr && curr->GetPropertyAsBool("GENERATED") )
+ if(curr && curr->GetPropertyAsBool("GENERATED"))
- origname = std::string(this->Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory())
- + "/" + *j;
+ uiName = this->Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory();
- origname = cdir + "/" + *j;
+ uiName = this->Makefile->GetCurrentDirectory();
+ uiName += "/";
+ uiName += *j;
- std::string hname = header_file.GetFullPath();
- this->WrapUserInterface.push_back(origname);
- // add starting depends
- moc_file.AddDepend(hname.c_str());
- source_file.AddDepend(hname.c_str());
- source_file.AddDepend(origname.c_str());
- header_file.AddDepend(origname.c_str());
- this->WrapHeadersClasses.push_back(header_file);
- this->WrapSourcesClasses.push_back(source_file);
- this->WrapMocClasses.push_back(moc_file);
- this->Makefile->AddSource(header_file);
- this->Makefile->AddSource(source_file);
- this->Makefile->AddSource(moc_file);
- // create the list of headers
- if (headerListValue.size() > 0)
+ // create the list of headers
+ if(!headerListValue.empty())
headerListValue += ";";
- headerListValue += header_file.GetFullPath();
+ headerListValue += hName;
// create the list of sources
- if (sourceListValue.size() > 0)
+ if(!sourceListValue.empty())
sourceListValue += ";";
- sourceListValue += source_file.GetFullPath();
+ sourceListValue += cxxName;
sourceListValue += ";";
- sourceListValue += moc_file.GetFullPath();
+ sourceListValue += mocName;
+ // set up .ui to .h and .cxx command
+ cmCustomCommandLine hCommand;
+ hCommand.push_back(uic_exe);
+ hCommand.push_back("-o");
+ hCommand.push_back(hName);
+ hCommand.push_back(uiName);
+ cmCustomCommandLines hCommandLines;
+ hCommandLines.push_back(hCommand);
+ cmCustomCommandLine cxxCommand;
+ cxxCommand.push_back(uic_exe);
+ cxxCommand.push_back("-impl");
+ cxxCommand.push_back(hName);
+ cxxCommand.push_back("-o");
+ cxxCommand.push_back(cxxName);
+ cxxCommand.push_back(uiName);
+ cmCustomCommandLines cxxCommandLines;
+ cxxCommandLines.push_back(cxxCommand);
+ cmCustomCommandLine mocCommand;
+ mocCommand.push_back(moc_exe);
+ mocCommand.push_back("-o");
+ mocCommand.push_back(mocName);
+ mocCommand.push_back(hName);
+ cmCustomCommandLines mocCommandLines;
+ mocCommandLines.push_back(mocCommand);
+ std::vector<std::string> depends;
+ depends.push_back(uiName);
+ const char* no_main_dependency = 0;
+ const char* no_comment = 0;
+ const char* no_working_dir = 0;
+ this->Makefile->AddCustomCommandToOutput(hName.c_str(),
+ depends,
+ no_main_dependency,
+ hCommandLines,
+ no_comment,
+ no_working_dir);
+ depends.push_back(hName);
+ this->Makefile->AddCustomCommandToOutput(cxxName.c_str(),
+ depends,
+ no_main_dependency,
+ cxxCommandLines,
+ no_comment,
+ no_working_dir);
+ depends.clear();
+ depends.push_back(hName);
+ this->Makefile->AddCustomCommandToOutput(mocName.c_str(),
+ depends,
+ no_main_dependency,
+ mocCommandLines,
+ no_comment,
+ no_working_dir);
- this->Makefile->AddDefinition(this->SourceList.c_str(),
- sourceListValue.c_str());
- this->Makefile->AddDefinition(this->HeaderList.c_str(),
- headerListValue.c_str());
- return true;
-void cmQTWrapUICommand::FinalPass()
- // first we add the rules for all the .ui to .h and .cxx files
- size_t lastHeadersClass = this->WrapHeadersClasses.size();
- std::vector<std::string> depends;
- const char* uic_exe =
- this->Makefile->GetRequiredDefinition("QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE");
- const char* moc_exe =
- this->Makefile->GetRequiredDefinition("QT_MOC_EXECUTABLE");
- // wrap all the .h files
- depends.push_back(uic_exe);
- for(size_t classNum = 0; classNum < lastHeadersClass; classNum++)
- {
- // set up .ui to .h and .cxx command
- std::string hres = this->Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory();
- hres += "/";
- hres += this->WrapHeadersClasses[classNum].GetSourceName() + "." +
- this->WrapHeadersClasses[classNum].GetSourceExtension();
- std::string cxxres = this->Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory();
- cxxres += "/";
- cxxres += this->WrapSourcesClasses[classNum].GetSourceName() + "." +
- this->WrapSourcesClasses[classNum].GetSourceExtension();
- std::string mocres = this->Makefile->GetCurrentOutputDirectory();
- mocres += "/";
- mocres += this->WrapMocClasses[classNum].GetSourceName() + "." +
- this->WrapMocClasses[classNum].GetSourceExtension();
- cmCustomCommandLine hCommand;
- hCommand.push_back(uic_exe);
- hCommand.push_back("-o");
- hCommand.push_back(hres);
- hCommand.push_back(this->WrapUserInterface[classNum]);
- cmCustomCommandLines hCommandLines;
- hCommandLines.push_back(hCommand);
- cmCustomCommandLine cxxCommand;
- cxxCommand.push_back(uic_exe);
- cxxCommand.push_back("-impl");
- cxxCommand.push_back(hres);
- cxxCommand.push_back("-o");
- cxxCommand.push_back(cxxres);
- cxxCommand.push_back(this->WrapUserInterface[classNum]);
- cmCustomCommandLines cxxCommandLines;
- cxxCommandLines.push_back(cxxCommand);
- cmCustomCommandLine mocCommand;
- mocCommand.push_back(moc_exe);
- mocCommand.push_back("-o");
- mocCommand.push_back(mocres);
- mocCommand.push_back(hres);
- cmCustomCommandLines mocCommandLines;
- mocCommandLines.push_back(mocCommand);
- depends.clear();
- depends.push_back(this->WrapUserInterface[classNum]);
- const char* no_main_dependency = 0;
- const char* no_comment = 0;
- const char* no_working_dir = 0;
- this->Makefile->AddCustomCommandToOutput(hres.c_str(),
- depends,
- no_main_dependency,
- hCommandLines,
- no_comment,
- no_working_dir);
- depends.push_back(hres);
- this->Makefile->AddCustomCommandToOutput(cxxres.c_str(),
- depends,
- no_main_dependency,
- cxxCommandLines,
- no_comment,
- no_working_dir);
- depends.clear();
- depends.push_back(hres);
- this->Makefile->AddCustomCommandToOutput(mocres.c_str(),
- depends,
- no_main_dependency,
- mocCommandLines,
- no_comment,
- no_working_dir);
- }
+ // Store the final list of source files and headers.
+ this->Makefile->AddDefinition(sourceList.c_str(),
+ sourceListValue.c_str());
+ this->Makefile->AddDefinition(headerList.c_str(),
+ headerListValue.c_str());
+ return true;