SET(CTEST_CUSTOM_WARNING_EXCEPTION ${CTEST_CUSTOM_WARNING_EXCEPTION} "xtree.[0-9]+. : warning C4702: unreachable code" "warning LNK4221" "warning LNK4204" # Occurs by race condition with objects in small libs "variable .var_args[2]*. is used before its value is set" "jobserver unavailable" "warning: \\(Long double usage is reported only once for each file" "warning: To disable this warning use" "could not be inlined" "libcmcurl.*has no symbols" "not sorted slower link editing will result" "stl_deque.h:479" "Utilities.cmzlib." "Source.CTest.Curl" "Utilities.cmcurl" "Utilities.cmtar" "Source.CursesDialog.form" "/usr/bin/ld.*warning.*-..**bin.*does not exist" "Redeclaration of .send..... with a different storage class specifier" "Utilities.cmexpat." "is not used for resolving any symbol" "Clock skew detected" "remark\\(1209" "stl_deque.h:1051" "Parser.cxx.*warning.*2111-D.*statement is unreachable" "CMakeSetupManifest.xml.*manifest authoring warning.*Unrecognized Element" ) IF(NOT "@CMAKE_GENERATOR@" MATCHES "Xcode") SET(CTEST_CUSTOM_COVERAGE_EXCLUDE ${CTEST_CUSTOM_COVERAGE_EXCLUDE} "XCode" ) ENDIF (NOT "@CMAKE_GENERATOR@" MATCHES "Xcode") IF(NOT "@CMAKE_GENERATOR@" MATCHES "KDevelop") SET(CTEST_CUSTOM_COVERAGE_EXCLUDE ${CTEST_CUSTOM_COVERAGE_EXCLUDE} "Kdevelop" ) ENDIF (NOT "@CMAKE_GENERATOR@" MATCHES "KDevelop") SET(CTEST_CUSTOM_COVERAGE_EXCLUDE ${CTEST_CUSTOM_COVERAGE_EXCLUDE} # Exclude kwsys files from coverage results. They are reported # (with better coverage results) on kwsys dashboards... "/Source/(cm|kw)sys/" # Exclude try_compile sources from coverage results: "/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/" )