.. cmake-manual-description: CPack Command-Line Reference cpack(1) ******** Synopsis ======== .. parsed-literal:: cpack [] Description =========== The ``cpack`` executable is the CMake packaging program. CMake projects use :command:`install` commands to define the contents of packages which can be generated in various formats by this tool. The :module:`CPack` module greatly simplifies the creation of the input file used by ``cpack``, allowing most aspects of the packaging configuration to be controlled directly from the CMake project's own ``CMakeLists.txt`` files. Options ======= ``-G `` ```` is a :ref:`semicolon-separated list ` of generator names. ``cpack`` will iterate through this list and produce package(s) in that generator's format according to the details provided in the ``CPackConfig.cmake`` configuration file. A generator is responsible for generating the required inputs for a particular package system and invoking that system's package creation tools. Possible generator names are specified in the :manual:`Generators ` section of the manual and the ``--help`` option lists the generators supported for the target platform. If this option is not given, the :variable:`CPACK_GENERATOR` variable determines the default set of generators that will be used. ``-C `` Specify the project configuration to be packaged (e.g. ``Debug``, ``Release``, etc.). When the CMake project uses a multi-configuration generator such as Xcode or Visual Studio, this option is needed to tell ``cpack`` which built executables to include in the package. ``-D =`` Set a CPack variable. This will override any value set for ```` in the input file read by ``cpack``. ``--config `` Specify the configuration file read by ``cpack`` to provide the packaging details. By default, ``CPackConfig.cmake`` in the current directory will be used. ``--verbose,-V`` Run ``cpack`` with verbose output. This can be used to show more details from the package generation tools and is suitable for project developers. ``--debug`` Run ``cpack`` with debug output. This option is intended mainly for the developers of ``cpack`` itself and is not normally needed by project developers. ``--trace`` Put the underlying cmake scripts in trace mode. ``--trace-expand`` Put the underlying cmake scripts in expanded trace mode. ``-P `` Override/define the value of the :variable:`CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME` variable used for packaging. Any value set for this variable in the ``CPackConfig.cmake`` file will then be ignored. ``-R `` Override/define the value of the :variable:`CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION` variable used for packaging. It will override a value set in the ``CPackConfig.cmake`` file or one automatically computed from :variable:`CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR`, :variable:`CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR` and :variable:`CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH`. ``-B `` Override/define :variable:`CPACK_PACKAGE_DIRECTORY`, which controls the directory where CPack will perform its packaging work. The resultant package(s) will be created at this location by default and a ``_CPack_Packages`` subdirectory will also be created below this directory to use as a working area during package creation. ``--vendor `` Override/define :variable:`CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR`. .. include:: OPTIONS_HELP.txt See Also ======== .. include:: LINKS.txt