path: root/Utilities/Release/win/qt-6.3.0-win-msvc.ps1
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Utilities/Release/win/qt-6.3.0-win-msvc.ps1')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 135 deletions
diff --git a/Utilities/Release/win/qt-6.3.0-win-msvc.ps1 b/Utilities/Release/win/qt-6.3.0-win-msvc.ps1
deleted file mode 100755
index 265b26e..0000000
--- a/Utilities/Release/win/qt-6.3.0-win-msvc.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
-# file Copyright.txt or for details.
-# Run this script on a Windows host to generate Qt binaries.
-# Set the PATH environment variable to contain the locations of cmake and git.
-param (
- [string]$cmake = 'cmake',
- [string]$git = 'git',
- [string]$ninja = 'ninja',
- [switch]$trace
-if ($trace -eq $true) {
- Set-PSDebug -Trace 1
-$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
-$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
-if ($env:VSCMD_ARG_TGT_ARCH -eq "x64") {
- $arch = "x86_64";
-} elseif ($env:VSCMD_ARG_TGT_ARCH -eq "x86") {
- $arch = "i386";
-} elseif ($env:VSCMD_ARG_TGT_ARCH -eq "arm64") {
- $arch = "arm64";
-} else {
- Write-Host "VSCMD_ARG_TGT_ARCH env var not recognized. Run this from a Visual Studio Command Prompt."
- exit 1
-if ($env:VCToolsVersion -match '^(?<version>[0-9][0-9]\.[0-9])') {
- $toolset = "msvc_v" + $Matches.version -replace '\.', ''
-} else {
- Write-Host "VCToolsVersion env var not set. Run this from a Visual Studio Command Prompt."
-$srcname = "qt-everywhere-src-6.3.0"
-$pkgname = "qt-6.3.0-win-$arch-$toolset-1"
-$pkgname_host = "qt-6.3.0-win-x86_64-$toolset-1"
-$topdir = $pwd.Path
-$srcdir = Join-Path $topdir $srcname
-$blddir = Join-Path $topdir "$pkgname-build"
-$prefix = Join-Path $topdir $pkgname
-$prefix_host = Join-Path $topdir "$pkgname_host"
-# Qt Source
-if ( -not (Test-Path -Path $srcdir)) {
- Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile qt.tar.xz
- if ($(Get-FileHash "qt.tar.xz").Hash -ne 'cd2789cade3e865690f3c18df58ffbff8af74cc5f01faae50634c12eb52dd85b') {
- exit 1
- }
- & $cmake -E tar xvf qt.tar.xz
- Remove-Item qt.tar.xz
-# Build Qt
-if ( -not (Test-Path -Path $blddir)) {
- New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $blddir
- Set-Location -Path "$blddir"
- if ($arch -eq "arm64") {
- $qt_platform = "win32-arm64-msvc"
- $qt_host_path = "-qt-host-path", "$prefix_host"
- } else {
- $qt_platform = "win32-msvc"
- $qt_host_path = $null
- }
- & ..\$srcname\configure.bat `
- -prefix $prefix `
- -static `
- -static-runtime `
- -release `
- -opensource -confirm-license `
- -platform $qt_platform `
- $qt_host_path `
- -gui `
- -widgets `
- -qt-doubleconversion `
- -qt-freetype `
- -qt-harfbuzz `
- -qt-pcre `
- -qt-zlib `
- -qt-libpng `
- -qt-libjpeg `
- -no-gif `
- -no-tiff `
- -no-webp `
- -no-icu `
- -no-pch `
- -no-opengl `
- -no-dbus `
- -no-accessibility `
- -no-feature-androiddeployqt `
- -no-feature-assistant `
- -no-feature-designer `
- -no-feature-linguist `
- -no-feature-pixeltool `
- -no-feature-printsupport `
- -no-feature-qtattributionsscanner `
- -no-feature-qtdiag `
- -no-feature-qtplugininfo `
- -no-feature-sql `
- -no-feature-windeployqt `
- -skip qtconnectivity `
- -skip qtdeclarative `
- -skip qtdoc `
- -skip qtlottie `
- -skip qtmqtt `
- -skip qtmultimedia `
- -skip qtopcua `
- -skip qtquick3d `
- -skip qtquicktimeline `
- -skip qtscxml `
- -skip qtsensors `
- -skip qtserialport `
- -skip qtsvg `
- -skip qtvirtualkeyboard `
- -skip qtwayland `
- -skip qtwebchannel `
- -skip qtwebengine `
- -skip qtwebsockets `
- -skip qtwebview `
- -nomake examples `
- -nomake tests
- & $ninja
-# Install Qt
-if ( -not (Test-Path -Path $prefix)) {
- & $ninja install
-# Package Qt
-Set-Location -Path $topdir
-& $cmake -E tar cf "$" "--format=zip" "$pkgname"