path: root/Source
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source')
-rw-r--r--Source/cmVS141CLFlagTable.h (renamed from Source/cmVS14CLFlagTable.h)2
13 files changed, 774 insertions, 130 deletions
diff --git a/Source/CMakeVersion.cmake b/Source/CMakeVersion.cmake
index e298fc3..662ba9f 100644
--- a/Source/CMakeVersion.cmake
+++ b/Source/CMakeVersion.cmake
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# CMake version number components.
-set(CMake_VERSION_PATCH 20161012)
+set(CMake_VERSION_PATCH 20161014)
#set(CMake_VERSION_RC 1)
diff --git a/Source/ b/Source/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93ab8a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
+# file Copyright.txt or for details.
+import argparse
+import codecs
+import copy
+import logging
+import json
+import os
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString, Element
+class VSFlags:
+ """Flags corresponding to cmIDEFlagTable."""
+ UserValue = "UserValue" # (1 << 0)
+ UserIgnored = "UserIgnored" # (1 << 1)
+ UserRequired = "UserRequired" # (1 << 2)
+ Continue = "Continue" #(1 << 3)
+ SemicolonAppendable = "SemicolonAppendable" # (1 << 4)
+ UserFollowing = "UserFollowing" # (1 << 5)
+ CaseInsensitive = "CaseInsensitive" # (1 << 6)
+ UserValueIgnored = [UserValue, UserIgnored]
+ UserValueRequired = [UserValue, UserRequired]
+def vsflags(*args):
+ """Combines the flags."""
+ values = []
+ for arg in args:
+ __append_list(values, arg)
+ return values
+def read_msbuild_xml(path, values={}):
+ """Reads the MS Build XML file at the path and returns its contents.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ values -- The map to append the contents to (default {})
+ """
+ # Attempt to read the file contents
+ try:
+ document = parse(path)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.exception('Could not read MS Build XML file at %s', path)
+ return values
+ # Convert the XML to JSON format
+'Processing MS Build XML file at %s', path)
+ # Get the rule node
+ rule = document.getElementsByTagName('Rule')[0]
+ rule_name = rule.attributes['Name'].value
+'Found rules for %s', rule_name)
+ # Proprocess Argument values
+ __preprocess_arguments(rule)
+ # Get all the values
+ converted_values = []
+ __convert(rule, 'EnumProperty', converted_values, __convert_enum)
+ __convert(rule, 'BoolProperty', converted_values, __convert_bool)
+ __convert(rule, 'StringListProperty', converted_values,
+ __convert_string_list)
+ __convert(rule, 'StringProperty', converted_values, __convert_string)
+ __convert(rule, 'IntProperty', converted_values, __convert_string)
+ values[rule_name] = converted_values
+ return values
+def read_msbuild_json(path, values=[]):
+ """Reads the MS Build JSON file at the path and returns its contents.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ values -- The list to append the contents to (default [])
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+'Could not find MS Build JSON file at %s', path)
+ return values
+ try:
+ values.extend(__read_json_file(path))
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.exception('Could not read MS Build JSON file at %s', path)
+ return values
+'Processing MS Build JSON file at %s', path)
+ return values
+def main():
+ """Script entrypoint."""
+ # Parse the arguments
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description='Convert MSBuild XML to JSON format')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-t', '--toolchain', help='The name of the toolchain', required=True)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-o', '--output', help='The output directory', default='')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-r',
+ '--overwrite',
+ help='Whether previously output should be overwritten',
+ dest='overwrite',
+ action='store_true')
+ parser.set_defaults(overwrite=False)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-d',
+ '--debug',
+ help="Debug tool output",
+ action="store_const",
+ dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.DEBUG,
+ default=logging.WARNING)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-v',
+ '--verbose',
+ help="Verbose output",
+ action="store_const",
+ dest="loglevel",
+ const=logging.INFO)
+ parser.add_argument('input', help='The input files', nargs='+')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ toolchain = args.toolchain
+ logging.basicConfig(level=args.loglevel)
+'Creating %s toolchain files', toolchain)
+ values = {}
+ # Iterate through the inputs
+ for input in args.input:
+ input = __get_path(input)
+ read_msbuild_xml(input, values)
+ # Determine if the output directory needs to be created
+ output_dir = __get_path(args.output)
+ if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
+ os.mkdir(output_dir)
+'Created output directory %s', output_dir)
+ for key, value in values.items():
+ output_path = __output_path(toolchain, key, output_dir)
+ if os.path.exists(output_path) and not args.overwrite:
+'Comparing previous output to current')
+ __merge_json_values(value, read_msbuild_json(output_path))
+ else:
+'Original output will be overwritten')
+'Writing MS Build JSON file at %s', output_path)
+ __write_json_file(output_path, value)
+# private joining functions
+def __merge_json_values(current, previous):
+ """Merges the values between the current and previous run of the script."""
+ for value in current:
+ name = value['name']
+ # Find the previous value
+ previous_value = __find_and_remove_value(previous, value)
+ if previous_value is not None:
+ flags = value['flags']
+ previous_flags = previous_value['flags']
+ if flags != previous_flags:
+ logging.warning(
+ 'Flags for %s are different. Using previous value.', name)
+ value['flags'] = previous_flags
+ else:
+ logging.warning('Value %s is a new value', name)
+ for value in previous:
+ name = value['name']
+ logging.warning(
+ 'Value %s not present in current run. Appending value.', name)
+ current.append(value)
+def __find_and_remove_value(list, compare):
+ """Finds the value in the list that corresponds with the value of compare."""
+ # next throws if there are no matches
+ try:
+ found = next(value for value in list
+ if value['name'] == compare['name'] and value['switch'] ==
+ compare['switch'])
+ except:
+ return None
+ list.remove(found)
+ return found
+# private xml functions
+def __convert(root, tag, values, func):
+ """Converts the tag type found in the root and converts them using the func
+ and appends them to the values.
+ """
+ elements = root.getElementsByTagName(tag)
+ for element in elements:
+ converted = func(element)
+ # Append to the list
+ __append_list(values, converted)
+def __convert_enum(node):
+ """Converts an EnumProperty node to JSON format."""
+ name = __get_attribute(node, 'Name')
+ logging.debug('Found EnumProperty named %s', name)
+ converted_values = []
+ for value in node.getElementsByTagName('EnumValue'):
+ converted = __convert_node(value)
+ converted['value'] = converted['name']
+ converted['name'] = name
+ # Modify flags when there is an argument child
+ __with_argument(value, converted)
+ converted_values.append(converted)
+ return converted_values
+def __convert_bool(node):
+ """Converts an BoolProperty node to JSON format."""
+ converted = __convert_node(node, default_value='true')
+ # Check for a switch for reversing the value
+ reverse_switch = __get_attribute(node, 'ReverseSwitch')
+ if reverse_switch:
+ converted_reverse = copy.deepcopy(converted)
+ converted_reverse['switch'] = reverse_switch
+ converted_reverse['value'] = 'false'
+ return [converted_reverse, converted]
+ # Modify flags when there is an argument child
+ __with_argument(node, converted)
+ return __check_for_flag(converted)
+def __convert_string_list(node):
+ """Converts a StringListProperty node to JSON format."""
+ converted = __convert_node(node)
+ # Determine flags for the string list
+ flags = vsflags(VSFlags.UserValue)
+ # Check for a separator to determine if it is semicolon appendable
+ # If not present assume the value should be ;
+ separator = __get_attribute(node, 'Separator', default_value=';')
+ if separator == ';':
+ flags = vsflags(flags, VSFlags.SemicolonAppendable)
+ converted['flags'] = flags
+ return __check_for_flag(converted)
+def __convert_string(node):
+ """Converts a StringProperty node to JSON format."""
+ converted = __convert_node(node, default_flags=vsflags(VSFlags.UserValue))
+ return __check_for_flag(converted)
+def __convert_node(node, default_value='', default_flags=vsflags()):
+ """Converts a XML node to a JSON equivalent."""
+ name = __get_attribute(node, 'Name')
+ logging.debug('Found %s named %s', node.tagName, name)
+ converted = {}
+ converted['name'] = name
+ converted['switch'] = __get_attribute(node, 'Switch')
+ converted['comment'] = __get_attribute(node, 'DisplayName')
+ converted['value'] = default_value
+ # Check for the Flags attribute in case it was created during preprocessing
+ flags = __get_attribute(node, 'Flags')
+ if flags:
+ flags = flags.split(',')
+ else:
+ flags = default_flags
+ converted['flags'] = flags
+ return converted
+def __check_for_flag(value):
+ """Checks whether the value has a switch value.
+ If not then returns None as it should not be added.
+ """
+ if value['switch']:
+ return value
+ else:
+ logging.warning('Skipping %s which has no command line switch',
+ value['name'])
+ return None
+def __with_argument(node, value):
+ """Modifies the flags in value if the node contains an Argument."""
+ arguments = node.getElementsByTagName('Argument')
+ if arguments:
+ logging.debug('Found argument within %s', value['name'])
+ value['flags'] = vsflags(VSFlags.UserValueIgnored, VSFlags.Continue)
+def __preprocess_arguments(root):
+ """Preprocesses occurrances of Argument within the root.
+ Argument XML values reference other values within the document by name. The
+ referenced value does not contain a switch. This function will add the
+ switch associated with the argument.
+ """
+ # Set the flags to require a value
+ flags = ','.join(vsflags(VSFlags.UserValueRequired))
+ # Search through the arguments
+ arguments = root.getElementsByTagName('Argument')
+ for argument in arguments:
+ reference = __get_attribute(argument, 'Property')
+ found = None
+ # Look for the argument within the root's children
+ for child in root.childNodes:
+ # Ignore Text nodes
+ if isinstance(child, Element):
+ name = __get_attribute(child, 'Name')
+ if name == reference:
+ found = child
+ break
+ if found is not None:
+'Found property named %s', reference)
+ # Get the associated switch
+ switch = __get_attribute(argument.parentNode, 'Switch')
+ # See if there is already a switch associated with the element.
+ if __get_attribute(found, 'Switch'):
+ logging.debug('Copying node %s', reference)
+ clone = found.cloneNode(True)
+ root.insertBefore(clone, found)
+ found = clone
+ found.setAttribute('Switch', switch)
+ found.setAttribute('Flags', flags)
+ else:
+ logging.warning('Could not find property named %s', reference)
+def __get_attribute(node, name, default_value=''):
+ """Retrieves the attribute of the given name from the node.
+ If not present then the default_value is used.
+ """
+ if node.hasAttribute(name):
+ return node.attributes[name].value.strip()
+ else:
+ return default_value
+# private path functions
+def __get_path(path):
+ """Gets the path to the file."""
+ if not os.path.isabs(path):
+ path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), path)
+ return os.path.normpath(path)
+def __output_path(toolchain, rule, output_dir):
+ """Gets the output path for a file given the toolchain, rule and output_dir"""
+ filename = '%s_%s.json' % (toolchain, rule)
+ return os.path.join(output_dir, filename)
+# private JSON file functions
+def __read_json_file(path):
+ """Reads a JSON file at the path."""
+ with open(path, 'r') as f:
+ return json.load(f)
+def __write_json_file(path, values):
+ """Writes a JSON file at the path with the values provided."""
+ # Sort the keys to ensure ordering
+ sort_order = ['name', 'switch', 'comment', 'value', 'flags']
+ sorted_values = [
+ OrderedDict(
+ sorted(
+ value.items(), key=lambda value: sort_order.index(value[0])))
+ for value in values
+ ]
+ with open(path, 'w') as f:
+ json.dump(sorted_values, f, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '))
+# private list helpers
+def __append_list(append_to, value):
+ """Appends the value to the list."""
+ if value is not None:
+ if isinstance(value, list):
+ append_to.extend(value)
+ else:
+ append_to.append(value)
+# main entry point
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/Source/cmMakefileExecutableTargetGenerator.cxx b/Source/cmMakefileExecutableTargetGenerator.cxx
index bfc4857..ed34ce6 100644
--- a/Source/cmMakefileExecutableTargetGenerator.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmMakefileExecutableTargetGenerator.cxx
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ void cmMakefileExecutableTargetGenerator::WriteExecutableRule(bool relink)
linkLanguage, *this->GeneratorTarget));
- if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("LINK_WHAT_YOU_USE")) {
+ if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetPropertyAsBool("LINK_WHAT_YOU_USE")) {
this->LocalGenerator->AppendFlags(linkFlags, " -Wl,--no-as-needed");
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ void cmMakefileExecutableTargetGenerator::WriteExecutableRule(bool relink)
vars.LinkFlags = linkFlags.c_str();
vars.Manifests = manifests.c_str();
- if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("LINK_WHAT_YOU_USE")) {
+ if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetPropertyAsBool("LINK_WHAT_YOU_USE")) {
std::string cmakeCommand = this->LocalGenerator->ConvertToOutputFormat(
cmSystemTools::GetCMakeCommand(), cmLocalGenerator::SHELL);
cmakeCommand += " -E __run_iwyu --lwyu=";
diff --git a/Source/cmMakefileLibraryTargetGenerator.cxx b/Source/cmMakefileLibraryTargetGenerator.cxx
index 4488f06..a19d70e 100644
--- a/Source/cmMakefileLibraryTargetGenerator.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmMakefileLibraryTargetGenerator.cxx
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ void cmMakefileLibraryTargetGenerator::WriteSharedLibraryRules(bool relink)
this->AddModuleDefinitionFlag(linkLineComputer.get(), extraFlags);
- if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("LINK_WHAT_YOU_USE")) {
+ if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetPropertyAsBool("LINK_WHAT_YOU_USE")) {
this->LocalGenerator->AppendFlags(extraFlags, " -Wl,--no-as-needed");
this->WriteLibraryRules(linkRuleVar, extraFlags, relink);
@@ -365,18 +365,6 @@ void cmMakefileLibraryTargetGenerator::WriteLibraryRules(
commands, buildEcho, cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3::EchoLink, &progress);
- const char* forbiddenFlagVar = CM_NULLPTR;
- switch (this->GeneratorTarget->GetType()) {
- case cmState::SHARED_LIBRARY:
- break;
- case cmState::MODULE_LIBRARY:
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
// Clean files associated with this library.
std::vector<std::string> libCleanFiles;
@@ -607,11 +595,6 @@ void cmMakefileLibraryTargetGenerator::WriteLibraryRules(
langFlags, this->GeneratorTarget, linkLanguage, this->ConfigName);
- // remove any language flags that might not work with the
- // particular os
- if (forbiddenFlagVar) {
- this->RemoveForbiddenFlags(forbiddenFlagVar, linkLanguage, langFlags);
- }
vars.LanguageCompileFlags = langFlags.c_str();
// Construct the main link rule and expand placeholders.
@@ -660,7 +643,7 @@ void cmMakefileLibraryTargetGenerator::WriteLibraryRules(
// Get the set of commands.
std::string linkRule = this->GetLinkRule(linkRuleVar);
cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(linkRule, real_link_commands);
- if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetProperty("LINK_WHAT_YOU_USE") &&
+ if (this->GeneratorTarget->GetPropertyAsBool("LINK_WHAT_YOU_USE") &&
(this->GeneratorTarget->GetType() == cmState::SHARED_LIBRARY)) {
std::string cmakeCommand = this->LocalGenerator->ConvertToOutputFormat(
cmSystemTools::GetCMakeCommand(), cmLocalGenerator::SHELL);
diff --git a/Source/cmMakefileTargetGenerator.cxx b/Source/cmMakefileTargetGenerator.cxx
index 1483fbb..84ae726 100644
--- a/Source/cmMakefileTargetGenerator.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmMakefileTargetGenerator.cxx
@@ -1208,9 +1208,7 @@ void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::WriteObjectsVariable(
i != this->ExternalObjects.end(); ++i) {
object =
this->LocalGenerator->MaybeConvertToRelativePath(currentBinDir, *i);
- *this->BuildFileStream << " " << lineContinue << "\n"
- << this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(
+ *this->BuildFileStream << " " << lineContinue << "\n";
*this->BuildFileStream << this->LocalGenerator->ConvertToQuotedOutputPath(
i->c_str(), useWatcomQuote);
@@ -1422,52 +1420,6 @@ void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::CloseFileStreams()
delete this->FlagFileStream;
-void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::RemoveForbiddenFlags(
- const char* flagVar, const std::string& linkLang, std::string& linkFlags)
- // check for language flags that are not allowed at link time, and
- // remove them, -w on darwin for gcc -w -dynamiclib sends -w to libtool
- // which fails, there may be more]
- std::string removeFlags = "CMAKE_";
- removeFlags += linkLang;
- removeFlags += flagVar;
- std::string removeflags = this->Makefile->GetSafeDefinition(removeFlags);
- std::vector<std::string> removeList;
- cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(removeflags, removeList);
- for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = removeList.begin();
- i != removeList.end(); ++i) {
- std::string tmp;
- std::string::size_type lastPosition = 0;
- for (;;) {
- std::string::size_type position = linkFlags.find(*i, lastPosition);
- if (position == std::string::npos) {
- tmp += linkFlags.substr(lastPosition);
- break;
- } else {
- std::string::size_type prefixLength = position - lastPosition;
- tmp += linkFlags.substr(lastPosition, prefixLength);
- lastPosition = position + i->length();
- bool validFlagStart =
- position == 0 || isspace(linkFlags[position - 1]);
- bool validFlagEnd =
- lastPosition == linkFlags.size() || isspace(linkFlags[lastPosition]);
- if (!validFlagStart || !validFlagEnd) {
- tmp += *i;
- }
- }
- }
- linkFlags = tmp;
- }
void cmMakefileTargetGenerator::CreateLinkScript(
const char* name, std::vector<std::string> const& link_commands,
std::vector<std::string>& makefile_commands,
diff --git a/Source/cmMakefileTargetGenerator.h b/Source/cmMakefileTargetGenerator.h
index 526cbcd..4c61011 100644
--- a/Source/cmMakefileTargetGenerator.h
+++ b/Source/cmMakefileTargetGenerator.h
@@ -171,8 +171,6 @@ protected:
const std::string& lang) CM_OVERRIDE;
virtual void CloseFileStreams();
- void RemoveForbiddenFlags(const char* flagVar, const std::string& linkLang,
- std::string& linkFlags);
cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3* LocalGenerator;
cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3* GlobalGenerator;
diff --git a/Source/cmNinjaNormalTargetGenerator.cxx b/Source/cmNinjaNormalTargetGenerator.cxx
index ab086eb..d729114 100644
--- a/Source/cmNinjaNormalTargetGenerator.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmNinjaNormalTargetGenerator.cxx
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ std::vector<std::string> cmNinjaNormalTargetGenerator::ComputeLinkCmd()
const char* linkCmd = mf->GetDefinition(linkCmdVar);
if (linkCmd) {
cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument(linkCmd, linkCmds);
- if (this->GetGeneratorTarget()->GetProperty("LINK_WHAT_YOU_USE")) {
+ if (this->GetGeneratorTarget()->GetPropertyAsBool("LINK_WHAT_YOU_USE")) {
std::string cmakeCommand =
cmSystemTools::GetCMakeCommand(), cmLocalGenerator::SHELL);
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ void cmNinjaNormalTargetGenerator::WriteLinkStatement()
vars["LINK_PATH"] = frameworkPath + linkPath;
std::string lwyuFlags;
- if (genTarget.GetProperty("LINK_WHAT_YOU_USE")) {
+ if (genTarget.GetPropertyAsBool("LINK_WHAT_YOU_USE")) {
lwyuFlags = " -Wl,--no-as-needed";
@@ -652,7 +652,9 @@ void cmNinjaNormalTargetGenerator::WriteLinkStatement()
std::string postBuildCmdLine = localGen.BuildCommandLine(postBuildCmdLines);
cmNinjaVars symlinkVars;
- if (targetOutput == targetOutputReal) {
+ bool const symlinkNeeded =
+ (targetOutput != targetOutputReal && !gt.IsFrameworkOnApple());
+ if (!symlinkNeeded) {
vars["POST_BUILD"] = postBuildCmdLine;
} else {
vars["POST_BUILD"] = ":";
@@ -694,7 +696,7 @@ void cmNinjaNormalTargetGenerator::WriteLinkStatement()
commandLineLengthLimit, &usedResponseFile);
- if (targetOutput != targetOutputReal && !gt.IsFrameworkOnApple()) {
+ if (symlinkNeeded) {
if (targetType == cmState::EXECUTABLE) {
diff --git a/Source/cmNinjaTargetGenerator.cxx b/Source/cmNinjaTargetGenerator.cxx
index fb2581d..46a6161 100644
--- a/Source/cmNinjaTargetGenerator.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmNinjaTargetGenerator.cxx
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ void cmNinjaTargetGenerator::WriteCompileRule(const std::string& lang)
: mf->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER");
cldeps = "\"";
cldeps += cmSystemTools::GetCMClDepsCommand();
- cldeps += "\" " + lang + " $in \"$DEP_FILE\" $out \"";
+ cldeps += "\" " + lang + " " + vars.Source + " \"$DEP_FILE\" $out \"";
cldeps += mf->GetSafeDefinition("CMAKE_CL_SHOWINCLUDES_PREFIX");
cldeps += "\" \"" + cl + "\" ";
diff --git a/Source/cmVS140CLFlagTable.h b/Source/cmVS140CLFlagTable.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..317cc18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/cmVS140CLFlagTable.h
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+static cmVS7FlagTable cmVS140CLFlagTable[] = {
+ // Enum Properties
+ { "DebugInformationFormat", "", "None", "None", 0 },
+ { "DebugInformationFormat", "Z7", "C7 compatible", "OldStyle", 0 },
+ { "DebugInformationFormat", "Zi", "Program Database", "ProgramDatabase", 0 },
+ { "DebugInformationFormat", "ZI", "Program Database for Edit And Continue",
+ "EditAndContinue", 0 },
+ { "WarningLevel", "W0", "Turn Off All Warnings", "TurnOffAllWarnings", 0 },
+ { "WarningLevel", "W1", "Level1", "Level1", 0 },
+ { "WarningLevel", "W2", "Level2", "Level2", 0 },
+ { "WarningLevel", "W3", "Level3", "Level3", 0 },
+ { "WarningLevel", "W4", "Level4", "Level4", 0 },
+ { "WarningLevel", "Wall", "EnableAllWarnings", "EnableAllWarnings", 0 },
+ { "Optimization", "", "Custom", "Custom", 0 },
+ { "Optimization", "Od", "Disabled", "Disabled", 0 },
+ { "Optimization", "O1", "Minimize Size", "MinSpace", 0 },
+ { "Optimization", "O2", "Maximize Speed", "MaxSpeed", 0 },
+ { "Optimization", "Ox", "Full Optimization", "Full", 0 },
+ { "InlineFunctionExpansion", "", "Default", "Default", 0 },
+ { "InlineFunctionExpansion", "Ob0", "Disabled", "Disabled", 0 },
+ { "InlineFunctionExpansion", "Ob1", "Only __inline", "OnlyExplicitInline",
+ 0 },
+ { "InlineFunctionExpansion", "Ob2", "Any Suitable", "AnySuitable", 0 },
+ { "FavorSizeOrSpeed", "Os", "Favor small code", "Size", 0 },
+ { "FavorSizeOrSpeed", "Ot", "Favor fast code", "Speed", 0 },
+ { "FavorSizeOrSpeed", "", "Neither", "Neither", 0 },
+ { "ExceptionHandling", "EHa", "Yes with SEH Exceptions", "Async", 0 },
+ { "ExceptionHandling", "EHsc", "Yes", "Sync", 0 },
+ { "ExceptionHandling", "EHs", "Yes with Extern C functions", "SyncCThrow",
+ 0 },
+ { "ExceptionHandling", "", "No", "false", 0 },
+ { "BasicRuntimeChecks", "RTCs", "Stack Frames", "StackFrameRuntimeCheck",
+ 0 },
+ { "BasicRuntimeChecks", "RTCu", "Uninitialized variables",
+ "UninitializedLocalUsageCheck", 0 },
+ { "BasicRuntimeChecks", "RTC1", "Both (/RTC1, equiv. to /RTCsu)",
+ "EnableFastChecks", 0 },
+ { "BasicRuntimeChecks", "", "Default", "Default", 0 },
+ { "RuntimeLibrary", "MT", "Multi-threaded", "MultiThreaded", 0 },
+ { "RuntimeLibrary", "MTd", "Multi-threaded Debug", "MultiThreadedDebug", 0 },
+ { "RuntimeLibrary", "MD", "Multi-threaded DLL", "MultiThreadedDLL", 0 },
+ { "RuntimeLibrary", "MDd", "Multi-threaded Debug DLL",
+ "MultiThreadedDebugDLL", 0 },
+ { "StructMemberAlignment", "Zp1", "1 Byte", "1Byte", 0 },
+ { "StructMemberAlignment", "Zp2", "2 Bytes", "2Bytes", 0 },
+ { "StructMemberAlignment", "Zp4", "4 Byte", "4Bytes", 0 },
+ { "StructMemberAlignment", "Zp8", "8 Bytes", "8Bytes", 0 },
+ { "StructMemberAlignment", "Zp16", "16 Bytes", "16Bytes", 0 },
+ { "StructMemberAlignment", "", "Default", "Default", 0 },
+ { "BufferSecurityCheck", "GS-", "Disable Security Check", "false", 0 },
+ { "BufferSecurityCheck", "GS", "Enable Security Check", "true", 0 },
+ { "EnableEnhancedInstructionSet", "arch:SSE", "Streaming SIMD Extensions",
+ "StreamingSIMDExtensions", 0 },
+ { "EnableEnhancedInstructionSet", "arch:SSE2", "Streaming SIMD Extensions 2",
+ "StreamingSIMDExtensions2", 0 },
+ { "EnableEnhancedInstructionSet", "arch:AVX", "Advanced Vector Extensions",
+ "AdvancedVectorExtensions", 0 },
+ { "EnableEnhancedInstructionSet", "arch:AVX2",
+ "Advanced Vector Extensions 2", "AdvancedVectorExtensions2", 0 },
+ { "EnableEnhancedInstructionSet", "arch:IA32", "No Enhanced Instructions",
+ "NoExtensions", 0 },
+ { "EnableEnhancedInstructionSet", "", "Not Set", "NotSet", 0 },
+ { "FloatingPointModel", "fp:precise", "Precise", "Precise", 0 },
+ { "FloatingPointModel", "fp:strict", "Strict", "Strict", 0 },
+ { "FloatingPointModel", "fp:fast", "Fast", "Fast", 0 },
+ { "PrecompiledHeader", "Yc", "Create", "Create",
+ cmVS7FlagTable::UserValueIgnored | cmVS7FlagTable::Continue },
+ { "PrecompiledHeader", "Yu", "Use", "Use",
+ cmVS7FlagTable::UserValueIgnored | cmVS7FlagTable::Continue },
+ { "PrecompiledHeader", "", "Not Using Precompiled Headers", "NotUsing", 0 },
+ { "AssemblerOutput", "", "No Listing", "NoListing", 0 },
+ { "AssemblerOutput", "FA", "Assembly-Only Listing", "AssemblyCode", 0 },
+ { "AssemblerOutput", "FAc", "Assembly With Machine Code",
+ "AssemblyAndMachineCode", 0 },
+ { "AssemblerOutput", "FAs", "Assembly With Source Code",
+ "AssemblyAndSourceCode", 0 },
+ { "AssemblerOutput", "FAcs", "Assembly, Machine Code and Source", "All", 0 },
+ { "CallingConvention", "Gd", "__cdecl", "Cdecl", 0 },
+ { "CallingConvention", "Gr", "__fastcall", "FastCall", 0 },
+ { "CallingConvention", "Gz", "__stdcall", "StdCall", 0 },
+ { "CallingConvention", "Gv", "__vectorcall", "VectorCall", 0 },
+ { "CompileAs", "", "Default", "Default", 0 },
+ { "CompileAs", "TC", "Compile as C Code", "CompileAsC", 0 },
+ { "CompileAs", "TP", "Compile as C++ Code", "CompileAsCpp", 0 },
+ { "ErrorReporting", "errorReport:none", "Do Not Send Report", "None", 0 },
+ { "ErrorReporting", "errorReport:prompt", "Prompt Immediately", "Prompt",
+ 0 },
+ { "ErrorReporting", "errorReport:queue", "Queue For Next Login", "Queue",
+ 0 },
+ { "ErrorReporting", "errorReport:send", "Send Automatically", "Send", 0 },
+ { "CompileAsManaged", "", "No Common Language RunTime Support", "false", 0 },
+ { "CompileAsManaged", "clr", "Common Language RunTime Support", "true", 0 },
+ { "CompileAsManaged", "clr:pure",
+ "Pure MSIL Common Language RunTime Support", "Pure", 0 },
+ { "CompileAsManaged", "clr:safe",
+ "Safe MSIL Common Language RunTime Support", "Safe", 0 },
+ { "CompileAsManaged", "clr:oldSyntax",
+ "Common Language RunTime Support, Old Syntax", "OldSyntax", 0 },
+ { "CppLanguageStandard", "", "Default", "Default", 0 },
+ { "CppLanguageStandard", "std=c++98", "C++03", "c++98", 0 },
+ { "CppLanguageStandard", "std=c++11", "C++11", "c++11", 0 },
+ { "CppLanguageStandard", "std=c++1y", "C++14", "c++1y", 0 },
+ { "CppLanguageStandard", "std=c++14", "C++14", "c++1y", 0 },
+ { "CppLanguageStandard", "std=gnu++98", "C++03 (GNU Dialect)", "gnu++98",
+ 0 },
+ { "CppLanguageStandard", "std=gnu++11", "C++11 (GNU Dialect)", "gnu++11",
+ 0 },
+ { "CppLanguageStandard", "std=gnu++1y", "C++14 (GNU Dialect)", "gnu++1y",
+ 0 },
+ { "CppLanguageStandard", "std=gnu++14", "C++14 (GNU Dialect)", "gnu++1y",
+ 0 },
+ // Bool Properties
+ { "CompileAsWinRT", "ZW", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "WinRTNoStdLib", "ZW:nostdlib", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "SuppressStartupBanner", "nologo", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "TreatWarningAsError", "WX-", "", "false", 0 },
+ { "TreatWarningAsError", "WX", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "SDLCheck", "sdl-", "", "false", 0 },
+ { "SDLCheck", "sdl", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "IntrinsicFunctions", "Oi", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "OmitFramePointers", "Oy-", "", "false", 0 },
+ { "OmitFramePointers", "Oy", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "EnableFiberSafeOptimizations", "GT", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "WholeProgramOptimization", "GL", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "UndefineAllPreprocessorDefinitions", "u", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "IgnoreStandardIncludePath", "X", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "PreprocessToFile", "P", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "PreprocessSuppressLineNumbers", "EP", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "PreprocessKeepComments", "C", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "StringPooling", "GF-", "", "false", 0 },
+ { "StringPooling", "GF", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "MinimalRebuild", "Gm-", "", "false", 0 },
+ { "MinimalRebuild", "Gm", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "SmallerTypeCheck", "RTCc", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "FunctionLevelLinking", "Gy-", "", "false", 0 },
+ { "FunctionLevelLinking", "Gy", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "EnableParallelCodeGeneration", "Qpar-", "", "false", 0 },
+ { "EnableParallelCodeGeneration", "Qpar", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "FloatingPointExceptions", "fp:except-", "", "false", 0 },
+ { "FloatingPointExceptions", "fp:except", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "CreateHotpatchableImage", "hotpatch", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "DisableLanguageExtensions", "Za", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "TreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType", "Zc:wchar_t-", "", "false", 0 },
+ { "TreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType", "Zc:wchar_t", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "ForceConformanceInForLoopScope", "Zc:forScope-", "", "false", 0 },
+ { "ForceConformanceInForLoopScope", "Zc:forScope", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "RuntimeTypeInfo", "GR-", "", "false", 0 },
+ { "RuntimeTypeInfo", "GR", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "OpenMPSupport", "openmp-", "", "false", 0 },
+ { "OpenMPSupport", "openmp", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "ExpandAttributedSource", "Fx", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "UseUnicodeForAssemblerListing", "FAu", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "ShowIncludes", "showIncludes", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "EnablePREfast", "analyze-", "", "false", 0 },
+ { "EnablePREfast", "analyze", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "UseFullPaths", "FC", "", "true", 0 },
+ { "OmitDefaultLibName", "Zl", "", "true", 0 },
+ // Bool Properties With Argument
+ { "MultiProcessorCompilation", "MP", "", "true",
+ cmVS7FlagTable::UserValueIgnored | cmVS7FlagTable::Continue },
+ { "ProcessorNumber", "MP", "Multi-processor Compilation", "",
+ cmVS7FlagTable::UserValueRequired },
+ { "GenerateXMLDocumentationFiles", "doc", "", "true",
+ cmVS7FlagTable::UserValueIgnored | cmVS7FlagTable::Continue },
+ { "XMLDocumentationFileName", "doc", "Generate XML Documentation Files", "",
+ cmVS7FlagTable::UserValueRequired },
+ { "BrowseInformation", "FR", "", "true",
+ cmVS7FlagTable::UserValueIgnored | cmVS7FlagTable::Continue },
+ { "BrowseInformationFile", "FR", "Enable Browse Information", "",
+ cmVS7FlagTable::UserValueRequired },
+ // String List Properties
+ { "AdditionalIncludeDirectories", "I", "Additional Include Directories", "",
+ cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue | cmVS7FlagTable::SemicolonAppendable },
+ { "AdditionalUsingDirectories", "AI", "Additional #using Directories", "",
+ cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue | cmVS7FlagTable::SemicolonAppendable },
+ { "PreprocessorDefinitions", "D ", "Preprocessor Definitions", "",
+ cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue | cmVS7FlagTable::SemicolonAppendable },
+ { "UndefinePreprocessorDefinitions", "U",
+ "Undefine Preprocessor Definitions", "",
+ cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue | cmVS7FlagTable::SemicolonAppendable },
+ { "DisableSpecificWarnings", "wd", "Disable Specific Warnings", "",
+ cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue | cmVS7FlagTable::SemicolonAppendable },
+ { "ForcedIncludeFiles", "FI", "Forced Include File", "",
+ cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue | cmVS7FlagTable::SemicolonAppendable },
+ { "ForcedUsingFiles", "FU", "Forced #using File", "",
+ cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue | cmVS7FlagTable::SemicolonAppendable },
+ { "PREfastLog", "analyze:log", "Code Analysis Log", "",
+ cmVS7FlagTable::UserFollowing },
+ { "PREfastAdditionalPlugins", "analyze:plugin",
+ "Additional Code Analysis Native plugins", "",
+ cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue | cmVS7FlagTable::SemicolonAppendable },
+ { "TreatSpecificWarningsAsErrors", "we", "Treat Specific Warnings As Errors",
+ "", cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue | cmVS7FlagTable::SemicolonAppendable },
+ // String Properties
+ // Skip [TrackerLogDirectory] - no command line Switch.
+ { "PreprocessOutputPath", "Fi", "Preprocess Output Path", "",
+ cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue },
+ { "PrecompiledHeaderFile", "Yc", "Precompiled Header Name", "",
+ cmVS7FlagTable::UserValueRequired },
+ { "PrecompiledHeaderFile", "Yu", "Precompiled Header Name", "",
+ cmVS7FlagTable::UserValueRequired },
+ { "PrecompiledHeaderOutputFile", "Fp", "Precompiled Header Output File", "",
+ cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue },
+ { "AssemblerListingLocation", "Fa", "ASM List Location", "",
+ cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue },
+ { "ObjectFileName", "Fo", "Object File Name", "",
+ cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue },
+ { "ProgramDataBaseFileName", "Fd", "Program Database File Name", "",
+ cmVS7FlagTable::UserValue },
+ // Skip [XMLDocumentationFileName] - no command line Switch.
+ // Skip [BrowseInformationFile] - no command line Switch.
+ // Skip [AdditionalOptions] - no command line Switch.
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
diff --git a/Source/cmVS14CLFlagTable.h b/Source/cmVS141CLFlagTable.h
index c48db68..895b3e8 100644
--- a/Source/cmVS14CLFlagTable.h
+++ b/Source/cmVS141CLFlagTable.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-static cmVS7FlagTable cmVS14CLFlagTable[] = {
+static cmVS7FlagTable cmVS141CLFlagTable[] = {
// Enum Properties
{ "DebugInformationFormat", "", "None", "None", 0 },
diff --git a/Source/cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator.cxx b/Source/cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator.cxx
index 6690bfa..82f4b99 100644
--- a/Source/cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator.cxx
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@
#include "cmVS12LinkFlagTable.h"
#include "cmVS12MASMFlagTable.h"
#include "cmVS12RCFlagTable.h"
-#include "cmVS14CLFlagTable.h"
+#include "cmVS140CLFlagTable.h"
+#include "cmVS141CLFlagTable.h"
#include "cmVS14LibFlagTable.h"
#include "cmVS14LinkFlagTable.h"
#include "cmVS14MASMFlagTable.h"
@@ -43,7 +44,13 @@ cmIDEFlagTable const* cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::GetClFlagTable() const
cmGlobalVisualStudioGenerator::VSVersion v =
if (v >= cmGlobalVisualStudioGenerator::VS14) {
- return cmVS14CLFlagTable;
+ // FIXME: All flag table selection should be based on the toolset name.
+ // See issue #16153. For now, treat VS 15's toolset as a special case.
+ const char* toolset = this->GlobalGenerator->GetPlatformToolset();
+ if (toolset && cmHasLiteralPrefix(toolset, "v141")) {
+ return cmVS141CLFlagTable;
+ }
+ return cmVS140CLFlagTable;
} else if (v >= cmGlobalVisualStudioGenerator::VS12) {
return cmVS12CLFlagTable;
} else if (v == cmGlobalVisualStudioGenerator::VS11) {
diff --git a/Source/cmake.cxx b/Source/cmake.cxx
index e0f4000..5936d77 100644
--- a/Source/cmake.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmake.cxx
@@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ void cmake::GetRegisteredGenerators(
gen != genList.end(); ++gen) {
GeneratorInfo info; = cmExternalMakefileProjectGenerator::CreateFullGeneratorName(
- (*i)->GetName(), *gen);
+ *gen, (*i)->GetName());
info.baseName = *gen;
info.extraName = (*i)->GetName();
info.supportsPlatform = false;
@@ -1313,54 +1313,7 @@ int cmake::ActualConfigure()
} else {
-#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(CMAKE_BOOT_MINGW)
- std::string installedCompiler;
- // Try to find the newest VS installed on the computer and
- // use that as a default if -G is not specified
- const std::string vsregBase =
- std::vector<std::string> vsVerions;
- vsVerions.push_back("VisualStudio\\");
- vsVerions.push_back("VCExpress\\");
- vsVerions.push_back("WDExpress\\");
- struct VSRegistryEntryName
- {
- const char* MSVersion;
- const char* GeneratorName;
- };
- VSRegistryEntryName version[] = {
- /* clang-format needs this comment to break after the opening brace */
- { "7.1", "Visual Studio 7 .NET 2003" },
- { "8.0", "Visual Studio 8 2005" },
- { "9.0", "Visual Studio 9 2008" },
- { "10.0", "Visual Studio 10 2010" },
- { "11.0", "Visual Studio 11 2012" },
- { "12.0", "Visual Studio 12 2013" },
- { "14.0", "Visual Studio 14 2015" },
- { "15.0", "Visual Studio 15" },
- { 0, 0 }
- };
- for (int i = 0; version[i].MSVersion != 0; i++) {
- for (size_t b = 0; b < vsVerions.size(); b++) {
- std::string reg = vsregBase + vsVerions[b] + version[i].MSVersion;
- reg += ";InstallDir]";
- cmSystemTools::ExpandRegistryValues(reg, cmSystemTools::KeyWOW64_32);
- if (!(reg == "/registry")) {
- installedCompiler = version[i].GeneratorName;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- cmGlobalGenerator* gen =
- this->CreateGlobalGenerator(installedCompiler.c_str());
- if (!gen) {
- gen = new cmGlobalNMakeMakefileGenerator(this);
- }
- this->SetGlobalGenerator(gen);
- std::cout << "-- Building for: " << gen->GetName() << "\n";
- this->SetGlobalGenerator(new cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3(this));
+ this->CreateDefaultGlobalGenerator();
if (!this->GlobalGenerator) {
cmSystemTools::Error("Could not create generator");
@@ -1488,6 +1441,63 @@ int cmake::ActualConfigure()
return 0;
+void cmake::CreateDefaultGlobalGenerator()
+#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(CMAKE_BOOT_MINGW)
+ std::string found;
+ // Try to find the newest VS installed on the computer and
+ // use that as a default if -G is not specified
+ const std::string vsregBase = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\";
+ static const char* const vsVariants[] = {
+ /* clang-format needs this comment to break after the opening brace */
+ "VisualStudio\\", "VCExpress\\", "WDExpress\\"
+ };
+ struct VSVersionedGenerator
+ {
+ const char* MSVersion;
+ const char* GeneratorName;
+ };
+ static VSVersionedGenerator const vsGenerators[] = {
+ { "15.0", "Visual Studio 15" }, //
+ { "14.0", "Visual Studio 14 2015" }, //
+ { "12.0", "Visual Studio 12 2013" }, //
+ { "11.0", "Visual Studio 11 2012" }, //
+ { "10.0", "Visual Studio 10 2010" }, //
+ { "9.0", "Visual Studio 9 2008" }, //
+ { "8.0", "Visual Studio 8 2005" }, //
+ { "7.1", "Visual Studio 7 .NET 2003" }
+ };
+ static const char* const vsEntries[] = {
+ "\\Setup\\VC;ProductDir", //
+ ";InstallDir" //
+ };
+ for (VSVersionedGenerator const* g = cmArrayBegin(vsGenerators);
+ found.empty() && g != cmArrayEnd(vsGenerators); ++g) {
+ for (const char* const* v = cmArrayBegin(vsVariants);
+ found.empty() && v != cmArrayEnd(vsVariants); ++v) {
+ for (const char* const* e = cmArrayBegin(vsEntries);
+ found.empty() && e != cmArrayEnd(vsEntries); ++e) {
+ std::string const reg = vsregBase + *v + g->MSVersion + *e;
+ std::string dir;
+ if (cmSystemTools::ReadRegistryValue(reg, dir,
+ cmSystemTools::KeyWOW64_32) &&
+ cmSystemTools::PathExists(dir)) {
+ found = g->GeneratorName;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cmGlobalGenerator* gen = this->CreateGlobalGenerator(found);
+ if (!gen) {
+ gen = new cmGlobalNMakeMakefileGenerator(this);
+ }
+ this->SetGlobalGenerator(gen);
+ std::cout << "-- Building for: " << gen->GetName() << "\n";
+ this->SetGlobalGenerator(new cmGlobalUnixMakefileGenerator3(this));
void cmake::PreLoadCMakeFiles()
std::vector<std::string> args;
diff --git a/Source/cmake.h b/Source/cmake.h
index ae1a502..865748b 100644
--- a/Source/cmake.h
+++ b/Source/cmake.h
@@ -500,6 +500,8 @@ private:
// Print a list of valid generators to stderr.
void PrintGeneratorList();
+ void CreateDefaultGlobalGenerator();
* Convert a message type between a warning and an error, based on the state
* of the error output CMake variables, in the cache.