CMake Source Code Guide *********************** The following is a guide to the CMake source code for developers. See documentation on `CMake Development`_ for more information. .. _`CMake Development`: README.rst C++ Code Style ============== We use `clang-format`_ version **6.0** to define our style for C++ code in the CMake source tree. See the `.clang-format`_ configuration file for our style settings. Use the `Utilities/Scripts/clang-format.bash`_ script to format source code. It automatically runs ``clang-format`` on the set of source files for which we enforce style. The script also has options to format only a subset of files, such as those that are locally modified. .. _`clang-format`: .. _`.clang-format`: ../../.clang-format .. _`Utilities/Scripts/clang-format.bash`: ../../Utilities/Scripts/clang-format.bash C++ Subset Permitted ==================== CMake requires compiling as C++11 in order to support building on older toolchains. However, to facilitate development, some standard library features from more recent C++ standards are supported through a compatibility layer. These features are defined under the namespace ``cm`` and headers are accessible under the ``cm/`` directory. The headers under ``cm/`` can be used in place of the standard ones when extended features are needed. For example ```` can be used in place of ````. Available features are: * From ``C++14``: * ````: ``cm::make_reverse_iterator``, ``cm::cbegin``, ``cm::cend``, ``cm::rbegin``, ``cm::rend``, ``cm::crbegin``, ``cm::crend`` * ````: ``cm::make_unique`` * ````: ``cm::shared_lock`` * ````: ``cm::enable_if_t`` * From ``C++17``: * ````: ``cm::clamp`` * ````: ``cm::size``, ``cm::empty``, ``cm::data`` * ````: ``cm::nullopt_t``, ``cm::nullopt``, ``cm::optional``, ``cm::make_optional``, ``cm::bad_optional_access`` * ````: ``cm::shared_mutex`` * ````: ``cm::string_view`` * ````: ``cm::bool_constant``, ``cm::invoke_result_t``, ``cm::invoke_result``, ``cm::void_t`` * ````: ``cm::in_place_t``, ``cm::in_place`` * From ``C++20``: * ````: ``cm::erase``, ``cm::erase_if`` * ````: ``cm::erase``, ``cm::erase_if`` * ```` : ``cm::erase_if`` * ```` : ``cm::erase_if`` * ````: ``cm::erase``, ``cm::erase_if`` * ````: ``cm::erase_if`` * ````: ``cm::erase_if`` * ````: ``cm::erase``, ``cm::erase_if`` Additionally, some useful non-standard extensions to the C++ standard library are available in headers under the directory ``cmext/`` in namespace ``cm``. These are: * ````: * ``cm::append``: Append elements to a sequential container. * ````: * ``cm::is_terator``: Checks if a type is an iterator type. * ``cm::is_input_iterator``: Checks if a type is an input iterator type. * ``cm::is_range``: Checks if a type is a range type: must have methods ``begin()`` and ``end()`` returning an iterator. * ``cm::is_input_range``: Checks if a type is an input range type: must have methods ``begin()`` and ``end()`` returning an input iterator. * ````: * ``cm::static_reference_cast``: Apply a ``static_cast`` to a smart pointer. * ``cm::dynamic_reference_cast``: Apply a ``dynamic_cast`` to a smart pointer. * ````: * ``cm::is_container``: Checks if a type is a container type. * ``cm::is_associative_container``: Checks if a type is an associative container type. * ``cm::is_unordered_associative_container``: Checks if a type is an unordered associative container type. * ``cm::is_sequence_container``: Checks if a type is a sequence container type. * ``cm::is_unique_ptr``: Checks if a type is a ``std::unique_ptr`` type. Dynamic Memory Management ========================= To ensure efficient memory management, i.e. no memory leaks, it is required to use smart pointers. Any dynamic memory allocation must be handled by a smart pointer such as ``std::unique_ptr`` or ``std::shared_ptr``. It is allowed to pass raw pointers between objects to enable objects sharing. A raw pointer **must** not be deleted. Only the object(s) owning the smart pointer are allowed to delete dynamically allocated memory. Source Tree Layout ================== The CMake source tree is organized as follows. * ``Auxiliary/``: Shell and editor integration files. * ``Help/``: Documentation. See the `CMake Documentation Guide`_. * ``Help/dev/``: Developer documentation. * ``Help/release/dev/``: Release note snippets for development since last release. * ``Licenses/``: License files for third-party libraries in binary distributions. * ``Modules/``: CMake language modules installed with CMake. * ``Packaging/``: Files used for packaging CMake itself for distribution. * ``Source/``: Source code of CMake itself. * ``Templates/``: Files distributed with CMake as implementation details for generators, packagers, etc. * ``Tests/``: The test suite. See `Tests/README.rst`_. * ``Utilities/``: Scripts, third-party source code. * ``Utilities/std/cm``: Support files for various C++ standards. * ``Utilities/std/cmext``: Extensions to the C++ STL. * ``Utilities/Sphinx/``: Sphinx configuration to build CMake user documentation. * ``Utilities/Release/``: Scripts used to package CMake itself for distribution on ````. See `Utilities/Release/README.rst`_. .. _`CMake Documentation Guide`: documentation.rst .. _`Tests/README.rst`: ../../Tests/README.rst .. _`Utilities/Release/README.rst`: ../../Utilities/Release/README.rst