AUTOMOC_MOC_OPTIONS ------------------- Additional options for ``moc`` when using :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC` This property is only used if the :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC` property is ``ON`` for this target. In this case, it holds additional command line options which will be used when ``moc`` is executed during the build, i.e. it is equivalent to the optional ``OPTIONS`` argument of the :module:`qt4_wrap_cpp() <FindQt4>` macro. This property is initialized by the value of the :variable:`CMAKE_AUTOMOC_MOC_OPTIONS` variable if it is set when a target is created, or an empty string otherwise. See the :manual:`cmake-qt(7)` manual for more information on using CMake with Qt. EXAMPLE ^^^^^^^ In this example, the ``moc`` tool is invoked with the ``-D_EXTRA_DEFINE`` option when generating the moc file for ``object.cpp``. ``CMakeLists.txt`` .. code-block:: cmake add_executable(mocOptions object.cpp main.cpp) set_property(TARGET mocOptions PROPERTY AUTOMOC ON) target_compile_options(mocOptions PRIVATE "-D_EXTRA_DEFINE") set_property(TARGET mocOptions PROPERTY AUTOMOC_MOC_OPTIONS "-D_EXTRA_DEFINE") target_link_libraries(mocOptions Qt6::Core) ``object.hpp`` .. code-block:: c++ #ifndef Object_HPP #define Object_HPP #include <QObject> #ifdef _EXTRA_DEFINE class Object : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: Object(); }; #endif #endif