path: root/Tests/Server
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Tests/Server')
13 files changed, 0 insertions, 826 deletions
diff --git a/Tests/Server/CMakeLists.txt b/Tests/Server/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8321edb..0000000
--- a/Tests/Server/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4)
-project(Server CXX)
-find_package(Python REQUIRED)
-macro(do_test bsname file type)
- execute_process(COMMAND ${Python_EXECUTABLE}
- -B # no .pyc files
- "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${type}"
- "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${file}"
- RESULT_VARIABLE test_result
- )
- if (NOT test_result EQUAL 0)
- message(SEND_ERROR "TEST FAILED: ${test_result}")
- endif()
-do_test("test_cache" "tc_cache.json" "server")
-do_test("test_handshake" "tc_handshake.json" "server")
-do_test("test_globalSettings" "tc_globalSettings.json" "server")
-do_test("test_buildsystem1" "tc_buildsystem1.json" "server")
-add_executable(Server empty.cpp)
diff --git a/Tests/Server/buildsystem1/CMakeLists.txt b/Tests/Server/buildsystem1/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d690472..0000000
--- a/Tests/Server/buildsystem1/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4)
-set(var1 123)
-set(var2 345)
-add_executable(main main.cpp)
-add_executable(m_other main.cpp)
-add_library(foo foo.cpp)
-set(var3 345)
-add_library(someImportedLib UNKNOWN IMPORTED)
diff --git a/Tests/Server/buildsystem1/foo.cpp b/Tests/Server/buildsystem1/foo.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f39d71..0000000
--- a/Tests/Server/buildsystem1/foo.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-int foo()
- return 0;
diff --git a/Tests/Server/buildsystem1/main.cpp b/Tests/Server/buildsystem1/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 766b775..0000000
--- a/Tests/Server/buildsystem1/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-int main()
- return 0;
diff --git a/Tests/Server/buildsystem1/subdir/CMakeLists.txt b/Tests/Server/buildsystem1/subdir/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9157312..0000000
--- a/Tests/Server/buildsystem1/subdir/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-set(bar4 something)
-set(bar5 more)
-add_executable(ooo empty.cpp)
diff --git a/Tests/Server/buildsystem1/subdir/empty.cpp b/Tests/Server/buildsystem1/subdir/empty.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f39d71..0000000
--- a/Tests/Server/buildsystem1/subdir/empty.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-int foo()
- return 0;
diff --git a/Tests/Server/ b/Tests/Server/
deleted file mode 100644
index 546ae4c..0000000
--- a/Tests/Server/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import sys, subprocess, json, os, select, shutil, time, socket
-termwidth = 150
-print_communication = True
-def ordered(obj):
- if isinstance(obj, dict):
- return sorted((k, ordered(v)) for k, v in obj.items())
- if isinstance(obj, list):
- return sorted(ordered(x) for x in obj)
- else:
- return obj
-def col_print(title, array):
- print()
- print()
- print(title)
- indentwidth = 4
- indent = " " * indentwidth
- if not array:
- print(indent + "<None>")
- return
- padwidth = 2
- maxitemwidth = len(max(array, key=len))
- numCols = max(1, int((termwidth - indentwidth + padwidth) / (maxitemwidth + padwidth)))
- numRows = len(array) // numCols + 1
- pad = " " * padwidth
- for index in range(numRows):
- print(indent + pad.join(item.ljust(maxitemwidth) for item in array[index::numRows]))
-filterPacket = lambda x: x
-STDIN = 0
-PIPE = 1
-communicationMethods = [STDIN]
-if hasattr(socket, 'AF_UNIX'):
- communicationMethods.append(PIPE)
-def defaultExitWithError(proc):
- data = ""
- try:
- while[proc.outPipe], [], [], 3.)[0]:
- data = data +
- if len(data):
- print("Rest of raw buffer from server:")
- printServer(data)
- except:
- pass
- proc.outPipe.close()
- proc.inPipe.close()
- proc.kill()
- sys.exit(1)
-exitWithError = lambda proc: defaultExitWithError(proc)
-serverTag = "SERVER"
-def printServer(*args):
- print(serverTag + ">", *args)
- print()
- sys.stdout.flush()
-def printClient(*args):
- print("CLIENT>", *args)
- print()
- sys.stdout.flush()
-def waitForRawMessage(cmakeCommand):
- stdoutdata = ""
- payload = ""
- while not cmakeCommand.poll():
- stdoutdataLine = cmakeCommand.outPipe.readline()
- if stdoutdataLine:
- stdoutdata += stdoutdataLine.decode('utf-8')
- else:
- break
- begin = stdoutdata.find('[== "CMake Server" ==[\n')
- end = stdoutdata.find(']== "CMake Server" ==]')
- if begin != -1 and end != -1:
- begin += len('[== "CMake Server" ==[\n')
- payload = stdoutdata[begin:end]
- jsonPayload = json.loads(payload)
- filteredPayload = filterPacket(jsonPayload)
- if print_communication and filteredPayload:
- printServer(filteredPayload)
- if filteredPayload is not None or jsonPayload is None:
- return jsonPayload
- stdoutdata = stdoutdata[(end+len(']== "CMake Server" ==]')):]
-# Python2 has no problem writing the output of encodes directly,
-# but Python3 returns only 'int's for encode and so must be turned
-# into bytes. We use the existence of 'to_bytes' on an int to
-# determine which behavior is appropriate. It might be more clear
-# to do this in the code which uses the flag, but introducing
-# this lookup cost at every byte sent isn't ideal.
-has_to_bytes = "to_bytes" in dir(10)
-def writeRawData(cmakeCommand, content):
- writeRawData.counter += 1
- payload = """
-[== "CMake Server" ==[
-]== "CMake Server" ==]
-""" % content
- rn = ( writeRawData.counter % 2 ) == 0
- if rn:
- payload = payload.replace('\n', '\r\n')
- if print_communication:
- printClient(content, "(Use \\r\\n:", rn, ")")
- # To stress test how cmake deals with fragmentation in the
- # communication channel, we send only one byte at a time.
- # Certain communication methods / platforms might still buffer
- # it all into one message since its so close together, but in
- # general this will catch places where we assume full buffers
- # come in all at once.
- encoded_payload = payload.encode('utf-8')
- # Python version 3+ can't write ints directly; but 'to_bytes'
- # for int was only added in python 3.2. If this is a 3+ version
- # of python without that conversion function; just write the whole
- # thing out at once.
- if sys.version_info[0] > 2 and not has_to_bytes:
- cmakeCommand.write(encoded_payload)
- else:
- for c in encoded_payload:
- if has_to_bytes:
- c = c.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')
- cmakeCommand.write(c)
-writeRawData.counter = 0
-def writePayload(cmakeCommand, obj):
- writeRawData(cmakeCommand, json.dumps(obj))
-def getPipeName():
- return "/tmp/server-test-socket"
-def attachPipe(cmakeCommand, pipeName):
- time.sleep(1)
- sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- sock.connect(pipeName)
- global serverTag
- serverTag = "SERVER(PIPE)"
- cmakeCommand.outPipe = sock.makefile()
- cmakeCommand.inPipe = sock
- cmakeCommand.write = cmakeCommand.inPipe.sendall
-def writeAndFlush(pipe, val):
- pipe.write(val)
- pipe.flush()
-def initServerProc(cmakeCommand, comm):
- if comm == PIPE:
- pipeName = getPipeName()
- cmakeCommand = subprocess.Popen([cmakeCommand, "-E", "server", "--experimental", "--pipe=" + pipeName])
- attachPipe(cmakeCommand, pipeName)
- else:
- cmakeCommand = subprocess.Popen([cmakeCommand, "-E", "server", "--experimental", "--debug"],
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- cmakeCommand.outPipe = cmakeCommand.stdout
- cmakeCommand.inPipe = cmakeCommand.stdin
- cmakeCommand.write = lambda val: writeAndFlush(cmakeCommand.inPipe, val)
- packet = waitForRawMessage(cmakeCommand)
- if packet == None:
- print("Not in server mode")
- sys.exit(2)
- if packet['type'] != 'hello':
- print("No hello message")
- sys.exit(3)
- return cmakeCommand
-def exitProc(cmakeCommand):
- # Tell the server to exit.
- cmakeCommand.stdin.close()
- cmakeCommand.stdout.close()
- # Wait for the server to exit.
- # If this version of python supports it, terminate the server after a timeout.
- try:
- cmakeCommand.wait(timeout=5)
- except TypeError:
- cmakeCommand.wait()
- except:
- cmakeCommand.terminate()
- raise
-def waitForMessage(cmakeCommand, expected):
- data = ordered(expected)
- packet = ordered(waitForRawMessage(cmakeCommand))
- if packet != data:
- print ("Received unexpected message; test failed")
- exitWithError(cmakeCommand)
- return packet
-def waitForReply(cmakeCommand, originalType, cookie, skipProgress):
- gotResult = False
- while True:
- packet = waitForRawMessage(cmakeCommand)
- t = packet['type']
- if packet['cookie'] != cookie or packet['inReplyTo'] != originalType:
- print("cookie or inReplyTo mismatch")
- sys.exit(4)
- if t == 'message' or t == 'progress':
- if skipProgress:
- continue
- if t == 'reply':
- break
- print("Unrecognized message", packet)
- sys.exit(5)
- return packet
-def waitForError(cmakeCommand, originalType, cookie, message):
- packet = waitForRawMessage(cmakeCommand)
- if packet['cookie'] != cookie or packet['type'] != 'error' or packet['inReplyTo'] != originalType or packet['errorMessage'] != message:
- sys.exit(6)
-def waitForProgress(cmakeCommand, originalType, cookie, current, message):
- packet = waitForRawMessage(cmakeCommand)
- if packet['cookie'] != cookie or packet['type'] != 'progress' or packet['inReplyTo'] != originalType or packet['progressCurrent'] != current or packet['progressMessage'] != message:
- sys.exit(7)
-def handshake(cmakeCommand, major, minor, source, build, generator, extraGenerator):
- version = { 'major': major }
- if minor >= 0:
- version['minor'] = minor
- writePayload(cmakeCommand, { 'type': 'handshake', 'protocolVersion': version,
- 'cookie': 'TEST_HANDSHAKE', 'sourceDirectory': source, 'buildDirectory': build,
- 'generator': generator, 'extraGenerator': extraGenerator })
- waitForReply(cmakeCommand, 'handshake', 'TEST_HANDSHAKE', False)
-def validateGlobalSettings(cmakeCommand, cmakeCommandPath, data):
- packet = waitForReply(cmakeCommand, 'globalSettings', '', False)
- capabilities = packet['capabilities']
- # validate version:
- cmakeoutput = subprocess.check_output([ cmakeCommandPath, "--version" ], universal_newlines=True)
- cmakeVersion = cmakeoutput.splitlines()[0][14:]
- version = capabilities['version']
- versionString = version['string']
- vs = str(version['major']) + '.' + str(version['minor']) + '.' + str(version['patch'])
- if (versionString != vs and not versionString.startswith(vs + '-')):
- sys.exit(8)
- if (versionString != cmakeVersion):
- sys.exit(9)
- # validate generators:
- generatorObjects = capabilities['generators']
- cmakeoutput = subprocess.check_output([ cmakeCommandPath, "--help" ], universal_newlines=True)
- index = cmakeoutput.index('\nGenerators\n\n')
- cmakeGenerators = []
- for line in cmakeoutput[index + 12:].splitlines():
- if not line:
- continue
- if line[0] == '*': # default generator marker
- line = ' ' + line[1:]
- if not line.startswith(' '):
- continue
- if line.startswith(' '):
- continue
- equalPos = line.find('=')
- tmp = ''
- if (equalPos > 0):
- tmp = line[2:equalPos].strip()
- else:
- tmp = line.strip()
- if tmp.endswith(" [arch]"):
- tmp = tmp[0:len(tmp) - 7]
- if (len(tmp) > 0) and (" - " not in tmp):
- cmakeGenerators.append(tmp)
- generators = []
- for genObj in generatorObjects:
- generators.append(genObj['name'])
- generators.sort()
- cmakeGenerators.sort()
- for gen in cmakeGenerators:
- if (not gen in generators):
- sys.exit(10)
- gen = packet['generator']
- if (gen != '' and not (gen in generators)):
- sys.exit(11)
- for i in data:
- print("Validating", i)
- if (packet[i] != data[i]):
- sys.exit(12)
-def validateCache(cmakeCommand, data):
- packet = waitForReply(cmakeCommand, 'cache', '', False)
- cache = packet['cache']
- if (data['isEmpty']):
- if (cache != []):
- print('Expected empty cache, but got data.\n')
- sys.exit(1)
- return;
- if (cache == []):
- print('Expected cache contents, but got none.\n')
- sys.exit(1)
- hadHomeDir = False
- for value in cache:
- if (value['key'] == 'CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY'):
- hadHomeDir = True
- if (not hadHomeDir):
- print('No CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY found in cache.')
- sys.exit(1)
-def handleBasicMessage(proc, obj, debug):
- if 'sendRaw' in obj:
- data = obj['sendRaw']
- if debug: print("Sending raw:", data)
- writeRawData(proc, data)
- return True
- elif 'send' in obj:
- data = obj['send']
- if debug: print("Sending:", json.dumps(data))
- writePayload(proc, data)
- return True
- elif 'recv' in obj:
- data = obj['recv']
- if debug: print("Waiting for:", json.dumps(data))
- waitForMessage(proc, data)
- return True
- elif 'message' in obj:
- print("MESSAGE:", obj["message"])
- sys.stdout.flush()
- return True
- return False
-def shutdownProc(proc):
- # Tell the server to exit.
- proc.inPipe.close()
- proc.outPipe.close()
- # Wait for the server to exit.
- # If this version of python supports it, terminate the server after a timeout.
- try:
- proc.wait(timeout=5)
- except TypeError:
- proc.wait()
- except:
- proc.terminate()
- raise
- print('cmake-server exited: %d' % proc.returncode)
- sys.exit(proc.returncode)
diff --git a/Tests/Server/empty.cpp b/Tests/Server/empty.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 766b775..0000000
--- a/Tests/Server/empty.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-int main()
- return 0;
diff --git a/Tests/Server/ b/Tests/Server/
deleted file mode 100644
index 701c6e9..0000000
--- a/Tests/Server/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import sys, cmakelib, json, os, shutil
-debug = True
-cmakeCommand = sys.argv[1]
-testFile = sys.argv[2]
-sourceDir = sys.argv[3]
-buildDir = sys.argv[4] + "/" + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(testFile))[0]
-cmakeGenerator = sys.argv[5]
-print("Server Test:", testFile,
- "\n-- SourceDir:", sourceDir,
- "\n-- BuildDir:", buildDir,
- "\n-- Generator:", cmakeGenerator)
-if os.path.exists(buildDir):
- shutil.rmtree(buildDir)
-cmakelib.filterBase = sourceDir
-with open(testFile) as f:
- testData = json.loads(
-for communicationMethod in cmakelib.communicationMethods:
- proc = cmakelib.initServerProc(cmakeCommand, communicationMethod)
- if proc is None:
- continue
- for obj in testData:
- if cmakelib.handleBasicMessage(proc, obj, debug):
- pass
- elif 'reply' in obj:
- data = obj['reply']
- if debug: print("Waiting for reply:", json.dumps(data))
- originalType = ""
- cookie = ""
- skipProgress = False;
- if 'cookie' in data: cookie = data['cookie']
- if 'type' in data: originalType = data['type']
- if 'skipProgress' in data: skipProgress = data['skipProgress']
- cmakelib.waitForReply(proc, originalType, cookie, skipProgress)
- elif 'error' in obj:
- data = obj['error']
- if debug: print("Waiting for error:", json.dumps(data))
- originalType = ""
- cookie = ""
- message = ""
- if 'cookie' in data: cookie = data['cookie']
- if 'type' in data: originalType = data['type']
- if 'message' in data: message = data['message']
- cmakelib.waitForError(proc, originalType, cookie, message)
- elif 'progress' in obj:
- data = obj['progress']
- if debug: print("Waiting for progress:", json.dumps(data))
- originalType = ''
- cookie = ""
- current = 0
- message = ""
- if 'cookie' in data: cookie = data['cookie']
- if 'type' in data: originalType = data['type']
- if 'current' in data: current = data['current']
- if 'message' in data: message = data['message']
- cmakelib.waitForProgress(proc, originalType, cookie, current, message)
- elif 'handshake' in obj:
- data = obj['handshake']
- if debug: print("Doing handshake:", json.dumps(data))
- major = -1
- minor = -1
- generator = cmakeGenerator
- extraGenerator = ''
- sourceDirectory = sourceDir
- buildDirectory = buildDir
- if 'major' in data: major = data['major']
- if 'minor' in data: minor = data['minor']
- if 'buildDirectory' in data: buildDirectory = data['buildDirectory']
- if 'sourceDirectory' in data: sourceDirectory = data['sourceDirectory']
- if 'generator' in data: generator = data['generator']
- if 'extraGenerator' in data: extraGenerator = data['extraGenerator']
- if not os.path.isabs(buildDirectory):
- buildDirectory = buildDir + "/" + buildDirectory
- if sourceDirectory != '' and not os.path.isabs(sourceDirectory):
- sourceDirectory = sourceDir + "/" + sourceDirectory
- cmakelib.handshake(proc, major, minor, sourceDirectory, buildDirectory,
- generator, extraGenerator)
- elif 'validateGlobalSettings' in obj:
- data = obj['validateGlobalSettings']
- if not 'buildDirectory' in data: data['buildDirectory'] = buildDir
- if not 'sourceDirectory' in data: data['sourceDirectory'] = sourceDir
- if not 'generator' in data: data['generator'] = cmakeGenerator
- if not 'extraGenerator' in data: data['extraGenerator'] = ''
- cmakelib.validateGlobalSettings(proc, cmakeCommand, data)
- elif 'validateCache' in obj:
- data = obj['validateCache']
- if not 'isEmpty' in data: data['isEmpty'] = false
- cmakelib.validateCache(proc, data)
- elif 'reconnect' in obj:
- cmakelib.exitProc(proc)
- proc = cmakelib.initServerProc(cmakeCommand, communicationMethod)
- else:
- print("Unknown command:", json.dumps(obj))
- sys.exit(2)
- cmakelib.shutdownProc(proc)
- print("Completed")
diff --git a/Tests/Server/tc_buildsystem1.json b/Tests/Server/tc_buildsystem1.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 08831b7..0000000
--- a/Tests/Server/tc_buildsystem1.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-{ "message": "Testing globalSettings" },
-{ "handshake": {"major": 1, "sourceDirectory":"buildsystem1","buildDirectory":"buildsystem1"} },
-{ "message": "Configure:" },
-{ "send": { "type": "configure", "cookie":"CONFIG" } },
-{ "reply": { "type": "configure", "cookie":"CONFIG", "skipProgress":true } },
-{ "message": "Compute:" },
-{ "send": { "type": "compute", "cookie":"COMPUTE" } },
-{ "reply": { "type": "compute", "cookie":"COMPUTE", "skipProgress":true } },
-{ "message": "Codemodel:" },
-{ "send": { "type": "codemodel", "cookie":"CODEMODEL" } },
-{ "reply": { "type": "codemodel", "cookie":"CODEMODEL" } },
-{ "message": "CMake Inputs:"},
-{ "send": { "type": "cmakeInputs", "cookie":"INPUTS" } },
-{ "reply": { "type": "cmakeInputs", "cookie":"INPUTS" } },
-{ "message": "Cache:"},
-{ "send": { "type": "cache", "cookie":"CACHE" } },
-{ "reply": { "type": "cache", "cookie":"CACHE" } },
-{ "message": "Everything ok." }
diff --git a/Tests/Server/tc_cache.json b/Tests/Server/tc_cache.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 74af6d9..0000000
--- a/Tests/Server/tc_cache.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-{ "message": "Testing cache" },
-{ "message": "Cache after first handshake is empty:" },
-{ "handshake": {"major": 1, "sourceDirectory": "buildsystem1", "buildDirectory": "buildsystem1"} },
-{ "send": { "type": "cache" } },
-{ "validateCache": { "isEmpty": true } },
-{ "message": "Cache after configure is populated:" },
-{ "send": { "type": "configure" } },
-{ "reply": { "type": "configure", "skipProgress":true } },
-{ "send": { "type": "cache" } },
-{ "validateCache": { "isEmpty": false } },
-{ "message": "Handshake for existing cache requires buildDirectory only:" },
-{ "reconnect": {} },
-{ "handshake": {"major": 1, "sourceDirectory": "", "buildDirectory": "buildsystem1"} },
-{ "message": "Cache after reconnect is again populated:" },
-{ "send": { "type": "cache" } },
-{ "validateCache": { "isEmpty": false } },
-{ "message": "Everything ok." }
diff --git a/Tests/Server/tc_globalSettings.json b/Tests/Server/tc_globalSettings.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d72fb41..0000000
--- a/Tests/Server/tc_globalSettings.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-{ "message": "Testing globalSettings" },
-{ "handshake": {"major": 1} },
-{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
-{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
-{ "message": "Change settings:" },
-{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "warnUnused": true } },
-{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
-{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
-{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": true, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
-{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "warnUnused": false } },
-{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
-{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
-{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
-{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "debugOutput": true } },
-{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
-{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
-{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": true, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
-{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "debugOutput": false } },
-{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
-{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
-{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
-{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "warnUninitialized": true } },
-{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
-{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
-{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": true, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
-{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "warnUninitialized": false } },
-{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
-{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
-{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
-{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "traceExpand": true } },
-{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
-{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
-{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": true, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
-{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "traceExpand": false } },
-{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
-{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
-{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
-{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "trace": true } },
-{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
-{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
-{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": true, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
-{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "trace": false } },
-{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
-{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
-{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
-{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "warnUnusedCli": false } },
-{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
-{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
-{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": false, "checkSystemVars": false } },
-{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "warnUnusedCli": true } },
-{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
-{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
-{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
-{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "checkSystemVars": true } },
-{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
-{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
-{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": true } },
-{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "checkSystemVars": false } },
-{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
-{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
-{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": false, "debugOutput": false, "warnUninitialized": false, "traceExpand": false, "trace": false, "warnUnusedCli": true, "checkSystemVars": false } },
-{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "warnUnused": true, "debugOutput": true, "warnUninitialized": true, "traceExpand": true, "trace": true, "warnUnusedCli": false, "checkSystemVars": true } },
-{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
-{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
-{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": true, "debugOutput": true, "warnUninitialized": true, "traceExpand": true, "trace": true, "warnUnusedCli": false, "checkSystemVars": true } },
-{ "message": "Ignore unknown/readonly" },
-{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "unknownKey": "unknownValue", "extraGenerator": "XXX", "generator": "YYY", "sourceDirectory": "/tmp/source", "buildDirectory": "/tmp/build" } },
-{ "reply": { "type": "setGlobalSettings" } },
-{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
-{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": true, "debugOutput": true, "warnUninitialized": true, "traceExpand": true, "trace": true, "warnUnusedCli": false, "checkSystemVars": true } },
-{ "message": "Error paths:" },
-{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "debugOutput": true, "warnUnused": 1 } },
-{ "error": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "message": "\"warnUnused\" must be unset or a bool value." } },
-{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "warnUnused": true, "debugOutput": 1 } },
-{ "error": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "message": "\"debugOutput\" must be unset or a bool value." } },
-{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "warnUninitialized": 1, "warnUnused": true, "debugOutput": true } },
-{ "error": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "message": "\"warnUninitialized\" must be unset or a bool value." } },
-{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "warnUnused": true, "debugOutput": true, "traceExpand": 1 } },
-{ "error": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "message": "\"traceExpand\" must be unset or a bool value." } },
-{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "debugOutput": true, "trace": 1, "warnUnused": true } },
-{ "error": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "message": "\"trace\" must be unset or a bool value." } },
-{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "warnUnused": true, "debugOutput": true, "warnUnusedCli": 1.0 } },
-{ "error": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "message": "\"warnUnusedCli\" must be unset or a bool value." } },
-{ "send": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "warnUnused": true, "debugOutput": true, "checkSystemVars": "some string" } },
-{ "error": { "type": "setGlobalSettings", "message": "\"checkSystemVars\" must be unset or a bool value." } },
-{ "send": { "type": "globalSettings"} },
-{ "validateGlobalSettings": { "warnUnused": true, "debugOutput": true, "warnUninitialized": true, "traceExpand": true, "trace": true, "warnUnusedCli": false, "checkSystemVars": true } },
-{ "message": "Everything ok." }
diff --git a/Tests/Server/tc_handshake.json b/Tests/Server/tc_handshake.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bb7fa7..0000000
--- a/Tests/Server/tc_handshake.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-{ "message": "Testing basic message handling:" },
-{ "sendRaw": "Sometext"},
-{ "recv": {"cookie":"","errorMessage":"Failed to parse JSON input.","inReplyTo":"","type":"error"} },
-{ "message": "Testing invalid json input"},
-{ "send": { "test": "sometext" } },
-{ "recv": {"cookie":"","errorMessage":"No type given in request.","inReplyTo":"","type":"error"} },
-{ "send": {"test": "sometext","cookie":"monster"} },
-{ "recv": {"cookie":"monster","errorMessage":"No type given in request.","inReplyTo":"","type":"error"} },
-{ "message": "Testing commands before handshake" },
-{ "send": {"type": "cache","cookie":"monster"} },
-{ "recv": {"cookie":"monster","errorMessage":"Waiting for type \"handshake\".","inReplyTo":"cache","type":"error"} },
-{ "message": "Testing handshake" },
-{ "send": {"type": "sometype","cookie":"monster2"} },
-{ "recv": {"cookie":"monster2","errorMessage":"Waiting for type \"handshake\".","inReplyTo":"sometype","type":"error"} },
-{ "send": {"type": "handshake"} },
-{ "recv": {"cookie":"","errorMessage":"\"protocolVersion\" is required for \"handshake\".","inReplyTo":"handshake","type":"error"} },
-{ "send": {"type": "handshake","foo":"bar"} },
-{ "recv": {"cookie":"","errorMessage":"\"protocolVersion\" is required for \"handshake\".","inReplyTo":"handshake","type":"error"} },
-{ "send": {"type": "handshake","protocolVersion":"bar"} },
-{ "recv": {"cookie":"","errorMessage":"\"protocolVersion\" must be a JSON object.","inReplyTo":"handshake","type":"error"} },
-{ "send": {"type": "handshake","protocolVersion":{}} },
-{ "recv": {"cookie":"","errorMessage":"\"major\" must be set and an integer.","inReplyTo":"handshake","type":"error"} },
-{ "send": {"type": "handshake","protocolVersion":{"major":"foo"}} },
-{ "recv": {"cookie":"","errorMessage":"\"major\" must be set and an integer.","inReplyTo":"handshake","type":"error"} },
-{ "send": {"type": "handshake","protocolVersion":{"major":1, "minor":"foo"}} },
-{ "recv": {"cookie":"","errorMessage":"\"minor\" must be unset or an integer.","inReplyTo":"handshake","type":"error"} },
-{ "send": {"type": "handshake","protocolVersion":{"major":-1, "minor":-1}} },
-{ "recv": {"cookie":"","errorMessage":"\"major\" must be >= 0.","inReplyTo":"handshake","type":"error"} },
-{ "send": {"type": "handshake","protocolVersion":{"major":10, "minor":-1}} },
-{ "recv": {"cookie":"","errorMessage":"\"minor\" must be >= 0 when set.","inReplyTo":"handshake","type":"error"} },
-{ "send": {"type": "handshake","protocolVersion":{"major":10000}} },
-{ "recv": {"cookie":"","errorMessage":"Protocol version not supported.","inReplyTo":"handshake","type":"error"} },
-{ "send": {"type": "handshake","protocolVersion":{"major":1, "minor":10000}} },
-{ "recv": {"cookie":"","errorMessage":"Protocol version not supported.","inReplyTo":"handshake","type":"error"} },
-{ "send": {"cookie":"zimtstern","type": "handshake","protocolVersion":{"major":1}} },
-{ "recv": {"cookie":"zimtstern","inReplyTo":"handshake","type":"error","errorMessage":"Failed to activate protocol version: \"buildDirectory\" is missing."} },
-{ "message": "Testing protocol version specific options (1.0):" },
-{ "send": {"cookie":"zimtstern","type": "handshake","protocolVersion":{"major":1},"sourceDirectory":"/tmp/src"} },
-{ "recv": {"cookie":"zimtstern","inReplyTo":"handshake","type":"error","errorMessage":"Failed to activate protocol version: \"buildDirectory\" is missing."} },
-{ "send": {"cookie":"zimtstern","type": "handshake","protocolVersion":{"major":1},"sourceDirectory":"/tmp/src","buildDirectory":"/tmp/build"} },
-{ "recv": {"cookie":"zimtstern","inReplyTo":"handshake","type":"error","errorMessage":"Failed to activate protocol version: \"sourceDirectory\" is not a directory."} },
-{ "send": {"cookie":"zimtstern","type": "handshake","protocolVersion":{"major":1},"sourceDirectory":".","buildDirectory":"/tmp/build","extraGenerator":"CodeBlocks"} },
-{ "recv": {"cookie":"zimtstern","inReplyTo":"handshake","type":"error","errorMessage":"Failed to activate protocol version: \"generator\" is unset but required."} },
-{ "send": {"cookie":"zimtstern","type": "handshake","protocolVersion":{"major":1},"sourceDirectory":".","buildDirectory":"/tmp/build","generator":"XXXX","extraGenerator":"CodeBlocks"} },
-{ "recv": {"cookie":"zimtstern","inReplyTo":"handshake","type":"error","errorMessage":"Failed to activate protocol version: Generator \"XXXX\" not supported."} },
-{ "send": {"cookie":"zimtstern","type": "handshake","protocolVersion":{"major":1},"sourceDirectory":".","buildDirectory":"/tmp/build","generator":"Ninja","extraGenerator":"XXXX"} },
-{ "recv": {"cookie":"zimtstern","inReplyTo":"handshake","type":"error","errorMessage":"Failed to activate protocol version: The combination of generator \"Ninja\" and extra generator \"XXXX\" is not supported."} },
-{ "send": {"cookie":"zimtstern","type": "handshake","protocolVersion":{"major":1},"sourceDirectory":".","buildDirectory":"/tmp/build","generator":"Ninja","extraGenerator":"CodeBlocks"} },
-{ "recv": {"cookie":"zimtstern","inReplyTo":"handshake","type":"reply"} },
-{ "message": "Everything ok." }