path: root/Utilities/cmlibarchive/contrib/psota-benchmark/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Utilities/cmlibarchive/contrib/psota-benchmark/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/Utilities/cmlibarchive/contrib/psota-benchmark/ b/Utilities/cmlibarchive/contrib/psota-benchmark/
deleted file mode 100755
index 6c0e4b5..0000000
--- a/Utilities/cmlibarchive/contrib/psota-benchmark/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# tar comparision program
-# 2007-10-25 Jan Psota
-n=3 # number of repetitions
-TAR=(bsdtar gnutar star) # TApeArchivers to compare
-OPT=("" "--seek" "-no-fsync")
-pax="--format=pax" # comment out for defaults
-OPN=(create list extract compare) # operations
-test $# -ge 2 || {
- echo -e "usage:\t$0 source_dir where_to_place_archive
-TCP, version $version
-TCP stands for Tar Comparision Program here.
-It currently compares: BSD tar (bsdtar), GNU tar (gnutar) and star in archive
-creation, listing, extraction and archive-to-extracted comparision.
-Tcp prints out best time of n=$n repetitions.
-Tcp creates temporary archive named tcp.tar with $pax and some native
-(--seek/-no-fsync) options and extracts it to [\$3]/tcptmp/.
-If unset, third argument defaults to [\$2].
-After normal exit tcp removes tarball and extracted files.
-Tcp does not check filesystems destination directories are on for free space,
-so make sure there is enough space (a bit more than source_dir uses) for both:
-archive and extracted files.
-Do not use white space in arguments.
- Jan Psota, $version"
- exit 0
-test -e $dst -o -e /tmp/tcp \
- && { echo "$dst or /tmp/tcp exists, exiting"; exit 1; }
-mkdir $dst_path || exit 2
-use_times ()
- awk -F"\t" -vN=$n -vL="`du -k $dst`" -vOFS="\t" -vORS="" '
- { if (NF==4) { printf "\t%s\t%10.1d KB/s\n", $0, ($1+0>0 ?
-(L+0)/($1+0) : 0) } }' \
- /tmp/tcp | sort | head -1
- > /tmp/tcp
-test -d $src || { echo "'$src' is not a directory"; exit 3; }
-# system information: type, release, memory, cpu(s), compiler and flags
-echo -e "TCP, version $version\n"`uname -sr`" / "`head -1 /etc/*-release`
-free -m | awk '/^Mem/ { printf "%dMB of memory, ", $2 }'
-test -e /proc/cpuinfo \
- && awk -F: '/name|cache size|MHz|mips/ { if (!a) b=b $2 }
- /^$/ { a++ } END { print a" x"b" bmips" }' /proc/cpuinfo
-test -e /etc/gentoo-release \
- && gcc --version | head -1 && grep ^CFLAGS /etc/make.conf
-# tar versions
-for tar in [EMAIL PROTECTED]; do echo -ne "$tar:\t"; $tar --version | head -1;
-echo -e "\nbest time of $n repetitions,\n"\
-" src=$src, "\
-`du -sh $src | awk '{print $1}'`" in "`find $src | wc -l`" files, "\
-"avg "$((`du -sk $src | awk '{print $1}'`/`find $src -type f | wc
-" archive=$dst, extract to $dst_path"
-echo -e "program\toperation\treal\tuser\tsystem\t%CPU\t speed"
-> /tmp/tcp
-let op_num=0
-for op in "cf $dst $pax -C $src ." "tf $dst" "xf $dst -C $dst_path" \
- "f $dst -C $dst_path --diff"; do
- let tar_num=0
- for tar in [EMAIL PROTECTED]; do
- echo -en "$tar\t${OPN[op_num]}\t"
- for ((i=1; i<=$n; i++)); do
- echo $op | grep -q ^cf && rm -f $dst
- echo $op | grep -q ^xf &&
- { chmod -R u+w $dst_path
- rm -rf $dst_path; mkdir $dst_path; }
- sync
- if echo $op | grep -q ^f; then # op == compare
- time $tar $op ${OPT[$tar_num]} > /dev/null
- else # op in (create | list | extract)
- time $tar $op ${OPT[$tar_num]} > /dev/null \
- || break 3
- fi 2>> /tmp/tcp
- done
- use_times
- let tar_num++
- done
- let op_num++
- echo
-rm -rf $dst_path $dst
-cat /tmp/tcp
-rm -f /tmp/tcp