path: root/Source/ctest.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/ctest.cxx')
1 files changed, 377 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/Source/ctest.cxx b/Source/ctest.cxx
index 63cc31b..27a2bee 100644
--- a/Source/ctest.cxx
+++ b/Source/ctest.cxx
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ int ctest::BuildDirectory()
cmSystemTools::Split(output.c_str(), lines);
std::ofstream ofs;
- if ( this->OpenFile("Temporary", "LastBuild.log", ofs) )
+ if ( this->OpenOutputFile("Temporary", "LastBuild.log", ofs) )
ofs << output;
@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ int ctest::BuildDirectory()
- if( !this->OpenFile("", "Build.xml", ofs) )
+ if( !this->OpenOutputFile("", "Build.xml", ofs) )
std::cerr << "Cannot create build XML file" << std::endl;
return 1;
@@ -626,8 +626,377 @@ int ctest::BuildDirectory()
this->GenerateDartBuildOutput(ofs, errorsWarnings);
return 0;
+int ctest::CoverageDirectory()
+ std::vector<std::string> files;
+ std::vector<std::string> cfiles;
+ std::vector<std::string> cdirs;
+ bool done = false;
+ std::string::size_type cc;
+ std::string glob;
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> allsourcefiles;
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> allbinaryfiles;
+ std::string start_time = ::CurrentTime();
+ // Find all source files.
+ std::string sourceDirectory = m_DartConfiguration["SourceDirectory"];
+ if ( sourceDirectory.size() == 0 )
+ {
+ std::cerr << "Cannot find SourceDirectory key in the DartConfiguration.tcl" << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ cdirs.push_back(sourceDirectory);
+ while ( !done )
+ {
+ if ( cdirs.size() <= 0 )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ glob = cdirs[cdirs.size()-1] + "/*";
+ //std::cout << "Glob: " << glob << std::endl;
+ cdirs.pop_back();
+ if ( cmSystemTools::SimpleGlob(glob, cfiles, 1) )
+ {
+ for ( cc = 0; cc < cfiles.size(); cc ++ )
+ {
+ allsourcefiles[cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(cfiles[cc])] = cfiles[cc];
+ }
+ }
+ if ( cmSystemTools::SimpleGlob(glob, cfiles, -1) )
+ {
+ for ( cc = 0; cc < cfiles.size(); cc ++ )
+ {
+ if ( cfiles[cc] != "." && cfiles[cc] != ".." )
+ {
+ cdirs.push_back(cfiles[cc]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // find all binary files
+ cdirs.push_back(cmSystemTools::GetCurrentWorkingDirectory());
+ while ( !done )
+ {
+ if ( cdirs.size() <= 0 )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ glob = cdirs[cdirs.size()-1] + "/*";
+ //std::cout << "Glob: " << glob << std::endl;
+ cdirs.pop_back();
+ if ( cmSystemTools::SimpleGlob(glob, cfiles, 1) )
+ {
+ for ( cc = 0; cc < cfiles.size(); cc ++ )
+ {
+ allbinaryfiles[cmSystemTools::GetFilenameName(cfiles[cc])] = cfiles[cc];
+ }
+ }
+ if ( cmSystemTools::SimpleGlob(glob, cfiles, -1) )
+ {
+ for ( cc = 0; cc < cfiles.size(); cc ++ )
+ {
+ if ( cfiles[cc] != "." && cfiles[cc] != ".." )
+ {
+ cdirs.push_back(cfiles[cc]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator sit;
+ for ( sit = allbinaryfiles.begin(); sit != allbinaryfiles.end(); sit ++ )
+ {
+ const std::string& fname = sit->second;
+ //std::cout << "File: " << fname << std::endl;
+ if ( strcmp(fname.substr(fname.size()-3, 3).c_str(), ".da") == 0 )
+ {
+ files.push_back(fname);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( files.size() == 0 )
+ {
+ std::cout << "Cannot find any coverage information files (.da)" << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ std::ofstream log;
+ if (!this->OpenOutputFile("Coverage", "Coverage.log", log))
+ {
+ std::cout << "Cannot open log file" << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ log.close();
+ if (!this->OpenOutputFile("", "Coverage.xml", log))
+ {
+ std::cout << "Cannot open log file" << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ std::string opath = m_ToplevelPath + "/Testing/CDart/Coverage";
+ for ( cc = 0; cc < files.size(); cc ++ )
+ {
+ std::string command = "gcov -l \"" + files[cc] + "\"";
+ std::string output;
+ int retVal;
+ //std::cout << "Run gcov on " << files[cc] << std::flush;
+ bool res = cmSystemTools::RunCommand(command.c_str(), output,
+ retVal, opath.c_str(),
+ m_Verbose);
+ if ( res && retVal == 0 )
+ {
+ //std::cout << " - done" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //std::cout << " - fail" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ files.clear();
+ glob = opath + "/*";
+ if ( !cmSystemTools::SimpleGlob(glob, cfiles, 1) )
+ {
+ std::cout << "Cannot found any coverage files" << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > sourcefiles;
+ for ( cc = 0; cc < cfiles.size(); cc ++ )
+ {
+ std::string& fname = cfiles[cc];
+ //std::cout << "File: " << fname << std::endl;
+ if ( strcmp(fname.substr(fname.size()-5, 5).c_str(), ".gcov") == 0 )
+ {
+ files.push_back(fname);
+ std::string::size_type pos = fname.find(".da.");
+ if ( pos != fname.npos )
+ {
+ pos += 4;
+ std::string::size_type epos = fname.size() - pos - strlen(".gcov");
+ std::string nf = fname.substr(pos, epos);
+ //std::cout << "Substring: " << nf << std::endl;
+ if ( allsourcefiles.find(nf) != allsourcefiles.end() ||
+ allbinaryfiles.find(nf) != allbinaryfiles.end() )
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> &cvec = sourcefiles[nf];
+ cvec.push_back(fname);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for ( cc = 0; cc < files.size(); cc ++ )
+ {
+ //std::cout << "File: " << files[cc] << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> >::iterator it;
+ ctest::tm_CoverageMap coverageresults;
+ log << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
+ << "<Site BuildName=\"" << m_DartConfiguration["BuildName"]
+ << "\" BuildStamp=\"" << m_CurrentTag << "-Experimental\" Name=\""
+ << m_DartConfiguration["Site"] << "\">\n"
+ << "<Coverage>\n"
+ << "\t<StartDateTime>" << start_time << "</StartDateTime>" << std::endl;
+ int total_tested = 0;
+ int total_untested = 0;
+ for ( it = sourcefiles.begin(); it != sourcefiles.end(); it ++ )
+ {
+ //std::cerr << "Source file: " << it->first << std::endl;
+ std::vector<std::string> &gfiles = it->second;
+ for ( cc = 0; cc < gfiles.size(); cc ++ )
+ {
+ //std::cout << "\t" << gfiles[cc] << std::endl;
+ std::ifstream ifile(gfiles[cc].c_str());
+ ifile.seekg (0, std::ios::end);
+ int length = ifile.tellg();
+ ifile.seekg (0, std::ios::beg);
+ char *buffer = new char [ length + 1 ];
+, length);
+ buffer [length] = 0;
+ //std::cout << "Read: " << buffer << std::endl;
+ std::vector<cmStdString> lines;
+ cmSystemTools::Split(buffer, lines);
+ delete [] buffer;
+ ctest::cmCTestCoverage& cov = coverageresults[it->first];
+ std::vector<int>& covlines = cov.m_Lines;
+ if ( cov.m_FullPath == "" )
+ {
+ covlines.insert(covlines.begin(), lines.size(), -1);
+ if ( allsourcefiles.find(it->first) != allsourcefiles.end() )
+ {
+ cov.m_FullPath = allsourcefiles[it->first];
+ }
+ else if ( allbinaryfiles.find(it->first) != allbinaryfiles.end() )
+ {
+ cov.m_FullPath = allbinaryfiles[it->first];
+ }
+ //std::cerr << "Full path: " << cov.m_FullPath << std::endl;
+ }
+ for ( cc = 0; cc < lines.size(); cc ++ )
+ {
+ std::string& line = lines[cc];
+ std::string sub = line.substr(0, strlen(" ######"));
+ int count = atoi(sub.c_str());
+ if (" ######") == 0 )
+ {
+ if ( covlines[cc] == -1 )
+ {
+ covlines[cc] = 0;
+ }
+ cov.m_UnTested ++;
+ //std::cout << "Untested - ";
+ }
+ else if ( count > 0 )
+ {
+ if ( covlines[cc] == -1 )
+ {
+ covlines[cc] = 0;
+ }
+ cov.m_Tested ++;
+ covlines[cc] += count;
+ //std::cout << "Tested[" << count << "] - ";
+ }
+ //std::cout << line << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //std::cerr << "Finalizing" << std::endl;
+ ctest::tm_CoverageMap::iterator cit;
+ int ccount = 0;
+ std::ofstream cfileoutput;
+ int cfileoutputcount = 0;
+ char cfileoutputname[100];
+ sprintf(cfileoutputname, "CoverageLog-%d.xml", cfileoutputcount++);
+ if (!this->OpenOutputFile("", cfileoutputname, cfileoutput))
+ {
+ std::cout << "Cannot open log file" << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ std::string local_start_time = ::CurrentTime();
+ std::string local_end_time;
+ for ( cit = coverageresults.begin(); cit != coverageresults.end(); cit ++ )
+ {
+ if ( ccount == 100 )
+ {
+ local_end_time = ::CurrentTime();
+ cfileoutput << "\t<EndDateTime>" << local_end_time << "</EndDateTime>\n"
+ << "</CoverageLog>\n"
+ << "</Site>" << std::endl;
+ cfileoutput.close();
+ sprintf(cfileoutputname, "CoverageLog-%d.xml", cfileoutputcount++);
+ if (!this->OpenOutputFile("", cfileoutputname, cfileoutput))
+ {
+ std::cout << "Cannot open log file" << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ ccount = 0;
+ }
+ if ( ccount == 0 )
+ {
+ local_start_time = ::CurrentTime();
+ cfileoutput << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
+ << "<Site BuildName=\"" << m_DartConfiguration["BuildName"]
+ << "\" BuildStamp=\"" << m_CurrentTag << "-Experimental\" Name=\""
+ << m_DartConfiguration["Site"] << "\">\n"
+ << "<CoverageLog>\n"
+ << "\t<StartDateTime>" << local_start_time << "</StartDateTime>" << std::endl;
+ }
+ //std::cerr << "Final process of Source file: " << cit->first << std::endl;
+ ctest::cmCTestCoverage &cov = cit->second;
+ std::ifstream ifile(cov.m_FullPath.c_str());
+ ifile.seekg (0, std::ios::end);
+ int length = ifile.tellg();
+ ifile.seekg (0, std::ios::beg);
+ char *buffer = new char [ length + 1 ];
+, length);
+ buffer [length] = 0;
+ //std::cout << "Read: " << buffer << std::endl;
+ std::vector<cmStdString> lines;
+ cmSystemTools::Split(buffer, lines);
+ delete [] buffer;
+ cfileoutput << "\t<File Name=\"" << cit->first << "\" FullPath=\""
+ << cov.m_FullPath << std::endl << "\">\n"
+ << "\t\t<Report>" << std::endl;
+ for ( cc = 0; cc < lines.size(); cc ++ )
+ {
+ cfileoutput << "\t\t<Line Number=\"" << cc << "\" Count=\""
+ << cov.m_Lines[cc] << "\">" << lines[cc] << "</Line>" << std::endl;
+ }
+ cfileoutput << "\t\t</Report>\n"
+ << "\t</File>" << std::endl;
+ total_tested += cov.m_Tested;
+ total_untested += cov.m_UnTested;
+ float cper = 0;
+ float cmet = 0;
+ if ( total_tested + total_untested > 0 )
+ {
+ cper = (100 * static_cast<float>(cov.m_Tested)/
+ static_cast<float>(cov.m_Tested + cov.m_UnTested));
+ cmet = ( static_cast<float>(cov.m_Tested + 10) /
+ static_cast<float>(cov.m_Tested + cov.m_UnTested + 10));
+ }
+ log << "\t<File Name=\"" << cit->first << "\" FullPath=\"" << cov.m_FullPath
+ << "\" Covered=\"" << cov.m_Covered << "\">\n"
+ << "\t\t<LOCTested>" << cov.m_Tested << "</LOCTested>\n"
+ << "\t\t<LOCUnTested>" << cov.m_UnTested << "</LOCUnTested>\n"
+ << "\t\t<PercentCoverage>" << cper << "</PercentCoverage>\n"
+ << "\t\t<CoverageMetric>" << cmet << "</CoverageMetric>\n"
+ << "\t</File>" << std::endl;
+ }
+ if ( ccount > 0 )
+ {
+ local_end_time = ::CurrentTime();
+ cfileoutput << "\t<EndDateTime>" << local_end_time << "</EndDateTime>\n"
+ << "</CoverageLog>\n"
+ << "</Site>" << std::endl;
+ cfileoutput.close();
+ }
+ int total_lines = total_tested + total_untested;
+ float percent_coverage = 100 * static_cast<float>(total_tested) /
+ static_cast<float>(total_lines);
+ if ( total_lines == 0 )
+ {
+ percent_coverage = 0;
+ }
+ std::string end_time = ::CurrentTime();
+ log << "\t<LOCTested>" << total_tested << "</LOCTested>\n"
+ << "\t<LOCUntested>" << total_untested << "</LOCUntested>\n"
+ << "\t<LOC>" << total_lines << "</LOC>\n"
+ << "\t<PercentCoverage>" << percent_coverage << "</PercentCoverage>\n"
+ << "\t<EndDateTime>" << end_time << "</EndDateTime>\n"
+ << "</Coverage>\n"
+ << "</Site>" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "\tCovered LOC: " << total_tested << std::endl
+ << "\tNot covered LOC: " << total_untested << std::endl
+ << "\tTotal LOC: " << total_lines << std::endl
+ << "\tPercentage Coverage: " << percent_coverage << "%" << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "Coverage test is not yet implemented" << std::endl;
+ return 1;
-bool ctest::OpenFile(const std::string& path,
+bool ctest::OpenOutputFile(const std::string& path,
const std::string& name, std::ofstream& stream)
std::string testingDir = m_ToplevelPath + "/Testing/CDart";
@@ -928,7 +1297,7 @@ int ctest::TestDirectory()
if ( m_DartMode )
std::ofstream ofs;
- if( !this->OpenFile("", "Test.xml", ofs) )
+ if( !this->OpenOutputFile("", "Test.xml", ofs) )
std::cerr << "Cannot create testing XML file" << std::endl;
return 1;
@@ -1022,15 +1391,15 @@ int ctest::ProcessTests()
if ( m_Tests[UPDATE_TEST] || m_Tests[ALL_TEST] )
- this->UpdateDirectory();
+ res += this->UpdateDirectory();
if ( m_Tests[CONFIGURE_TEST] || m_Tests[ALL_TEST] )
- this->ConfigureDirectory();
+ res += this->ConfigureDirectory();
if ( m_Tests[BUILD_TEST] || m_Tests[ALL_TEST] )
- this->BuildDirectory();
+ res += this->BuildDirectory();
if ( m_Tests[TEST_TEST] || m_Tests[ALL_TEST] || notest )
@@ -1038,7 +1407,7 @@ int ctest::ProcessTests()
if ( m_Tests[COVERAGE_TEST] || m_Tests[ALL_TEST] )
- std::cerr << "Coverage test is not yet implemented" << std::endl;
+ this->CoverageDirectory();
if ( m_Tests[PURIFY_TEST] || m_Tests[ALL_TEST] )