path: root/Source/cmQtAutoGeneratorRcc.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/cmQtAutoGeneratorRcc.cxx')
1 files changed, 425 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/cmQtAutoGeneratorRcc.cxx b/Source/cmQtAutoGeneratorRcc.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c9f1a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/cmQtAutoGeneratorRcc.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
+ file Copyright.txt or for details. */
+#include "cmQtAutoGen.h"
+#include "cmQtAutoGeneratorRcc.h"
+#include "cmAlgorithms.h"
+#include "cmCryptoHash.h"
+#include "cmMakefile.h"
+#include "cmOutputConverter.h"
+#include "cmSystemTools.h"
+// -- Static variables
+static const char* SettingsKeyRcc = "ARCC_SETTINGS_HASH";
+// -- Class methods
+ : MultiConfig(cmQtAutoGen::WRAP)
+ , SettingsChanged(false)
+bool cmQtAutoGeneratorRcc::InfoFileRead(cmMakefile* makefile)
+ // Utility lambdas
+ auto InfoGet = [makefile](const char* key) {
+ return makefile->GetSafeDefinition(key);
+ };
+ auto InfoGetList = [makefile](const char* key) -> std::vector<std::string> {
+ std::vector<std::string> list;
+ cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(makefile->GetSafeDefinition(key), list);
+ return list;
+ };
+ auto InfoGetConfig = [makefile, this](const char* key) -> std::string {
+ const char* valueConf = nullptr;
+ {
+ std::string keyConf = key;
+ keyConf += '_';
+ keyConf += this->GetInfoConfig();
+ valueConf = makefile->GetDefinition(keyConf);
+ }
+ if (valueConf == nullptr) {
+ valueConf = makefile->GetSafeDefinition(key);
+ }
+ return std::string(valueConf);
+ };
+ auto InfoGetConfigList =
+ [&InfoGetConfig](const char* key) -> std::vector<std::string> {
+ std::vector<std::string> list;
+ cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(InfoGetConfig(key), list);
+ return list;
+ };
+ // -- Read info file
+ if (!makefile->ReadListFile(this->GetInfoFile().c_str())) {
+ this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::RCC, this->GetInfoFile(),
+ "File processing failed");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // -- Meta
+ this->MultiConfig =
+ cmQtAutoGen::MultiConfigType(InfoGet("ARCC_MULTI_CONFIG"));
+ this->ConfigSuffix = InfoGetConfig("ARCC_CONFIG_SUFFIX");
+ if (this->ConfigSuffix.empty()) {
+ this->ConfigSuffix = "_";
+ this->ConfigSuffix += this->GetInfoConfig();
+ }
+ this->SettingsFile = InfoGetConfig("ARCC_SETTINGS_FILE");
+ // - Files and directories
+ this->ProjectSourceDir = InfoGet("ARCC_CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR");
+ this->ProjectBinaryDir = InfoGet("ARCC_CMAKE_BINARY_DIR");
+ this->CurrentSourceDir = InfoGet("ARCC_CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR");
+ this->CurrentBinaryDir = InfoGet("ARCC_CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR");
+ this->AutogenBuildDir = InfoGet("ARCC_BUILD_DIR");
+ // - Qt environment
+ this->RccExecutable = InfoGet("ARCC_RCC_EXECUTABLE");
+ this->RccListOptions = InfoGetList("ARCC_RCC_LIST_OPTIONS");
+ // - Job
+ this->QrcFile = InfoGet("ARCC_SOURCE");
+ this->RccFile = InfoGet("ARCC_OUTPUT");
+ this->Options = InfoGetConfigList("ARCC_OPTIONS");
+ this->Inputs = InfoGetList("ARCC_INPUTS");
+ // - Validity checks
+ if (this->SettingsFile.empty()) {
+ this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::RCC, this->GetInfoFile(),
+ "Settings file name missing");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this->AutogenBuildDir.empty()) {
+ this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::RCC, this->GetInfoFile(),
+ "Autogen build directory missing");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this->RccExecutable.empty()) {
+ this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::RCC, this->GetInfoFile(),
+ "rcc executable missing");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this->QrcFile.empty()) {
+ this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::RCC, this->GetInfoFile(),
+ "rcc input file missing");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this->RccFile.empty()) {
+ this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::RCC, this->GetInfoFile(),
+ "rcc output file missing");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Init derived information
+ // ------------------------
+ // Init file path checksum generator
+ this->FilePathChecksum.setupParentDirs(
+ this->CurrentSourceDir, this->CurrentBinaryDir, this->ProjectSourceDir,
+ this->ProjectBinaryDir);
+ return true;
+void cmQtAutoGeneratorRcc::SettingsFileRead(cmMakefile* makefile)
+ // Compose current settings strings
+ {
+ cmCryptoHash crypt(cmCryptoHash::AlgoSHA256);
+ std::string const sep(" ~~~ ");
+ {
+ std::string str;
+ str += this->RccExecutable;
+ str += sep;
+ str += cmJoin(this->RccListOptions, ";");
+ str += sep;
+ str += this->QrcFile;
+ str += sep;
+ str += this->RccFile;
+ str += sep;
+ str += cmJoin(this->Options, ";");
+ str += sep;
+ str += cmJoin(this->Inputs, ";");
+ str += sep;
+ this->SettingsString = crypt.HashString(str);
+ }
+ }
+ // Read old settings
+ if (makefile->ReadListFile(this->SettingsFile.c_str())) {
+ {
+ auto SMatch = [makefile](const char* key, std::string const& value) {
+ return (value == makefile->GetSafeDefinition(key));
+ };
+ if (!SMatch(SettingsKeyRcc, this->SettingsString)) {
+ this->SettingsChanged = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // In case any setting changed remove the old settings file.
+ // This triggers a full rebuild on the next run if the current
+ // build is aborted before writing the current settings in the end.
+ if (this->SettingsChanged) {
+ cmSystemTools::RemoveFile(this->SettingsFile);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If the file could not be read re-generate everythiung.
+ this->SettingsChanged = true;
+ }
+bool cmQtAutoGeneratorRcc::SettingsFileWrite()
+ bool success = true;
+ // Only write if any setting changed
+ if (this->SettingsChanged) {
+ if (this->GetVerbose()) {
+ this->LogInfo(cmQtAutoGen::RCC, "Writing settings file " +
+ cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(this->SettingsFile));
+ }
+ // Compose settings file content
+ std::string settings;
+ {
+ auto SettingAppend = [&settings](const char* key,
+ std::string const& value) {
+ settings += "set(";
+ settings += key;
+ settings += " ";
+ settings += cmOutputConverter::EscapeForCMake(value);
+ settings += ")\n";
+ };
+ SettingAppend(SettingsKeyRcc, this->SettingsString);
+ }
+ // Write settings file
+ if (!this->FileWrite(cmQtAutoGen::RCC, this->SettingsFile, settings)) {
+ this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::RCC, this->SettingsFile,
+ "Settings file writing failed");
+ // Remove old settings file to trigger a full rebuild on the next run
+ cmSystemTools::RemoveFile(this->SettingsFile);
+ success = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return success;
+bool cmQtAutoGeneratorRcc::Process(cmMakefile* makefile)
+ // Read info file
+ if (!this->InfoFileRead(makefile)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Read latest settings
+ this->SettingsFileRead(makefile);
+ // Generate rcc file
+ if (!this->RccGenerate()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Write latest settings
+ if (!this->SettingsFileWrite()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ * @return True on success
+ */
+bool cmQtAutoGeneratorRcc::RccGenerate()
+ bool success = true;
+ bool rccGenerated = false;
+ std::string rccFileAbs;
+ {
+ std::string suffix;
+ switch (this->MultiConfig) {
+ case cmQtAutoGen::SINGLE:
+ break;
+ case cmQtAutoGen::WRAP:
+ suffix = "_CMAKE";
+ suffix += this->ConfigSuffix;
+ suffix += "_";
+ break;
+ case cmQtAutoGen::FULL:
+ suffix = this->ConfigSuffix;
+ break;
+ }
+ rccFileAbs = cmQtAutoGen::AppendFilenameSuffix(this->RccFile, suffix);
+ }
+ std::string const rccFileRel = cmSystemTools::RelativePath(
+ this->AutogenBuildDir.c_str(), rccFileAbs.c_str());
+ // Check if regeneration is required
+ bool generate = false;
+ std::string generateReason;
+ if (!cmSystemTools::FileExists(this->QrcFile)) {
+ {
+ std::string error = "Could not find the file\n ";
+ error += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(this->QrcFile);
+ this->LogError(cmQtAutoGen::RCC, error);
+ }
+ success = false;
+ }
+ if (success && !generate && !cmSystemTools::FileExists(rccFileAbs.c_str())) {
+ if (this->GetVerbose()) {
+ generateReason = "Generating ";
+ generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(rccFileAbs);
+ generateReason += " from its source file ";
+ generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(this->QrcFile);
+ generateReason += " because it doesn't exist";
+ }
+ generate = true;
+ }
+ if (success && !generate && this->SettingsChanged) {
+ if (this->GetVerbose()) {
+ generateReason = "Generating ";
+ generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(rccFileAbs);
+ generateReason += " from ";
+ generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(this->QrcFile);
+ generateReason += " because the RCC settings changed";
+ }
+ generate = true;
+ }
+ if (success && !generate) {
+ std::string error;
+ if (FileIsOlderThan(rccFileAbs, this->QrcFile, &error)) {
+ if (this->GetVerbose()) {
+ generateReason = "Generating ";
+ generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(rccFileAbs);
+ generateReason += " because it is older than ";
+ generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(this->QrcFile);
+ }
+ generate = true;
+ } else {
+ if (!error.empty()) {
+ this->LogError(cmQtAutoGen::RCC, error);
+ success = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (success && !generate) {
+ // Acquire input file list
+ std::vector<std::string> readFiles;
+ std::vector<std::string> const* files = nullptr;
+ if (!this->Inputs.empty()) {
+ files = &this->Inputs;
+ } else {
+ // Read input file list from qrc file
+ std::string error;
+ if (cmQtAutoGen::RccListInputs(this->RccExecutable, this->RccListOptions,
+ this->QrcFile, readFiles, &error)) {
+ files = &readFiles;
+ } else {
+ this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::RCC, this->QrcFile, error);
+ success = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Test if any input file is newer than the build file
+ if (files != nullptr) {
+ std::string error;
+ for (std::string const& resFile : *files) {
+ if (!cmSystemTools::FileExists(resFile.c_str())) {
+ error = "Could not find the file\n ";
+ error += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(resFile);
+ error += "\nwhich is listed in\n ";
+ error += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(this->QrcFile);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (FileIsOlderThan(rccFileAbs, resFile, &error)) {
+ if (this->GetVerbose()) {
+ generateReason = "Generating ";
+ generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(rccFileAbs);
+ generateReason += " from ";
+ generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(this->QrcFile);
+ generateReason += " because it is older than ";
+ generateReason += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(resFile);
+ }
+ generate = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!error.empty()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Print error
+ if (!error.empty()) {
+ this->LogError(cmQtAutoGen::RCC, error);
+ success = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Regenerate on demand
+ if (generate) {
+ // Log
+ if (this->GetVerbose()) {
+ this->LogBold("Generating RCC source " + rccFileRel);
+ this->LogInfo(cmQtAutoGen::RCC, generateReason);
+ }
+ // Make sure the parent directory exists
+ if (this->MakeParentDirectory(cmQtAutoGen::RCC, rccFileAbs)) {
+ // Compose rcc command
+ std::vector<std::string> cmd;
+ cmd.push_back(this->RccExecutable);
+ cmd.insert(cmd.end(), this->Options.begin(), this->Options.end());
+ cmd.push_back("-o");
+ cmd.push_back(rccFileAbs);
+ cmd.push_back(this->QrcFile);
+ std::string output;
+ if (this->RunCommand(cmd, output)) {
+ // Success
+ rccGenerated = true;
+ } else {
+ {
+ std::string emsg = "rcc failed for\n ";
+ emsg += cmQtAutoGen::Quoted(this->QrcFile);
+ this->LogCommandError(cmQtAutoGen::RCC, emsg, cmd, output);
+ }
+ cmSystemTools::RemoveFile(rccFileAbs);
+ success = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Parent directory creation failed
+ success = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Generate a wrapper source file on demand
+ if (success && (this->MultiConfig == cmQtAutoGen::WRAP)) {
+ // Wrapper file name
+ std::string const& wrapperFileAbs = this->RccFile;
+ std::string const wrapperFileRel = cmSystemTools::RelativePath(
+ this->AutogenBuildDir.c_str(), wrapperFileAbs.c_str());
+ // Wrapper file content
+ std::string content = "// This is an autogenerated configuration "
+ "wrapper file. Changes will be overwritten.\n"
+ "#include \"";
+ content += cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(rccFileRel);
+ content += "\"\n";
+ // Write content to file
+ if (this->FileDiffers(wrapperFileAbs, content)) {
+ // Write new wrapper file
+ if (this->GetVerbose()) {
+ this->LogBold("Generating RCC wrapper " + wrapperFileRel);
+ }
+ if (!this->FileWrite(cmQtAutoGen::RCC, wrapperFileAbs, content)) {
+ this->LogFileError(cmQtAutoGen::RCC, wrapperFileAbs,
+ "rcc wrapper file writing failed");
+ success = false;
+ }
+ } else if (rccGenerated) {
+ // Just touch the wrapper file
+ if (this->GetVerbose()) {
+ this->LogInfo(cmQtAutoGen::RCC,
+ "Touching RCC wrapper " + wrapperFileRel);
+ }
+ cmSystemTools::Touch(wrapperFileAbs, false);
+ }
+ }
+ return success;