path: root/Source/cmQtAutoMocUic.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/cmQtAutoMocUic.cxx')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/Source/cmQtAutoMocUic.cxx b/Source/cmQtAutoMocUic.cxx
index 7148fc1..a82dd3a 100644
--- a/Source/cmQtAutoMocUic.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmQtAutoMocUic.cxx
@@ -344,9 +344,8 @@ bool cmQtAutoMocUic::JobMocPredefsT::Update(std::string* reason) const
// Test if the file exists
if (!MocEval().PredefsTime.Load(MocConst().PredefsFileAbs)) {
if (reason != nullptr) {
- *reason = "Generating ";
- *reason += Quoted(MocConst().PredefsFileRel);
- *reason += ", because it doesn't exist.";
+ *reason = cmStrCat("Generating ", Quoted(MocConst().PredefsFileRel),
+ ", because it doesn't exist.");
return true;
@@ -354,9 +353,8 @@ bool cmQtAutoMocUic::JobMocPredefsT::Update(std::string* reason) const
// Test if the settings changed
if (MocConst().SettingsChanged) {
if (reason != nullptr) {
- *reason = "Generating ";
- *reason += Quoted(MocConst().PredefsFileRel);
- *reason += ", because the moc settings changed.";
+ *reason = cmStrCat("Generating ", Quoted(MocConst().PredefsFileRel),
+ ", because the moc settings changed.");
return true;
@@ -368,11 +366,8 @@ bool cmQtAutoMocUic::JobMocPredefsT::Update(std::string* reason) const
if (execTime.Load(exec)) {
if (MocEval().PredefsTime.Older(execTime)) {
if (reason != nullptr) {
- *reason = "Generating ";
- *reason += Quoted(MocConst().PredefsFileRel);
- *reason += " because it is older than ";
- *reason += Quoted(exec);
- *reason += ".";
+ *reason = cmStrCat("Generating ", Quoted(MocConst().PredefsFileRel),
+ " because it is older than ", Quoted(exec), '.');
return true;
@@ -676,11 +671,11 @@ bool cmQtAutoMocUic::JobEvaluateT::MocEvalSource(
SourceFileHandleT header = MocFindIncludedHeader(sourceDir, headerBase);
if (!header) {
- std::string msg = "The file includes the moc file ";
- msg += Quoted(incKey.Key);
- msg += ",\nbut the header could not be found "
- "in the following locations\n";
- msg += MocMessageTestHeaders(headerBase);
+ std::string msg =
+ cmStrCat("The file includes the moc file ", Quoted(incKey.Key),
+ ",\nbut the header could not be found "
+ "in the following locations\n",
+ MocMessageTestHeaders(headerBase));
LogFileError(GenT::MOC, sourceFile.FileName, msg);
return false;
@@ -740,12 +735,12 @@ bool cmQtAutoMocUic::JobEvaluateT::MocEvalSource(
std::string const headerBase = incKey.Dir + incKey.Base;
SourceFileHandleT header = MocFindIncludedHeader(sourceDir, headerBase);
if (!header) {
- std::string msg = "The file includes the moc file ";
- msg += Quoted(incKey.Key);
- msg += ",\nwhich seems to be the moc file from a different source "
- "file.\nCMAKE_AUTOMOC_RELAXED_MODE: Also a matching header"
- "could not be found in the following locations\n";
- msg += MocMessageTestHeaders(headerBase);
+ std::string msg =
+ cmStrCat("The file includes the moc file ", Quoted(incKey.Key),
+ ",\nwhich seems to be the moc file from a different source "
+ "file.\nCMAKE_AUTOMOC_RELAXED_MODE: Also a matching header"
+ "could not be found in the following locations\n",
+ MocMessageTestHeaders(headerBase));
LogFileError(GenT::MOC, sourceFile.FileName, msg);
return false;
@@ -785,12 +780,11 @@ bool cmQtAutoMocUic::JobEvaluateT::MocEvalSource(
bool const ownMoc = (incKey.Base == sourceBase);
if (!ownMoc) {
// Don't allow <BASE>.moc include other than own in regular mode
- std::string msg = "The file includes the moc file ";
- msg += Quoted(incKey.Key);
- msg += ",\nwhich seems to be the moc file from a different "
- "source file.\nThis is not supported. Include ";
- msg += Quoted(sourceBase + ".moc");
- msg += " to run moc on this source file.";
+ std::string msg = cmStrCat(
+ "The file includes the moc file ", Quoted(incKey.Key),
+ ",\nwhich seems to be the moc file from a different "
+ "source file.\nThis is not supported. Include ",
+ Quoted(sourceBase + ".moc"), " to run moc on this source file.");
LogFileError(GenT::MOC, sourceFile.FileName, msg);
return false;
@@ -1172,10 +1166,9 @@ bool cmQtAutoMocUic::JobGenerateT::MocUpdate(MappingT const& mapping,
cmFileTime outputFileTime;
if (!outputFileTime.Load(outputFile)) {
if (reason != nullptr) {
- *reason = "Generating ";
- *reason += Quoted(outputFile);
- *reason += ", because it doesn't exist, from ";
- *reason += Quoted(sourceFile);
+ *reason =
+ cmStrCat("Generating ", Quoted(outputFile),
+ ", because it doesn't exist, from ", Quoted(sourceFile));
return true;
@@ -1183,10 +1176,9 @@ bool cmQtAutoMocUic::JobGenerateT::MocUpdate(MappingT const& mapping,
// Test if any setting changed
if (MocConst().SettingsChanged) {
if (reason != nullptr) {
- *reason = "Generating ";
- *reason += Quoted(outputFile);
- *reason += ", because the uic settings changed, from ";
- *reason += Quoted(sourceFile);
+ *reason = cmStrCat("Generating ", Quoted(outputFile),
+ ", because the uic settings changed, from ",
+ Quoted(sourceFile));
return true;
@@ -1194,10 +1186,9 @@ bool cmQtAutoMocUic::JobGenerateT::MocUpdate(MappingT const& mapping,
// Test if the source file is newer
if (outputFileTime.Older(mapping.SourceFile->FileTime)) {
if (reason != nullptr) {
- *reason = "Generating ";
- *reason += Quoted(outputFile);
- *reason += ", because it's older than its source file, from ";
- *reason += Quoted(sourceFile);
+ *reason = cmStrCat("Generating ", Quoted(outputFile),
+ ", because it's older than its source file, from ",
+ Quoted(sourceFile));
return true;
@@ -1206,12 +1197,9 @@ bool cmQtAutoMocUic::JobGenerateT::MocUpdate(MappingT const& mapping,
if (!MocConst().PredefsFileAbs.empty()) {
if (outputFileTime.Older(MocEval().PredefsTime)) {
if (reason != nullptr) {
- *reason = "Generating ";
- *reason += Quoted(outputFile);
- *reason += ", because it's older than ";
- *reason += Quoted(MocConst().PredefsFileAbs);
- *reason += ", from ";
- *reason += Quoted(sourceFile);
+ *reason = cmStrCat(
+ "Generating ", Quoted(outputFile), ", because it's older than ",
+ Quoted(MocConst().PredefsFileAbs), ", from ", Quoted(sourceFile));
return true;
@@ -1220,10 +1208,9 @@ bool cmQtAutoMocUic::JobGenerateT::MocUpdate(MappingT const& mapping,
// Test if the moc executable is newer
if (outputFileTime.Older(MocConst().ExecutableTime)) {
if (reason != nullptr) {
- *reason = "Generating ";
- *reason += Quoted(outputFile);
- *reason += ", because it's older than the moc executable, from ";
- *reason += Quoted(sourceFile);
+ *reason = cmStrCat("Generating ", Quoted(outputFile),
+ ", because it's older than the moc executable, from ",
+ Quoted(sourceFile));
return true;
@@ -1243,12 +1230,10 @@ bool cmQtAutoMocUic::JobGenerateT::MocUpdate(MappingT const& mapping,
// Test if dependency file is older
if (outputFileTime.Older(depMatch.second)) {
if (reason != nullptr) {
- *reason = "Generating ";
- *reason += Quoted(outputFile);
- *reason += ", because it's older than its dependency file ";
- *reason += Quoted(depMatch.first);
- *reason += ", from ";
- *reason += Quoted(sourceFile);
+ *reason =
+ cmStrCat("Generating ", Quoted(outputFile),
+ ", because it's older than its dependency file ",
+ Quoted(depMatch.first), ", from ", Quoted(sourceFile));
return true;
@@ -1313,10 +1298,9 @@ bool cmQtAutoMocUic::JobGenerateT::UicUpdate(MappingT const& mapping,
cmFileTime outputFileTime;
if (!outputFileTime.Load(outputFile)) {
if (reason != nullptr) {
- *reason = "Generating ";
- *reason += Quoted(outputFile);
- *reason += ", because it doesn't exist, from ";
- *reason += Quoted(sourceFile);
+ *reason =
+ cmStrCat("Generating ", Quoted(outputFile),
+ ", because it doesn't exist, from ", Quoted(sourceFile));
return true;
@@ -1324,10 +1308,9 @@ bool cmQtAutoMocUic::JobGenerateT::UicUpdate(MappingT const& mapping,
// Test if the uic settings changed
if (UicConst().SettingsChanged) {
if (reason != nullptr) {
- *reason = "Generating ";
- *reason += Quoted(outputFile);
- *reason += ", because the uic settings changed, from ";
- *reason += Quoted(sourceFile);
+ *reason = cmStrCat("Generating ", Quoted(outputFile),
+ ", because the uic settings changed, from ",
+ Quoted(sourceFile));
return true;
@@ -1335,10 +1318,9 @@ bool cmQtAutoMocUic::JobGenerateT::UicUpdate(MappingT const& mapping,
// Test if the source file is newer
if (outputFileTime.Older(mapping.SourceFile->FileTime)) {
if (reason != nullptr) {
- *reason = "Generating ";
- *reason += Quoted(outputFile);
- *reason += " because it's older than the source file ";
- *reason += Quoted(sourceFile);
+ *reason = cmStrCat("Generating ", Quoted(outputFile),
+ " because it's older than the source file ",
+ Quoted(sourceFile));
return true;
@@ -1346,10 +1328,9 @@ bool cmQtAutoMocUic::JobGenerateT::UicUpdate(MappingT const& mapping,
// Test if the uic executable is newer
if (outputFileTime.Older(UicConst().ExecutableTime)) {
if (reason != nullptr) {
- *reason = "Generating ";
- *reason += Quoted(outputFile);
- *reason += ", because it's older than the uic executable, from ";
- *reason += Quoted(sourceFile);
+ *reason = cmStrCat("Generating ", Quoted(outputFile),
+ ", because it's older than the uic executable, from ",
+ Quoted(sourceFile));
return true;