path: root/Source
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source')
5 files changed, 909 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/FLTKDialog/CMakeSetupGUI.cxx b/Source/FLTKDialog/CMakeSetupGUI.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91bb932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/FLTKDialog/CMakeSetupGUI.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+// generated by Fast Light User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.0009
+#include "CMakeSetupGUI.h"
+inline void CMakeSetupGUI::cb_sourcePathTextInput_i(Fl_Input*, void*) {
+ SetSourcePath( sourcePathTextInput->value() );
+void CMakeSetupGUI::cb_sourcePathTextInput(Fl_Input* o, void* v) {
+ ((CMakeSetupGUI*)(o->parent()->user_data()))->cb_sourcePathTextInput_i(o,v);
+inline void CMakeSetupGUI::cb_Browse_i(Fl_Button*, void*) {
+ BrowseForSourcePath();
+void CMakeSetupGUI::cb_Browse(Fl_Button* o, void* v) {
+ ((CMakeSetupGUI*)(o->parent()->user_data()))->cb_Browse_i(o,v);
+inline void CMakeSetupGUI::cb_binaryPathTextInput_i(Fl_Input*, void*) {
+ SetBinaryPath( binaryPathTextInput->value() );
+void CMakeSetupGUI::cb_binaryPathTextInput(Fl_Input* o, void* v) {
+ ((CMakeSetupGUI*)(o->parent()->user_data()))->cb_binaryPathTextInput_i(o,v);
+inline void CMakeSetupGUI::cb_Browse1_i(Fl_Button*, void*) {
+ BrowseForBinaryPath();
+void CMakeSetupGUI::cb_Browse1(Fl_Button* o, void* v) {
+ ((CMakeSetupGUI*)(o->parent()->user_data()))->cb_Browse1_i(o,v);
+inline void CMakeSetupGUI::cb_Close_i(Fl_Button*, void*) {
+ Close();
+void CMakeSetupGUI::cb_Close(Fl_Button* o, void* v) {
+ ((CMakeSetupGUI*)(o->parent()->user_data()))->cb_Close_i(o,v);
+inline void CMakeSetupGUI::cb_Build_i(Fl_Button*, void*) {
+ BuildProjectFiles();
+void CMakeSetupGUI::cb_Build(Fl_Button* o, void* v) {
+ ((CMakeSetupGUI*)(o->parent()->user_data()))->cb_Build_i(o,v);
+CMakeSetupGUI::CMakeSetupGUI() {
+ Fl_Window* w;
+ { Fl_Window* o = dialogWindow = new Fl_Window(563, 363, "CMakeSetupDialog");
+ w = o;
+ o->user_data((void*)(this));
+ { Fl_Input* o = sourcePathTextInput = new Fl_Input(219, 15, 200, 20, "Where is the source code: ");
+ o->labelsize(11);
+ o->textsize(11);
+ o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_sourcePathTextInput);
+ o->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY);
+ }
+ { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(426, 14, 65, 22, "Browse...");
+ o->shortcut(0x80073);
+ o->labelsize(11);
+ o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_Browse);
+ }
+ { Fl_Input* o = binaryPathTextInput = new Fl_Input(219, 50, 200, 20, "Where do you want to build the binaries: ");
+ o->labelsize(11);
+ o->textsize(11);
+ o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_binaryPathTextInput);
+ o->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY);
+ }
+ { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(426, 50, 65, 22, "Browse...");
+ o->shortcut(0x80062);
+ o->labelsize(11);
+ o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_Browse1);
+ }
+ { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(345, 331, 77, 23, "Close");
+ o->shortcut(0x80071);
+ o->labelsize(11);
+ o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_Close);
+ }
+ { Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(123, 332, 101, 23, "Build Project Files");
+ o->shortcut(0x8006d);
+ o->labelsize(11);
+ o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_Build);
+ }
+ { Fl_Group* o = new Fl_Group(25, 80, 515, 222);
+ o->box(FL_ENGRAVED_BOX);
+ o->labelsize(11);
+ o->align(FL_ALIGN_CENTER);
+ { Fl_Scroll* o = cacheValuesScroll = new Fl_Scroll(40, 98, 485, 190, "Cache Values");
+ o->type(7);
+ o->box(FL_DOWN_FRAME);
+ o->labelsize(11);
+ o->align(FL_ALIGN_TOP_LEFT);
+ o->when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED);
+ { Fl_Pack* o = propertyListPack = new Fl_Pack(40, 99, 485, 185);
+ o->end();
+ Fl_Group::current()->resizable(o);
+ }
+ o->end();
+ Fl_Group::current()->resizable(o);
+ }
+ o->end();
+ Fl_Group::current()->resizable(o);
+ }
+ { Fl_Box* o = new Fl_Box(141, 305, 275, 25, "Right click on cache entries for additional options");
+ o->labelsize(11);
+ }
+ o->end();
+ }
+CMakeSetupGUI::~CMakeSetupGUI() {
+void CMakeSetupGUI::Close(void) {
+void CMakeSetupGUI::BuildProjectFiles(void) {
+void CMakeSetupGUI::BrowseForSourcePath(void) {
+void CMakeSetupGUI::BrowseForBinaryPath(void) {
+void CMakeSetupGUI::Show(void) {
+void CMakeSetupGUI::SetBinaryPath(const char *) {
+void CMakeSetupGUI::SetSourcePath(const char *) {
diff --git a/Source/FLTKDialog/CMakeSetupGUIImplementation.cxx b/Source/FLTKDialog/CMakeSetupGUIImplementation.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..330e1ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/FLTKDialog/CMakeSetupGUIImplementation.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+#include "CMakeSetupGUIImplementation.h"
+#include "Fl/fl_file_chooser.H"
+#include "Fl/filename.H"
+#include "Fl/fl_ask.H"
+#include "cstring"
+#include "../cmCacheManager.h"
+#include "../cmMakefile.h"
+#include <iostream>
+ * Constructor
+ */
+ * Destructor
+ */
+ * Show the graphic interface
+ */
+::Show( void )
+ dialogWindow->show();
+ * Hide the graphic interface
+ */
+::Close( void )
+ dialogWindow->hide();
+ * Browse for the path to the sources
+ */
+::BrowseForSourcePath( void )
+ const char * path =
+ fl_file_chooser(
+ "Path to Sources",
+ "",
+ sourcePathTextInput->value() );
+ if( !path )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ SetSourcePath( path );
+ * Browse for the path to the binaries
+ */
+::BrowseForBinaryPath( void )
+ const char * path =
+ fl_file_chooser(
+ "Path to Binaries",
+ "",
+ binaryPathTextInput->value() );
+ if( !path )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ SetBinaryPath( path );
+ * Set the source path
+ */
+::SetSourcePath( const char * path )
+ if( VerifySourcePath( path ) )
+ {
+ m_WhereSource = path;
+ sourcePathTextInput->value( path );
+ }
+ * Set the binary path
+ */
+::SetBinaryPath( const char * path )
+ if( VerifyBinaryPath( path ) )
+ {
+ m_WhereBuild = path;
+ binaryPathTextInput->value( path );
+ }
+ LoadCacheFromDiskToGUI();
+ * Verify the path to binaries
+ */
+::VerifyBinaryPath( const char * path )
+ if( !path || strlen(path)==0 )
+ {
+ fl_alert("Please select the path to the binaries");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( !filename_isdir( path ) )
+ {
+ fl_alert("%s \n Doesn't exist or is not a directory",path);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ * Verify the path to sources
+ */
+::VerifySourcePath( const char * path )
+ if( !path || strlen(path)==0 )
+ {
+ fl_alert("Please select the path to the sources");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( !filename_isdir( path ) )
+ {
+ fl_alert("%s \n Doesn't exist or is not a directory",path);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ * Build the project files
+ */
+::BuildProjectFiles( void )
+ // Verify that source path is a valid directory
+ if( !VerifySourcePath( sourcePathTextInput->value() ) )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Verify that binary path is a valid directory
+ if( !VerifyBinaryPath( binaryPathTextInput->value() ) )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ SaveCacheFromGUI();
+ fl_message("Building project files ... please wait");
+ * Load Cache from disk to GUI
+ */
+::LoadCacheFromDiskToGUI( void )
+ if( m_WhereBuild != "" )
+ {
+ cmCacheManager::GetInstance()->LoadCache( m_WhereBuild.c_str() );
+ this->FillCacheGUIFromCacheManager();
+ }
+ * Save Cache from disk to GUI
+ */
+::SaveCacheFromGUI( void )
+ * Fill Cache GUI from cache manager
+ */
+::FillCacheGUIFromCacheManager( void )
+ // Prepare to add rows to the scroll
+ propertyListPack->begin();
+ const cmCacheManager::CacheEntryMap &cache =
+ cmCacheManager::GetInstance()->GetCacheMap();
+ for(cmCacheManager::CacheEntryMap::const_iterator i = cache.begin();
+ i != cache.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ const char* key = i->first.c_str();
+ const cmCacheManager::CacheEntry& value = i->second;
+ switch(value.m_Type )
+ {
+ case cmCacheManager::BOOL:
+ if(cmCacheManager::GetInstance()->IsOn(key))
+ {
+ m_CacheEntriesList.AddProperty(key,
+ "ON",
+ value.m_HelpString.c_str(),
+ fltk::PropertyList::CHECKBOX,"");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_CacheEntriesList.AddProperty(key,
+ "OFF",
+ value.m_HelpString.c_str(),
+ fltk::PropertyList::CHECKBOX,"");
+ }
+ break;
+ case cmCacheManager::PATH:
+ m_CacheEntriesList.AddProperty(key,
+ value.m_Value.c_str(),
+ value.m_HelpString.c_str(),
+ fltk::PropertyList::PATH,"");
+ break;
+ case cmCacheManager::FILEPATH:
+ m_CacheEntriesList.AddProperty(key,
+ value.m_Value.c_str(),
+ value.m_HelpString.c_str(),
+ fltk::PropertyList::FILE,"");
+ break;
+ case cmCacheManager::STRING:
+ m_CacheEntriesList.AddProperty(key,
+ value.m_Value.c_str(),
+ value.m_HelpString.c_str(),
+ fltk::PropertyList::EDIT,"");
+ break;
+ case cmCacheManager::INTERNAL:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ propertyListPack->end();
+ propertyListPack->init_sizes();
+ cacheValuesScroll->position( 0, 0 );
+ this->UpdateData(false);
+ * UpdateData
+ */
+::UpdateData( bool option )
+ dialogWindow->redraw();
+ Fl::check();
diff --git a/Source/FLTKDialog/FLTKDialog.cxx b/Source/FLTKDialog/FLTKDialog.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5933ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/FLTKDialog/FLTKDialog.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#include "CMakeSetupGUIImplementation.h"
+#include "FL/Fl.h"
+#include "FL/fl_ask.H"
+int main()
+ fl_message_font(FL_HELVETICA,11);
+ CMakeSetupGUIImplementation * gui
+ = new CMakeSetupGUIImplementation;
+ gui->Show();
+ gui->LoadCacheFromDiskToGUI();
+ Fl::run();
+ delete gui;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/Source/FLTKDialog/FLTKPropertyItemRow.cxx b/Source/FLTKDialog/FLTKPropertyItemRow.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c55cd8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/FLTKDialog/FLTKPropertyItemRow.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+#include "FLTKPropertyItemRow.h"
+#include <Fl/Fl_Button.H>
+#include <Fl/Fl_Input.H>
+#include <Fl/Fl_Tile.H>
+#include <Fl/fl_ask.H>
+#include <Fl/fl_file_chooser.H>
+namespace fltk {
+PropertyItemRow::PropertyItemRow( PropertyItem * pItem )
+ m_PropertyItem = pItem;
+ m_ItemValue = new ItemValue;
+ const unsigned int nameWidth = 200;
+ const unsigned int textWidth = 1400;
+ const unsigned int checkWidth = textWidth;
+ const unsigned int browseWidth = 20;
+ const unsigned int firstColumn = 0;
+ const unsigned int secondColumn = nameWidth;
+ const unsigned int rowHeight = 20;
+ const unsigned int rowSpacing = 20;
+ Fl_Tile * group = new Fl_Tile(0,0,nameWidth+textWidth,rowHeight,"");
+ group->parent()->size( nameWidth + textWidth , 100 );
+ Fl_Button * name = new
+ Fl_Button( firstColumn, 0, nameWidth, rowHeight,
+ pItem->m_propName.c_str() );
+ name->labelsize(11);
+ name->box( FL_DOWN_BOX );
+ name->callback( NameClickCallback, (void *)pItem );
+ switch( pItem->m_nItemType )
+ {
+ case 1:
+ {
+ name->size( secondColumn, rowHeight );
+ Fl_Input * input = new
+ Fl_Input( secondColumn, 0, textWidth ,rowHeight ,"");
+ input->value( pItem->m_curValue.c_str() );
+ input->textsize(11);
+ input->callback( InputTextCallback, (void *)pItem );
+ input->when( FL_WHEN_CHANGED );
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ case 4:
+ {
+ name->size( secondColumn, rowHeight );
+ Fl_Button * browseButton = new
+ Fl_Button( secondColumn, 0, browseWidth ,rowHeight ,"...");
+ browseButton->labelsize(11);
+ Fl_Input * input = new
+ Fl_Input( secondColumn+browseWidth, 0, textWidth ,rowHeight ,"");
+ input->value( pItem->m_curValue.c_str() );
+ input->textsize(11);
+ m_ItemValue->m_InputText = input;
+ m_ItemValue->m_PropertyItem = pItem;
+ browseButton->callback( BrowsePathCallback, (void *)m_ItemValue );
+ input->callback( InputTextCallback, pItem );
+ input->when( FL_WHEN_CHANGED );
+ break;
+ }
+ case 5:
+ {
+ Fl_Button * button = new
+ Fl_Button( secondColumn, 0, checkWidth ,rowHeight ,"");
+ button->align( FL_ALIGN_INSIDE | FL_ALIGN_LEFT );
+ button->callback( CheckButtonCallback, (void *)pItem );
+ if( pItem->m_curValue == "ON" )
+ {
+ button->label(" ON ");
+ button->value(1);
+ }
+ else if( pItem->m_curValue == "OFF" )
+ {
+ button->label(" OFF ");
+ button->value(0);
+ }
+ button->type( FL_TOGGLE_BUTTON );
+ button->labelsize(11);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 6:
+ {
+ name->size( secondColumn, rowHeight );
+ Fl_Button * browseButton = new
+ Fl_Button( secondColumn, 0, browseWidth ,rowHeight ,"...");
+ browseButton->labelsize(11);
+ Fl_Input * input = new
+ Fl_Input( secondColumn+browseWidth, 0, textWidth ,rowHeight ,"");
+ input->value( pItem->m_curValue.c_str() );
+ input->textsize(11);
+ m_ItemValue->m_InputText = input;
+ m_ItemValue->m_PropertyItem = pItem;
+ browseButton->callback( BrowsePathCallback, (void *)m_ItemValue );
+ input->callback( InputTextCallback, pItem );
+ input->when( FL_WHEN_CHANGED );
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ fl_alert("Unkown item type %d",pItem->m_nItemType);
+ break;
+ }
+ group->end();
+PropertyItemRow::~PropertyItemRow( )
+ delete m_ItemValue;
+CheckButtonCallback( Fl_Widget * widget, void * data)
+ Fl_Button * button = (Fl_Button *)widget;
+ PropertyItem * pItem = (PropertyItem *)data;
+ int value = button->value();
+ if( value )
+ {
+ button->label(" ON ");
+ pItem->m_curValue = "ON";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ button->label(" OFF ");
+ pItem->m_curValue = "OFF";
+ }
+ button->redraw();
+NameClickCallback( Fl_Widget * widget, void * data)
+ PropertyItem * pItem = (PropertyItem *)data;
+ fl_message( pItem->m_HelpString.c_str() );
+InputTextCallback( Fl_Widget * widget, void * data)
+ Fl_Input * input = (Fl_Input *)widget;
+ PropertyItem * item = (PropertyItem *)data;
+ item->m_curValue = input->value();
+BrowsePathCallback( Fl_Widget * widget, void * data)
+ ItemValue * itemValue = (ItemValue *)data;
+ Fl_Input * inputText = itemValue->m_InputText;
+ PropertyItem * propertyItem = itemValue->m_PropertyItem;
+ const char * newpath =
+ fl_file_chooser("Select a path","*", inputText->value() );
+ if( newpath )
+ {
+ propertyItem->m_curValue = newpath;
+ inputText->value( newpath );
+ }
+} // end namespace fltk
diff --git a/Source/FLTKDialog/FLTKPropertyList.cxx b/Source/FLTKDialog/FLTKPropertyList.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7efbf24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/FLTKDialog/FLTKPropertyList.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+// FLTKPropertyList.cxx : implementation file
+#include "FLTKPropertyList.h"
+#include "../cmCacheManager.h"
+#include "FLTKPropertyItemRow.h"
+#include "Fl/filename.H"
+#include "Fl/fl_file_chooser.H"
+#include "Fl/Fl_Color_Chooser.H"
+#include "Fl/fl_ask.H"
+#include "Fl/Fl_Button.H"
+#include <cstdio>
+namespace fltk {
+// PropertyList
+ m_Dirty = false;
+ m_curSel = -1;
+ for(std::set<PropertyItem*>::iterator i = m_PropertyItems.begin();
+ i != m_PropertyItems.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ delete *i;
+ }
+int PropertyList::AddItem(string txt)
+ int nIndex =0;// = AddString(txt);
+ return nIndex;
+int PropertyList::AddPropItem(PropertyItem* pItem)
+ int nIndex =0; //= AddString(_T(""));
+ // SetItemDataPtr(nIndex,pItem);
+ new PropertyItemRow( pItem ); // GUI of the property row
+ m_PropertyItems.insert(pItem);
+ return nIndex;
+int PropertyList::AddProperty(const char* name,
+ const char* value,
+ const char* helpString,
+ int type,
+ const char* comboItems)
+ PropertyItem* pItem = 0;
+ for(int i =0; i < this->GetCount(); ++i)
+ {
+ PropertyItem* item = this->GetItem(i);
+ if(item->m_propName == name)
+ {
+ pItem = item;
+ if(pItem->m_curValue != value)
+ {
+ pItem->m_curValue = value;
+ pItem->m_HelpString = helpString;
+ m_Dirty = true;
+ Invalidate();
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ // if it is not found, then create a new one
+ if(!pItem)
+ {
+ pItem = new PropertyItem(name, value, helpString, type, comboItems);
+ }
+ return this->AddPropItem(pItem);
+void PropertyList::OnButton()
+ PropertyItem* pItem = (PropertyItem*) GetItemDataPtr(m_curSel);
+ //display the appropriate common dialog depending on what type
+ //of chooser is associated with the property
+ if (pItem->m_nItemType == PropertyList::COLOR)
+ {
+ unsigned char red = 0;
+ unsigned char blue = 0;
+ unsigned char green = 0;
+ fl_color_chooser("Please pick a color",red,green,blue);
+ char buffer[300];
+ sprintf(buffer,"RGB(%d,%d,%d)",red,green,blue);
+ pItem->m_curValue = buffer;
+ m_Dirty = true;
+ Invalidate();
+ }
+ else if (pItem->m_nItemType == PropertyList::FILE)
+ {
+ string currPath = pItem->m_curValue;
+ const char * SelectedFile
+ = fl_file_chooser("Choose a file",
+ "*",currPath.c_str() );
+ if( SelectedFile )
+ {
+ pItem->m_curValue = SelectedFile;
+ m_Dirty = true;
+ Invalidate();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (pItem->m_nItemType == PropertyList::PATH)
+ {
+ string currPath = pItem->m_curValue;
+ string initialDir = currPath;
+ const char * SelectedFile
+ = fl_file_chooser("Choose a directory",
+ "*/",initialDir.c_str() );
+ if( SelectedFile && filename_isdir( SelectedFile ) )
+ {
+ pItem->m_curValue = SelectedFile;
+ m_Dirty = true;
+ Invalidate();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (pItem->m_nItemType == PropertyList::FONT)
+ {
+ }
+void PropertyList::OnHelp()
+ if(m_curSel == -1 || this->GetCount() <= 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ PropertyItem* pItem = (PropertyItem*) GetItemDataPtr(m_curSel);
+ fl_message(pItem->m_HelpString.c_str());
+void PropertyList::RemoveAll()
+ int c = this->GetCount();
+ for(int i =0; i < c; ++i)
+ {
+ PropertyItem* pItem = (PropertyItem*) GetItemDataPtr(0);
+ cmCacheManager::GetInstance()->RemoveCacheEntry(pItem->m_propName.c_str());
+ m_PropertyItems.erase(pItem);
+ delete pItem;
+ // this->DeleteString(0);
+ }
+ Invalidate();
+PropertyItem * PropertyList::GetItemDataPtr(int index)
+ std::set<PropertyItem*>::iterator it = m_PropertyItems.begin();
+ for(int i=0; it != m_PropertyItems.end() && i<index; i++)
+ {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ return *it;
+PropertyItem * PropertyList::GetItem(int index)
+ std::set<PropertyItem*>::iterator it = m_PropertyItems.begin();
+ for(int i=0; it != m_PropertyItems.end() && i<index; i++)
+ {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ return *it;
+} // end fltk namespace