path: root/Source
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source')
3 files changed, 87 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/Source/CTest/cmCTestGIT.cxx b/Source/CTest/cmCTestGIT.cxx
index f5ba361..6c3631c 100644
--- a/Source/CTest/cmCTestGIT.cxx
+++ b/Source/CTest/cmCTestGIT.cxx
@@ -85,16 +85,14 @@ void cmCTestGIT::NoteNewRevision()
-bool cmCTestGIT::UpdateImpl()
+bool cmCTestGIT::UpdateByFetchAndReset()
const char* git = this->CommandLineTool.c_str();
- // Use "git pull" to update the working tree.
- std::vector<char const*> git_pull;
- git_pull.push_back(git);
- git_pull.push_back("pull");
- // TODO: if(this->CTest->GetTestModel() == cmCTest::NIGHTLY)
+ // Use "git fetch" to get remote commits.
+ std::vector<char const*> git_fetch;
+ git_fetch.push_back(git);
+ git_fetch.push_back("fetch");
// Add user-specified update options.
std::string opts = this->CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("UpdateOptions");
@@ -106,22 +104,88 @@ bool cmCTestGIT::UpdateImpl()
for(std::vector<cmStdString>::const_iterator ai = args.begin();
ai != args.end(); ++ai)
- git_pull.push_back(ai->c_str());
+ git_fetch.push_back(ai->c_str());
// Sentinel argument.
- git_pull.push_back(0);
+ git_fetch.push_back(0);
+ // Fetch upstream refs.
+ OutputLogger fetch_out(this->Log, "fetch-out> ");
+ OutputLogger fetch_err(this->Log, "fetch-err> ");
+ if(!this->RunUpdateCommand(&git_fetch[0], &fetch_out, &fetch_err))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Identify the merge head that would be used by "git pull".
+ std::string sha1;
+ {
+ std::string fetch_head = this->SourceDirectory + "/.git/FETCH_HEAD";
+ std::ifstream fin(fetch_head.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
+ std::string line;
+ while(sha1.empty() && cmSystemTools::GetLineFromStream(fin, line))
+ {
+ if(line.find("\tnot-for-merge\t") == line.npos)
+ {
+ std::string::size_type pos = line.find('\t');
+ if(pos != line.npos)
+ {
+ sha1 = line.substr(0, pos);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- OutputLogger out(this->Log, "pull-out> ");
- OutputLogger err(this->Log, "pull-err> ");
- if(this->RunUpdateCommand(&git_pull[0], &out, &err))
+ // Reset the local branch to point at that tracked from upstream.
+ char const* git_reset[] = {git, "reset", "--hard", sha1.c_str(), 0};
+ OutputLogger reset_out(this->Log, "reset-out> ");
+ OutputLogger reset_err(this->Log, "reset-err> ");
+ return this->RunChild(&git_reset[0], &reset_out, &reset_err);
+bool cmCTestGIT::UpdateByCustom(std::string const& custom)
+ std::vector<std::string> git_custom_command;
+ cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(custom, git_custom_command, true);
+ std::vector<char const*> git_custom;
+ for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator
+ i = git_custom_command.begin(); i != git_custom_command.end(); ++i)
- char const* git_submodule[] = {git, "submodule", "update", 0};
- OutputLogger out2(this->Log, "submodule-out> ");
- OutputLogger err2(this->Log, "submodule-err> ");
- return this->RunChild(git_submodule, &out2, &err2);
+ git_custom.push_back(i->c_str());
- return false;
+ git_custom.push_back(0);
+ OutputLogger custom_out(this->Log, "custom-out> ");
+ OutputLogger custom_err(this->Log, "custom-err> ");
+ return this->RunUpdateCommand(&git_custom[0], &custom_out, &custom_err);
+bool cmCTestGIT::UpdateInternal()
+ std::string custom = this->CTest->GetCTestConfiguration("GITUpdateCustom");
+ if(!custom.empty())
+ {
+ return this->UpdateByCustom(custom);
+ }
+ return this->UpdateByFetchAndReset();
+bool cmCTestGIT::UpdateImpl()
+ if(!this->UpdateInternal())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const char* git = this->CommandLineTool.c_str();
+ char const* git_submodule[] = {git, "submodule", "update", 0};
+ OutputLogger submodule_out(this->Log, "submodule-out> ");
+ OutputLogger submodule_err(this->Log, "submodule-err> ");
+ return this->RunChild(git_submodule, &submodule_out, &submodule_err);
diff --git a/Source/CTest/cmCTestGIT.h b/Source/CTest/cmCTestGIT.h
index 0b6ad2e..d8681fe 100644
--- a/Source/CTest/cmCTestGIT.h
+++ b/Source/CTest/cmCTestGIT.h
@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ private:
virtual void NoteNewRevision();
virtual bool UpdateImpl();
+ bool UpdateByFetchAndReset();
+ bool UpdateByCustom(std::string const& custom);
+ bool UpdateInternal();
void LoadRevisions();
void LoadModifications();
diff --git a/Source/CTest/cmCTestUpdateCommand.cxx b/Source/CTest/cmCTestUpdateCommand.cxx
index 571745d..8414349 100644
--- a/Source/CTest/cmCTestUpdateCommand.cxx
+++ b/Source/CTest/cmCTestUpdateCommand.cxx
@@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ cmCTestGenericHandler* cmCTestUpdateCommand::InitializeHandler()
+ this->CTest->SetCTestConfigurationFromCMakeVariable(this->Makefile,