execute_process --------------- Execute one or more child processes. :: execute_process(COMMAND <cmd1> [args1...]] [COMMAND <cmd2> [args2...] [...]] [WORKING_DIRECTORY <directory>] [TIMEOUT <seconds>] [RESULT_VARIABLE <variable>] [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <variable>] [ERROR_VARIABLE <variable>] [INPUT_FILE <file>] [OUTPUT_FILE <file>] [ERROR_FILE <file>] [OUTPUT_QUIET] [ERROR_QUIET] [OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE] [ERROR_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE]) Runs the given sequence of one or more commands with the standard output of each process piped to the standard input of the next. A single standard error pipe is used for all processes. If WORKING_DIRECTORY is given the named directory will be set as the current working directory of the child processes. If TIMEOUT is given the child processes will be terminated if they do not finish in the specified number of seconds (fractions are allowed). If RESULT_VARIABLE is given the variable will be set to contain the result of running the processes. This will be an integer return code from the last child or a string describing an error condition. If OUTPUT_VARIABLE or ERROR_VARIABLE are given the variable named will be set with the contents of the standard output and standard error pipes respectively. If the same variable is named for both pipes their output will be merged in the order produced. If INPUT_FILE, OUTPUT_FILE, or ERROR_FILE is given the file named will be attached to the standard input of the first process, standard output of the last process, or standard error of all processes respectively. If OUTPUT_QUIET or ERROR_QUIET is given then the standard output or standard error results will be quietly ignored. If more than one OUTPUT_* or ERROR_* option is given for the same pipe the precedence is not specified. If no OUTPUT_* or ERROR_* options are given the output will be shared with the corresponding pipes of the CMake process itself. The execute_process command is a newer more powerful version of exec_program, but the old command has been kept for compatibility.