path: root/Tests/CSharpLinkFromCxx/UsefulCSharpClass.cs
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* VS: Support C# project referencesRobert Dailey2018-02-231-0/+12
n26' href='#n26'>26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190
import pipes
import os
import string
import unittest
from test.test_support import TESTFN, run_unittest, unlink, TestSkipped

if != 'posix':
    raise TestSkipped('pipes module only works on posix')


# tr a-z A-Z is not portable, so make the ranges explicit
s_command = 'tr %s %s' % (string.ascii_lowercase, string.ascii_uppercase)

class SimplePipeTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def tearDown(self):
        for f in (TESTFN, TESTFN2):

    def testSimplePipe1(self):
        t = pipes.Template()
        t.append(s_command, pipes.STDIN_STDOUT)
        f =, 'w')
        f.write('hello world #1')
        self.assertEqual(open(TESTFN).read(), 'HELLO WORLD #1')

    def testSimplePipe2(self):
        open(TESTFN, 'w').write('hello world #2')
        t = pipes.Template()
        t.append(s_command + ' < $IN > $OUT', pipes.FILEIN_FILEOUT)
        t.copy(TESTFN, TESTFN2)
        self.assertEqual(open(TESTFN2).read(), 'HELLO WORLD #2')

    def testSimplePipe3(self):
        open(TESTFN, 'w').write('hello world #2')
        t = pipes.Template()
        t.append(s_command + ' < $IN', pipes.FILEIN_STDOUT)
        self.assertEqual(, 'r').read(), 'HELLO WORLD #2')

    def testEmptyPipeline1(self):
        # copy through empty pipe
        d = 'empty pipeline test COPY'
        open(TESTFN, 'w').write(d)
        open(TESTFN2, 'w').write('')
        t.copy(TESTFN, TESTFN2)
        self.assertEqual(open(TESTFN2).read(), d)

    def testEmptyPipeline2(self):
        # read through empty pipe
        d = 'empty pipeline test READ'
        open(TESTFN, 'w').write(d)
        self.assertEqual(, 'r').read(), d)

    def testEmptyPipeline3(self):
        # write through empty pipe
        d = 'empty pipeline test WRITE'
        t = pipes.Template(), 'w').write(d)
        self.assertEqual(open(TESTFN).read(), d)

    def testQuoting(self):
        safeunquoted = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '!@%_-+=:,./'
        unsafe = '"`$\\'

        self.assertEqual(pipes.quote(safeunquoted), safeunquoted)
        self.assertEqual(pipes.quote('test file name'), "'test file name'")
        for u in unsafe:
            self.assertEqual(pipes.quote('test%sname' % u),
                              "'test%sname'" % u)
        for u in unsafe:
            self.assertEqual(pipes.quote("test%s'name'" % u),
                              '"test\\%s\'name\'"' % u)

    def testRepr(self):
        t = pipes.Template()
        self.assertEqual(repr(t), "<Template instance, steps=[]>")
        t.append('tr a-z A-Z', pipes.STDIN_STDOUT)
                    "<Template instance, steps=[('tr a-z A-Z', '--')]>")

    def testSetDebug(self):
        t = pipes.Template()
        self.assertEqual(t.debugging, False)
        self.assertEqual(t.debugging, True)

    def testReadOpenSink(self):
        # check calling open('r') on a pipe ending with
        # a sink raises ValueError
        t = pipes.Template()
        t.append('boguscmd', pipes.SINK)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError,, 'bogusfile', 'r')

    def testWriteOpenSource(self):
        # check calling open('w') on a pipe ending with
        # a source raises ValueError
        t = pipes.Template()
        t.prepend('boguscmd', pipes.SOURCE)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError,, 'bogusfile', 'w')

    def testBadAppendOptions(self):
        t = pipes.Template()

        # try a non-string command
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, t.append, 7, pipes.STDIN_STDOUT)

        # try a type that isn't recognized
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, t.append, 'boguscmd', 'xx')

        # shouldn't be able to append a source
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, t.append, 'boguscmd', pipes.SOURCE)

        # check appending two sinks
        t = pipes.Template()
        t.append('boguscmd', pipes.SINK)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, t.append, 'boguscmd', pipes.SINK)

        # command needing file input but with no $IN
        t = pipes.Template()
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, t.append, 'boguscmd $OUT',
        t = pipes.Template()
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, t.append, 'boguscmd',

        # command needing file output but with no $OUT
        t = pipes.Template()
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, t.append, 'boguscmd $IN',
        t = pipes.Template()
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, t.append, 'boguscmd',

    def testBadPrependOptions(self):
        t = pipes.Template()

        # try a non-string command
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, t.prepend, 7, pipes.STDIN_STDOUT)

        # try a type that isn't recognized
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, t.prepend, 'tr a-z A-Z', 'xx')

        # shouldn't be able to prepend a sink
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, t.prepend, 'boguscmd', pipes.SINK)

        # check prepending two sources
        t = pipes.Template()
        t.prepend('boguscmd', pipes.SOURCE)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, t.prepend, 'boguscmd', pipes.SOURCE)

        # command needing file input but with no $IN
        t = pipes.Template()
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, t.prepend, 'boguscmd $OUT',
        t = pipes.Template()
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, t.prepend, 'boguscmd',

        # command needing file output but with no $OUT
        t = pipes.Template()
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, t.prepend, 'boguscmd $IN',
        t = pipes.Template()
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, t.prepend, 'boguscmd',

    def testBadOpenMode(self):
        t = pipes.Template()
        self.assertRaises(ValueError,, 'bogusfile', 'x')

    def testClone(self):
        t = pipes.Template()
        t.append('tr a-z A-Z', pipes.STDIN_STDOUT)

        u = t.clone()
        self.assertNotEqual(id(t), id(u))
        self.assertEqual(t.steps, u.steps)
        self.assertNotEqual(id(t.steps), id(u.steps))
        self.assertEqual(t.debugging, u.debugging)

def test_main():

if __name__ == "__main__":