path: root/Source
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source')
-rw-r--r--Source/cmQtAutoMocUic.cxx (renamed from Source/cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic.cxx)1211
-rw-r--r--Source/cmQtAutoMocUic.h (renamed from Source/cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic.h)298
8 files changed, 1574 insertions, 1268 deletions
diff --git a/Source/CMakeLists.txt b/Source/CMakeLists.txt
index 924d997..49f237f 100644
--- a/Source/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Source/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -350,8 +350,8 @@ set(SRCS
- cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic.cxx
- cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic.h
+ cmQtAutoMocUic.cxx
+ cmQtAutoMocUic.h
@@ -391,6 +391,8 @@ set(SRCS
+ cmWorkerPool.cxx
+ cmWorkerPool.h
diff --git a/Source/cmQtAutoGenerator.cxx b/Source/cmQtAutoGenerator.cxx
index f115016..6fbea82 100644
--- a/Source/cmQtAutoGenerator.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmQtAutoGenerator.cxx
@@ -14,12 +14,6 @@
#include "cmSystemTools.h"
#include "cmake.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <utility>
-// -- Class methods
// Initialize logger
@@ -431,232 +425,6 @@ bool cmQtAutoGenerator::FileSystem::MakeParentDirectory(
return cmQtAutoGenerator::MakeParentDirectory(filename);
-int cmQtAutoGenerator::ReadOnlyProcessT::PipeT::init(uv_loop_t* uv_loop,
- ReadOnlyProcessT* process)
- Process_ = process;
- Target_ = nullptr;
- return UVPipe_.init(*uv_loop, 0, this);
-int cmQtAutoGenerator::ReadOnlyProcessT::PipeT::startRead(std::string* target)
- Target_ = target;
- return uv_read_start(uv_stream(), &PipeT::UVAlloc, &PipeT::UVData);
-void cmQtAutoGenerator::ReadOnlyProcessT::PipeT::reset()
- Process_ = nullptr;
- Target_ = nullptr;
- UVPipe_.reset();
- Buffer_.clear();
- Buffer_.shrink_to_fit();
-void cmQtAutoGenerator::ReadOnlyProcessT::PipeT::UVAlloc(uv_handle_t* handle,
- size_t suggestedSize,
- uv_buf_t* buf)
- auto& pipe = *reinterpret_cast<PipeT*>(handle->data);
- pipe.Buffer_.resize(suggestedSize);
- buf->base =;
- buf->len = pipe.Buffer_.size();
-void cmQtAutoGenerator::ReadOnlyProcessT::PipeT::UVData(uv_stream_t* stream,
- ssize_t nread,
- const uv_buf_t* buf)
- auto& pipe = *reinterpret_cast<PipeT*>(stream->data);
- if (nread > 0) {
- // Append data to merged output
- if ((buf->base != nullptr) && (pipe.Target_ != nullptr)) {
- pipe.Target_->append(buf->base, nread);
- }
- } else if (nread < 0) {
- // EOF or error
- auto* proc = pipe.Process_;
- // Check it this an unusual error
- if (nread != UV_EOF) {
- if (!proc->Result()->error()) {
- proc->Result()->ErrorMessage =
- "libuv reading from pipe failed with error code ";
- proc->Result()->ErrorMessage += std::to_string(nread);
- }
- }
- // Clear libuv pipe handle and try to finish
- pipe.reset();
- proc->UVTryFinish();
- }
-void cmQtAutoGenerator::ProcessResultT::reset()
- ExitStatus = 0;
- TermSignal = 0;
- if (!StdOut.empty()) {
- StdOut.clear();
- StdOut.shrink_to_fit();
- }
- if (!StdErr.empty()) {
- StdErr.clear();
- StdErr.shrink_to_fit();
- }
- if (!ErrorMessage.empty()) {
- ErrorMessage.clear();
- ErrorMessage.shrink_to_fit();
- }
-void cmQtAutoGenerator::ReadOnlyProcessT::setup(
- ProcessResultT* result, bool mergedOutput,
- std::vector<std::string> const& command, std::string const& workingDirectory)
- Setup_.WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory;
- Setup_.Command = command;
- Setup_.Result = result;
- Setup_.MergedOutput = mergedOutput;
-static std::string getUVError(const char* prefixString, int uvErrorCode)
- std::ostringstream ost;
- ost << prefixString << ": " << uv_strerror(uvErrorCode);
- return ost.str();
-bool cmQtAutoGenerator::ReadOnlyProcessT::start(
- uv_loop_t* uv_loop, std::function<void()>&& finishedCallback)
- if (IsStarted() || (Result() == nullptr)) {
- return false;
- }
- // Reset result before the start
- Result()->reset();
- // Fill command string pointers
- if (!Setup().Command.empty()) {
- CommandPtr_.reserve(Setup().Command.size() + 1);
- for (std::string const& arg : Setup().Command) {
- CommandPtr_.push_back(arg.c_str());
- }
- CommandPtr_.push_back(nullptr);
- } else {
- Result()->ErrorMessage = "Empty command";
- }
- if (!Result()->error()) {
- if (UVPipeOut_.init(uv_loop, this) != 0) {
- Result()->ErrorMessage = "libuv stdout pipe initialization failed";
- }
- }
- if (!Result()->error()) {
- if (UVPipeErr_.init(uv_loop, this) != 0) {
- Result()->ErrorMessage = "libuv stderr pipe initialization failed";
- }
- }
- if (!Result()->error()) {
- // -- Setup process stdio options
- // stdin
- UVOptionsStdIO_[0].flags = UV_IGNORE;
- UVOptionsStdIO_[0] = nullptr;
- // stdout
- UVOptionsStdIO_[1].flags =
- static_cast<uv_stdio_flags>(UV_CREATE_PIPE | UV_WRITABLE_PIPE);
- UVOptionsStdIO_[1] = UVPipeOut_.uv_stream();
- // stderr
- UVOptionsStdIO_[2].flags =
- static_cast<uv_stdio_flags>(UV_CREATE_PIPE | UV_WRITABLE_PIPE);
- UVOptionsStdIO_[2] = UVPipeErr_.uv_stream();
- // -- Setup process options
- std::fill_n(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&UVOptions_), sizeof(UVOptions_), 0);
- UVOptions_.exit_cb = &ReadOnlyProcessT::UVExit;
- UVOptions_.file = CommandPtr_[0];
- UVOptions_.args = const_cast<char**>(;
- UVOptions_.cwd = Setup_.WorkingDirectory.c_str();
- UVOptions_.stdio_count = static_cast<int>(UVOptionsStdIO_.size());
- UVOptions_.stdio =;
- // -- Spawn process
- int uvErrorCode = UVProcess_.spawn(*uv_loop, UVOptions_, this);
- if (uvErrorCode != 0) {
- Result()->ErrorMessage =
- getUVError("libuv process spawn failed ", uvErrorCode);
- }
- }
- // -- Start reading from stdio streams
- if (!Result()->error()) {
- if (UVPipeOut_.startRead(&Result()->StdOut) != 0) {
- Result()->ErrorMessage = "libuv start reading from stdout pipe failed";
- }
- }
- if (!Result()->error()) {
- if (UVPipeErr_.startRead(Setup_.MergedOutput ? &Result()->StdOut
- : &Result()->StdErr) != 0) {
- Result()->ErrorMessage = "libuv start reading from stderr pipe failed";
- }
- }
- if (!Result()->error()) {
- IsStarted_ = true;
- FinishedCallback_ = std::move(finishedCallback);
- } else {
- // Clear libuv handles and finish
- UVProcess_.reset();
- UVPipeOut_.reset();
- UVPipeErr_.reset();
- CommandPtr_.clear();
- }
- return IsStarted();
-void cmQtAutoGenerator::ReadOnlyProcessT::UVExit(uv_process_t* handle,
- int64_t exitStatus,
- int termSignal)
- auto& proc = *reinterpret_cast<ReadOnlyProcessT*>(handle->data);
- if (proc.IsStarted() && !proc.IsFinished()) {
- // Set error message on demand
- proc.Result()->ExitStatus = exitStatus;
- proc.Result()->TermSignal = termSignal;
- if (!proc.Result()->error()) {
- if (termSignal != 0) {
- proc.Result()->ErrorMessage = "Process was terminated by signal ";
- proc.Result()->ErrorMessage +=
- std::to_string(proc.Result()->TermSignal);
- } else if (exitStatus != 0) {
- proc.Result()->ErrorMessage = "Process failed with return value ";
- proc.Result()->ErrorMessage +=
- std::to_string(proc.Result()->ExitStatus);
- }
- }
- // Reset process handle and try to finish
- proc.UVProcess_.reset();
- proc.UVTryFinish();
- }
-void cmQtAutoGenerator::ReadOnlyProcessT::UVTryFinish()
- // There still might be data in the pipes after the process has finished.
- // Therefore check if the process is finished AND all pipes are closed
- // before signaling the worker thread to continue.
- if (UVProcess_.get() == nullptr) {
- if (UVPipeOut_.uv_pipe() == nullptr) {
- if (UVPipeErr_.uv_pipe() == nullptr) {
- IsFinished_ = true;
- FinishedCallback_();
- }
- }
- }
cmQtAutoGenerator::cmQtAutoGenerator() = default;
cmQtAutoGenerator::~cmQtAutoGenerator() = default;
diff --git a/Source/cmQtAutoGenerator.h b/Source/cmQtAutoGenerator.h
index 479d357..437fa20 100644
--- a/Source/cmQtAutoGenerator.h
+++ b/Source/cmQtAutoGenerator.h
@@ -7,14 +7,8 @@
#include "cmFilePathChecksum.h"
#include "cmQtAutoGen.h"
-#include "cmUVHandlePtr.h"
-#include "cm_uv.h"
-#include <array>
-#include <functional>
#include <mutex>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
@@ -137,102 +131,6 @@ public:
cmFilePathChecksum FilePathChecksum_;
- /// @brief Return value and output of an external process
- struct ProcessResultT
- {
- void reset();
- bool error() const
- {
- return (ExitStatus != 0) || (TermSignal != 0) || !ErrorMessage.empty();
- }
- std::int64_t ExitStatus = 0;
- int TermSignal = 0;
- std::string StdOut;
- std::string StdErr;
- std::string ErrorMessage;
- };
- /// @brief External process management class
- struct ReadOnlyProcessT
- {
- // -- Types
- /// @brief libuv pipe buffer class
- class PipeT
- {
- public:
- int init(uv_loop_t* uv_loop, ReadOnlyProcessT* process);
- int startRead(std::string* target);
- void reset();
- // -- Libuv casts
- uv_pipe_t* uv_pipe() { return UVPipe_.get(); }
- uv_stream_t* uv_stream()
- {
- return reinterpret_cast<uv_stream_t*>(uv_pipe());
- }
- uv_handle_t* uv_handle()
- {
- return reinterpret_cast<uv_handle_t*>(uv_pipe());
- }
- // -- Libuv callbacks
- static void UVAlloc(uv_handle_t* handle, size_t suggestedSize,
- uv_buf_t* buf);
- static void UVData(uv_stream_t* stream, ssize_t nread,
- const uv_buf_t* buf);
- private:
- ReadOnlyProcessT* Process_ = nullptr;
- std::string* Target_ = nullptr;
- std::vector<char> Buffer_;
- cm::uv_pipe_ptr UVPipe_;
- };
- /// @brief Process settings
- struct SetupT
- {
- std::string WorkingDirectory;
- std::vector<std::string> Command;
- ProcessResultT* Result = nullptr;
- bool MergedOutput = false;
- };
- // -- Const accessors
- const SetupT& Setup() const { return Setup_; }
- ProcessResultT* Result() const { return Setup_.Result; }
- bool IsStarted() const { return IsStarted_; }
- bool IsFinished() const { return IsFinished_; }
- // -- Runtime
- void setup(ProcessResultT* result, bool mergedOutput,
- std::vector<std::string> const& command,
- std::string const& workingDirectory = std::string());
- bool start(uv_loop_t* uv_loop, std::function<void()>&& finishedCallback);
- private:
- // -- Friends
- friend class PipeT;
- // -- Libuv callbacks
- static void UVExit(uv_process_t* handle, int64_t exitStatus,
- int termSignal);
- void UVTryFinish();
- // -- Setup
- SetupT Setup_;
- // -- Runtime
- bool IsStarted_ = false;
- bool IsFinished_ = false;
- std::function<void()> FinishedCallback_;
- std::vector<const char*> CommandPtr_;
- std::array<uv_stdio_container_t, 3> UVOptionsStdIO_;
- uv_process_options_t UVOptions_;
- cm::uv_process_ptr UVProcess_;
- PipeT UVPipeOut_;
- PipeT UVPipeErr_;
- };
// -- Constructors
diff --git a/Source/cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic.cxx b/Source/cmQtAutoMocUic.cxx
index ec1a1aa..75c5d8a 100644
--- a/Source/cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmQtAutoMocUic.cxx
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
file Copyright.txt or for details. */
-#include "cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic.h"
+#include "cmQtAutoMocUic.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
-#include <cstddef>
+#include <deque>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
// -- Class methods
-std::string cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::BaseSettingsT::AbsoluteBuildPath(
+std::string cmQtAutoMocUic::BaseSettingsT::AbsoluteBuildPath(
std::string const& relativePath) const
return FileSys->CollapseFullPath(relativePath, AutogenBuildDir);
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ std::string cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::BaseSettingsT::AbsoluteBuildPath(
* appending different header extensions
* @return True on success
-bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::BaseSettingsT::FindHeader(
+bool cmQtAutoMocUic::BaseSettingsT::FindHeader(
std::string& header, std::string const& testBasePath) const
for (std::string const& ext : HeaderExtensions) {
@@ -50,8 +50,7 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::BaseSettingsT::FindHeader(
return false;
-bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::MocSettingsT::skipped(
- std::string const& fileName) const
+bool cmQtAutoMocUic::MocSettingsT::skipped(std::string const& fileName) const
return (!Enabled || (SkipList.find(fileName) != SkipList.end()));
@@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::MocSettingsT::skipped(
* @brief Returns the first relevant Qt macro name found in the given C++ code
* @return The name of the Qt macro or an empty string
-std::string cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::MocSettingsT::FindMacro(
+std::string cmQtAutoMocUic::MocSettingsT::FindMacro(
std::string const& content) const
for (KeyExpT const& filter : MacroFilters) {
@@ -77,7 +76,7 @@ std::string cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::MocSettingsT::FindMacro(
return std::string();
-std::string cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::MocSettingsT::MacrosString() const
+std::string cmQtAutoMocUic::MocSettingsT::MacrosString() const
std::string res;
const auto itB = MacroFilters.cbegin();
@@ -99,7 +98,7 @@ std::string cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::MocSettingsT::MacrosString() const
return res;
-std::string cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::MocSettingsT::FindIncludedFile(
+std::string cmQtAutoMocUic::MocSettingsT::FindIncludedFile(
std::string const& sourcePath, std::string const& includeString) const
// Search in vicinity of the source
@@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ std::string cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::MocSettingsT::FindIncludedFile(
return std::string();
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::MocSettingsT::FindDependencies(
+void cmQtAutoMocUic::MocSettingsT::FindDependencies(
std::string const& content, std::set<std::string>& depends) const
if (!DependFilters.empty() && !content.empty()) {
@@ -147,17 +146,124 @@ void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::MocSettingsT::FindDependencies(
-bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::UicSettingsT::skipped(
- std::string const& fileName) const
+bool cmQtAutoMocUic::UicSettingsT::skipped(std::string const& fileName) const
return (!Enabled || (SkipList.find(fileName) != SkipList.end()));
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::Process(WorkerT& wrk)
+void cmQtAutoMocUic::JobT::LogError(GenT genType,
+ std::string const& message) const
+ Gen()->AbortError();
+ Gen()->Log().Error(genType, message);
+void cmQtAutoMocUic::JobT::LogFileError(GenT genType,
+ std::string const& filename,
+ std::string const& message) const
+ Gen()->AbortError();
+ Gen()->Log().ErrorFile(genType, filename, message);
+void cmQtAutoMocUic::JobT::LogCommandError(
+ GenT genType, std::string const& message,
+ std::vector<std::string> const& command, std::string const& output) const
+ Gen()->AbortError();
+ Gen()->Log().ErrorCommand(genType, message, command, output);
+bool cmQtAutoMocUic::JobT::RunProcess(GenT genType,
+ cmWorkerPool::ProcessResultT& result,
+ std::vector<std::string> const& command)
+ // Log command
+ if (Log().Verbose()) {
+ std::string msg = "Running command:\n";
+ msg += QuotedCommand(command);
+ msg += '\n';
+ Log().Info(genType, msg);
+ }
+ return cmWorkerPool::JobT::RunProcess(result, command,
+ Gen()->Base().AutogenBuildDir);
+void cmQtAutoMocUic::JobMocPredefsT::Process()
+ // (Re)generate moc_predefs.h on demand
+ bool generate(false);
+ bool fileExists(FileSys().FileExists(Gen()->Moc().PredefsFileAbs));
+ if (!fileExists) {
+ if (Log().Verbose()) {
+ std::string reason = "Generating ";
+ reason += Quoted(Gen()->Moc().PredefsFileRel);
+ reason += " because it doesn't exist";
+ Log().Info(GenT::MOC, reason);
+ }
+ generate = true;
+ } else if (Gen()->Moc().SettingsChanged) {
+ if (Log().Verbose()) {
+ std::string reason = "Generating ";
+ reason += Quoted(Gen()->Moc().PredefsFileRel);
+ reason += " because the settings changed.";
+ Log().Info(GenT::MOC, reason);
+ }
+ generate = true;
+ }
+ if (generate) {
+ cmWorkerPool::ProcessResultT result;
+ {
+ // Compose command
+ std::vector<std::string> cmd = Gen()->Moc().PredefsCmd;
+ // Add includes
+ cmd.insert(cmd.end(), Gen()->Moc().Includes.begin(),
+ Gen()->Moc().Includes.end());
+ // Add definitions
+ for (std::string const& def : Gen()->Moc().Definitions) {
+ cmd.push_back("-D" + def);
+ }
+ // Execute command
+ if (!RunProcess(GenT::MOC, result, cmd)) {
+ std::string emsg = "The content generation command for ";
+ emsg += Quoted(Gen()->Moc().PredefsFileRel);
+ emsg += " failed.\n";
+ emsg += result.ErrorMessage;
+ LogCommandError(GenT::MOC, emsg, cmd, result.StdOut);
+ }
+ }
+ // (Re)write predefs file only on demand
+ if (!result.error()) {
+ if (!fileExists ||
+ FileSys().FileDiffers(Gen()->Moc().PredefsFileAbs, result.StdOut)) {
+ if (FileSys().FileWrite(Gen()->Moc().PredefsFileAbs, result.StdOut)) {
+ // Success
+ } else {
+ std::string emsg = "Writing ";
+ emsg += Quoted(Gen()->Moc().PredefsFileRel);
+ emsg += " failed.";
+ LogFileError(GenT::MOC, Gen()->Moc().PredefsFileAbs, emsg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Touch to update the time stamp
+ if (Log().Verbose()) {
+ std::string msg = "Touching ";
+ msg += Quoted(Gen()->Moc().PredefsFileRel);
+ msg += ".";
+ Log().Info(GenT::MOC, msg);
+ }
+ FileSys().Touch(Gen()->Moc().PredefsFileAbs);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void cmQtAutoMocUic::JobParseT::Process()
if (AutoMoc && Header) {
// Don't parse header for moc if the file is included by a source already
- if (wrk.Gen().ParallelMocIncluded(FileName)) {
+ if (Gen()->ParallelMocIncluded(FileName)) {
AutoMoc = false;
@@ -165,35 +271,32 @@ void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::Process(WorkerT& wrk)
if (AutoMoc || AutoUic) {
std::string error;
MetaT meta;
- if (wrk.FileSys().FileRead(meta.Content, FileName, &error)) {
+ if (FileSys().FileRead(meta.Content, FileName, &error)) {
if (!meta.Content.empty()) {
- meta.FileDir = wrk.FileSys().SubDirPrefix(FileName);
- meta.FileBase =
- wrk.FileSys().GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(FileName);
+ meta.FileDir = FileSys().SubDirPrefix(FileName);
+ meta.FileBase = FileSys().GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(FileName);
bool success = true;
if (AutoMoc) {
if (Header) {
- success = ParseMocHeader(wrk, meta);
+ success = ParseMocHeader(meta);
} else {
- success = ParseMocSource(wrk, meta);
+ success = ParseMocSource(meta);
if (AutoUic && success) {
- ParseUic(wrk, meta);
+ ParseUic(meta);
} else {
- wrk.LogFileWarning(GenT::GEN, FileName, "The source file is empty");
+ Log().WarningFile(GenT::GEN, FileName, "The source file is empty");
} else {
- wrk.LogFileError(GenT::GEN, FileName,
- "Could not read the file: " + error);
+ LogFileError(GenT::GEN, FileName, "Could not read the file: " + error);
-bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::ParseMocSource(WorkerT& wrk,
- MetaT const& meta)
+bool cmQtAutoMocUic::JobParseT::ParseMocSource(MetaT const& meta)
struct JobPre
@@ -211,7 +314,7 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::ParseMocSource(WorkerT& wrk,
// Check if this source file contains a relevant macro
- std::string const ownMacro = wrk.Moc().FindMacro(meta.Content);
+ std::string const ownMacro = Gen()->Moc().FindMacro(meta.Content);
// Extract moc includes from file
std::deque<MocInclude> mocIncsUsc;
@@ -220,11 +323,11 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::ParseMocSource(WorkerT& wrk,
if (meta.Content.find("moc") != std::string::npos) {
const char* contentChars = meta.Content.c_str();
cmsys::RegularExpressionMatch match;
- while (wrk.Moc().RegExpInclude.find(contentChars, match)) {
+ while (Gen()->Moc().RegExpInclude.find(contentChars, match)) {
std::string incString = match.match(2);
- std::string incDir(wrk.FileSys().SubDirPrefix(incString));
+ std::string incDir(FileSys().SubDirPrefix(incString));
std::string incBase =
- wrk.FileSys().GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(incString);
+ FileSys().GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(incString);
if (cmHasLiteralPrefix(incBase, "moc_")) {
// moc_<BASE>.cxx
// Remove the moc_ part from the base name
@@ -253,10 +356,10 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::ParseMocSource(WorkerT& wrk,
// Process moc_<BASE>.cxx includes
for (const MocInclude& mocInc : mocIncsUsc) {
std::string const header =
- MocFindIncludedHeader(wrk, meta.FileDir, mocInc.Dir + mocInc.Base);
+ MocFindIncludedHeader(meta.FileDir, mocInc.Dir + mocInc.Base);
if (!header.empty()) {
// Check if header is skipped
- if (wrk.Moc().skipped(header)) {
+ if (Gen()->Moc().skipped(header)) {
// Register moc job
@@ -271,9 +374,9 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::ParseMocSource(WorkerT& wrk,
std::string emsg = "The file includes the moc file ";
emsg += Quoted(mocInc.Inc);
emsg += ", but the header ";
- emsg += Quoted(MocStringHeaders(wrk, mocInc.Base));
+ emsg += Quoted(MocStringHeaders(mocInc.Base));
emsg += " could not be found.";
- wrk.LogFileError(GenT::MOC, FileName, emsg);
+ LogFileError(GenT::MOC, FileName, emsg);
return false;
@@ -282,7 +385,7 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::ParseMocSource(WorkerT& wrk,
// Process <BASE>.moc includes
for (const MocInclude& mocInc : mocIncsDot) {
const bool ownMoc = (mocInc.Base == meta.FileBase);
- if (wrk.Moc().RelaxedMode) {
+ if (Gen()->Moc().RelaxedMode) {
// Relaxed mode
if (!ownMacro.empty() && ownMoc) {
// Add self
@@ -292,10 +395,10 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::ParseMocSource(WorkerT& wrk,
// In relaxed mode try to find a header instead but issue a warning.
// This is for KDE4 compatibility
std::string const header =
- MocFindIncludedHeader(wrk, meta.FileDir, mocInc.Dir + mocInc.Base);
+ MocFindIncludedHeader(meta.FileDir, mocInc.Dir + mocInc.Base);
if (!header.empty()) {
// Check if header is skipped
- if (wrk.Moc().skipped(header)) {
+ if (Gen()->Moc().skipped(header)) {
// Register moc job
@@ -305,14 +408,14 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::ParseMocSource(WorkerT& wrk,
std::string emsg = "The file includes the moc file ";
emsg += Quoted(mocInc.Inc);
emsg += ", but does not contain a ";
- emsg += wrk.Moc().MacrosString();
+ emsg += Gen()->Moc().MacrosString();
emsg += " macro.\nRunning moc on\n ";
emsg += Quoted(header);
emsg += "!\nBetter include ";
emsg += Quoted("moc_" + mocInc.Base + ".cpp");
emsg += " for a compatibility with strict mode.\n"
- wrk.LogFileWarning(GenT::MOC, FileName, emsg);
+ Log().WarningFile(GenT::MOC, FileName, emsg);
} else {
std::string emsg = "The file includes the moc file ";
emsg += Quoted(mocInc.Inc);
@@ -324,7 +427,7 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::ParseMocSource(WorkerT& wrk,
emsg += Quoted("moc_" + mocInc.Base + ".cpp");
emsg += " for compatibility with strict mode.\n"
- wrk.LogFileWarning(GenT::MOC, FileName, emsg);
+ Log().WarningFile(GenT::MOC, FileName, emsg);
} else {
@@ -334,9 +437,9 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::ParseMocSource(WorkerT& wrk,
emsg += ", which seems to be the moc file from a different "
"source file.\nCMAKE_AUTOMOC_RELAXED_MODE: Also a "
"matching header ";
- emsg += Quoted(MocStringHeaders(wrk, mocInc.Base));
+ emsg += Quoted(MocStringHeaders(mocInc.Base));
emsg += " could not be found.";
- wrk.LogFileError(GenT::MOC, FileName, emsg);
+ LogFileError(GenT::MOC, FileName, emsg);
return false;
@@ -352,9 +455,9 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::ParseMocSource(WorkerT& wrk,
std::string emsg = "The file includes the moc file ";
emsg += Quoted(mocInc.Inc);
emsg += ", but does not contain a ";
- emsg += wrk.Moc().MacrosString();
+ emsg += Gen()->Moc().MacrosString();
emsg += " macro.";
- wrk.LogFileWarning(GenT::MOC, FileName, emsg);
+ Log().WarningFile(GenT::MOC, FileName, emsg);
} else {
// Don't allow <BASE>.moc include other than self in strict mode
@@ -365,7 +468,7 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::ParseMocSource(WorkerT& wrk,
"source file.\nThis is not supported. Include ";
emsg += Quoted(meta.FileBase + ".moc");
emsg += " to run moc on this source file.";
- wrk.LogFileError(GenT::MOC, FileName, emsg);
+ LogFileError(GenT::MOC, FileName, emsg);
return false;
@@ -379,7 +482,7 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::ParseMocSource(WorkerT& wrk,
// foo.cpp instead of foo.h, because otherwise it won't build.
// But warn, since this is not how it is supposed to be used.
// This is for KDE4 compatibility.
- if (wrk.Moc().RelaxedMode && ownMocUscIncluded) {
+ if (Gen()->Moc().RelaxedMode && ownMocUscIncluded) {
JobPre uscJobPre;
// Remove underscore job request
@@ -408,7 +511,7 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::ParseMocSource(WorkerT& wrk,
emsg += Quoted(meta.FileBase + ".moc");
emsg += " for compatibility with strict mode.\n"
- wrk.LogFileWarning(GenT::MOC, FileName, emsg);
+ Log().WarningFile(GenT::MOC, FileName, emsg);
// Add own source job
@@ -423,7 +526,7 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::ParseMocSource(WorkerT& wrk,
emsg += "!\nConsider to\n - add #include \"";
emsg += meta.FileBase;
emsg += ".moc\"\n - enable SKIP_AUTOMOC for this file";
- wrk.LogFileError(GenT::MOC, FileName, emsg);
+ LogFileError(GenT::MOC, FileName, emsg);
return false;
@@ -431,76 +534,80 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::ParseMocSource(WorkerT& wrk,
// Convert pre jobs to actual jobs
for (JobPre& jobPre : jobs) {
- JobHandleT jobHandle = cm::make_unique<JobMocT>(
+ cmWorkerPool::JobHandleT jobHandle = cm::make_unique<JobMocT>(
std::move(jobPre.SourceFile), FileName, std::move(jobPre.IncludeString));
if (jobPre.self) {
// Read dependencies from this source
- static_cast<JobMocT&>(*jobHandle).FindDependencies(wrk, meta.Content);
+ JobMocT& jobMoc = static_cast<JobMocT&>(*jobHandle);
+ Gen()->Moc().FindDependencies(meta.Content, jobMoc.Depends);
+ jobMoc.DependsValid = true;
- if (!wrk.Gen().ParallelJobPushMoc(jobHandle)) {
+ if (!Gen()->ParallelJobPushMoc(std::move(jobHandle))) {
return false;
return true;
-bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::ParseMocHeader(WorkerT& wrk,
- MetaT const& meta)
+bool cmQtAutoMocUic::JobParseT::ParseMocHeader(MetaT const& meta)
bool success = true;
- std::string const macroName = wrk.Moc().FindMacro(meta.Content);
+ std::string const macroName = Gen()->Moc().FindMacro(meta.Content);
if (!macroName.empty()) {
- JobHandleT jobHandle = cm::make_unique<JobMocT>(
+ cmWorkerPool::JobHandleT jobHandle = cm::make_unique<JobMocT>(
std::string(FileName), std::string(), std::string());
// Read dependencies from this source
- static_cast<JobMocT&>(*jobHandle).FindDependencies(wrk, meta.Content);
- success = wrk.Gen().ParallelJobPushMoc(jobHandle);
+ {
+ JobMocT& jobMoc = static_cast<JobMocT&>(*jobHandle);
+ Gen()->Moc().FindDependencies(meta.Content, jobMoc.Depends);
+ jobMoc.DependsValid = true;
+ }
+ success = Gen()->ParallelJobPushMoc(std::move(jobHandle));
return success;
-std::string cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::MocStringHeaders(
- WorkerT& wrk, std::string const& fileBase) const
+std::string cmQtAutoMocUic::JobParseT::MocStringHeaders(
+ std::string const& fileBase) const
std::string res = fileBase;
res += ".{";
- res += cmJoin(wrk.Base().HeaderExtensions, ",");
+ res += cmJoin(Gen()->Base().HeaderExtensions, ",");
res += "}";
return res;
-std::string cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::MocFindIncludedHeader(
- WorkerT& wrk, std::string const& includerDir, std::string const& includeBase)
+std::string cmQtAutoMocUic::JobParseT::MocFindIncludedHeader(
+ std::string const& includerDir, std::string const& includeBase)
std::string header;
// Search in vicinity of the source
- if (!wrk.Base().FindHeader(header, includerDir + includeBase)) {
+ if (!Gen()->Base().FindHeader(header, includerDir + includeBase)) {
// Search in include directories
- for (std::string const& path : wrk.Moc().IncludePaths) {
+ for (std::string const& path : Gen()->Moc().IncludePaths) {
std::string fullPath = path;
fullPath += includeBase;
- if (wrk.Base().FindHeader(header, fullPath)) {
+ if (Gen()->Base().FindHeader(header, fullPath)) {
// Sanitize
if (!header.empty()) {
- header = wrk.FileSys().GetRealPath(header);
+ header = FileSys().GetRealPath(header);
return header;
-bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::ParseUic(WorkerT& wrk,
- MetaT const& meta)
+bool cmQtAutoMocUic::JobParseT::ParseUic(MetaT const& meta)
bool success = true;
if (meta.Content.find("ui_") != std::string::npos) {
const char* contentChars = meta.Content.c_str();
cmsys::RegularExpressionMatch match;
- while (wrk.Uic().RegExpInclude.find(contentChars, match)) {
- if (!ParseUicInclude(wrk, meta, match.match(2))) {
+ while (Gen()->Uic().RegExpInclude.find(contentChars, match)) {
+ if (!ParseUicInclude(meta, match.match(2))) {
success = false;
@@ -510,16 +617,16 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::ParseUic(WorkerT& wrk,
return success;
-bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::ParseUicInclude(
- WorkerT& wrk, MetaT const& meta, std::string&& includeString)
+bool cmQtAutoMocUic::JobParseT::ParseUicInclude(MetaT const& meta,
+ std::string&& includeString)
bool success = false;
- std::string uiInputFile = UicFindIncludedFile(wrk, meta, includeString);
+ std::string uiInputFile = UicFindIncludedFile(meta, includeString);
if (!uiInputFile.empty()) {
- if (!wrk.Uic().skipped(uiInputFile)) {
- JobHandleT jobHandle = cm::make_unique<JobUicT>(
+ if (!Gen()->Uic().skipped(uiInputFile)) {
+ cmWorkerPool::JobHandleT jobHandle = cm::make_unique<JobUicT>(
std::move(uiInputFile), FileName, std::move(includeString));
- success = wrk.Gen().ParallelJobPushUic(jobHandle);
+ success = Gen()->ParallelJobPushUic(std::move(jobHandle));
} else {
// A skipped file is successful
success = true;
@@ -528,17 +635,17 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::ParseUicInclude(
return success;
-std::string cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::UicFindIncludedFile(
- WorkerT& wrk, MetaT const& meta, std::string const& includeString)
+std::string cmQtAutoMocUic::JobParseT::UicFindIncludedFile(
+ MetaT const& meta, std::string const& includeString)
std::string res;
std::string searchFile =
- wrk.FileSys().GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(includeString).substr(3);
+ FileSys().GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(includeString).substr(3);
searchFile += ".ui";
// Collect search paths list
std::deque<std::string> testFiles;
- std::string const searchPath = wrk.FileSys().SubDirPrefix(includeString);
+ std::string const searchPath = FileSys().SubDirPrefix(includeString);
std::string searchFileFull;
if (!searchPath.empty()) {
@@ -554,12 +661,12 @@ std::string cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::UicFindIncludedFile(
// AUTOUIC search paths
- if (!wrk.Uic().SearchPaths.empty()) {
- for (std::string const& sPath : wrk.Uic().SearchPaths) {
+ if (!Gen()->Uic().SearchPaths.empty()) {
+ for (std::string const& sPath : Gen()->Uic().SearchPaths) {
testFiles.push_back((sPath + "/").append(searchFile));
if (!searchPath.empty()) {
- for (std::string const& sPath : wrk.Uic().SearchPaths) {
+ for (std::string const& sPath : Gen()->Uic().SearchPaths) {
testFiles.push_back((sPath + "/").append(searchFileFull));
@@ -568,8 +675,8 @@ std::string cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::UicFindIncludedFile(
// Search for the .ui file!
for (std::string const& testFile : testFiles) {
- if (wrk.FileSys().FileExists(testFile)) {
- res = wrk.FileSys().GetRealPath(testFile);
+ if (FileSys().FileExists(testFile)) {
+ res = FileSys().GetRealPath(testFile);
@@ -584,162 +691,140 @@ std::string cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobParseT::UicFindIncludedFile(
emsg += Quoted(testFile);
emsg += "\n";
- wrk.LogFileError(GenT::UIC, FileName, emsg);
+ LogFileError(GenT::UIC, FileName, emsg);
return res;
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobMocPredefsT::Process(WorkerT& wrk)
+void cmQtAutoMocUic::JobPostParseT::Process()
- // (Re)generate moc_predefs.h on demand
- bool generate(false);
- bool fileExists(wrk.FileSys().FileExists(wrk.Moc().PredefsFileAbs));
- if (!fileExists) {
- if (wrk.Log().Verbose()) {
- std::string reason = "Generating ";
- reason += Quoted(wrk.Moc().PredefsFileRel);
- reason += " because it doesn't exist";
- wrk.LogInfo(GenT::MOC, reason);
- }
- generate = true;
- } else if (wrk.Moc().SettingsChanged) {
- if (wrk.Log().Verbose()) {
- std::string reason = "Generating ";
- reason += Quoted(wrk.Moc().PredefsFileRel);
- reason += " because the settings changed.";
- wrk.LogInfo(GenT::MOC, reason);
- }
- generate = true;
+ if (Gen()->Moc().Enabled) {
+ // Add mocs compilations fence job
+ Gen()->WorkerPool().EmplaceJob<JobMocsCompilationT>();
- if (generate) {
- ProcessResultT result;
- {
- // Compose command
- std::vector<std::string> cmd = wrk.Moc().PredefsCmd;
- // Add includes
- cmd.insert(cmd.end(), wrk.Moc().Includes.begin(),
- wrk.Moc().Includes.end());
- // Add definitions
- for (std::string const& def : wrk.Moc().Definitions) {
- cmd.push_back("-D" + def);
- }
- // Execute command
- if (!wrk.RunProcess(GenT::MOC, result, cmd)) {
- std::string emsg = "The content generation command for ";
- emsg += Quoted(wrk.Moc().PredefsFileRel);
- emsg += " failed.\n";
- emsg += result.ErrorMessage;
- wrk.LogCommandError(GenT::MOC, emsg, cmd, result.StdOut);
- }
+ // Add finish job
+ Gen()->WorkerPool().EmplaceJob<JobFinishT>();
+void cmQtAutoMocUic::JobMocsCompilationT::Process()
+ // Compose mocs compilation file content
+ std::string content =
+ "// This file is autogenerated. Changes will be overwritten.\n";
+ if (Gen()->MocAutoFiles().empty()) {
+ // Placeholder content
+ content += "// No files found that require moc or the moc files are "
+ "included\n";
+ content += "enum some_compilers { need_more_than_nothing };\n";
+ } else {
+ // Valid content
+ char const sbeg = Gen()->Base().MultiConfig ? '<' : '"';
+ char const send = Gen()->Base().MultiConfig ? '>' : '"';
+ for (std::string const& mocfile : Gen()->MocAutoFiles()) {
+ content += "#include ";
+ content += sbeg;
+ content += mocfile;
+ content += send;
+ content += '\n';
+ }
- // (Re)write predefs file only on demand
- if (!result.error()) {
- if (!fileExists ||
- wrk.FileSys().FileDiffers(wrk.Moc().PredefsFileAbs, result.StdOut)) {
- std::string error;
- if (wrk.FileSys().FileWrite(wrk.Moc().PredefsFileAbs, result.StdOut,
- &error)) {
- // Success
- } else {
- std::string emsg = "Writing ";
- emsg += Quoted(wrk.Moc().PredefsFileRel);
- emsg += " failed. ";
- emsg += error;
- wrk.LogFileError(GenT::MOC, wrk.Moc().PredefsFileAbs, emsg);
- }
- } else {
- // Touch to update the time stamp
- if (wrk.Log().Verbose()) {
- std::string msg = "Touching ";
- msg += Quoted(wrk.Moc().PredefsFileRel);
- msg += ".";
- wrk.LogInfo(GenT::MOC, msg);
- }
- wrk.FileSys().Touch(wrk.Moc().PredefsFileAbs);
- }
+ std::string const& compAbs = Gen()->Moc().CompFileAbs;
+ if (FileSys().FileDiffers(compAbs, content)) {
+ // Actually write mocs compilation file
+ if (Log().Verbose()) {
+ Log().Info(GenT::MOC, "Generating MOC compilation " + compAbs);
+ }
+ if (!FileSys().FileWrite(compAbs, content)) {
+ LogFileError(GenT::MOC, compAbs,
+ "mocs compilation file writing failed.");
+ }
+ } else if (Gen()->MocAutoFileUpdated()) {
+ // Only touch mocs compilation file
+ if (Log().Verbose()) {
+ Log().Info(GenT::MOC, "Touching mocs compilation " + compAbs);
+ FileSys().Touch(compAbs);
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobMocT::FindDependencies(
- WorkerT& wrk, std::string const& content)
+void cmQtAutoMocUic::JobMocT::FindDependencies(std::string const& content)
- wrk.Moc().FindDependencies(content, Depends);
+ Gen()->Moc().FindDependencies(content, Depends);
DependsValid = true;
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobMocT::Process(WorkerT& wrk)
+void cmQtAutoMocUic::JobMocT::Process()
// Compute build file name
if (!IncludeString.empty()) {
- BuildFile = wrk.Base().AutogenIncludeDir;
+ BuildFile = Gen()->Base().AutogenIncludeDir;
BuildFile += '/';
BuildFile += IncludeString;
} else {
// Relative build path
- std::string relPath = wrk.FileSys().GetFilePathChecksum(SourceFile);
+ std::string relPath = FileSys().GetFilePathChecksum(SourceFile);
relPath += "/moc_";
- relPath += wrk.FileSys().GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(SourceFile);
+ relPath += FileSys().GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(SourceFile);
// Register relative file path with duplication check
- relPath = wrk.Gen().ParallelMocAutoRegister(relPath);
+ relPath = Gen()->ParallelMocAutoRegister(relPath);
// Absolute build path
- if (wrk.Base().MultiConfig) {
- BuildFile = wrk.Base().AutogenIncludeDir;
+ if (Gen()->Base().MultiConfig) {
+ BuildFile = Gen()->Base().AutogenIncludeDir;
BuildFile += '/';
BuildFile += relPath;
} else {
- BuildFile = wrk.Base().AbsoluteBuildPath(relPath);
+ BuildFile = Gen()->Base().AbsoluteBuildPath(relPath);
- if (UpdateRequired(wrk)) {
- GenerateMoc(wrk);
+ if (UpdateRequired()) {
+ GenerateMoc();
-bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobMocT::UpdateRequired(WorkerT& wrk)
+bool cmQtAutoMocUic::JobMocT::UpdateRequired()
- bool const verbose = wrk.Gen().Log().Verbose();
+ bool const verbose = Log().Verbose();
// Test if the build file exists
- if (!wrk.FileSys().FileExists(BuildFile)) {
+ if (!FileSys().FileExists(BuildFile)) {
if (verbose) {
std::string reason = "Generating ";
reason += Quoted(BuildFile);
reason += " from its source file ";
reason += Quoted(SourceFile);
reason += " because it doesn't exist";
- wrk.LogInfo(GenT::MOC, reason);
+ Log().Info(GenT::MOC, reason);
return true;
// Test if any setting changed
- if (wrk.Moc().SettingsChanged) {
+ if (Gen()->Moc().SettingsChanged) {
if (verbose) {
std::string reason = "Generating ";
reason += Quoted(BuildFile);
reason += " from ";
reason += Quoted(SourceFile);
reason += " because the MOC settings changed";
- wrk.LogInfo(GenT::MOC, reason);
+ Log().Info(GenT::MOC, reason);
return true;
// Test if the moc_predefs file is newer
- if (!wrk.Moc().PredefsFileAbs.empty()) {
+ if (!Gen()->Moc().PredefsFileAbs.empty()) {
bool isOlder = false;
std::string error;
- isOlder = wrk.FileSys().FileIsOlderThan(
- BuildFile, wrk.Moc().PredefsFileAbs, &error);
+ isOlder = FileSys().FileIsOlderThan(BuildFile,
+ Gen()->Moc().PredefsFileAbs, &error);
if (!isOlder && !error.empty()) {
- wrk.LogError(GenT::MOC, error);
+ LogError(GenT::MOC, error);
return false;
@@ -748,8 +833,8 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobMocT::UpdateRequired(WorkerT& wrk)
std::string reason = "Generating ";
reason += Quoted(BuildFile);
reason += " because it's older than: ";
- reason += Quoted(wrk.Moc().PredefsFileAbs);
- wrk.LogInfo(GenT::MOC, reason);
+ reason += Quoted(Gen()->Moc().PredefsFileAbs);
+ Log().Info(GenT::MOC, reason);
return true;
@@ -760,9 +845,9 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobMocT::UpdateRequired(WorkerT& wrk)
bool isOlder = false;
std::string error;
- isOlder = wrk.FileSys().FileIsOlderThan(BuildFile, SourceFile, &error);
+ isOlder = FileSys().FileIsOlderThan(BuildFile, SourceFile, &error);
if (!isOlder && !error.empty()) {
- wrk.LogError(GenT::MOC, error);
+ LogError(GenT::MOC, error);
return false;
@@ -772,7 +857,7 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobMocT::UpdateRequired(WorkerT& wrk)
reason += Quoted(BuildFile);
reason += " because it's older than its source file ";
reason += Quoted(SourceFile);
- wrk.LogInfo(GenT::MOC, reason);
+ Log().Info(GenT::MOC, reason);
return true;
@@ -785,7 +870,7 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobMocT::UpdateRequired(WorkerT& wrk)
std::string content;
std::string error;
- if (!wrk.FileSys().FileRead(content, SourceFile, &error)) {
+ if (!FileSys().FileRead(content, SourceFile, &error)) {
std::string emsg = "Could not read file\n ";
emsg += Quoted(SourceFile);
emsg += "\nrequired by moc include ";
@@ -794,20 +879,20 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobMocT::UpdateRequired(WorkerT& wrk)
emsg += Quoted(IncluderFile);
emsg += ".\n";
emsg += error;
- wrk.LogError(GenT::MOC, emsg);
+ LogError(GenT::MOC, emsg);
return false;
- FindDependencies(wrk, content);
+ FindDependencies(content);
// Check dependency timestamps
std::string error;
- std::string sourceDir = wrk.FileSys().SubDirPrefix(SourceFile);
+ std::string sourceDir = FileSys().SubDirPrefix(SourceFile);
for (std::string const& depFileRel : Depends) {
std::string depFileAbs =
- wrk.Moc().FindIncludedFile(sourceDir, depFileRel);
+ Gen()->Moc().FindIncludedFile(sourceDir, depFileRel);
if (!depFileAbs.empty()) {
- if (wrk.FileSys().FileIsOlderThan(BuildFile, depFileAbs, &error)) {
+ if (FileSys().FileIsOlderThan(BuildFile, depFileAbs, &error)) {
if (verbose) {
std::string reason = "Generating ";
reason += Quoted(BuildFile);
@@ -815,18 +900,18 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobMocT::UpdateRequired(WorkerT& wrk)
reason += Quoted(SourceFile);
reason += " because it is older than it's dependency file ";
reason += Quoted(depFileAbs);
- wrk.LogInfo(GenT::MOC, reason);
+ Log().Info(GenT::MOC, reason);
return true;
if (!error.empty()) {
- wrk.LogError(GenT::MOC, error);
+ LogError(GenT::MOC, error);
return false;
} else {
std::string message = "Could not find dependency file ";
message += Quoted(depFileRel);
- wrk.LogFileWarning(GenT::MOC, SourceFile, message);
+ Log().WarningFile(GenT::MOC, SourceFile, message);
@@ -834,41 +919,40 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobMocT::UpdateRequired(WorkerT& wrk)
return false;
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobMocT::GenerateMoc(WorkerT& wrk)
+void cmQtAutoMocUic::JobMocT::GenerateMoc()
// Make sure the parent directory exists
- if (!wrk.FileSys().MakeParentDirectory(BuildFile)) {
- wrk.LogFileError(GenT::MOC, BuildFile,
- "Could not create parent directory.");
+ if (!FileSys().MakeParentDirectory(BuildFile)) {
+ LogFileError(GenT::MOC, BuildFile, "Could not create parent directory.");
// Compose moc command
std::vector<std::string> cmd;
- cmd.push_back(wrk.Moc().Executable);
+ cmd.push_back(Gen()->Moc().Executable);
// Add options
- cmd.insert(cmd.end(), wrk.Moc().AllOptions.begin(),
- wrk.Moc().AllOptions.end());
+ cmd.insert(cmd.end(), Gen()->Moc().AllOptions.begin(),
+ Gen()->Moc().AllOptions.end());
// Add predefs include
- if (!wrk.Moc().PredefsFileAbs.empty()) {
+ if (!Gen()->Moc().PredefsFileAbs.empty()) {
- cmd.push_back(wrk.Moc().PredefsFileAbs);
+ cmd.push_back(Gen()->Moc().PredefsFileAbs);
// Execute moc command
- ProcessResultT result;
- if (wrk.RunProcess(GenT::MOC, result, cmd)) {
+ cmWorkerPool::ProcessResultT result;
+ if (RunProcess(GenT::MOC, result, cmd)) {
// Moc command success
// Print moc output
if (!result.StdOut.empty()) {
- wrk.LogInfo(GenT::MOC, result.StdOut);
+ Log().Info(GenT::MOC, result.StdOut);
// Notify the generator that a not included file changed (on demand)
if (IncludeString.empty()) {
- wrk.Gen().ParallelMocAutoUpdated();
+ Gen()->ParallelMocAutoUpdated();
} else {
// Moc command failed
@@ -879,51 +963,51 @@ void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobMocT::GenerateMoc(WorkerT& wrk)
emsg += Quoted(BuildFile);
emsg += ".\n";
emsg += result.ErrorMessage;
- wrk.LogCommandError(GenT::MOC, emsg, cmd, result.StdOut);
+ LogCommandError(GenT::MOC, emsg, cmd, result.StdOut);
- wrk.FileSys().FileRemove(BuildFile);
+ FileSys().FileRemove(BuildFile);
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobUicT::Process(WorkerT& wrk)
+void cmQtAutoMocUic::JobUicT::Process()
// Compute build file name
- BuildFile = wrk.Base().AutogenIncludeDir;
+ BuildFile = Gen()->Base().AutogenIncludeDir;
BuildFile += '/';
BuildFile += IncludeString;
- if (UpdateRequired(wrk)) {
- GenerateUic(wrk);
+ if (UpdateRequired()) {
+ GenerateUic();
-bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobUicT::UpdateRequired(WorkerT& wrk)
+bool cmQtAutoMocUic::JobUicT::UpdateRequired()
- bool const verbose = wrk.Gen().Log().Verbose();
+ bool const verbose = Log().Verbose();
// Test if the build file exists
- if (!wrk.FileSys().FileExists(BuildFile)) {
+ if (!FileSys().FileExists(BuildFile)) {
if (verbose) {
std::string reason = "Generating ";
reason += Quoted(BuildFile);
reason += " from its source file ";
reason += Quoted(SourceFile);
reason += " because it doesn't exist";
- wrk.LogInfo(GenT::UIC, reason);
+ Log().Info(GenT::UIC, reason);
return true;
// Test if the uic settings changed
- if (wrk.Uic().SettingsChanged) {
+ if (Gen()->Uic().SettingsChanged) {
if (verbose) {
std::string reason = "Generating ";
reason += Quoted(BuildFile);
reason += " from ";
reason += Quoted(SourceFile);
reason += " because the UIC settings changed";
- wrk.LogInfo(GenT::UIC, reason);
+ Log().Info(GenT::UIC, reason);
return true;
@@ -933,9 +1017,9 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobUicT::UpdateRequired(WorkerT& wrk)
bool isOlder = false;
std::string error;
- isOlder = wrk.FileSys().FileIsOlderThan(BuildFile, SourceFile, &error);
+ isOlder = FileSys().FileIsOlderThan(BuildFile, SourceFile, &error);
if (!isOlder && !error.empty()) {
- wrk.LogError(GenT::UIC, error);
+ LogError(GenT::UIC, error);
return false;
@@ -945,7 +1029,7 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobUicT::UpdateRequired(WorkerT& wrk)
reason += Quoted(BuildFile);
reason += " because it's older than its source file ";
reason += Quoted(SourceFile);
- wrk.LogInfo(GenT::UIC, reason);
+ Log().Info(GenT::UIC, reason);
return true;
@@ -954,37 +1038,36 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobUicT::UpdateRequired(WorkerT& wrk)
return false;
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobUicT::GenerateUic(WorkerT& wrk)
+void cmQtAutoMocUic::JobUicT::GenerateUic()
// Make sure the parent directory exists
- if (!wrk.FileSys().MakeParentDirectory(BuildFile)) {
- wrk.LogFileError(GenT::UIC, BuildFile,
- "Could not create parent directory.");
+ if (!FileSys().MakeParentDirectory(BuildFile)) {
+ LogFileError(GenT::UIC, BuildFile, "Could not create parent directory.");
// Compose uic command
std::vector<std::string> cmd;
- cmd.push_back(wrk.Uic().Executable);
+ cmd.push_back(Gen()->Uic().Executable);
- std::vector<std::string> allOpts = wrk.Uic().TargetOptions;
- auto optionIt = wrk.Uic().Options.find(SourceFile);
- if (optionIt != wrk.Uic().Options.end()) {
+ std::vector<std::string> allOpts = Gen()->Uic().TargetOptions;
+ auto optionIt = Gen()->Uic().Options.find(SourceFile);
+ if (optionIt != Gen()->Uic().Options.end()) {
UicMergeOptions(allOpts, optionIt->second,
- (wrk.Base().QtVersionMajor == 5));
+ (Gen()->Base().QtVersionMajor == 5));
cmd.insert(cmd.end(), allOpts.begin(), allOpts.end());
- cmd.push_back(BuildFile);
- cmd.push_back(SourceFile);
+ cmd.emplace_back(BuildFile);
+ cmd.emplace_back(SourceFile);
- ProcessResultT result;
- if (wrk.RunProcess(GenT::UIC, result, cmd)) {
+ cmWorkerPool::ProcessResultT result;
+ if (RunProcess(GenT::UIC, result, cmd)) {
// Uic command success
// Print uic output
if (!result.StdOut.empty()) {
- wrk.LogInfo(GenT::UIC, result.StdOut);
+ Log().Info(GenT::UIC, result.StdOut);
} else {
// Uic command failed
@@ -997,147 +1080,19 @@ void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobUicT::GenerateUic(WorkerT& wrk)
emsg += Quoted(IncluderFile);
emsg += ".\n";
emsg += result.ErrorMessage;
- wrk.LogCommandError(GenT::UIC, emsg, cmd, result.StdOut);
+ LogCommandError(GenT::UIC, emsg, cmd, result.StdOut);
- wrk.FileSys().FileRemove(BuildFile);
+ FileSys().FileRemove(BuildFile);
-cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::WorkerT::WorkerT(cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic* gen,
- uv_loop_t* uvLoop)
- : Gen_(gen)
- // Initialize uv asynchronous callback for process starting
- ProcessRequest_.init(*uvLoop, &WorkerT::UVProcessStart, this);
- // Start thread
- Thread_ = std::thread(&WorkerT::Loop, this);
- // Join thread
- if (Thread_.joinable()) {
- Thread_.join();
- }
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::WorkerT::LogInfo(
- GenT genType, std::string const& message) const
+void cmQtAutoMocUic::JobFinishT::Process()
- Log().Info(genType, message);
+ Gen()->AbortSuccess();
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::WorkerT::LogWarning(
- GenT genType, std::string const& message) const
- Log().Warning(genType, message);
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::WorkerT::LogFileWarning(
- GenT genType, std::string const& filename, std::string const& message) const
- Log().WarningFile(genType, filename, message);
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::WorkerT::LogError(
- GenT genType, std::string const& message) const
- Gen().ParallelRegisterJobError();
- Log().Error(genType, message);
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::WorkerT::LogFileError(
- GenT genType, std::string const& filename, std::string const& message) const
- Gen().ParallelRegisterJobError();
- Log().ErrorFile(genType, filename, message);
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::WorkerT::LogCommandError(
- GenT genType, std::string const& message,
- std::vector<std::string> const& command, std::string const& output) const
- Gen().ParallelRegisterJobError();
- Log().ErrorCommand(genType, message, command, output);
-bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::WorkerT::RunProcess(
- GenT genType, ProcessResultT& result,
- std::vector<std::string> const& command)
- if (command.empty()) {
- return false;
- }
- // Create process instance
- {
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(ProcessMutex_);
- Process_ = cm::make_unique<ReadOnlyProcessT>();
- Process_->setup(&result, true, command, Gen().Base().AutogenBuildDir);
- }
- // Send asynchronous process start request to libuv loop
- ProcessRequest_.send();
- // Log command
- if (this->Log().Verbose()) {
- std::string msg = "Running command:\n";
- msg += QuotedCommand(command);
- msg += '\n';
- this->LogInfo(genType, msg);
- }
- // Wait until the process has been finished and destroyed
- {
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ulock(ProcessMutex_);
- while (Process_) {
- ProcessCondition_.wait(ulock);
- }
- }
- return !result.error();
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::WorkerT::Loop()
- while (true) {
- Gen().WorkerSwapJob(JobHandle_);
- if (JobHandle_) {
- JobHandle_->Process(*this);
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::WorkerT::UVProcessStart(uv_async_t* handle)
- auto& wrk = *reinterpret_cast<WorkerT*>(handle->data);
- {
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(wrk.ProcessMutex_);
- if (wrk.Process_ && !wrk.Process_->IsStarted()) {
- wrk.Process_->start(handle->loop, [&wrk] { wrk.UVProcessFinished(); });
- }
- }
- if (!wrk.Process_->IsStarted()) {
- wrk.UVProcessFinished();
- }
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::WorkerT::UVProcessFinished()
- {
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(ProcessMutex_);
- if (Process_ && (Process_->IsFinished() || !Process_->IsStarted())) {
- Process_.reset();
- }
- }
- // Notify idling thread
- ProcessCondition_.notify_one();
: Base_(&FileSys())
, Moc_(&FileSys())
@@ -1147,26 +1102,11 @@ cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic()
"[\"<](([^ \">]+/)?moc_[^ \">/]+\\.cpp|[^ \">]+\\.moc)[\">]");
Uic_.RegExpInclude.compile("(^|\n)[ \t]*#[ \t]*include[ \t]+"
"[\"<](([^ \">]+/)?ui_[^ \">/]+\\.h)[\">]");
- // Initialize libuv loop
- uv_disable_stdio_inheritance();
- UVHackRAII_ = cm::make_unique<cmUVSignalHackRAII>();
- UVLoop_ = cm::make_unique<uv_loop_t>();
- uv_loop_init(UVLoop());
- // Initialize libuv asynchronous iteration request
- UVRequest().init(*UVLoop(), &cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::UVPollStage, this);
- // Close libuv loop
- uv_loop_close(UVLoop());
+cmQtAutoMocUic::~cmQtAutoMocUic() = default;
-bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::Init(cmMakefile* makefile)
+bool cmQtAutoMocUic::Init(cmMakefile* makefile)
// -- Meta
Base_.HeaderExtensions = makefile->GetCMakeInstance()->GetHeaderExtensions();
@@ -1364,7 +1304,7 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::Init(cmMakefile* makefile)
Moc_.PredefsCmd = InfoGetList("AM_MOC_PREDEFS_CMD");
// Install moc predefs job
if (!Moc().PredefsCmd.empty()) {
- JobQueues_.MocPredefs.emplace_back(cm::make_unique<JobMocPredefsT>());
+ WorkerPool().EmplaceJob<JobMocPredefsT>();
@@ -1400,46 +1340,48 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::Init(cmMakefile* makefile)
// - Headers and sources
+ // Add sources
- auto addHeader = [this](std::string&& hdr, bool moc, bool uic) {
- this->JobQueues_.Headers.emplace_back(
- cm::make_unique<JobParseT>(std::move(hdr), moc, uic, true));
- };
auto addSource = [this](std::string&& src, bool moc, bool uic) {
- this->JobQueues_.Sources.emplace_back(
- cm::make_unique<JobParseT>(std::move(src), moc, uic, false));
+ WorkerPool().EmplaceJob<JobParseT>(std::move(src), moc, uic, false);
- // Add headers
- for (std::string& hdr : InfoGetList("AM_HEADERS")) {
- addHeader(std::move(hdr), true, true);
+ for (std::string& src : InfoGetList("AM_SOURCES")) {
+ addSource(std::move(src), true, true);
if (Moc().Enabled) {
- for (std::string& hdr : InfoGetList("AM_MOC_HEADERS")) {
- addHeader(std::move(hdr), true, false);
+ for (std::string& src : InfoGetList("AM_MOC_SOURCES")) {
+ addSource(std::move(src), true, false);
if (Uic().Enabled) {
- for (std::string& hdr : InfoGetList("AM_UIC_HEADERS")) {
- addHeader(std::move(hdr), false, true);
+ for (std::string& src : InfoGetList("AM_UIC_SOURCES")) {
+ addSource(std::move(src), false, true);
- // Add sources
- for (std::string& src : InfoGetList("AM_SOURCES")) {
- addSource(std::move(src), true, true);
+ }
+ // Add Fence job
+ WorkerPool().EmplaceJob<JobFenceT>();
+ // Add headers
+ {
+ auto addHeader = [this](std::string&& hdr, bool moc, bool uic) {
+ WorkerPool().EmplaceJob<JobParseT>(std::move(hdr), moc, uic, true);
+ };
+ for (std::string& hdr : InfoGetList("AM_HEADERS")) {
+ addHeader(std::move(hdr), true, true);
if (Moc().Enabled) {
- for (std::string& src : InfoGetList("AM_MOC_SOURCES")) {
- addSource(std::move(src), true, false);
+ for (std::string& hdr : InfoGetList("AM_MOC_HEADERS")) {
+ addHeader(std::move(hdr), true, false);
if (Uic().Enabled) {
- for (std::string& src : InfoGetList("AM_UIC_SOURCES")) {
- addSource(std::move(src), false, true);
+ for (std::string& hdr : InfoGetList("AM_UIC_HEADERS")) {
+ addHeader(std::move(hdr), false, true);
+ // Addpost parse fence job
+ WorkerPool().EmplaceJob<JobPostParseT>();
// Init derived information
// ------------------------
@@ -1534,98 +1476,25 @@ bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::Init(cmMakefile* makefile)
return true;
-bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::Process()
+bool cmQtAutoMocUic::Process()
- // Run libuv event loop
- UVRequest().send();
- if (uv_run(UVLoop(), UV_RUN_DEFAULT) == 0) {
- if (JobError_) {
- return false;
- }
- } else {
+ SettingsFileRead();
+ if (!CreateDirectories()) {
return false;
- return true;
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::UVPollStage(uv_async_t* handle)
- reinterpret_cast<cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic*>(handle->data)->PollStage();
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::PollStage()
- switch (Stage_) {
- case StageT::SETTINGS_READ:
- SettingsFileRead();
- break;
- CreateDirectories();
- SetStage(StageT::PARSE_SOURCES);
- break;
- case StageT::PARSE_SOURCES:
- if (ThreadsStartJobs(JobQueues_.Sources)) {
- SetStage(StageT::PARSE_HEADERS);
- }
- break;
- case StageT::PARSE_HEADERS:
- if (ThreadsStartJobs(JobQueues_.Headers)) {
- SetStage(StageT::MOC_PREDEFS);
- }
- break;
- case StageT::MOC_PREDEFS:
- if (ThreadsStartJobs(JobQueues_.MocPredefs)) {
- SetStage(StageT::MOC_PROCESS);
- }
- break;
- case StageT::MOC_PROCESS:
- if (ThreadsStartJobs(JobQueues_.Moc)) {
- }
- break;
- if (ThreadsJobsDone()) {
- MocGenerateCompilation();
- SetStage(StageT::UIC_PROCESS);
- }
- break;
- case StageT::UIC_PROCESS:
- if (ThreadsStartJobs(JobQueues_.Uic)) {
- SetStage(StageT::SETTINGS_WRITE);
- }
- break;
- case StageT::SETTINGS_WRITE:
- SettingsFileWrite();
- SetStage(StageT::FINISH);
- break;
- case StageT::FINISH:
- if (ThreadsJobsDone()) {
- // Clear all libuv handles
- ThreadsStop();
- UVRequest().reset();
- // Set highest END stage manually
- Stage_ = StageT::END;
- }
- break;
- case StageT::END:
- break;
+ if (!WorkerPool_.Process(Base().NumThreads, this)) {
+ return false;
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::SetStage(StageT stage)
if (JobError_) {
- stage = StageT::FINISH;
- }
- // Only allow to increase the stage
- if (Stage_ < stage) {
- Stage_ = stage;
- UVRequest().send();
+ return false;
+ return SettingsFileWrite();
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::SettingsFileRead()
+void cmQtAutoMocUic::SettingsFileRead()
// Compose current settings strings
@@ -1691,11 +1560,10 @@ void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::SettingsFileRead()
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::SettingsFileWrite()
+bool cmQtAutoMocUic::SettingsFileWrite()
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> jobsLock(JobsMutex_);
// Only write if any setting changed
- if (!JobError_ && (Moc().SettingsChanged || Uic().SettingsChanged)) {
+ if (Moc().SettingsChanged || Uic().SettingsChanged) {
if (Log().Verbose()) {
Log().Info(GenT::GEN, "Writing settings file " + Quoted(SettingsFile_));
@@ -1721,255 +1589,142 @@ void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::SettingsFileWrite()
"Settings file writing failed. " + error);
// Remove old settings file to trigger a full rebuild on the next run
- RegisterJobError();
+ return false;
+ return true;
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::CreateDirectories()
+bool cmQtAutoMocUic::CreateDirectories()
// Create AUTOGEN include directory
if (!FileSys().MakeDirectory(Base().AutogenIncludeDir)) {
Log().ErrorFile(GenT::GEN, Base().AutogenIncludeDir,
"Could not create directory.");
- RegisterJobError();
+ return false;
+ return true;
-bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::ThreadsStartJobs(JobQueueT& queue)
+// Private method that requires cmQtAutoMocUic::JobsMutex_ to be
+// locked
+void cmQtAutoMocUic::Abort(bool error)
- bool done = false;
- std::size_t queueSize = queue.size();
- // Change the active queue
- {
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> jobsLock(JobsMutex_);
- // Check if there are still unfinished jobs from the previous queue
- if (JobsRemain_ == 0) {
- if (!JobThreadsAbort_) {
- JobQueue_.swap(queue);
- JobsRemain_ = queueSize;
- } else {
- // Abort requested
- queue.clear();
- queueSize = 0;
- }
- done = true;
- }
+ if (error) {
+ WorkerPool_.Abort();
- if (done && (queueSize != 0)) {
- // Start new threads on demand
- if (Workers_.empty()) {
- Workers_.resize(Base().NumThreads);
- for (auto& item : Workers_) {
- item = cm::make_unique<WorkerT>(this, UVLoop());
+bool cmQtAutoMocUic::ParallelJobPushMoc(cmWorkerPool::JobHandleT&& jobHandle)
+ JobMocT const& mocJob(static_cast<JobMocT&>(*jobHandle));
+ // Do additional tests if this is an included moc job
+ if (!mocJob.IncludeString.empty()) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(MocMetaMutex_);
+ // Register included moc file
+ MocIncludedFiles_.emplace(mocJob.SourceFile);
+ // Check if the same moc file would be generated from a different
+ // source file.
+ auto const range = MocIncludes_.equal_range(mocJob.IncludeString);
+ for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
+ if (it->second[0] == mocJob.SourceFile) {
+ // The output file already gets generated
+ return true;
- } else {
- // Notify threads
- if (queueSize == 1) {
- JobsConditionRead_.notify_one();
- } else {
- JobsConditionRead_.notify_all();
+ {
+ // The output file already gets generated - from a different source
+ // file!
+ std::string error = "The two source files\n ";
+ error += Quoted(mocJob.IncluderFile);
+ error += " and\n ";
+ error += Quoted(it->second[1]);
+ error += "\ncontain the same moc include string ";
+ error += Quoted(mocJob.IncludeString);
+ error += "\nbut the moc file would be generated from different "
+ "source files\n ";
+ error += Quoted(mocJob.SourceFile);
+ error += " and\n ";
+ error += Quoted(it->second[0]);
+ error += ".\nConsider to\n"
+ "- not include the \"moc_<NAME>.cpp\" file\n"
+ "- add a directory prefix to a \"<NAME>.moc\" include "
+ "(e.g \"sub/<NAME>.moc\")\n"
+ "- rename the source file(s)\n";
+ Log().Error(GenT::MOC, error);
+ AbortError();
+ return false;
- }
- return done;
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::ThreadsStop()
- if (!Workers_.empty()) {
- // Clear all jobs
- {
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> jobsLock(JobsMutex_);
- JobThreadsAbort_ = true;
- JobsRemain_ -= JobQueue_.size();
- JobQueue_.clear();
- JobQueues_.Sources.clear();
- JobQueues_.Headers.clear();
- JobQueues_.MocPredefs.clear();
- JobQueues_.Moc.clear();
- JobQueues_.Uic.clear();
- }
- // Wake threads
- JobsConditionRead_.notify_all();
- // Join and clear threads
- Workers_.clear();
+ // We're still here so register this job
+ MocIncludes_.emplace_hint(range.first, mocJob.IncludeString,
+ std::array<std::string, 2>{
+ { mocJob.SourceFile, mocJob.IncluderFile } });
+ return WorkerPool_.PushJob(std::move(jobHandle));
-bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::ThreadsJobsDone()
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> jobsLock(JobsMutex_);
- return (JobsRemain_ == 0);
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::WorkerSwapJob(JobHandleT& jobHandle)
+bool cmQtAutoMocUic::ParallelJobPushUic(cmWorkerPool::JobHandleT&& jobHandle)
- bool const jobProcessed(jobHandle);
- if (jobProcessed) {
- jobHandle.reset();
- }
+ const JobUicT& uicJob(static_cast<JobUicT&>(*jobHandle));
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> jobsLock(JobsMutex_);
- // Reduce the remaining job count and notify the libuv loop
- // when all jobs are done
- if (jobProcessed) {
- --JobsRemain_;
- if (JobsRemain_ == 0) {
- UVRequest().send();
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(UicMetaMutex_);
+ // Check if the same uic file would be generated from a different
+ // source file.
+ auto const range = UicIncludes_.equal_range(uicJob.IncludeString);
+ for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
+ if (it->second[0] == uicJob.SourceFile) {
+ // The output file already gets generated
+ return true;
- }
- // Wait for new jobs
- while (!JobThreadsAbort_ && JobQueue_.empty()) {
- JobsConditionRead_.wait(jobsLock);
- }
- // Try to pick up a new job handle
- if (!JobThreadsAbort_ && !JobQueue_.empty()) {
- jobHandle = std::move(JobQueue_.front());
- JobQueue_.pop_front();
- }
- }
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::ParallelRegisterJobError()
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> jobsLock(JobsMutex_);
- RegisterJobError();
-// Private method that requires cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::JobsMutex_ to be
-// locked
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::RegisterJobError()
- JobError_ = true;
- if (!JobThreadsAbort_) {
- JobThreadsAbort_ = true;
- // Clear remaining jobs
- if (JobsRemain_ != 0) {
- JobsRemain_ -= JobQueue_.size();
- JobQueue_.clear();
- }
- }
-bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::ParallelJobPushMoc(JobHandleT& jobHandle)
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> jobsLock(JobsMutex_);
- if (!JobThreadsAbort_) {
- bool pushJobHandle = true;
- // Do additional tests if this is an included moc job
- const JobMocT& mocJob(static_cast<JobMocT&>(*jobHandle));
- if (!mocJob.IncludeString.empty()) {
- // Register included moc file and look for collisions
- MocIncludedFiles_.emplace(mocJob.SourceFile);
- if (!MocIncludedStrings_.emplace(mocJob.IncludeString).second) {
- // Another source file includes the same moc file!
- for (const JobHandleT& otherHandle : JobQueues_.Moc) {
- const JobMocT& otherJob(static_cast<JobMocT&>(*otherHandle));
- if (otherJob.IncludeString == mocJob.IncludeString) {
- // Check if the same moc file would be generated from different
- // source files which is an error.
- if (otherJob.SourceFile != mocJob.SourceFile) {
- // Include string collision
- std::string error = "The two source files\n ";
- error += Quoted(mocJob.IncluderFile);
- error += " and\n ";
- error += Quoted(otherJob.IncluderFile);
- error += "\ncontain the same moc include string ";
- error += Quoted(mocJob.IncludeString);
- error += "\nbut the moc file would be generated from different "
- "source files\n ";
- error += Quoted(mocJob.SourceFile);
- error += " and\n ";
- error += Quoted(otherJob.SourceFile);
- error += ".\nConsider to\n"
- "- not include the \"moc_<NAME>.cpp\" file\n"
- "- add a directory prefix to a \"<NAME>.moc\" include "
- "(e.g \"sub/<NAME>.moc\")\n"
- "- rename the source file(s)\n";
- Log().Error(GenT::MOC, error);
- RegisterJobError();
- }
- // Do not push this job in since the included moc file already
- // gets generated by an other job.
- pushJobHandle = false;
- break;
- }
- }
+ {
+ // The output file already gets generated - from a different .ui
+ // file!
+ std::string error = "The two source files\n ";
+ error += Quoted(uicJob.IncluderFile);
+ error += " and\n ";
+ error += Quoted(it->second[1]);
+ error += "\ncontain the same uic include string ";
+ error += Quoted(uicJob.IncludeString);
+ error += "\nbut the uic file would be generated from different "
+ "source files\n ";
+ error += Quoted(uicJob.SourceFile);
+ error += " and\n ";
+ error += Quoted(it->second[0]);
+ error +=
+ ".\nConsider to\n"
+ "- add a directory prefix to a \"ui_<NAME>.h\" include "
+ "(e.g \"sub/ui_<NAME>.h\")\n"
+ "- rename the <NAME>.ui file(s) and adjust the \"ui_<NAME>.h\" "
+ "include(s)\n";
+ Log().Error(GenT::UIC, error);
+ AbortError();
+ return false;
- // Push job on demand
- if (pushJobHandle) {
- JobQueues_.Moc.emplace_back(std::move(jobHandle));
- }
- }
- return !JobError_;
-bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::ParallelJobPushUic(JobHandleT& jobHandle)
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> jobsLock(JobsMutex_);
- if (!JobThreadsAbort_) {
- bool pushJobHandle = true;
- // Look for include collisions.
- const JobUicT& uicJob(static_cast<JobUicT&>(*jobHandle));
- for (const JobHandleT& otherHandle : JobQueues_.Uic) {
- const JobUicT& otherJob(static_cast<JobUicT&>(*otherHandle));
- if (otherJob.IncludeString == uicJob.IncludeString) {
- // Check if the same uic file would be generated from different
- // source files which would be an error.
- if (otherJob.SourceFile != uicJob.SourceFile) {
- // Include string collision
- std::string error = "The two source files\n ";
- error += Quoted(uicJob.IncluderFile);
- error += " and\n ";
- error += Quoted(otherJob.IncluderFile);
- error += "\ncontain the same uic include string ";
- error += Quoted(uicJob.IncludeString);
- error += "\nbut the uic file would be generated from different "
- "source files\n ";
- error += Quoted(uicJob.SourceFile);
- error += " and\n ";
- error += Quoted(otherJob.SourceFile);
- error +=
- ".\nConsider to\n"
- "- add a directory prefix to a \"ui_<NAME>.h\" include "
- "(e.g \"sub/ui_<NAME>.h\")\n"
- "- rename the <NAME>.ui file(s) and adjust the \"ui_<NAME>.h\" "
- "include(s)\n";
- Log().Error(GenT::UIC, error);
- RegisterJobError();
- }
- // Do not push this job in since the uic file already
- // gets generated by an other job.
- pushJobHandle = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (pushJobHandle) {
- JobQueues_.Uic.emplace_back(std::move(jobHandle));
- }
+ // We're still here so register this job
+ UicIncludes_.emplace_hint(range.first, uicJob.IncludeString,
+ std::array<std::string, 2>{
+ { uicJob.SourceFile, uicJob.IncluderFile } });
- return !JobError_;
+ return WorkerPool_.PushJob(std::move(jobHandle));
-bool cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::ParallelMocIncluded(
- std::string const& sourceFile)
+bool cmQtAutoMocUic::ParallelMocIncluded(std::string const& sourceFile)
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> mocLock(JobsMutex_);
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(MocMetaMutex_);
return (MocIncludedFiles_.find(sourceFile) != MocIncludedFiles_.end());
-std::string cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::ParallelMocAutoRegister(
+std::string cmQtAutoMocUic::ParallelMocAutoRegister(
std::string const& baseName)
std::string res;
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> mocLock(JobsMutex_);
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> mocLock(MocMetaMutex_);
res = baseName;
res += ".cpp";
if (MocAutoFiles_.find(res) == MocAutoFiles_.end()) {
@@ -1990,63 +1745,3 @@ std::string cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::ParallelMocAutoRegister(
return res;
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::ParallelMocAutoUpdated()
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> mocLock(JobsMutex_);
- MocAutoFileUpdated_ = true;
-void cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic::MocGenerateCompilation()
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> mocLock(JobsMutex_);
- if (!JobError_ && Moc().Enabled) {
- // Write mocs compilation build file
- {
- // Compose mocs compilation file content
- std::string content =
- "// This file is autogenerated. Changes will be overwritten.\n";
- if (MocAutoFiles_.empty()) {
- // Placeholder content
- content += "// No files found that require moc or the moc files are "
- "included\n";
- content += "enum some_compilers { need_more_than_nothing };\n";
- } else {
- // Valid content
- char const sbeg = Base().MultiConfig ? '<' : '"';
- char const send = Base().MultiConfig ? '>' : '"';
- for (std::string const& mocfile : MocAutoFiles_) {
- content += "#include ";
- content += sbeg;
- content += mocfile;
- content += send;
- content += '\n';
- }
- }
- std::string const& compAbs = Moc().CompFileAbs;
- if (FileSys().FileDiffers(compAbs, content)) {
- // Actually write mocs compilation file
- if (Log().Verbose()) {
- Log().Info(GenT::MOC, "Generating MOC compilation " + compAbs);
- }
- std::string error;
- if (!FileSys().FileWrite(compAbs, content, &error)) {
- Log().ErrorFile(GenT::MOC, compAbs,
- "mocs compilation file writing failed. " + error);
- RegisterJobError();
- return;
- }
- } else if (MocAutoFileUpdated_) {
- // Only touch mocs compilation file
- if (Log().Verbose()) {
- Log().Info(GenT::MOC, "Touching mocs compilation " + compAbs);
- }
- FileSys().Touch(compAbs);
- }
- }
- // Write mocs compilation wrapper file
- if (Base().MultiConfig) {
- }
- }
diff --git a/Source/cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic.h b/Source/cmQtAutoMocUic.h
index 27d73a7..3902abb 100644
--- a/Source/cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic.h
+++ b/Source/cmQtAutoMocUic.h
@@ -1,26 +1,22 @@
/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
file Copyright.txt or for details. */
-#ifndef cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic_h
-#define cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic_h
+#ifndef cmQtAutoMocUic_h
+#define cmQtAutoMocUic_h
#include "cmConfigure.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "cmQtAutoGen.h"
#include "cmQtAutoGenerator.h"
-#include "cmUVHandlePtr.h"
-#include "cmUVSignalHackRAII.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
-#include "cm_uv.h"
+#include "cmWorkerPool.h"
#include "cmsys/RegularExpression.hxx"
-#include <condition_variable>
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <deque>
+#include <array>
+#include <atomic>
#include <map>
#include <memory> // IWYU pragma: keep
#include <mutex>
#include <set>
#include <string>
-#include <thread>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
@@ -28,18 +24,18 @@
class cmMakefile;
// @brief AUTOMOC and AUTOUIC generator
-class cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic : public cmQtAutoGenerator
+class cmQtAutoMocUic : public cmQtAutoGenerator
- cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic();
- ~cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic() override;
+ cmQtAutoMocUic();
+ ~cmQtAutoMocUic() override;
- cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic(cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic const&) = delete;
- cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic& operator=(cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic const&) = delete;
+ cmQtAutoMocUic(cmQtAutoMocUic const&) = delete;
+ cmQtAutoMocUic& operator=(cmQtAutoMocUic const&) = delete;
// -- Types
- class WorkerT;
+ typedef std::multimap<std::string, std::array<std::string, 2>> IncludesMap;
/// @brief Search key plus regular expression pair
@@ -173,31 +169,71 @@ public:
cmsys::RegularExpression RegExpInclude;
- /// @brief Abstract job class for threaded processing
+ /// @brief Abstract job class for concurrent job processing
- class JobT
+ class JobT : public cmWorkerPool::JobT
- public:
- JobT() = default;
- virtual ~JobT() = default;
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * @brief Protected default constructor
+ */
+ JobT(bool fence = false)
+ : cmWorkerPool::JobT(fence)
+ {
+ }
+ //! Get the generator. Only valid during Process() call!
+ cmQtAutoMocUic* Gen() const
+ {
+ return static_cast<cmQtAutoMocUic*>(UserData());
+ };
+ //! Get the file system interface. Only valid during Process() call!
+ FileSystem& FileSys() { return Gen()->FileSys(); }
+ //! Get the logger. Only valid during Process() call!
+ Logger& Log() { return Gen()->Log(); }
+ // -- Error logging with automatic abort
+ void LogError(GenT genType, std::string const& message) const;
+ void LogFileError(GenT genType, std::string const& filename,
+ std::string const& message) const;
+ void LogCommandError(GenT genType, std::string const& message,
+ std::vector<std::string> const& command,
+ std::string const& output) const;
- JobT(JobT const&) = delete;
- JobT& operator=(JobT const&) = delete;
+ /**
+ * @brief Run an external process. Use only during Process() call!
+ */
+ bool RunProcess(GenT genType, cmWorkerPool::ProcessResultT& result,
+ std::vector<std::string> const& command);
+ };
- // -- Abstract processing interface
- virtual void Process(WorkerT& wrk) = 0;
+ /// @brief Fence job utility class
+ ///
+ class JobFenceT : public JobT
+ {
+ public:
+ JobFenceT()
+ : JobT(true)
+ {
+ }
+ void Process() override{};
- // Job management types
- typedef std::unique_ptr<JobT> JobHandleT;
- typedef std::deque<JobHandleT> JobQueueT;
+ /// @brief Generate moc_predefs.h
+ ///
+ class JobMocPredefsT : public JobT
+ {
+ private:
+ void Process() override;
+ };
- /// @brief Parse source job
+ /// @brief Parses a source file
class JobParseT : public JobT
- JobParseT(std::string&& fileName, bool moc, bool uic, bool header = false)
+ JobParseT(std::string fileName, bool moc, bool uic, bool header = false)
: FileName(std::move(fileName))
, AutoMoc(moc)
, AutoUic(uic)
@@ -213,18 +249,15 @@ public:
std::string FileBase;
- void Process(WorkerT& wrk) override;
- bool ParseMocSource(WorkerT& wrk, MetaT const& meta);
- bool ParseMocHeader(WorkerT& wrk, MetaT const& meta);
- std::string MocStringHeaders(WorkerT& wrk,
- std::string const& fileBase) const;
- std::string MocFindIncludedHeader(WorkerT& wrk,
- std::string const& includerDir,
+ void Process() override;
+ bool ParseMocSource(MetaT const& meta);
+ bool ParseMocHeader(MetaT const& meta);
+ std::string MocStringHeaders(std::string const& fileBase) const;
+ std::string MocFindIncludedHeader(std::string const& includerDir,
std::string const& includeBase);
- bool ParseUic(WorkerT& wrk, MetaT const& meta);
- bool ParseUicInclude(WorkerT& wrk, MetaT const& meta,
- std::string&& includeString);
- std::string UicFindIncludedFile(WorkerT& wrk, MetaT const& meta,
+ bool ParseUic(MetaT const& meta);
+ bool ParseUicInclude(MetaT const& meta, std::string&& includeString);
+ std::string UicFindIncludedFile(MetaT const& meta,
std::string const& includeString);
@@ -234,12 +267,20 @@ public:
bool Header = false;
- /// @brief Generate moc_predefs
+ /// @brief Generates additional jobs after all files have been parsed
- class JobMocPredefsT : public JobT
+ class JobPostParseT : public JobFenceT
- void Process(WorkerT& wrk) override;
+ void Process() override;
+ };
+ /// @brief Generate mocs_compilation.cpp
+ ///
+ class JobMocsCompilationT : public JobFenceT
+ {
+ private:
+ void Process() override;
/// @brief Moc a file job
@@ -247,20 +288,20 @@ public:
class JobMocT : public JobT
- JobMocT(std::string&& sourceFile, std::string includerFile,
- std::string&& includeString)
+ JobMocT(std::string sourceFile, std::string includerFile,
+ std::string includeString)
: SourceFile(std::move(sourceFile))
, IncluderFile(std::move(includerFile))
, IncludeString(std::move(includeString))
- void FindDependencies(WorkerT& wrk, std::string const& content);
+ void FindDependencies(std::string const& content);
- void Process(WorkerT& wrk) override;
- bool UpdateRequired(WorkerT& wrk);
- void GenerateMoc(WorkerT& wrk);
+ void Process() override;
+ bool UpdateRequired();
+ void GenerateMoc();
std::string SourceFile;
@@ -276,8 +317,8 @@ public:
class JobUicT : public JobT
- JobUicT(std::string&& sourceFile, std::string includerFile,
- std::string&& includeString)
+ JobUicT(std::string sourceFile, std::string includerFile,
+ std::string includeString)
: SourceFile(std::move(sourceFile))
, IncluderFile(std::move(includerFile))
, IncludeString(std::move(includeString))
@@ -285,9 +326,9 @@ public:
- void Process(WorkerT& wrk) override;
- bool UpdateRequired(WorkerT& wrk);
- void GenerateUic(WorkerT& wrk);
+ void Process() override;
+ bool UpdateRequired();
+ void GenerateUic();
std::string SourceFile;
@@ -296,80 +337,12 @@ public:
std::string BuildFile;
- /// @brief Worker Thread
+ /// @brief The last job
- class WorkerT
+ class JobFinishT : public JobFenceT
- public:
- WorkerT(cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic* gen, uv_loop_t* uvLoop);
- ~WorkerT();
- WorkerT(WorkerT const&) = delete;
- WorkerT& operator=(WorkerT const&) = delete;
- // -- Const accessors
- cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic& Gen() const { return *Gen_; }
- Logger& Log() const { return Gen_->Log(); }
- FileSystem& FileSys() const { return Gen_->FileSys(); }
- const BaseSettingsT& Base() const { return Gen_->Base(); }
- const MocSettingsT& Moc() const { return Gen_->Moc(); }
- const UicSettingsT& Uic() const { return Gen_->Uic(); }
- // -- Log info
- void LogInfo(GenT genType, std::string const& message) const;
- // -- Log warning
- void LogWarning(GenT genType, std::string const& message) const;
- void LogFileWarning(GenT genType, std::string const& filename,
- std::string const& message) const;
- // -- Log error
- void LogError(GenT genType, std::string const& message) const;
- void LogFileError(GenT genType, std::string const& filename,
- std::string const& message) const;
- void LogCommandError(GenT genType, std::string const& message,
- std::vector<std::string> const& command,
- std::string const& output) const;
- // -- External processes
- /// @brief Verbose logging version
- bool RunProcess(GenT genType, ProcessResultT& result,
- std::vector<std::string> const& command);
- /// @brief Thread main loop
- void Loop();
- // -- Libuv callbacks
- static void UVProcessStart(uv_async_t* handle);
- void UVProcessFinished();
- private:
- // -- Generator
- cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic* Gen_;
- // -- Job handle
- JobHandleT JobHandle_;
- // -- Process management
- std::mutex ProcessMutex_;
- cm::uv_async_ptr ProcessRequest_;
- std::condition_variable ProcessCondition_;
- std::unique_ptr<ReadOnlyProcessT> Process_;
- // -- System thread
- std::thread Thread_;
- };
- /// @brief Processing stage
- enum class StageT
- {
+ void Process() override;
// -- Const settings interface
@@ -377,41 +350,39 @@ public:
const MocSettingsT& Moc() const { return this->Moc_; }
const UicSettingsT& Uic() const { return this->Uic_; }
- // -- Worker thread interface
- void WorkerSwapJob(JobHandleT& jobHandle);
// -- Parallel job processing interface
- void ParallelRegisterJobError();
- bool ParallelJobPushMoc(JobHandleT& jobHandle);
- bool ParallelJobPushUic(JobHandleT& jobHandle);
- bool ParallelMocIncluded(std::string const& sourceFile);
+ cmWorkerPool& WorkerPool() { return WorkerPool_; }
+ void AbortError() { Abort(true); }
+ void AbortSuccess() { Abort(false); }
+ bool ParallelJobPushMoc(cmWorkerPool::JobHandleT&& jobHandle);
+ bool ParallelJobPushUic(cmWorkerPool::JobHandleT&& jobHandle);
+ // -- Mocs compilation include file updated flag
+ void ParallelMocAutoUpdated() {; }
+ bool MocAutoFileUpdated() const { return MocAutoFileUpdated_.load(); }
+ // -- Mocs compilation file register
std::string ParallelMocAutoRegister(std::string const& baseName);
- void ParallelMocAutoUpdated();
+ bool ParallelMocIncluded(std::string const& sourceFile);
+ std::set<std::string> const& MocAutoFiles() const
+ {
+ return this->MocAutoFiles_;
+ }
// -- Utility accessors
Logger& Log() { return Logger_; }
FileSystem& FileSys() { return FileSys_; }
- // -- libuv loop accessors
- uv_loop_t* UVLoop() { return UVLoop_.get(); }
- cm::uv_async_ptr& UVRequest() { return UVRequest_; }
// -- Abstract processing interface
bool Init(cmMakefile* makefile) override;
bool Process() override;
- // -- Process stage
- static void UVPollStage(uv_async_t* handle);
- void PollStage();
- void SetStage(StageT stage);
// -- Settings file
void SettingsFileRead();
- void SettingsFileWrite();
+ bool SettingsFileWrite();
// -- Thread processing
- bool ThreadsStartJobs(JobQueueT& queue);
- bool ThreadsJobsDone();
- void ThreadsStop();
- void RegisterJobError();
+ void Abort(bool error);
// -- Generation
- void CreateDirectories();
- void MocGenerateCompilation();
+ bool CreateDirectories();
// -- Utility
@@ -421,39 +392,22 @@ private:
BaseSettingsT Base_;
MocSettingsT Moc_;
UicSettingsT Uic_;
- // -- libuv loop
- std::unique_ptr<cmUVSignalHackRAII> UVHackRAII_;
- std::unique_ptr<uv_loop_t> UVLoop_;
- cm::uv_async_ptr UVRequest_;
- StageT Stage_ = StageT::SETTINGS_READ;
- // -- Job queues
- std::mutex JobsMutex_;
- struct
- {
- JobQueueT Sources;
- JobQueueT Headers;
- JobQueueT MocPredefs;
- JobQueueT Moc;
- JobQueueT Uic;
- } JobQueues_;
- JobQueueT JobQueue_;
- std::size_t volatile JobsRemain_ = 0;
- bool volatile JobError_ = false;
- bool volatile JobThreadsAbort_ = false;
- std::condition_variable JobsConditionRead_;
// -- Moc meta
- std::set<std::string> MocIncludedStrings_;
+ std::mutex MocMetaMutex_;
std::set<std::string> MocIncludedFiles_;
+ IncludesMap MocIncludes_;
std::set<std::string> MocAutoFiles_;
- bool volatile MocAutoFileUpdated_ = false;
+ std::atomic<bool> MocAutoFileUpdated_ = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(false);
+ // -- Uic meta
+ std::mutex UicMetaMutex_;
+ IncludesMap UicIncludes_;
// -- Settings file
std::string SettingsFile_;
std::string SettingsStringMoc_;
std::string SettingsStringUic_;
- // -- Threads and loops
- std::vector<std::unique_ptr<WorkerT>> Workers_;
+ // -- Thread pool and job queue
+ std::atomic<bool> JobError_ = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(false);
+ cmWorkerPool WorkerPool_;
diff --git a/Source/cmWorkerPool.cxx b/Source/cmWorkerPool.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..464182c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/cmWorkerPool.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,770 @@
+/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
+ file Copyright.txt or for details. */
+#include "cmWorkerPool.h"
+#include "cmRange.h"
+#include "cmUVHandlePtr.h"
+#include "cmUVSignalHackRAII.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
+#include "cm_uv.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <array>
+#include <condition_variable>
+#include <deque>
+#include <functional>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <thread>
+ * @brief libuv pipe buffer class
+ */
+class cmUVPipeBuffer
+ typedef cmRange<char const*> DataRange;
+ typedef std::function<void(DataRange)> DataFunction;
+ /// On error the ssize_t argument is a non zero libuv error code
+ typedef std::function<void(ssize_t)> EndFunction;
+ /**
+ * Reset to construction state
+ */
+ void reset();
+ /**
+ * Initializes uv_pipe(), uv_stream() and uv_handle()
+ * @return true on success
+ */
+ bool init(uv_loop_t* uv_loop);
+ /**
+ * Start reading
+ * @return true on success
+ */
+ bool startRead(DataFunction dataFunction, EndFunction endFunction);
+ //! libuv pipe
+ uv_pipe_t* uv_pipe() const { return UVPipe_.get(); }
+ //! uv_pipe() casted to libuv stream
+ uv_stream_t* uv_stream() const { return static_cast<uv_stream_t*>(UVPipe_); }
+ //! uv_pipe() casted to libuv handle
+ uv_handle_t* uv_handle() { return static_cast<uv_handle_t*>(UVPipe_); }
+ // -- Libuv callbacks
+ static void UVAlloc(uv_handle_t* handle, size_t suggestedSize,
+ uv_buf_t* buf);
+ static void UVData(uv_stream_t* stream, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf);
+ cm::uv_pipe_ptr UVPipe_;
+ std::vector<char> Buffer_;
+ DataFunction DataFunction_;
+ EndFunction EndFunction_;
+void cmUVPipeBuffer::reset()
+ if (UVPipe_.get() != nullptr) {
+ EndFunction_ = nullptr;
+ DataFunction_ = nullptr;
+ Buffer_.clear();
+ Buffer_.shrink_to_fit();
+ UVPipe_.reset();
+ }
+bool cmUVPipeBuffer::init(uv_loop_t* uv_loop)
+ reset();
+ if (uv_loop == nullptr) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ int ret = UVPipe_.init(*uv_loop, 0, this);
+ return (ret == 0);
+bool cmUVPipeBuffer::startRead(DataFunction dataFunction,
+ EndFunction endFunction)
+ if (UVPipe_.get() == nullptr) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!dataFunction || !endFunction) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ DataFunction_ = std::move(dataFunction);
+ EndFunction_ = std::move(endFunction);
+ int ret = uv_read_start(uv_stream(), &cmUVPipeBuffer::UVAlloc,
+ &cmUVPipeBuffer::UVData);
+ return (ret == 0);
+void cmUVPipeBuffer::UVAlloc(uv_handle_t* handle, size_t suggestedSize,
+ uv_buf_t* buf)
+ auto& pipe = *reinterpret_cast<cmUVPipeBuffer*>(handle->data);
+ pipe.Buffer_.resize(suggestedSize);
+ buf->base =;
+ buf->len = static_cast<unsigned long>(pipe.Buffer_.size());
+void cmUVPipeBuffer::UVData(uv_stream_t* stream, ssize_t nread,
+ const uv_buf_t* buf)
+ auto& pipe = *reinterpret_cast<cmUVPipeBuffer*>(stream->data);
+ if (nread > 0) {
+ if (buf->base != nullptr) {
+ // Call data function
+ pipe.DataFunction_(DataRange(buf->base, buf->base + nread));
+ }
+ } else if (nread < 0) {
+ // Save the end function on the stack before resetting the pipe
+ EndFunction efunc;
+ efunc.swap(pipe.EndFunction_);
+ // Reset pipe before calling the end function
+ pipe.reset();
+ // Call end function
+ efunc((nread == UV_EOF) ? 0 : nread);
+ }
+ * @brief External process management class
+ */
+class cmUVReadOnlyProcess
+ // -- Types
+ //! @brief Process settings
+ struct SetupT
+ {
+ std::string WorkingDirectory;
+ std::vector<std::string> Command;
+ cmWorkerPool::ProcessResultT* Result = nullptr;
+ bool MergedOutput = false;
+ };
+ // -- Const accessors
+ SetupT const& Setup() const { return Setup_; }
+ cmWorkerPool::ProcessResultT* Result() const { return Setup_.Result; }
+ bool IsStarted() const { return IsStarted_; }
+ bool IsFinished() const { return IsFinished_; }
+ // -- Runtime
+ void setup(cmWorkerPool::ProcessResultT* result, bool mergedOutput,
+ std::vector<std::string> const& command,
+ std::string const& workingDirectory = std::string());
+ bool start(uv_loop_t* uv_loop, std::function<void()> finishedCallback);
+ // -- Libuv callbacks
+ static void UVExit(uv_process_t* handle, int64_t exitStatus, int termSignal);
+ void UVPipeOutData(cmUVPipeBuffer::DataRange data);
+ void UVPipeOutEnd(ssize_t error);
+ void UVPipeErrData(cmUVPipeBuffer::DataRange data);
+ void UVPipeErrEnd(ssize_t error);
+ void UVTryFinish();
+ // -- Setup
+ SetupT Setup_;
+ // -- Runtime
+ bool IsStarted_ = false;
+ bool IsFinished_ = false;
+ std::function<void()> FinishedCallback_;
+ std::vector<const char*> CommandPtr_;
+ std::array<uv_stdio_container_t, 3> UVOptionsStdIO_;
+ uv_process_options_t UVOptions_;
+ cm::uv_process_ptr UVProcess_;
+ cmUVPipeBuffer UVPipeOut_;
+ cmUVPipeBuffer UVPipeErr_;
+void cmUVReadOnlyProcess::setup(cmWorkerPool::ProcessResultT* result,
+ bool mergedOutput,
+ std::vector<std::string> const& command,
+ std::string const& workingDirectory)
+ Setup_.WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory;
+ Setup_.Command = command;
+ Setup_.Result = result;
+ Setup_.MergedOutput = mergedOutput;
+bool cmUVReadOnlyProcess::start(uv_loop_t* uv_loop,
+ std::function<void()> finishedCallback)
+ if (IsStarted() || (Result() == nullptr)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Reset result before the start
+ Result()->reset();
+ // Fill command string pointers
+ if (!Setup().Command.empty()) {
+ CommandPtr_.reserve(Setup().Command.size() + 1);
+ for (std::string const& arg : Setup().Command) {
+ CommandPtr_.push_back(arg.c_str());
+ }
+ CommandPtr_.push_back(nullptr);
+ } else {
+ Result()->ErrorMessage = "Empty command";
+ }
+ if (!Result()->error()) {
+ if (!UVPipeOut_.init(uv_loop)) {
+ Result()->ErrorMessage = "libuv stdout pipe initialization failed";
+ }
+ }
+ if (!Result()->error()) {
+ if (!UVPipeErr_.init(uv_loop)) {
+ Result()->ErrorMessage = "libuv stderr pipe initialization failed";
+ }
+ }
+ if (!Result()->error()) {
+ // -- Setup process stdio options
+ // stdin
+ UVOptionsStdIO_[0].flags = UV_IGNORE;
+ UVOptionsStdIO_[0] = nullptr;
+ // stdout
+ UVOptionsStdIO_[1].flags =
+ static_cast<uv_stdio_flags>(UV_CREATE_PIPE | UV_WRITABLE_PIPE);
+ UVOptionsStdIO_[1] = UVPipeOut_.uv_stream();
+ // stderr
+ UVOptionsStdIO_[2].flags =
+ static_cast<uv_stdio_flags>(UV_CREATE_PIPE | UV_WRITABLE_PIPE);
+ UVOptionsStdIO_[2] = UVPipeErr_.uv_stream();
+ // -- Setup process options
+ std::fill_n(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&UVOptions_), sizeof(UVOptions_), 0);
+ UVOptions_.exit_cb = &cmUVReadOnlyProcess::UVExit;
+ UVOptions_.file = CommandPtr_[0];
+ UVOptions_.args = const_cast<char**>(;
+ UVOptions_.cwd = Setup_.WorkingDirectory.c_str();
+ UVOptions_.stdio_count = static_cast<int>(UVOptionsStdIO_.size());
+ UVOptions_.stdio =;
+ // -- Spawn process
+ int uvErrorCode = UVProcess_.spawn(*uv_loop, UVOptions_, this);
+ if (uvErrorCode != 0) {
+ Result()->ErrorMessage = "libuv process spawn failed";
+ if (const char* uvErr = uv_strerror(uvErrorCode)) {
+ Result()->ErrorMessage += ": ";
+ Result()->ErrorMessage += uvErr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // -- Start reading from stdio streams
+ if (!Result()->error()) {
+ if (!UVPipeOut_.startRead(
+ [this](cmUVPipeBuffer::DataRange range) {
+ this->UVPipeOutData(range);
+ },
+ [this](ssize_t error) { this->UVPipeOutEnd(error); })) {
+ Result()->ErrorMessage = "libuv start reading from stdout pipe failed";
+ }
+ }
+ if (!Result()->error()) {
+ if (!UVPipeErr_.startRead(
+ [this](cmUVPipeBuffer::DataRange range) {
+ this->UVPipeErrData(range);
+ },
+ [this](ssize_t error) { this->UVPipeErrEnd(error); })) {
+ Result()->ErrorMessage = "libuv start reading from stderr pipe failed";
+ }
+ }
+ if (!Result()->error()) {
+ IsStarted_ = true;
+ FinishedCallback_ = std::move(finishedCallback);
+ } else {
+ // Clear libuv handles and finish
+ UVProcess_.reset();
+ UVPipeOut_.reset();
+ UVPipeErr_.reset();
+ CommandPtr_.clear();
+ }
+ return IsStarted();
+void cmUVReadOnlyProcess::UVExit(uv_process_t* handle, int64_t exitStatus,
+ int termSignal)
+ auto& proc = *reinterpret_cast<cmUVReadOnlyProcess*>(handle->data);
+ if (proc.IsStarted() && !proc.IsFinished()) {
+ // Set error message on demand
+ proc.Result()->ExitStatus = exitStatus;
+ proc.Result()->TermSignal = termSignal;
+ if (!proc.Result()->error()) {
+ if (termSignal != 0) {
+ proc.Result()->ErrorMessage = "Process was terminated by signal ";
+ proc.Result()->ErrorMessage +=
+ std::to_string(proc.Result()->TermSignal);
+ } else if (exitStatus != 0) {
+ proc.Result()->ErrorMessage = "Process failed with return value ";
+ proc.Result()->ErrorMessage +=
+ std::to_string(proc.Result()->ExitStatus);
+ }
+ }
+ // Reset process handle
+ proc.UVProcess_.reset();
+ // Try finish
+ proc.UVTryFinish();
+ }
+void cmUVReadOnlyProcess::UVPipeOutData(cmUVPipeBuffer::DataRange data)
+ Result()->StdOut.append(data.begin(), data.end());
+void cmUVReadOnlyProcess::UVPipeOutEnd(ssize_t error)
+ // Process pipe error
+ if ((error != 0) && !Result()->error()) {
+ Result()->ErrorMessage =
+ "Reading from stdout pipe failed with libuv error code ";
+ Result()->ErrorMessage += std::to_string(error);
+ }
+ // Try finish
+ UVTryFinish();
+void cmUVReadOnlyProcess::UVPipeErrData(cmUVPipeBuffer::DataRange data)
+ std::string* str =
+ Setup_.MergedOutput ? &Result()->StdOut : &Result()->StdErr;
+ str->append(data.begin(), data.end());
+void cmUVReadOnlyProcess::UVPipeErrEnd(ssize_t error)
+ // Process pipe error
+ if ((error != 0) && !Result()->error()) {
+ Result()->ErrorMessage =
+ "Reading from stderr pipe failed with libuv error code ";
+ Result()->ErrorMessage += std::to_string(error);
+ }
+ // Try finish
+ UVTryFinish();
+void cmUVReadOnlyProcess::UVTryFinish()
+ // There still might be data in the pipes after the process has finished.
+ // Therefore check if the process is finished AND all pipes are closed
+ // before signaling the worker thread to continue.
+ if ((UVProcess_.get() != nullptr) || (UVPipeOut_.uv_pipe() != nullptr) ||
+ (UVPipeErr_.uv_pipe() != nullptr)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ IsFinished_ = true;
+ FinishedCallback_();
+ * @brief Private worker pool internals
+ */
+class cmWorkerPoolInternal
+ // -- Types
+ /**
+ * @brief Worker thread
+ */
+ class WorkerT
+ {
+ public:
+ WorkerT(unsigned int index);
+ ~WorkerT();
+ WorkerT(WorkerT const&) = delete;
+ WorkerT& operator=(WorkerT const&) = delete;
+ /**
+ * Start the thread
+ */
+ void Start(cmWorkerPoolInternal* internal);
+ /**
+ * @brief Run an external process
+ */
+ bool RunProcess(cmWorkerPool::ProcessResultT& result,
+ std::vector<std::string> const& command,
+ std::string const& workingDirectory);
+ // -- Accessors
+ unsigned int Index() const { return Index_; }
+ cmWorkerPool::JobHandleT& JobHandle() { return JobHandle_; }
+ private:
+ // -- Libuv callbacks
+ static void UVProcessStart(uv_async_t* handle);
+ void UVProcessFinished();
+ private:
+ //! @brief Job handle
+ cmWorkerPool::JobHandleT JobHandle_;
+ //! @brief Worker index
+ unsigned int Index_;
+ // -- Process management
+ struct
+ {
+ std::mutex Mutex;
+ cm::uv_async_ptr Request;
+ std::condition_variable Condition;
+ std::unique_ptr<cmUVReadOnlyProcess> ROP;
+ } Proc_;
+ // -- System thread
+ std::thread Thread_;
+ };
+ // -- Constructors
+ cmWorkerPoolInternal(cmWorkerPool* pool);
+ ~cmWorkerPoolInternal();
+ /**
+ * @brief Runs the libuv loop
+ */
+ bool Process();
+ /**
+ * @brief Clear queue and abort threads
+ */
+ void Abort();
+ /**
+ * @brief Push a job to the queue and notify a worker
+ */
+ bool PushJob(cmWorkerPool::JobHandleT&& jobHandle);
+ /**
+ * @brief Worker thread main loop method
+ */
+ void Work(WorkerT* worker);
+ // -- Request slots
+ static void UVSlotBegin(uv_async_t* handle);
+ static void UVSlotEnd(uv_async_t* handle);
+ // -- UV loop
+ std::unique_ptr<cmUVSignalHackRAII> UVHackRAII;
+ std::unique_ptr<uv_loop_t> UVLoop;
+ cm::uv_async_ptr UVRequestBegin;
+ cm::uv_async_ptr UVRequestEnd;
+ // -- Thread pool and job queue
+ std::mutex Mutex;
+ bool Aborting = false;
+ bool FenceProcessing = false;
+ unsigned int WorkersRunning = 0;
+ unsigned int WorkersIdle = 0;
+ unsigned int JobsProcessing = 0;
+ std::deque<cmWorkerPool::JobHandleT> Queue;
+ std::condition_variable Condition;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<WorkerT>> Workers;
+ // -- References
+ cmWorkerPool* Pool = nullptr;
+cmWorkerPoolInternal::WorkerT::WorkerT(unsigned int index)
+ : Index_(index)
+ if (Thread_.joinable()) {
+ Thread_.join();
+ }
+void cmWorkerPoolInternal::WorkerT::Start(cmWorkerPoolInternal* internal)
+ Proc_.Request.init(*(internal->UVLoop), &WorkerT::UVProcessStart, this);
+ Thread_ = std::thread(&cmWorkerPoolInternal::Work, internal, this);
+bool cmWorkerPoolInternal::WorkerT::RunProcess(
+ cmWorkerPool::ProcessResultT& result,
+ std::vector<std::string> const& command, std::string const& workingDirectory)
+ if (command.empty()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Create process instance
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Proc_.Mutex);
+ Proc_.ROP = cm::make_unique<cmUVReadOnlyProcess>();
+ Proc_.ROP->setup(&result, true, command, workingDirectory);
+ }
+ // Send asynchronous process start request to libuv loop
+ Proc_.Request.send();
+ // Wait until the process has been finished and destroyed
+ {
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ulock(Proc_.Mutex);
+ while (Proc_.ROP) {
+ Proc_.Condition.wait(ulock);
+ }
+ }
+ return !result.error();
+void cmWorkerPoolInternal::WorkerT::UVProcessStart(uv_async_t* handle)
+ auto* wrk = reinterpret_cast<WorkerT*>(handle->data);
+ bool startFailed = false;
+ {
+ auto& Proc = wrk->Proc_;
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Proc.Mutex);
+ if (Proc.ROP && !Proc.ROP->IsStarted()) {
+ startFailed =
+ !Proc.ROP->start(handle->loop, [wrk] { wrk->UVProcessFinished(); });
+ }
+ }
+ // Clean up if starting of the process failed
+ if (startFailed) {
+ wrk->UVProcessFinished();
+ }
+void cmWorkerPoolInternal::WorkerT::UVProcessFinished()
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Proc_.Mutex);
+ if (Proc_.ROP && (Proc_.ROP->IsFinished() || !Proc_.ROP->IsStarted())) {
+ Proc_.ROP.reset();
+ }
+ }
+ // Notify idling thread
+ Proc_.Condition.notify_one();
+void cmWorkerPool::ProcessResultT::reset()
+ ExitStatus = 0;
+ TermSignal = 0;
+ if (!StdOut.empty()) {
+ StdOut.clear();
+ StdOut.shrink_to_fit();
+ }
+ if (!StdErr.empty()) {
+ StdErr.clear();
+ StdErr.shrink_to_fit();
+ }
+ if (!ErrorMessage.empty()) {
+ ErrorMessage.clear();
+ ErrorMessage.shrink_to_fit();
+ }
+cmWorkerPoolInternal::cmWorkerPoolInternal(cmWorkerPool* pool)
+ : Pool(pool)
+ // Initialize libuv loop
+ uv_disable_stdio_inheritance();
+ UVHackRAII = cm::make_unique<cmUVSignalHackRAII>();
+ UVLoop = cm::make_unique<uv_loop_t>();
+ uv_loop_init(UVLoop.get());
+ uv_loop_close(UVLoop.get());
+bool cmWorkerPoolInternal::Process()
+ // Reset state
+ Aborting = false;
+ // Initialize libuv asynchronous request
+ UVRequestBegin.init(*UVLoop, &cmWorkerPoolInternal::UVSlotBegin, this);
+ UVRequestEnd.init(*UVLoop, &cmWorkerPoolInternal::UVSlotEnd, this);
+ // Send begin request
+ UVRequestBegin.send();
+ // Run libuv loop
+ return (uv_run(UVLoop.get(), UV_RUN_DEFAULT) == 0);
+void cmWorkerPoolInternal::Abort()
+ bool firstCall = false;
+ // Clear all jobs and set abort flag
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(Mutex);
+ if (!Aborting) {
+ // Register abort and clear queue
+ Aborting = true;
+ Queue.clear();
+ firstCall = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (firstCall) {
+ // Wake threads
+ Condition.notify_all();
+ }
+inline bool cmWorkerPoolInternal::PushJob(cmWorkerPool::JobHandleT&& jobHandle)
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(Mutex);
+ if (Aborting) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Append the job to the queue
+ Queue.emplace_back(std::move(jobHandle));
+ // Notify an idle worker if there's one
+ if (WorkersIdle != 0) {
+ Condition.notify_one();
+ }
+ return true;
+void cmWorkerPoolInternal::UVSlotBegin(uv_async_t* handle)
+ auto& gint = *reinterpret_cast<cmWorkerPoolInternal*>(handle->data);
+ // Create worker threads
+ {
+ unsigned int const num = gint.Pool->ThreadCount();
+ // Create workers
+ gint.Workers.reserve(num);
+ for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii != num; ++ii) {
+ gint.Workers.emplace_back(cm::make_unique<WorkerT>(ii));
+ }
+ // Start workers
+ for (auto& wrk : gint.Workers) {
+ wrk->Start(&gint);
+ }
+ }
+ // Destroy begin request
+ gint.UVRequestBegin.reset();
+void cmWorkerPoolInternal::UVSlotEnd(uv_async_t* handle)
+ auto& gint = *reinterpret_cast<cmWorkerPoolInternal*>(handle->data);
+ // Join and destroy worker threads
+ gint.Workers.clear();
+ // Destroy end request
+ gint.UVRequestEnd.reset();
+void cmWorkerPoolInternal::Work(WorkerT* worker)
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> uLock(Mutex);
+ // Increment running workers count
+ ++WorkersRunning;
+ // Enter worker main loop
+ while (true) {
+ // Abort on request
+ if (Aborting) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // Wait for new jobs
+ if (Queue.empty()) {
+ ++WorkersIdle;
+ Condition.wait(uLock);
+ --WorkersIdle;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Check for fence jobs
+ if (FenceProcessing || Queue.front()->IsFence()) {
+ if (JobsProcessing != 0) {
+ Condition.wait(uLock);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // No jobs get processed. Set the fence job processing flag.
+ FenceProcessing = true;
+ }
+ // Pop next job from queue
+ worker->JobHandle() = std::move(Queue.front());
+ Queue.pop_front();
+ // Unlocked scope for job processing
+ ++JobsProcessing;
+ {
+ uLock.unlock();
+ worker->JobHandle()->Work(Pool, worker->Index()); // Process job
+ worker->JobHandle().reset(); // Destroy job
+ uLock.lock();
+ }
+ --JobsProcessing;
+ // Was this a fence job?
+ if (FenceProcessing) {
+ FenceProcessing = false;
+ Condition.notify_all();
+ }
+ }
+ // Decrement running workers count
+ if (--WorkersRunning == 0) {
+ // Last worker thread about to finish. Send libuv event.
+ UVRequestEnd.send();
+ }
+cmWorkerPool::JobT::~JobT() = default;
+bool cmWorkerPool::JobT::RunProcess(ProcessResultT& result,
+ std::vector<std::string> const& command,
+ std::string const& workingDirectory)
+ // Get worker by index
+ auto* wrk = Pool_->Int_->;
+ return wrk->RunProcess(result, command, workingDirectory);
+ : Int_(cm::make_unique<cmWorkerPoolInternal>(this))
+cmWorkerPool::~cmWorkerPool() = default;
+bool cmWorkerPool::Process(unsigned int threadCount, void* userData)
+ // Setup user data
+ UserData_ = userData;
+ ThreadCount_ = (threadCount > 0) ? threadCount : 1u;
+ // Run libuv loop
+ bool success = Int_->Process();
+ // Clear user data
+ UserData_ = nullptr;
+ ThreadCount_ = 0;
+ return success;
+bool cmWorkerPool::PushJob(JobHandleT&& jobHandle)
+ return Int_->PushJob(std::move(jobHandle));
+void cmWorkerPool::Abort()
+ Int_->Abort();
diff --git a/Source/cmWorkerPool.h b/Source/cmWorkerPool.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71c7d84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/cmWorkerPool.h
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
+ file Copyright.txt or for details. */
+#ifndef cmWorkerPool_h
+#define cmWorkerPool_h
+#include "cmConfigure.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
+#include "cmAlgorithms.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
+#include <memory> // IWYU pragma: keep
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+// -- Types
+class cmWorkerPoolInternal;
+/** @class cmWorkerPool
+ * @brief Thread pool with job queue
+ */
+class cmWorkerPool
+ /**
+ * Return value and output of an external process.
+ */
+ struct ProcessResultT
+ {
+ void reset();
+ bool error() const
+ {
+ return (ExitStatus != 0) || (TermSignal != 0) || !ErrorMessage.empty();
+ }
+ std::int64_t ExitStatus = 0;
+ int TermSignal = 0;
+ std::string StdOut;
+ std::string StdErr;
+ std::string ErrorMessage;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Abstract job class for concurrent job processing.
+ */
+ class JobT
+ {
+ public:
+ JobT(JobT const&) = delete;
+ JobT& operator=(JobT const&) = delete;
+ /**
+ * @brief Virtual destructor.
+ */
+ virtual ~JobT();
+ /**
+ * @brief Fence job flag
+ *
+ * Fence jobs require that:
+ * - all jobs before in the queue have been processed
+ * - no jobs later in the queue will be processed before this job was
+ * processed
+ */
+ bool IsFence() const { return Fence_; }
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * @brief Protected default constructor
+ */
+ JobT(bool fence = false)
+ : Fence_(fence)
+ {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Abstract processing interface that must be implement in derived classes.
+ */
+ virtual void Process() = 0;
+ /**
+ * Get the worker pool.
+ * Only valid during the JobT::Process() call!
+ */
+ cmWorkerPool* Pool() const { return Pool_; }
+ /**
+ * Get the user data.
+ * Only valid during the JobT::Process() call!
+ */
+ void* UserData() const { return Pool_->UserData(); };
+ /**
+ * Get the worker index.
+ * This is the index of the thread processing this job and is in the range
+ * [0..ThreadCount).
+ * Concurrently processing jobs will never have the same WorkerIndex().
+ * Only valid during the JobT::Process() call!
+ */
+ unsigned int WorkerIndex() const { return WorkerIndex_; }
+ /**
+ * Run an external read only process.
+ * Use only during JobT::Process() call!
+ */
+ bool RunProcess(ProcessResultT& result,
+ std::vector<std::string> const& command,
+ std::string const& workingDirectory);
+ private:
+ //! Needs access to Work()
+ friend class cmWorkerPoolInternal;
+ //! Worker thread entry method.
+ void Work(cmWorkerPool* pool, unsigned int workerIndex)
+ {
+ Pool_ = pool;
+ WorkerIndex_ = workerIndex;
+ this->Process();
+ }
+ private:
+ cmWorkerPool* Pool_ = nullptr;
+ unsigned int WorkerIndex_ = 0;
+ bool Fence_ = false;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @brief Job handle type
+ */
+ typedef std::unique_ptr<JobT> JobHandleT;
+ /**
+ * @brief Fence job base class
+ */
+ class JobFenceT : public JobT
+ {
+ public:
+ JobFenceT()
+ : JobT(true)
+ {
+ }
+ //! Does nothing
+ void Process() override{};
+ };
+ /**
+ * @brief Fence job that aborts the worker pool.
+ * This class is useful as the last job in the job queue.
+ */
+ class JobEndT : JobFenceT
+ {
+ public:
+ //! Does nothing
+ void Process() override { Pool()->Abort(); }
+ };
+ // -- Methods
+ cmWorkerPool();
+ ~cmWorkerPool();
+ /**
+ * @brief Blocking function that starts threads to process all Jobs in
+ * the queue.
+ *
+ * This method blocks until a job calls the Abort() method.
+ * @arg threadCount Number of threads to process jobs.
+ * @arg userData Common user data pointer available in all Jobs.
+ */
+ bool Process(unsigned int threadCount, void* userData = nullptr);
+ /**
+ * Number of worker threads passed to Process().
+ * Only valid during Process().
+ */
+ unsigned int ThreadCount() const { return ThreadCount_; }
+ /**
+ * User data reference passed to Process().
+ * Only valid during Process().
+ */
+ void* UserData() const { return UserData_; }
+ // -- Job processing interface
+ /**
+ * @brief Clears the job queue and aborts all worker threads.
+ *
+ * This method is thread safe and can be called from inside a job.
+ */
+ void Abort();
+ /**
+ * @brief Push job to the queue.
+ *
+ * This method is thread safe and can be called from inside a job or before
+ * Process().
+ */
+ bool PushJob(JobHandleT&& jobHandle);
+ /**
+ * @brief Push job to the queue
+ *
+ * This method is thread safe and can be called from inside a job or before
+ * Process().
+ */
+ template <class T, typename... Args>
+ bool EmplaceJob(Args&&... args)
+ {
+ return PushJob(cm::make_unique<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
+ }
+ void* UserData_ = nullptr;
+ unsigned int ThreadCount_ = 0;
+ std::unique_ptr<cmWorkerPoolInternal> Int_;
diff --git a/Source/cmcmd.cxx b/Source/cmcmd.cxx
index c18c256..3c75957 100644
--- a/Source/cmcmd.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmcmd.cxx
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#include "cmGlobalGenerator.h"
#include "cmLocalGenerator.h"
#include "cmMakefile.h"
-#include "cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic.h"
+#include "cmQtAutoMocUic.h"
#include "cmQtAutoRcc.h"
#include "cmRange.h"
#include "cmState.h"
@@ -1018,7 +1018,7 @@ int cmcmd::ExecuteCMakeCommand(std::vector<std::string> const& args)
if ((args[1] == "cmake_autogen") && (args.size() >= 4)) {
- cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic autoGen;
+ cmQtAutoMocUic autoGen;
std::string const& infoDir = args[2];
std::string const& config = args[3];
return autoGen.Run(infoDir, config) ? 0 : 1;