From 0f5a9f7934913935d632fc596ba1b585aa10fa29 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Craig Scott <>
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2019 19:32:52 +1100
Subject: Help: Clarify and improve readability of link-related file

 Help/command/file.rst | 46 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Help/command/file.rst b/Help/command/file.rst
index db4d6fc..465e567 100644
--- a/Help/command/file.rst
+++ b/Help/command/file.rst
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ Synopsis
     file(`MAKE_DIRECTORY`_ [<dir>...])
     file({`COPY`_ | `INSTALL`_} <file>... DESTINATION <dir> [...])
     file(`SIZE`_ <filename> <out-var>)
-    file(`READ_SYMLINK`_ <filename> <out-var>)
-    file(`CREATE_LINK`_ <file> <new-file> [...])
+    file(`READ_SYMLINK`_ <linkname> <out-var>)
+    file(`CREATE_LINK`_ <original> <linkname> [...])
   `Path Conversion`_
     file(`RELATIVE_PATH`_ <out-var> <directory> <file>)
@@ -350,22 +350,22 @@ pointing to a file and is readable.
 .. code-block:: cmake
-  file(READ_SYMLINK <filename> <variable>)
+  file(READ_SYMLINK <linkname> <variable>)
-Read the symlink at ``<filename>`` and put the result in ``<variable>``.
-Requires that ``<filename>`` is a valid path pointing to a symlink. If
-``<filename>`` does not exist, or is not a symlink, an error is thrown.
+This subcommand queries the symlink ``<linkname>`` and stores the path it
+points to in the result ``<variable>``.  If ``<linkname>`` does not exist or
+is not a symlink, CMake issues a fatal error.
 Note that this command returns the raw symlink path and does not resolve
-relative symlinks. If you want to resolve the relative symlink yourself, you
-could do something like this:
+a relative path.  The following is an example of how to ensure that an
+absolute path is obtained:
 .. code-block:: cmake
-  set(filename "/path/to/foo.sym")
-  file(READ_SYMLINK "${filename}" result)
+  set(linkname "/path/to/foo.sym")
+  file(READ_SYMLINK "${linkname}" result)
   if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${result}")
-    get_filename_component(dir "${filename}" DIRECTORY)
+    get_filename_component(dir "${linkname}" DIRECTORY)
     set(result "${dir}/${result}")
@@ -373,23 +373,23 @@ could do something like this:
 .. code-block:: cmake
-  file(CREATE_LINK <file> <new-file>
+  file(CREATE_LINK <original> <linkname>
        [RESULT <result>] [COPY_ON_ERROR] [SYMBOLIC])
-Create a link to ``<file>`` at ``<new-file>``.
+Create a link ``<linkname>`` that points to ``<original>``.
+It will be a hard link by default, but providing the ``SYMBOLIC`` option
+results in a symbolic link instead.  Hard links require that ``original``
+exists and is a file, not a directory.  If ``<linkname>`` already exists,
+it will be overwritten.
-It is a hard link by default. This can be changed to symbolic links by
-using ``SYMBOLIC``.  The original file needs to exist for hard links.
-The ``<result>`` variable, if specified, gets the status of the operation.
-It is set to ``0`` in case of success. Otherwise, it contains the error
-generated. In case of failures, if ``RESULT`` is not specified, a fatal error
-is emitted.
+The ``<result>`` variable, if specified, receives the status of the operation.
+It is set to ``0`` upon success or an error message otherwise.  If ``RESULT``
+is not specified and the operation fails, a fatal error is emitted.
 Specifying ``COPY_ON_ERROR`` enables copying the file as a fallback if
-creating the link fails.
-Overwrites the ``<new-file>`` if it exists.
+creating the link fails.  It can be useful for handling situations such as
+``<original>`` and ``<linkname>`` being on different drives or mount points,
+which would make them unable to support a hard link.
 Path Conversion
cgit v0.12